MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2305 help

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"What do you mean?" Ye Tian asked hurriedly when he heard this.

"You split the head of the magic cloud fox, in the center of its eyebrows, in front of its brain, under normal circumstances, there should be a finger-sized crystal-like thing." Qin Zhen said.

"Let me see," Ye Tian nodded.

But Ye Tian didn't rush to follow suit. First, he patted Bei Mingjiao's slightly illusory huge head below.

"Thank you," Ye Tian said to Bei Ming Jiao.

Bei Ming Jiao's huge eyes blinked, and his figure slowly became more illusory and transparent. At the same time, his figure also shrank. When it was small to a certain extent, it became a ray of light and flew into Ye Tian's eyebrows.

In Ye Tiantian's swaying sea of ​​consciousness, a shrinking Beiming Jiao appeared in it, a little tired, closed his eyes, his body hovered, and quietly rested.

Strictly speaking, the current beast spirit is basically a part of Ye Tian himself. If he wants to keep it outside of the sea of ​​consciousness, it is actually maintained by constantly consuming Ye Tian's power.

Of course, after the fierce battle, the beast spirit itself will be tired.

In short, the length of time the beast spirit persisted, including the strength of its strength, actually mainly depends on the strength of the owner of the beast spirit.

After taking Bei Ming Jiao back, Ye Tian looked at Huanyun Fox with confidence.

The finger gently wiped the eyebrows of Huanyun Fox, and a straight mouth of blood appeared, and the white fur was turned to both sides, revealing flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood were cut open again, and Ye Tian really saw a blood-colored crystal about the size of a thumb in the criss-crossing blood vessels.

Ye Tian took it out, wiped off the blood stains, and observed carefully.

This crystal is warm at first, although it looks sharp, but it feels very smooth and comfortable to the touch.

"This thing is called the phantom cloud crystal, born to inherit the spirit of heaven and earth, possessing this thing, can have an extremely keen perception of the phenomena of heaven and earth such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is a very rare spiritual thing." Qin Zhen explained. road.

Ye Tian held the phantom cloud crystal and felt it carefully, and he realized that his perception of the surrounding world was extremely sensitive, and even seemed to give birth to a degree that could immediately control water and fire and summon wind and thunder like a phantom cloud fox.

After feeling for a while, Ye Tian put away the illusion cloud crystal first.

After taking out the Magic Cloud Crystal, the body of the Magic Cloud Fox had no other effect on Ye Tian.

Ye Tian pulled out Feng Xiaojian and threw away the body of Huanyun Fox.

The Feng Xiao sword was stained with the blood of Illusory Cloud Fox, and Ye Tian's thoughts moved slightly, and a stream of water appeared in the air, pouring it on the sword.

But something strange happened like this. As the blood of the Magic Cloud Fox was washed away by the clear water, the Feng Xiao Sword, which had originally appeared to be dusty, became incredibly new and bright!

The light shines on the blade, Yuyu is radiant, the cold light is blasting into the sky, and the whole sword is filled with a radiant feeling at this time.

Even Ye Tian, ​​who was holding the Feng Xiao sword, felt a clear, joyful feeling from this sword.

Feng Xiaojian is a real fairy weapon. It used to be a middle-grade fairy weapon. Later, as the owner fell, it was destroyed by a spirit beast. It was buried in the ruins for a long time. It directly fell from the level of the middle-grade fairy weapon to the lower-grade. The fairy weapon, the entire sword body became gray, with rust stains on it, as if it had become a completely scrapped weapon.

But as Sun Wendong gave this sword to Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian killed countless spirit beasts with Feng Xiao sword yesterday, and the rust and dimness on this sword weakened a bit.

At this time, it was another great battle. Even the real sacred beast, Illusory Cloud Fox, died under this sword. Its blood finally completely washed away the rust and dimness on the Fengxiao Sword, allowing it to be released again. Light.

Even Ye Tian clearly felt that the power of this sword began to rebound as the dust washed away.

His own grade has risen, and he has returned to the level of middle-grade immortal artifacts!

Seeing this re-release of light in his hand and returning to the once peak sword, Ye Tian also smiled and nodded.

He knows that fairy tools and psychics, this sword is just like that.

The negative impact of the owner's fall and his own sinking has already come alive after harvesting countless spirit beast lives under Ye Tian's control, drinking out of his blood.

And this sword can be so, it is also a hint of the thoughts of countless monks who died heroically in the situation of isolation and helplessness at the end of the battle in Linjia City.

Now an unprecedented victory has been achieved. If these people are still alive in the sky, the resentment and tragic accumulated in their hearts can be alleviated a little.

This change of Feng Xiaojian made Ye Tian also see that if he fights with all his strength here, he may indeed not get anything, but it is still meaningful.

"Killing the spirit beast is only part of it. For these human warriors, the other half of the responsibility is to go to the East Gate Mansion and to look for it in Taiping Prefecture," Ye Tian murmured.

After muttering to himself, Ye Tian brought up the completely restored brand-new Feng Xiao Jian, and rushed towards the other spirit beasts in the field.

Originally the most powerful spirit beast in the field was the Phantom Cloud Fox, except for the Phantom Cloud Fox, it was the steel rock rhinoceros used as a mount.

Now the Magic Cloud Fox was beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​and Gang Yanxi was severely injured by Ye Tian's punch at the beginning of the battle. He is still lying in the distance, dying.

Except for these two spirit beasts, the other spirit beasts here are even less capable of resisting Ye Tian.

At this moment, Ye Tian was completely like a wolf entering the flock, and the cold light above Feng Xiaojian flickered crazily, like a cold meteor raging among the spirit beasts, bringing bright red blood to the sky, like a one Blossoming flowers bloom.

The spirit beasts were quickly beheaded, and their lives were harvested.

Originally, the failure of Illusory Cloud Fox had already caused these spirit beasts to fall into a group of dragons without a leader. Fear had already begun to spread among the group of spirit beasts. At this time, Ye Tian was like a rapid killing in the realm of no one. It made the fear in the hearts of these spirit beasts full.

On the contrary, Sun Wendong and other monks in Danhua City must be proud. Since the battle a hundred years ago, the grievances accumulated since the defeat have been vented once again.

Everyone was full of fighting spirit, and they controlled their beast spirits and fought hard.

Under such double pressure, the last string in the hearts of the spirit beasts was also broken, and their defeat was on the verge of triggering.

In such a situation, the number will not have any useful effect at all. What's more, the phantom cloud fox has died. These spirit beasts have no control and command. Under the fear of death, they are desperately looking for directions and fleeing. It has exacerbated the chaos of the situation.

Needless to say, Ye Tian, ​​the speed of killing spirit beasts has never slowed down, and the monks in Danhua City, under the leadership of Sun Wendong, were not dazzled by the victory, and just like this they were fled indiscriminately. The spirit beasts were taken away, but formed a battle formation, followed behind the large army of spirit beasts, hurriedly chasing after them, and slaughtered the spirit beasts wantonly.

And when there was still some distance from the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, the people stopped in time.

It was enough to drive these spirit beasts back to the spirit beast mountain range, they did not have enough power to rush into the spirit beast mountain range to hunt down.

Everyone began to turn around, clean up the battlefield, to deal with the other spirit beasts that ran out of order, and at the same time, clean the battlefield.

Here Ye Tian came to the big pit with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Gang Yanxi's body was as large as a hill, lying quietly in it, panting hard.

"Friend Daoist Sun," Ye Tian called out Sun Wendong from a distance.

At this time, Sun Wendong naturally obeyed Ye Tian's words absolutely, and immediately left what he was holding and rushed over.

"This steel rock rhinoceros is not completely dead yet, only a little breath is left. If you are interested, kill it and refine it into your own beast spirit," Ye Tian said, pointing to the huge steel rock rhinoceros in front of him. .

Sun Wendong's cultivation is only in the late True Immortal stage, and now his beast spirit is an ape-clan spirit beast, a high-level spirit beast, and has the strength equivalent to the true immortal stage during his lifetime.

Although the steel rock rhinoceros in front of him is also a high-level spirit beast, it has not reached the level of a beast, but it is at least equivalent to the strength of the middle stage of the immortal, and it is almost an entire realm higher than Sun Wendong.

Among all the high-level spirit beasts, this steel rock rhinoceros is also considered a relatively powerful one.

Sun Wendong looked at Ye Tian with deep gratitude in his eyes.

If he had his own power, he wouldn't be able to kill the steel rock rhinoceros no matter what, let alone refining it into his own beast spirit.

For the monks in the frontier of ten thousand beasts, beast spirits can be said to be the most important thing, and for a monk like Ye Tian’s actions at this time, it is definitely a great kindness to a monk. Under normal circumstances, only Those who have deep relationships and feelings, such as father and son, master and apprentice, will help to acquire beast spirits.

To be precise, Ye Tian and Sun Wendong only met on the second day of their acquaintance. Although this is indeed a coincidence, Ye Tian can be regarded as going along the river, but for Sun Wendong, if the steel rock rhinoceros spirit can be successfully refined, Ye Tian will It can be said that he has the grace to recreate him.

"What are you still doing? After a while, if Gangyan Rhinoceros dies on its own due to a serious injury, you will have no chance. Now the battle is over. There are enough other monks for the rest, and I am here. Look, hurry up and refine the beast spirits.” Looking at Sun Wendong who was standing still, Ye Tian urged with a smile.

"Friend of Daoist Ye Tian..." Sun Wendong thought about it and didn't think about what to say. He pondered for a moment and saluted Ye Tianshen deeply.

"Everyone is doing the same thing and has the same aspirations. That's a fellow man, you don't have to be polite," Ye Tian said, "Furthermore, you still have to leave next, and you need people to guard here. There is so much that needs to be paid, but you can't get anything at all. This beast spirit is what you should have."

"Thank you!" Sun Wendong nodded earnestly. This Xie Li was not only grateful for Ye Tian for giving him Gang Yanxi, but also for Ye Tian's recognition of him.

After speaking, he got up and flew towards Gang Yanxi.

At this time, Gang Yanxi had no resistance to Sun Wendong. Sun Wendong easily beheaded Gang Yanxi.

Then he sat cross-legged on the head of the steel rock rhinoceros, and directly entered the state of meditation practice, and began to operate the magic art of all spirits, absorbing the strength of the steel rock rhinoceros.

Even if it is so easy to kill, Sun Wendong still needs to rely on his own strength to fight with Gangyan Rhinoceros consciousness. After he is completely subdued, he can be refined into his own beast spirit. It is not that simple, and even there will be Great danger.

However, the success of this matter depends only on Sun Wendong's own good fortune.

What Ye Tian can do is to protect Sun Wendong from being disturbed.

Originally, only the spirit beasts could disturb Sun Wendong, but those spirit beasts have just suffered a big defeat, and within a short time, they should not come out to harass the spirit beast mountain range again.

Next, Ye Tian and the other monks in Danhua City cleaned the battlefield together.

The dead beast corpses in this battle are too many, almost all over the field in front of Danhua City. The blood stained the earth red. The battle lasted for most of the day, but this cleaning lasted for a whole number of days. time.

Some of the spirit beasts or blood are peculiarly gushing out, or the meat has special uses, as well as fur, scaly armor, bones and the like. People take all these useful things off and collect them. Then gather the corpses of most other spirit beasts together and burn them.

The corpses of the spirit beasts piled up into a hill, the fire was burning, and the smoke was filled with a strong stench. Most of the monks in Danhua City set up a spiritual seat in front of the pile of corpses to pay homage. The human monks who died in battle in Danhua City and other world cities before.

The white smoke billowed straight into the blue sky.

The end of the previous battle was completely completed, and the entire Danhua City returned to its original track. People began to repair the city wall, repair the formation, heal the wounds, practice cultivation, and prepare for the subsequent battle.

Sun Wendong was still sitting on the head of Gangyan Rhinoceros corpse, drawing energy. The actual refining of beast spirits can be very long or very short. It is normal and there is no specific fixed number.

However, looking at his current state, it is still very good, but it may take a long time to completely refine the beast spirit, and Ye Tian can't wait for Sun Wendong to be completely successful.

After watching Danhua City settle down, Ye Tian decided to leave for the second time.

Ye Tian left the Fengxiao sword, but did not take it away, because Ye Tian felt that the sword was already entrusted with the mission of killing spirit beasts and the battle of the monks who resisted the spirit beasts in Danhua City. meaning.

This sword should continue to stay here and continue to fight the spirit beast.

Before leaving, Danhua City gave Ye Tian a flying spirit beast, a blue skylark. This kind of spirit beast has a gentle temperament. After a long period of special training, it has been able to fully obey. The order of the human monk.

Ye Tian didn't refuse, so he took the Blue Skylark, left Danhua City, and flew towards the direction of Dongmen Mansion.

After leaving Danhua City, about half a day later, sparsely populated people, villages, towns, and occasionally huge cities appeared on the ground below.

Speaking of scale and number of people, these cities are much larger than Danhua City, which is a boundary city.

But it is Danhua City that protects the infinite area where the human race lives on this vast land.

Of course, although there were monks in these cities, Ye Tiancao flew past, and he could roughly feel that the number and strength of monks were incomparable with Danhua City.

Except for a few monks, most of them are basically tens of thousands of mortals.

In these cities, some cultivation bases of the Nascent Soul Transformation God level can appear, which is already very good.

For these places, a cultivator who has reached the level of rebirth and questioning is basically standing at the top of the absolute.

These places can exist, and these hundreds of millions of people can live in peace, it is the meaning of fighting in a realm city like Danhua City, countless returning to the truth, and even the real celestial celestial masters fighting.

Ye Tian took out a map given to him by the monks in Danhua City.

The boundary of the ten thousand beasts is really too big. As a map used by the monks in Danhua City, this map is already detailed enough, but there is still only the entire Qidi, which is the map of the former Xianqi Dynasty.

Outside the scope of Qidi, there is still a blank.

It can be seen that the location of Danhua City, in the west of Qidi, is basically in the center of Qidi.

However, in the west of the center of Qidi, a huge mountain range was marked on the map. This was the spirit beast mountain range that Danhua City faced before.

On the map, this mountain is named Taiping Mountain.

Danhua City and other world cities all existed around the Taiping Mountain Range. After connecting the countless world cities including Danhua City, a circle enclosing the entire Taiping Mountain Range was formed.

"It turns out that the realm of Danhua City and other cities in the Qi lands are resisting only the spirit beasts in the Taiping Mountains," Ye Tian said with emotion while looking at the map.

Although the situation that Danhua City and other world cities are currently encountering is mainly due to the inaction of the city behind and even above, the strength of the spirit beast can also be seen from this.

It was just a spirit beast in a mountain range, and it was thrown into dozens of hundreds of realm cities to resist.

"Yes, in fact, the Taiping Mountain Range in Qidi is not that big. The Taixuan Mountain Range in Zhao Region, the Shenjia Mountain Range in Chu Region, and the Longling Mountain Range in Qin Region. These mountains are much larger than the Taiping Mountain Range. , The number of spirit beasts in it must also be greater, and the strength must be stronger. Correspondingly, there are also more world cities around these mountains to block." Qin in the top spirit stone in his arms Really said aloud.