MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 822 Looking Back Lately (41)

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  Chapter 822 Late Return to View Today (41)

  Jijin put down the card and looked at the necklace again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  From childhood, Xu Chi would buy whatever was popular among girls, whether she wanted it or not, whether she liked it or not.

  She also asked why?

  He just slightly hooked his lower lip, and said softly: "If others have it, you should have it too. This way you won't envy other girls."

  He doesn't want her to envy others, so whether she likes it or not, she will have the popular items that other girls have.

  She put the unopened gift on the sofa, and opened a small square box.

   What caught my eye was a very exquisite diamond watch for girls, which was also a fashion item that was very popular before.

   There is also a greeting card in the box, but it is relatively small, so he only wrote a few sentences.

   "Today, Merry Christmas. It's snowing here. You should be happy to see it. Is it snowing in Australia? Are you... okay? Late."

   Another longer gift box was opened, which was a more delicate diamond necklace.

  On the small card, there is only one sentence, "Happy birthday, belated."

  The gifts that were unpacked later were all jewelry, and a happy birthday, merry Christmas, and happy new year.

  Until she opened a relatively large box, what she opened was a very beautiful and dazzling dress.

  The dress brand is a world-renowned fairy dress. The apricot dress has exquisite embroidery and countless diamonds.

  The price of this dress is at least six figures, conservatively estimated to be more than three million.

  Why did Xu Chi give himself such an expensive gift?

  When Jinjin picked up the dress curiously, an envelope caught in the skirt fell to the ground.

  She put down the dress, picked up the envelope that fell on the ground, opened the letter and saw the familiar address...


  Today is your eighteenth birthday. If everything goes well, we will be able to study and live together in country M in a short time.

  Some words, I should have waited for you to come and tell you face to face, but I have thought about it for a long time but still don’t know how to say it, so I can only let you know in this way...

First of all, I'm sorry because I lied to you that night, because I didn't only see you as a sister, or I didn't see you as a sister a long time ago, but at that moment I couldn't express my heart, let You understand that you and Jiayue have different positions in my heart.

I know you must be very sad, so you don’t want to answer my phone calls or reply to my messages, but I know that you have been reading the emails I sent you, and I also know that I have found many good schools for you, I really hope you can come here. If you are still angry, I will let you. If it doesn’t work, you can take as many bites as you want.

  When you read this letter, you must have many questions you want to ask me, as long as you come over, no matter what you ask, I will tell you. Today is your eighteenth birthday, I should wish you a happy birthday, but I have one more important thing to say to you—

  Today, in fact, I have been waiting for you for a long, long time.

  Happy eighteenth birthday, I am waiting for you at H University.



  The lights outside the window kept receding, and the bustling city was getting farther and farther away from her.

  Half an hour ago, Jinjin didn't change his clothes, didn't take his mobile phone, just grabbed the letter, took the keys of a car and ran out the door.

  Didn't think about anything along the way, but kept stepping on the gas pedal, wanting to hurry up and see Xu Chi sooner, and even ran several red lights.

  The night in the countryside is empty and silent, occasionally there are insects chirping, and the sparse lights show the desolation here.

  When she got out of the car and rushed to the door and knocked on the door, the sound was so loud that the little black dog next door started barking.

  The dogs in the village barked every time they barked at home, and the tranquility of the entire village disappeared in an instant.

  Xu Chi was still frowning when he opened the door, but he was stunned when he saw Jin Jin, who had wet and messy hair and was still wearing pajamas, "Why did you come here? How did you come here? Did you drive by yourself?"

  He glanced at a car parked outside the yard, and his expression suddenly became uglier.

Jinjin didn't answer, but mechanically raised his hand, squeezed the letter, pressed his dry lips, and asked, "What do you mean by saying in the letter that you didn't regard me as your sister? You said you have been waiting for me for a long time." , what does it mean for a long time?"

  Xu Chi's eyes understood everything the moment they touched the letter paper, but he didn't say anything.

  He reached out and pulled her into the room, and closed the door, "Sit down first."

  I have been waiting for so many years, and I don't care about waiting for a while longer.

  But Jinjin doesn't want to wait anymore, she has been struggling in this relationship for too long, and every time she feels that she has let go, she will be dragged back by him.

  She raised her head, her delicate face looked extremely pale against the light, and the mist in her almond eyes was slowly smoldering under her curly eyelashes.

   "Did you, already like me? Did liked me before you went abroad? You didn't start to like me when you came back... didn't you?"

   Before he finished speaking, the water droplets in the eye sockets rolled down uncontrollably, and soon covered his entire small face.

  Xu Chi's dark eyes were full of affection, and seeing the tears on her face felt distressed, and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks with his fingertips, and replied without any hesitation, "Yes."

   Tears welled up in his eyes again, and he couldn't help punching his chest emotionally.

  Accompanied by every punch, she questioned.

   "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

   "Why are you lying to me?"

   "Why do you make me so sad, why do you want me to like you so hard..."

"Why you…"

  Probably because she was too emotional and cried too hard, she soon lost her strength and fell down.

  Xu Chi hugged her slender waist tightly with his big palms, inserted his slender fingers into her hair, and his voice tightened full of apology, "I'm sorry, Jinjin...I'm sorry..."

  He never thought that the refusal would hurt her so much, let alone that she would not even open his present, believe it or not...

  In those few years, he thought that he really didn't like himself anymore, so he didn't want to go to country M.

  Jinjin clutched his clothes tightly with both hands, tears pouring down like rain, no matter how Xu Chi tried to coax him, it was useless, as if he wanted to drain all the tears at once.

   And every tear she shed was like a stone hitting Xu Chi's heart hard, causing his internal organs to ache and to burst.

  He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and coaxed softly in a hoarse voice: "Be good today, don't cry... Brother Ah Sui accepts punishment, you can do whatever you want, huh?"


  He finally had a long mouth, and a long mouth to speak. Love is not mentioned in every word, every sentence is love. Our family Ah Chi is too careful about Jinjin, look at Xie Yumu next door... tsk tsk...

  Xie Yumu: Why are you still dragging?

See you tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)