MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 289 When the sparks collide—

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The next day, before dawn early in the morning, everyone was already up. ////

But it was obvious that they played a little too crazy last night, so although they got up early, basically everyone was yawning.

But they can't, because today's second day of the five-day competition of Damo Dou Yanwu is not like the first day of yesterday's competition. There is still a whole morning for the participating teams to buffer. After the buffer from yesterday's game, the daily game will start in the morning from today~ So although everyone wanted to stay in bed, everyone in Fairy Tail woke up early.

"Hasn't little Angel woke up yet?" Erza stepped forward, glanced at the little guy who was sleeping sweetly in Mira's arms with her pet fluffy ball, and then asked Mira in a low voice. Said, "Is this okay? It won't disturb the little guy's sleep, right?"

"Shh~ it's okay." First, she stretched out her finger and made a silent gesture, and looked at the little guy in her arms dotingly. Then Mira gently picked up the little guy, and then slowly handed it to Erza In his arms, he whispered, "Just keep your voice down, the little guy is sleeping soundly."

"Yeah." Nodding slightly, and carefully hugging the little guy into her arms, Elusa asked strangely, "By the way, where is the nameless brother? Why didn't you see anyone else?"

"He is persuading and educating his team." Pointing to a room behind him, Mira said with a nonchalant smile, "Because he decided to take over all the next competitive games, saying that this way he can monitor more After all, there are a lot of details about the situation of Damo Dou performing martial arts, and you still need to participate in it yourself to understand it.”

"Eh? Is that so? But if this is the case, isn't it considered a foul?" First, she was surprised for a while, and then Erusa asked her doubts, "And if this is the case, how can Gejir and Jubia It’s not that there is no chance to play.”

"That's right, that's why we need persuasion and education." Mira said with a smile still, "And the organizer of the competitive competition has said that each team can send its own players to participate. What about different players, that is to say, although none of the teams have done this before, the development setting that all competitive games are all handled by one person is theoretically feasible~"

"Khan... It's more appropriate to say that it's more appropriate to directly explain your decision than to persuade and educate..." Erza was decisively stunned, and complained, "As for the latter setting, although it comes from personal feelings It’s unscientific to say it’s very unscientific, but it’s weird that it seems to be in line with common sense in an unexpected way..."

"Of course, I think so too." Mira said with a smile.

"It seems that this is not a compliment..."

At this time, the door of the room was opened with a bang, and Gajeel and Juvia, who looked dejected, came out of the room after the indifferent Achill, but it was Laxus, With a look of indifference, it seems that it has no effect.

"Have you finished convincing everything, Achill?" Seeing this, Mira greeted him with a smile and said.

"Ah, yes, I can't resist it anymore..." Before Achill could speak, Gejill, who was in a half-dead state, already seemed very self-defeating, and muttered dejectedly, "It's completely used as a display, you Should I complain... Thanks to my enthusiasm before, my expectations are really in vain!" Beside him, Juvia also nodded in agreement, with the same dejected look.

"Okay, you guys don't have such a half-dead mentality, isn't there still a duel match~ If you are lucky, if you are drawn by the organizer, the duel match can also satisfy your mentality of playing, especially you Ge Jill, I think that compared to competitions where the situation is unknown, duels in the form of direct combat should be more in line with your taste, right?" Mira smiled indifferently, and comforted him, "As for Jubby Ya, don’t you think that letting Achill play to **** all the points he can get is the real kingly way? Don’t forget, we have a bet with Team A, don’t you think You don't want to have a hee with Mr. Grey, whom you miss so much..." After finishing speaking, he still laughed very darkly.

Yes! Hearing this, Juvia was shocked. Indeed, if Master Achill, who is absolutely impossible to lose, is allowed to take over all competitive games, then the number one position is basically a certainty! It can even be said that there is no suspense at all ~ no matter what the competition is! In that case, wouldn't it be safe to say that the person who has won against Team A is basically safe?

After figuring out this joint, Juvia immediately regained his energy, with a bright and radiant look, as if he wished to push all the duels to Achill alone.

Seeing this, Mira couldn't help sweating a little, thinking that Gray's power over Juvia was really amazing.

And Ge Jier didn't want to talk about it anymore, obviously he also figured out his own joints, in fact, he only needs to think about yesterday's competitive competition, he thinks he can't handle the complicated 'secret' competition, If all the competitions are similar to this, then letting him participate might as well let him die directly~~~ Just like Mira said just now, compared to this kind of headache competition, it really is Or a duel match with real combat is more in line with his taste.

At this time, Lisanna and Lucky walked in with trays, and a lively breakfast began.

After eating, the crowd headed towards the giant egg Fala Bird directly. It is worth mentioning that, unlike the disdainful and contemptuous attitude shown by passers-by when they saw them in the past, today the goblin Everyone in the tail obviously felt that the atmosphere was different. Not only did the passers-by on the road consciously give way to them when they saw them, but their gazes were also full of respect and awe.

This undoubtedly benefited everyone in Fairy Tail, and they unconsciously raised their momentum when they walked. Soon, on the way, everyone came to the exclusive viewing seats for Fairy Tail in the arena.

The number of people who came to watch the game in today's arena is obviously more than yesterday. Although it is still a little early, the entire arena is already packed with hot crowds, and there are black and dense heads everywhere. Obviously, they are all affected. The excitement of yesterday's wonderful game has aroused the interest of many people to come to watch it live.

"Okay, all the audience and contestants present, good morning everyone! I am Chabati, the fact reporter, the weather is good today, on this sunny morning, finally! We have ushered in a new round of big monsters Fighting martial arts competition! Everyone must have been looking forward to it—” On the rostrum, Chabati, who had changed into a wig, heard the fiery echoes from the scene, and couldn’t help holding up the microphone and shouting loudly, “Then, in Before today's game officially starts, let's first review yesterday's wonderful battles! I don't need to say more about yesterday's games, right? Judging from today's attendance rate far exceeding the previous ones, it is already very good That explains the problem, 800% attendance rate! Today's Fra Bird can be said to be operating at full capacity in the true sense~!"

"Everyone, please look at the ranking tablet. After yesterday's fierce competition between the various guilds, the rankings are temporarily as follows: the one who ranks first in the total score is - beyond everyone's expectations! But there is no doubt that No one can refute! The strongest team from Fairy Tail! Team B! As the team that performed the most amazingly yesterday, I think they won the first honor, no one should doubt it! After all, Fairy Tail is the strongest The captain of the team, Mr. Achill, the true **** of death who won the holy ten, has proved his strength to everyone in his own competitions and competitions—"

"And the second place is also very is no one else, because the strongest saber-toothed tiger is currently ranked second in the total score! As the kingdom is currently recognized as the most With a strong guild, it is undoubtedly reasonable for Saber-Toothed Tiger to get the top ranking! The reason why it is unexpected is because the sudden rise of Fairy Tail directly suppressed the tiger's fangs?! Is this just temporary? Or are they already facing the greatest crisis in history?? Facing the strongest team in Fairy Tail standing in front of them! Facing the powerful oppression of the almost invincible and powerful enemy, Mr. Archer, the **** of death! Ferocious Can the tiger roar to the No. 1 stage again?! Let us wait and see—"

"Roar—" The atmosphere of the audience has been completely driven by Chabati's highly exaggerated words, and now the entire arena is in a noisy and hot atmosphere!

There is no doubt that the collision between the goblin and Lihu is very exciting! This spanned the gap between the times, a fierce collision between the strongest and the strongest! Before it even started, it has spread and sparked enough fascinating sparks—

Everyone is looking forward to, looking forward to the contest between the two strongest guilds in today's next game! The strongest seven years ago, and the first seven years now, which one is stronger and weaker! Who is more superior—

In the next game, the curtain will be opened again!