MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 759

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Moreover, Luo Xingchen clearly sensed that these guys have been following for a long time.

It should be concluded that the two of them had just arrived in this town and had nowhere to go before they decided to attack.

Often, a rich man like this stunned young man who has no social experience will always think that this kind of place is nothing special.

And I also think that if I have money, I can buy everything.

In the end, becoming the wedding dress of these guys, strength is power, and power is often more useful than money...

I have to say that this guy is really smart to survive in this area.

But, unfortunately, he seems to have found the wrong person.


Milaj shook his neck and made a crackling sound.

He stared straight at the four people in front of him.

There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth: "What if... we say we don't need it?"

"Then I can let you experience the darkness that you have never seen before!" The bald man's face darkened.

The flesh on his face also became hideous.

The three attendants who followed him also took out their magical weapons at this moment.

The eyes are fierce.

"Boss, let's do it. They've been upset for a long time. I'm afraid the jewelry on that woman can sell for a lot of money." The buck-toothed man whispered in the bald man's ear.

"Hehe, it's not just jewelry..." the bald man narrowed his eyes slightly.

He stared straight at Miraj.

"This chick seems to be very upright... Ugh!!"

The bald man hadn't even finished speaking when an overwhelming terrifying pressure descended on his body in an instant.

The fat body knelt down straight to the ground.

The knees touched the floor closely, and there was a violent roar.

Numerous cracks extended outward from the knees, like spider webs.

The raging magic power stirred up a terrifying gust of wind, sweeping crazily in this dark path.

The gravel and dust on the ground also danced along with it, as if confirming the master's anger.

"What... what did you want to say just now?" Luo Xingchen embraced her hands.

The raging wind blew his skirts.

In this dark corner, those eyes looked so heartless and cold-blooded!

"I...I 2.2 I..." The bald man's cold sweat spread all over his forehead in an instant.

He opened his mouth wide, but because of his nervousness, he couldn't say anything.

Even Miraj who was beside Luo Xingchen was surprised.

In astonishment, he looked at Luo Xingchen who made a sudden attack.

The fist that I had clenched tightly to punch out silently let go.

The red lips rose slightly, obviously, the heart seemed to be very happy.

"If you can't say it, then don't say it for the rest of your life." Listening to the stammering voice of the bald man.

Luo Xingchen slowly raised his arm, aiming at the four people in front of him who had already fallen into panic.

The magic power burst out in an instant.

boom---! !


On the edge of the town, the man in the blue suit turned his head abruptly, staring at the direction of the explosion.

An excited smile instantly appeared on his calm face.

He raised his arm, looked at the magic crystal communication in his hand, and said excitedly:

"Master Brandish, I seem to..."

"Found the intruder!".

Chapter 671 Exposure, face-to-face confrontation!

On the streets of Lello City.

The flickering neon lights brighten up the dark night sky.

The surrounding noises are louder than during the day, confirming the characteristics of this city.

This is a city of crime, and it is also a city that belongs to the night alone.

Under the shroud of night, even the dazzling neon light will have blind spots.

And in those blind spots, piles of violence, crime, and greed are also going on quietly.

Just like the four burly men that Luo Xingchen had just dealt with.

Death fell on their heads so easily.

It's just because... they moved their minds that they shouldn't, and thus paid the price for their greed.

Neither Luo Xingchen nor Miraj paid any attention to the four who had lost any signs of life.

It was after searching the cash on the four of them.

Came to a foothold.

Santa Maria Hotel.

It is said that it is the highest-standard hotel in Lailuo City, and it is backed by the Dark Ghost Guild, one of the three major dark guilds in the entire town.

Strictly speaking, it should be a subordinate industry of [Dark Specter].

So at least safety will be assured, of course, provided you don't take their word for it.

Here you can guarantee that you will not be approached by other guild enemies.

Therefore, this hotel is very famous in the whole city of Lello.


The closed door was slowly pushed open.

Luo Xingchen and Miraj stepped into it.

The goal is the extraordinarily luxurious hall, with dazzling lights illuminating the surroundings.

There are a lot of drinks on the bar counter in front, and the waiter in charge of bartending is turning the bottle in a fancy way.

There are wine tables on both sides, and the noisy sound can not only be heard from the wine tables in all directions.

Beautiful waiters in bunny costumes walk around with drinks.

The first impression this place gave Luo Xingchen and Miraj was not so much a hotel.

It's more like a tavern.

But think about it, in this city, alcohol has become an indispensable thing for 80% of the citizens.

21 Therefore, it is not surprising that hotels and taverns are combined.

It seems that they found Luo Xingchen and Miraj.

Two clever waiters immediately greeted him.

"Two guests, do you want to drink or stay?"

"Accommodation, are there any rooms?" Luo Xingchen asked.

"Yes, please come this way." After saying that, the waitress greeted the two of them and walked towards the bar.

"These two guests are here to stay, please help me to register." The waitress explained to the staff at the bar.

Then he turned his head to look at Luo Xingchen, and stretched his body, bringing out the magnificence of his chest.

Blinking his right eye lightly, he said with a smile, "Then, call me if you need it! My number is 007."

Before Luo Xingchen could speak, Miraj seemed to be unable to hold back.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

But fortunately, Luo Xingchen grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "Go and do your work, if you need help, we will."

"That won't bother you." Miss Bunny Girl walked away with a smile.

Only Miraj, who was forcibly pressed down by Luo Xingchen, said in annoyance: "What does that guy mean?"

"Dare to seduce my boyfriend in front of me?!"

Looking at the angry Miraj, Luo Xingchen couldn't help but smile, and stroked Miraj's head with his right hand.

Shun Shun's silver-white long hair: "Okay, maybe those are also industries here."

"After all, what happens here is quite normal."

"Hi, name, registration is required here."

Just when Miraj was about to say something, the registration staff at the bar handed two registration forms to Luo Xingchen and Miraj.

After taking the list and writing down the names of himself and Milaj.

Luo Xingchen handed it back again. Of course, the name couldn't be a real one.

Just make up one.

"Huh? Why did you only write your name? What about the citizen number issued by the empire?" The registration officer frowned after looking at it.


The so-called citizen number is similar to Luo Xingchen's ID card in his previous life. It is a document issued by the Empire to every citizen for identification.

But, is it so possible for two people to have this thing?

After all, they are not from this continent.

However, Luo Xingchen didn't panic about this, and took out a 50,000 J note from his pocket.

Handed it to the guy at the bar: "Do you still need to register this kind of thing here?"

The guy at the bar squinted at the 50,000 J pushed in front of him.

A smile suddenly appeared on the originally rigid cheeks.

"That's for ordinary people. For members like you, our hotel has always been adhering to the protection of guest information, so it's okay if you don't need it."

"Member?" Milaj twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, from now on, you are members of our hotel." The boy at the bar responded with a smile.

With that said, he also handed a key to Luo Xingchen.

"Sir, here is your key. Besides, it's a pity that we only have one room left here, so you can make do with it for a while."

While talking, the boy at the bar blinked at Luo Xingchen.

He showed a smile that a man could understand.

Frowning slightly, Luo Xingchen sighed lightly: "Your attitude change really caught me off guard."

Shaking his head, he was about to reach out to take the key.


Luo Xingchen clearly caught the subtle fluctuations in magic power.

The next moment, the closed door behind the two of them burst open.