MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 631 do not say anything

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   Chapter 631 No words

   Bu Yanshan is so special that Lian Yi really likes it.

  If it wasn't for her secret whereabouts this time, and other important things, she really wanted to bring her parents and ancestors here.

   It is to live in a hut in the mountains and absorb this pure and pure wood fairy aura every day, which is also a huge opportunity and enjoyment.

   This is also the difference between Immortal Realm and Guangmei Star Region.

   After all, such a large-scale natural spiritual land, in the fairyland, is actually an unowned thing that everyone can enjoy.

   Or is it possible that people in the fairy world have too high a vision to look down on?

  If this is in the Guangmei Star Region, I am afraid that it is to **** this place, and disputes have already arisen.

  Jia Peicheng looked around, not knowing what to think, but couldn't help saying:

   "Did you forget that there are monsters around? I'm thinking about it now. They want to create so many magic cities here, are they waiting for you?"

  Vine demon? Buyanshan can be said to be a place of opportunity.

   With Lianyi's temperament, since she has already soared, Buyanshan is going down to the third heaven again, so she must come.

   As the confidant of the two races of monsters, the monsters plan ahead, and it is very possible to surround the mountain here.

   He was annoyed for a while, and repeated the old saying:

   "Let's take advantage of it now, why don't we go, I'm sorry I didn't inquire clearly, I also have friends here, I'll inquire later, and come back when I'm more detailed."

   Lianyi smiled and didn't take it seriously, her tone was reckless with a strong confidence:

   "It's all said, I'm here today to catch them by surprise. What if they're going to encircle me, and it's not a worm that grows in my stomach, it's hard to know when I'll come or not."

   "Besides, it doesn't matter if it is prepared for me here. I don't know how many traps the two races of monsters have prepared for me since I was a child, so why should I care."

   "How do you know if I can come or go?"

   At the end of the words, the tone was clear and clear, even without looking at her face, one could imagine how arrogant the speaker was.

   She really never took it to heart.

  Whether it is the native demon clan she has fought a lot, or the oyster clan of the outer realm who dares to break people's bones and demons as soon as she comes up, she is really a master of art and bold to the extreme.

  Really, the longer you get along with her, the more you can find Fuji Xian Lianyi's rare and free and easy.

  Lianyi finished speaking and stepped into the mountain.

   Why wait until Jia Peicheng said something, since she stood outside the mountain, her consciousness has been silently released, and she is inquiring from all directions.

   In this mountain, they are not the only ones. In the southeast direction, there are two waves of people, both of whom are immortals, and they look like they are also looking for the essence of beech wood.

   This is not surprising, the news that Jia Peicheng can inquire about can also be inquired by others.

On the other side of the    is the southwest direction. This is indeed still outside the mountain, and a group of monsters are patrolling the mountain.

  Lianyi's divine sense was immediately closed, and those monsters seemed to be unaware.

   These are the oysters from the outer domain. They look like ordinary immortals, but they are not human. Their breath is fundamentally different from the local monsters.

  Lianyi has taught the oysters of the Outer Territory, and naturally knows their breath very well.

  In that case, just avoid these people first.

  Other places farther away, it is not that the consciousness cannot be reached, but it is unnecessary to investigate.

  Left, however, if she finds the beech wood spirit soon, she is not going to wander too far.

As I thought in my heart, Lianyi walked further into the depths of the mountain, and I felt the pure wooden fairy aura digging into every pore of Lianyi, as if he had eaten a great tonic. The strength of the whole body kept returning to the cage.

  She has the talent of light spirit in her body. When the sun shines, the pure wood spirit scrambles to drill into her body, and it is very active.

   For a while, these wood fairy auras gave her exactly the same feeling as being illuminated by sunlight, but they were more than a hundred times stronger.

  Lianyi gently moved his body's spiritual energy while walking, and turned his light spirit talent. Sure enough, he felt a little more comfortable.

  Jia Peicheng didn't dare to disturb him. At this time, Lianyi looked like a comfortable piranha flower. It came out of the prototype first, blossomed, and had a mouth with a dazed and sleepy appearance.

   Really want to provoke it, Piranha or Piranha, I'm afraid she will be broken by her teeth!

  Piranha Lianyi didn't know that Jia Peicheng changed her race for her.

   In his mind, he was thinking, where would the beech wood be.

   She likes this place so much, no wonder the spirit of beech also likes it here.

Others do not know that when she operates the innate magical powers of the light spirit, she integrates herself into it. Although the mountain is so big, her integration is limited, but as she goes deeper, the more she feels. .

  Lian Yi seems to be walking casually, but she is actually cautious, she seems to be perceiving something with her heart.

  Jia Peicheng knew that she might be using her own way to perceive the existence of the beech wood spirit, so he just stayed by the side, as if there was no sound at all.

   Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only connection.

  Lian Yi also fell into it, and only felt that she was more and more integrated into it, as if she should be here, this is her dojo, her home.

   Every breath and every breath, they are all wood spirits, quiet, quiet but full of infinite vitality.

   is continuous and timeless.

  Time has no meaning here, even if it is here for eternity, it is not too tired, wandering in it, all troubles are eliminated.

  Suddenly, walking with Lianyi's pace, the feeling has changed.

   It wasn't that she met anyone, after all she had avoided it.

   But, the feeling that Buyanshan gave her changed.

   If it was originally a dense, deep, vast and boundless ocean, she roamed with the waves in it, enjoying herself.

   Then, for some reason in this ocean, the water waves couldn't continue. They became intermittent, so that even when she was wandering, it became intermittent. The interruption of such a comfortable state made Lian Yi very annoyed.

   Originally thought this was just a small part of the situation that could be called an accident, but unfortunately it was not, but the situation was getting worse and worse.

   The water waves that should have been there actually became more and more barren, and even in the sense of connection, they gradually dried up.

  Lian Yi suddenly opened his eyes and quietly watched the scene in front of him.

   She was walking, but she was caught off guard and stopped, so that Jia Peicheng, who was following, also stopped.

"What's wrong?"

  Lian Yi looked at the scene of the surrounding mountains, which was full of green and seemed to have not changed in the slightest.

  Only she knew that everything was different.

  Lian Yi shook his head: "It feels different."

  Jia Peicheng: "..." I didn't understand.

  Lian Yi pondered the situation to himself, yes, it seems that there is something that should exist, but it is gone.

   is similar to facing the strange fire on the small ladder.

   Mingming, those immortal fires on the ladder are still there, obviously... The green plants here are sparse and lush, and they cannot be formed without thousands of years.

   However, the qi that supported it was gone.

   That's right, it was the same feeling as before, like being cramped.

   Or to use a more appropriate analogy, there is only an appearance that is no different from before, but the core is gone.

   Only the skin remains.

   What does this mean!

   Even thought of the Earth Heart Demons, who broadcasted Demon Seeds in the Guangmei Star Region, and in the end, the cultivator was left with only a human skin and a body.

   Now, isn’t it the same?

  These grasses and trees of Wuyan Mountain are no longer what they used to be.

   "Is there also immortal energy here?" Lian Yi asked coldly.

Jia Peicheng shook his head: "I don't know, but I haven't heard of Immortal Yuan Qi, but maybe there is. This mountain is indeed quite strange. It is the oldest mountain in the Lower Third Heaven. When did Tianzhu exist, this mountain stands here. already."

  Since the immortal world was born, at least there should have been immortal vitality?

  All things are changing, the sea is changing, the landscape of Jiuzhongtian has changed and changed, come and go, come and go, but this mountain has not changed, it has always been silent here.

   was named without words.

  Lian Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, a dark light flashed across his eyes very quickly, and returned to silence.

   There should be a connection between Wuyanshan, Xiaotianjie, and the Middle Third Realm.

   And the one thing she can see in common at the moment is that they are all "old".

   If there is fairyland, there will be them.

  Thinking of the magic cities around Buyan Mountain, do these magic cities really exist for her sake?

  How could she think that it was just for the sake of being silent.

   From the current point of view, if there is nothing else in the mountain that they can claim, it is the part that has not been claimed yet.

   Only the "husk" of the plants and trees in the interior is left, but the ones outside are still there, the inner core is not lost, and the wood fairy is full of spiritual energy.

  Lianyi frowned slightly, turned his feet, and walked out again.

  Jia Peicheng was taken aback: "Lianyi, what are you doing? The beech wood essence hasn't been found yet, so why don't you enter the mountain?"

   They were going deeper and deeper, but now they turned their heads, didn't they want to come out of the mountain again.

   Lian Yi spread out his hands: "Look, who said not to look, but I guess those beech wood spirits are not in it!"

  Jia Peicheng: "...why?"

   Lian Yi smiled and glanced at Jia Peicheng: "I guess."

  Jia Peicheng: "..." What about playing? !

  Jia Peicheng has a righteous and honest temperament, and he slanders him in his heart, but in front of Lianyi, he means to fight wherever he wants, and he can't even resist verbally.

  So, although Monk Zhang Er was confused, he still followed silently.

   I feel more and more that their Huaiyuan Star Region may not be as good as Guangmei Star Region, or else he will become Lian Yi's sidekick.

  Unexpectedly, this valet refused to let him be a good fit. After walking for another half an hour, she suddenly stopped and pointed to the back:

   "Go over there and flank with me when the time comes. I guess the Beech Spirit is around here!"

   Jia Peicheng glanced at her, and went to the location designated by Lianyi without saying a word.

   Guess again? Who believes?

   He is an honest person, not a fool. If Lian Yi didn't have any special way of perception, he would unscrew his head and give it to her!

   This is indeed the case.

   That beech wood spirit is not stupid, since it is a kind of wood spirit, how can they not perceive the situation that even the mind can perceive.

   Naturally, it is said that he will not go inside the mountain, but will only stay in the outer circle.

The more Lian Yi walked, the more he discovered that in this forest, he felt that in the calm water-like aura of the wood fairy, there was suddenly a moving little dot. But it is much richer than the wood fairy aura in the current forest.

   faintly, with a familiar wind.

   You don't need to look with your eyes, Lianyi knows that you have found it.

  Unfortunately, there is only one, and it is very active, jumping from this branch to that branch, from this tree to that flower, and sometimes hidden behind the leaves, it is really looming and slippery.

   Even thinking about it, it’s still reliable.

   Both of them are immortals, especially knowing the characteristics of the beech wood, and they deliberately restrained the breath of the whole body.

   I also blame this beech spirit for being unlucky. It encounters too many people who want to catch it, and doesn't care about it at all.

  Where did you expect to encounter a tough stubble this time.

  It originally had only ignorant spiritual consciousness and was considered a spiritual thing.

   Naturally loves the aura of the wood fairy, where the aura of the wood fairy is pure, where does it go.

   When Lianyi and Jia Peicheng came, it was not ignorant. about it.

   There are countless people who want to catch it, and it can be encountered every three to five.

   There are also hordes to catch it.

   So it plays with it and no one can catch it anyway.

   Just when it was playing with peace of mind, it didn't realize that the breath of strangers that had poured in before was gone.

   is discovery, and it does not have the intelligence to generate vigilance.

  To talk about Lianyi, she was originally a vine demon. In this forest, it was too easy for her to completely integrate into it.

   As for Jia Peicheng, although he is not as good as Lianyi, he is also a keen person. When this person was ambushing Lianyi, he quickly discovered the formation that Lianyi had set up. It can be seen from the fluctuation of breath that he is very accomplished.

   As a result, the spirit of the beech wood is sad.

   It was playing well, but suddenly it felt that something was wrong. When he looked up, a person was already standing in front of it!

   It was shocked, and just wanted to run away, but it was silent, and its body was suddenly pinched.

   It looked back hard, it was the woman in green among the two people it thought was missing before.

   didn't know what was going on, but it suddenly appeared and caught it right away?

  It struggled instinctively, never thought that it would be caught so easily.

   saw darkness in front of him, and it didn't know anything.

   It's not just the beech spirit who sighs.

   Jia Peicheng also sighed.

   He looked at Lian Yi's palm, and there was a leaf floating in the palm of his hand, which was naturally the essence of beech wood.

  The green spirit thread covers the leaves from all directions, and it can be seen that the beech tree spirit has become bewildered and seems to have fallen asleep completely.

   He acted according to Lianyi's instructions.

   Unexpectedly, when Lian Yi let him let go of his restrained breath, he would face the beech wood spirit face to face.

  I didn't expect that, it is more convenient to connect the meaning, pinching with two fingers, and pinching the insects will usually pinch the essence of the beech wood away.

  Besides he was happy, he was a bit confused. Isn't this too easy?

  I haven't heard of anyone caught beech wood spirits in years.

   But suddenly, Jia Peicheng's eyes were sharp: "No, someone came to us."

   As he said that, he had to pull Lian Yi to hide.

   (end of this chapter)