MTL - Fairy Palace-~ Chapter 2237-2238 Mirror World

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Ye Tian grinned, and then used the Wanhua Star Grass to chop it towards the empty surroundings one after another.

But five shots, five lives were exchanged. The five assassination cultivators of the "God and others" were all beheaded and killed under Ye Tian's hands at this moment.

"You should withdraw, you are not my opponent." Ye Tian said sternly when facing the first cultivator to stand up. Then, he turned into a light and shadow, flashing into the crowd.

In the face of this killing god, even the "god" monks are helpless. How can they, the lower monks, have the power to fight back?

Even if they thought about it over and over again, the array patterns that took time and effort to lay down would be easily resolved by Ye Tianji.

In just an instant, Ye Tian crushed the cultivators with absolute strength. In this complicated situation, naturally there are fish that slip through the net.

But these monks, Ye Tian was also unable to stop. After all, it's a thankless business.

Facing tens of thousands of cultivators, Ye Tian also spent a lot of money. Of the six Immaculate Relics shining with golden light, four of them have dimmed at this moment.

"Zuzhou has been protected, why hasn't it returned to the top of the other shore?" Ye Tian thought, and then remembered the two words in the meantime.

"Miscellaneous thoughts". It is necessary to get rid of distracting thoughts before Ye Tian can go back to the current time period.

But what exactly are Ye Tian's distracting thoughts? Maybe he didn't know it himself.

When Ye Tian looked away from the horizon, suddenly four words appeared silently in his mind.

"Ancient Five Constants". That's right, this is Ye Tian's distracting thoughts! Although I have heard about it in ancient books, I don't know the truth or not, and the information is really too little, which makes people feel a little unsatisfied.

Right now, Ye Tian needed to find the so-called ancient five constants. Returning to Zuzhou, countless monks stepped forward, grateful, and looked at Ye Tian with teary eyes.

"Di Shenwang...Thank you, thank you for your help! If you didn't come in time for your trip, I'm afraid Zuzhou would be razed to the ground!"

"My children, thanks to you, have survived until now, King Di..."

Countless gratitude speeches passed into Ye Tian's ears. But at this moment, what he needs is not these words.

What he really needs is information about the ancient five constants. If it is put to the present, it may be the Five Constants.

Ye Tian said bluntly and said: "For the time being, don't thank me for waiting, after all, they may not give up. Now, I need to know the realm where the Five Constants are located. Who knows?"

This sentence actually silenced many cultivators. After a long time, a young monk raised his hand to signal, and then slowly said: "I...I heard my parents say that Wuchang is in the Tianbie Mountains in the north, and I don't know the details."

Ye Tian nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

The message does not need to be verified. At least in Ye Tian's eyes, the other party has no intention of fraud. And no monk came forward to block it, maybe it was in Tianbie Mountain.

After leaving Zuzhou, Ye Tian rushed to Tianbie Mountain as soon as possible. For some reason, he always felt that the ancient land boundary was much smaller than the real world.

But in half a month, Ye Tian inquired all the way and rushed to the so-called Tianbie Mountain.

This is the highest peak in ancient times, its top disappeared from the sky, and the real dome could not be found. It is said that countless monks who came to challenge eventually either died halfway or left helplessly, and no one reached the top.

Ye Tian exuded divine consciousness, and really couldn't detect the top of this place. But with the help of heaven, he can clearly know the specific structure of this place.

This is just a mountain range that connects to the sky, with a secret realm at the top. Following the secret realm, there are endless cliffs.

Ye Tian's aura explored for a week, but he didn't find any vitality. In desperation, he could only go to the top of the mountain and observe the illusion.

Stepping into the illusion has no sense at all. If Ye Tian had not seen the mountain top reappearing several times, perhaps he would not have discovered that he had entered the illusion.

"This place is so realistic, I really don't want a realm where an illusion will appear." Ye Tian said, trying to disperse the aura fluctuations to see if he can break the illusion.

However, where Ye Tian should stand, where he is still, there is no change.

"This place doesn't seem to be an illusion." Ye Tian felt a sense of heaven, and said with a frown.

The way of heaven here makes people feel weird. It was clearly his own breath, but he couldn't mobilize it at all, which was very contradictory.

Ye Tian walked down the mountain, still having such a situation. Moreover, at some point, a cave appeared on the mountainside of Tianbie Mountain.

Following the perception of spiritual energy, Ye Tian walked into the cave. There is moss overgrown here, and it extends into the interior.

"Here, there is clearly a breath of creatures." Ye Tian followed the moss towards the inside of the cave, but saw an unforgettable scene in this lifetime.

Five ice sculptures frozen by Jizhi Zhenbing stand among them. In addition, there is an array pattern carved on the ground.

Ye Tian was impressed by this pattern. Isn't this the "Pentagram Array" used by the ancient Wuchang in the frescoes at that time?

Through the ice, Ye Tian could vaguely see the people in it. No one else, but the "Ancient Five Constants" in his cognition.

"Ancient Five Constants, turned into ice sculptures?" Ye Tian looked at this scene, feeling chills. If combined with time retrospect, and that mural, a strange scene will be born.

Back in time, the war is imminent. The time is September 21, 778 in the Xiandi calendar.

But above the mural, Ye Tianqing clearly remembered that the world was September 24, 778 in the emperor's calendar!

The latter's dominance was only because Ye Tian had resisted the Taboo in the city for three days in order to obtain more information.

In just three days, why did the ancient Five Constants disrupt the situation? Is it the imperfection of the world in the painting, or is it because someone has moved in between?

Ye Tian didn't know.

In addition to these, he also found a book on the stone table beside him. Only the simple three words "controlling the mind" are written on the top.

Perhaps this is the only benefit of Ye Tian's trip. Leaving the cave, Ye Tian went down to the foot of the mountain, but saw a few young monks talking and laughing while pointing at Tianbie Mountain.

"This Heavenly Sword Mountain, I have to climb to the top on this trip! Let you see, the world's number one swordsman is amazing!"

"Come on, it's difficult for Heavenly Sword Mountain to ascend, even if the power of the Moxu Stage can't get up, how can you get up?"

"You are optimistic, if I go up, you lose my three high-grade spirit stones!"

"How about three? If you want to bet, just bet ten!"

Ye Tian felt something wrong when he heard the speeches of several young monks. But he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, it is normal for a mountain to be called differently in several different directions.

"Quickly, go and call Xiu'er back, he is going to the Tiandao Mountain where the dead are not paying for his life!" An old woman said anxiously to an old man.

Ye Tianben thought there was nothing unusual, but when he took a closer look, he found that the old woman was the person he had asked for the way before.

Ye Tian still vividly remembered all the circumstances.

"Oh, you mean Tianbie Mountain! The place is famous, but it's actually very cruel. In my opinion, you still don't want to go... If you insist on going, walk straight along the woods and look up. The highest peak is here."

In order to verify what he was thinking in his heart, Ye Tian tried again to call the way of heaven. However, Tiandao's response is "you are not you".

In other words, Ye Tian at this moment does not belong to the "Ye Tian" of this place.

At this time, everything can be explained smoothly. The so-called Tianbie Mountain is connected to another mirrored world!

It is this mirrored world that has taken away many people from the original world.

As a result, Ye Tian returned to Tianbie Mountain again, and climbed to the top of the mountain with extreme speed, walking all the way up. Soon, there were signs of circulation.

At this moment, Ye Tian once again chose to turn back. The land scenery remains unchanged, except that the ancient Wuchang cave dwelling on the mountainside has disappeared.

In addition, Ye Tian can also communicate with Heavenly Dao again.

"I never thought that there were such areas in ancient times." Ye Tian said helplessly, but strangely, he still had no intention of looking back.

For him, at this time his distracting thoughts have been removed, and there is no longer any event he wants to know, so he should be able to look back.

However, in Ye Tian's sea of ​​knowledge, three words-mind control technique appeared without warning.

Seeing this, Ye Tian immediately took out the mind control technique that he had just obtained in the scene world. When I opened it, there was an empty piece on it, and no half of the text appeared.

Even, no trace of the text can be seen. After thinking about it again and again, Ye Tian chose to go to the mirror world again.

After all, it is a product of the mirror world, and naturally it must be returned to the spectacle world. When Ye Tian walked down the mountain again, the sky was strangely white.

This is a sight that can only be seen in the early morning. But the last time Ye Tian came here, it was clearly noon.

Various signs tell Ye Tian all the time that time has passed by one day.

But Ye Tian didn't take this matter too seriously, after all, for him now, time is the most. It's just a mere day, and when it dissipates, it dissipates.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Ye Tian repeatedly read the mind control technique and deduced it repeatedly in his mind. After he was convinced that he had mastered it, he walked towards the cave.

This time, the cave has changed again. The moss is missing partly visible to the naked eye. What's even more amazing is that the ancient Wuchang has disappeared.

On the ground, there was only a grain of ice in the form of particles. Ye Tian wanted to deduce, or look back in time, to observe what happened here.

However, Ye Tian was not compatible with the laws of this place, and could not do anything to search for the truth.

In desperation, Ye Tian could only be forced to return to the original world again. Whenever he changes the world, he will feel the world to prove which side he has changed.

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​who had no distracting thoughts, was once again led to distracting thoughts. Now he just wants to know who rescued the Ancient Five Constants.

What happened on the night that Ye Tian didn't observe.

But for some reason, the time around, Ye Tian was still sent back into the long river of time.

"I still have distracting thoughts in my heart, why was I sent back here?" Ye Tian was puzzled, but there was no way to fight against this divine power, just step out.

However, this time, he was still stuck in the mud, unable to move. Then, there was another burst of running water.

The scene has undergone a secondary transformation. This time, it was at night. Ye Tian glanced around and found that this place was Tianbie Mountain.

It was only when he felt the way of heaven that he realized that this place was nothing but "Tiandao Mountain".

Facing the long river of time flowing again, Ye Tian was still quite relieved. After all, if he didn't really look back, he really didn't have a breakthrough point.

In the mirror world, the power of backtracking cannot be used. In the real world, Ye Tian was helpless about this matter.

Only by moving the long river of time again and transferring the time to tonight can we know what happened.

Ye Tian took aura and hid his figure, standing on the top of the mountain, waiting for good news.

As time passed by, the sky was almost bright. But Ye Tian still didn't wait until even one person came forward.

Just when he was suspicious, a familiar figure walked slowly from the bottom of the mountain. In his hand, he also held a Zen stick.

Isn't this person Di Qiu himself? ! Ye Tian hid behind him. He wanted to see what Di Qiu would do.

I saw Di Qiu expertly walked into the cave, and then used the Zen stick to grasp the strength, just right smashed all the Zhenbing ice, and did not hurt anyone.

"I came to find your Wuchang this time because I wanted to beg for something. I wonder if you can agree to it?" Di Qiu took a deep breath and said.

The ancient Wuchang saw the sky again and stretched his muscles and bones, and then one of them said: "You can talk about the incident, and we will make a decision."

"Yes, you have to talk about what it is, so we can make a decision based on our strength."

"I didn't expect that the first person in the world would come to find the help of our group of old people..."

Facing these kind old men, Di Qiu struggled for a long time, then raised his head and said, "I want to implore you to use the pentagram once!"

At this moment, the ancient Wuchang was silent. For them, using the pentagram is tantamount to taking their own lives.

"Do you...really think so? You can figure it out clearly and use the power of the pentagram? We are already a bunch of old bones, and we have survived on Zhenbing. If we want the world to die with us, I think it's worth it. when."

Hearing this, Di Qiu shook his head, pointed to the top, and said, "Tianbie Mountain, a first-class'mirror world' has suddenly appeared a few days ago. I hope that you can rely on the pentagram to completely complete that mirror world. wipe out."

"Mirroring the world?"

"That's right. It's almost exactly the same boundary as ours here, and the two are interconnected. We have already had many monks stepping into it and will not return. In addition, what is even more scary is that some monks I went in and returned. But... not alone at all."

After some explanation, the Ancient Five Constants nodded after all.

The 2238th Chapter Sun Moon Tower

"If this is the case, this mirror world is indeed endless. We already know that you...leave first." said one of the ancient five constants.

Di Qiu lowered his head and said, "I will let the world remember your name and thank you for your fearlessness."

Wuchang heard the words, just smiled and waved his hands: "Hahahaha, no need. We are already some dying people, not to mention that the scope of the Tiandao Mountain is not large, which is not a big merit. "

After the two parties exchanged a few words, Di Qiu took advantage of the darkness and left first.

Ye Tianjun heard every sentence in it. However, he still has some clouds and mists now.

Upon seeing this, Xiangrui Jinlong opened his mouth and explained: "I have read ancient books and know a little. It is reported that there is no so-called Tianbie Mountain in the world where we live, only Tiandao Mountain."

This time, Ye Tian completely figured out the cause and effect. However, one thing remains unclear.

Why does time retrospective transport Ye Tian into the "mirror world"? How did the "mirror world" come about?

Unfortunately, these are not explained by retrospective time. Everything, you still need Ye Tian to explore the rest of the realm to know.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian once again returned to the long river of time he knew well. It's just that this time his pace was not hindered.

Everything, the distracting thoughts that can be explained by time, has disappeared.

Soon, Ye Tian arrived at the other shore, looking at the other shore flowers everywhere, a dizziness followed.

When he calmed down, many illusory "people" appeared around him. Ye Tian knew that this was the so-called soul.

Their ultimate destination is the realm of rebirth in the distance. Ye Tian picked about three other flowers and left here.

After all, the top of the other shore is slightly recorded in ancient books. The other shore flower is a feminine thing, but it is actually used for yang, so it is not desirable.

It is the safest way to take only the amount you use yourself. In this way, you will not be entangled by the ghosts of the other shore.

In detail, this top of the other shore is not a fierce place, but rather mysterious. If you want to tell the truth about a good or bad, Xu can be regarded as a good place.

Here, you can not only know that you have not solved the distracting thoughts for many years, but you can also get the flowers of the other side, and you can even see your dead relatives and friends.

"At the moment, the most urgent task is to find a good place, otherwise this refining will still be difficult to succeed." Ye Tian said after stepping out of the other side.

At the same time, he didn't forget to use Heaven's Dao to deduct it, and he found a place with the most majestic aura of heaven and earth, and contained the essence of heaven and earth.

Soon, the boundary that Ye Tian was looking for surfaced-the Sun Moon Tower.

The Sun Moon Tower is like the tallest building underneath today. It does not contain the existence of illusion. It has been on the high floors for a long time and absorbed the extremely abundant sun and moon essence. It is a rare place to reshape the flesh.

It is a pity that the three states of the world are in such a downfall today, and the Sun Moon Tower has become a holy place for cultivation in the eyes of most cultivators. Countless people have come here admiringly just to relive the beautiful illusion.

Under these circumstances, Ye Tian wanted to enter the Sun Moon Tower, but it was a bit difficult.

"Let's check it out first, and then make a decision." After the words fell, Ye Tian galloped out and hurried towards the direction of the Sun Moon Tower.

Soon, a tall tower appeared not far away in the field of vision. Among them, a bright moon and the sun complement each other, which is very eye-catching.

"Since Napang, Peng, and the three auras have been lost, this Sun-Moon Tower has become a place for monks to flock. Hey... But who knows that the real function of this place is the majestic essence of the sun and moon?"

"I don't know if I can go to the Sun Moon Tower today. I even heard that they have made a lot of secret realms. Only the person who walks through the secret realm the fastest can step into it."

"Secret Realm? Relying on the secret realm to enter the Sun Moon Tower...what benefits can the manager get?"

"It is said that... the secret realm is extremely difficult, and there are countless monks who died in it. If a monk dies, the secret realm will refine it into aura in the first place..."

Ye Tian heard the monk's discussion from one side. He, who had originally planned to push hard, suddenly dismissed this idea.

Since it is a secret realm, it doesn't matter if it's gone for a while, it's better to step forward openly than bullying and lure.

When he really walked into the Sun Moon Tower, Ye Tian would know how impenetrable this place was.

"The death rate in the secret realm exceeds 30, which is really terrifying..."

"Even if they take the corpse for refining, we can't say anything. In this kind of secret realm, they can't die, it can only be a weak person?"

"This statement is not correct. The secret realm has many cores, and the core will control the strength of the secret realm. Since everyone's secret realms are not interoperable, this core will adjust their own difficulty and provide the most suitable one."

After hearing this, Xiangrui Jinlong came back to life from a state of rejuvenation in an instant. It said: "Adaptive magic core! I didn't expect that there would be such objects here?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that this time I will step into the secret realm anyway."

Time was lost every second, and it was a long time before Ye Tian stepped into that secret realm.

Ordinary monks stepping into the secret realm, the secret realm may emit a faint blue light. And seeing the monks above the wasteland step in, they will emit a purple light and a slight tremor.

And when Ye Tian entered, the mysterious realm entrance had almost collapsed fluctuations, as well as dazzling golden light!

Even though the sun is scorching, and the sun is densely covered, the monks can still clearly see the golden light!

"This...what realm is this to release such terrible fluctuations?" A manager said tremblingly.

Another manager held an ancient book in his hand and couldn't help trembling and said: "This...this is a sign that the secret realm is about to collapse!"

In desperation, all the cultivators were urgently stopped, and they were not allowed to step into the secret realm for half a step. Otherwise, once the secret realm is destroyed, the cultivator will fall into the emptiness, and will never recover.

"Now, we can only wait silently."

Ye Tian walked into the secret realm, but saw an extremely unique scenery emerge.

It is reported that after entering the secret realm of others, it is an endless grassland, full of fragrance of birds and flowers.

But Ye Tian's secret realm was extremely gloomy, with tall trees standing there. In the dark place, there will be shadows passing by from time to time.

"The secret realm of pretending to be gods and ghosts." Ye Tian said coldly. Then, a touch of spiritual energy spread across the secret realm, finding the adaptive magic core in it.

Strangely speaking, Ye Tian perceives the boundary of the adaptive magic core for the first time. It's just that the scene from the aura transmission is very embarrassing.

On top of the broken wall, a high platform is placed in it. What floats on the high platform is the adaptive magic core.

And in the ruins of the broken wall, there are a group of creatures remaining, and the aura is extraordinarily strong. However, the other party did not show up, and even Ye Tian couldn't jump to conclusions for a while.

Now, his first step is to walk through this gloomy forest.

"In a forest with such a thin aura, and the creatures in it are so weak, how can I be trapped in me?" Ye Tian laughed at himself, and then immediately shook out a spiritual aura, and the surrounding environment was instantly damaged.

Illusion. In this kind of knotty eyes, only the illusion can slightly hinder Ye Tian's travel speed.

Now, once the illusion is solved, it is only a matter of time to get out of this gloomy boundary.

However, this journey was not as fast as Ye Tian imagined. It took about a quarter of an hour before he could walk out.

Although the forest creatures are not capable of high fighting, their vitality is really tenacious and very clingy.

Even though Ye Tian used the Qilin ground fire to burn it to death ten times, there would still be strange soil slowly climbing on Ye Tian's ankle under the ground.

What's more disturbing is that this forest cannot be ignited, even if it is the world's first sacred fire.

But in any case, Ye Tian finally walked out, and not far away, there was a ruined wall.

The closer Ye Tian is, the more he can see the adaptive magic core. It was a big cube, still spinning at this moment, dispersing aura.

It seems that the adaptive magic core is spreading aura, but from the eyes of Ye Tian's sky, it is clear that it is only inputting aura to the creature under the ruins.

After all, there is a beam of light as thin as a hair, which is linking the two.

This kind of light also warned Ye Tian of the opponent's specific position. Involuntarily speaking, Ye Tian immediately smashed toward the ruins with the Four Shock Raksha staff!

In this attack, Ye Tian didn't have any reservations, and he would do his best to implement it.

When the Four Shock Raksha Rod came into contact with the ruins, a deafening blast sounded, and the whole world turned into nothingness.

"Space can't carry such terrible strength, it seems that it has been forced to be destroyed?" Xiangrui Jinlong guessed.

Ye Tian stood in nothingness, looking at the other side. He could see that a ray of light was about to pass.

Sure enough, soon, a beam of light illuminates the world again. Ye Tian stood in the ruins again.

It's just that this time the creatures under the ruins came to the ground.

What surprised Ye Tian was that his opponent... turned out to be himself!

"What kind of strength will the secret realm prepare for what kind of opponent..." Xiangrui Jinlong thought, "Perhaps, your strength secret realm has been unable to find a monster beast equivalent to it, so you have created a group of mirror images? Not made..."

An imperceptible smile flicked across Ye Tian's mouth. This is exactly what he wants.

Only by facing up to oneself can one know the shortcomings of oneself. Holding Wanhua Star Grass, Ye Tian rushed forward immediately!

Seeing this in the mirror, defensive instead of offensive. Just as Ye Tian was about to come into contact with it, the mirror image disappeared in a world of heaven and earth.

Ye Tian was too familiar with this trick. You only need to escape into the same space to see the mirror image again.

So at the moment of landing, Ye Tian's surroundings turned into nothingness.

The mirror image has been waiting here for a long time. As soon as Ye Tian landed, he was pierced into the chest by the Seven Sword Sword.

Fortunately, Ye Tian had a lot of means to protect his life. But it was so, it couldn't kill him yet.

But before Ye Tian counterattacked, the mirror image disappeared, leaving Ye Tian alone in nothingness.

When two people can step into the same void, then this space is definitely an unsafe space.

With the passing of thoughts, Ye Tian returned to reality. However, this time the mirror image stood in the distance, transformed into a crossbow with Wanhua Star Grass, and shot it towards Ye Tian.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's extremely fast reaction, he might really have to be shot by this arrow. Only half a minute after the two sides fought, Ye Tian fell into a disadvantage repeatedly.

"You have to think about two places at the same time..." Ye Tian pondered, "As long as I figure out what my next step against me is, then I can figure out the next step of the mirror image."

After speaking, Ye Tian tried to deduct it for the first time. However, this is about oneself, deduction has no effect.

Right now, Ye Tian can only rely on divine consciousness to think. One by one, questions spring up like mushrooms.

"The opponent has already been hit hard, but the opponent's close proximity ability is equivalent to that of the self. What should I do?"

"If you use a functional offensive method, what kind of attack should you use?"

At this moment, all problems surfaced! At this moment, if the situation between the two is changed, Ye Tian will inevitably choose time and space to defeat his opponent!

But knowing the action of mirroring is far from enough. Ye Tian, ​​must make a corresponding strategy.

At the moment, offense is impossible. In the face of time, Ye Tian could only defend first, using backtracking to reverse it.

In other words, the time when you are really limited by time may be less than two seconds!

At this moment, the seven relics in Ye Tian's dantian lit up one after another, and then, a Buddha image appeared!

Exactly now! As expected, the mirror image used a period of time to circulate in an attempt to kill Ye Tian!

However, the defensive power provided by Wugou Relic is too strong, and the mirror image cannot be cracked in such a short period of time.

Then, Ye Tian rewinded the time. At this moment, the mirror had no time to prepare!

This also means that in the next half a second, the mirror image will not have any defense, and everything will be dominated by Ye Tian.

Half a second, only half a second. The winner must be decided!

A round of pendulum seems to have quietly become the backdrop for this battle. Ye Tian held the Wanhua Star Grass and cut it with one blow!

At this moment, the entire space has undergone major changes, and the surrounding area begins to collapse and collapse, with only one adaptive magic core still standing in it!

Ye Tian didn't hesitate, and immediately stepped forward and put the adaptive magic core into his bag.

Then, the entire space collapsed completely! The secret realm collapsed, and a burst of golden ripples emitted from the entrance of the secret realm.

The monk who was closer, the soul was almost shattered. But Ye Tian walked out of a secret realm at the very moment of his death.

The entrance containing the light was closed, and the secret realm of the Sun Moon Tower ceased to exist.

"Secret...The secret realm really collapsed?! You, what are you..."

The manager just wanted to speak, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of Ye Tian's side face. This is an unforgettable face, even if the manager has no vision, he will never forget it!

Another manager, also aware of this, hurried forward and handed out the pass, showing great courtesy.

At this moment, all the monks knew the identity of the person in front of them.

Ye Tian saw waves in their hearts.

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