MTL - Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince-Chapter 59

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Little classmates are getting more and more interesting now, and they are often being kissed and praised, and they are quite happy.

Zhen Yuanbai quickly turned around and looked around. Someone was far away, but he didn't look this way. He patted his chest. When he turned his face, he found that he was extraordinary and kissed him again. Zhen Yuanbai hurriedly covered his mouth and pushed him back hard: "I'm only allowed to kiss you, and you are not allowed to kiss me."

When he discovered that he was extraordinary, he was really too particular about it. He didn't seem to be afraid of the word at all. He was more than afraid. Zhen Yuanbai suspected that he wanted everyone to know that they were in love.


After keeping the two men at a safe distance, Zhen Yuanbai continued to move forward, suddenly it seemed like something was going on.

Said extraordinary: "Do you have something to say?"

Zhen Yuan nodded his head, and when he was about to speak, he heard him say, "I want to kiss you."

When Zhen Yuanbai blurted, he plugged it back, stuck in his throat, and flushed his face flushed. Shifan extraordinary smiled, pushed by him by Duang suddenly, "You, how are you like a hooligan!"

"I've played hooligan with you all."

Zhen Yuanbai froze for a while, then reached out and dragged him back, exclaiming, "I have something to ask you."

"Okay, you ask." When it ’s extraordinary and hooligan, it ’s still very bluffing, looking at people ’s eyes as if to drown them in, Zhen Yuanbai slowed down and said softly: “I just said you learned Pa returned, you did not refute me. "

It ’s a regular smile, but the eyes are a little overwhelmed: "What then?"

"I think, I want to know about you ..." Zhen Yuanbai held his arm, and said, "Aunt Ling said that you had good academic performance in the past. I believe it is true. I can also see your performance during this time. You are really smart and your learning habits are telling me what Aunt Ling is saying. "

Seeing that he was at a loss, Shifan said quietly, "If I didn't do well in my studies, wouldn't you want me?"

Zhen Yuanbai actually thought about it for a while, with a rare eyelid twitched, and flicked his head with his fingers, "Are you really prepared to not want me?"

Zhen Yuan frowned in pain. "If you're doing something wrong, I don't want you."

"No heart or lungs ... Lao Tzu really hurts you." Shi Fan snorted his head fiercely, Zhen Yuanbai shrank his head and hid, but suddenly he caught his cheeks on both sides and kissed him. With tears and saliva, he kissed him. He was humiliated and aggrieved and even kicked him, and finally rescued himself. He immediately became angry: "How do you like bullying!"

Shifan saw that he was really angry, so he dragged him into his arms, and Zhen Yuanbai pushed him hard: "Don't touch me!"


"I don't like you anymore! Don't talk to me!"

Shifan is probably a metamorphosis. He really likes Zhen Yuanbai's crying and crying cavity with a nasal sound. When he hears it, he feels that his heart has been injected with anesthetic. I was wrong, come and wipe your tears, don't cry. "

He said as he wiped Zhen Yuanbai's face, Zhen Yuanbai couldn't push his hand away. A snow-white face was wiped with uneven red, and his eyes looked even more vicious, but his viciousness For Shi extraordinary, it was almost the same as selling Meng, he licked his lips and coaxed: "Don't you want to know how my previous performance was? I told you, don't get angry, eh?"

Zhen Yuanbai's wet eyes turned to his face, a little bit of curiosity, and raised his lips, saying: "Yes, my little baby guessed right, your boyfriend did very well in the past."

Zhen Yuanbai couldn't care less about his anger, with a look of pride and disgust side by side on his face.

Shifan did not hold back and touched his face again. After he clapped his hands, he suddenly felt a little bit difficult to say. "Aunt Ling, apart from my good grades, have I told you anything else?"

Zhen Yuanbai looked dignified, sulking for a while, and said softly, "Say ... why do you have two parents?"

Shifan keeps smiling: "Then what? Do you want to persuade me to make peace with them?"

Zhen Yuanbai hurriedly shook his head and stated his position: "I won't be bothered!"

"..." Shi extraordinary and a little bit want to bully him.

He was in a very contradictory mood, hoping that his classmates could warm up and care more about him, but did not want him to be too pitiful and sympathetic to himself. But he never imagined that what he had been tangled with had become a "gossip" here.

He resisted the urge to make him cry again, and said, "What do you ask me about the past?"

Zhen Yuanbai looked forward to it very much: "I want to see your previous transcripts and certificates of merit."

"Look what that is doing?"

Zhen Yuanbai thought for a while, found out his mobile phone, turned to a cloud album in his space, and presented him like a treasure: "This is the transcript of each test from my elementary school to high school, as well as certificates, prizes , I always come first. You see, really every time. "

Shifan began to notice: "Then what?"

Zhen Yuanbai scratched his cheeks, a little embarrassed: "I think, I want to compare with you ... When you were studying hard before, was I great?"

"..." Shifan loosened his shoulder, and moved forward silently, clutching his pockets. Zhen Yuanbai was a little disappointed, but also a little excited, holding a school bag to keep up with his long legs: "Is it good without me? It doesn't matter Yes, I don't hate you, as long as you are down-to-earth and good ... "

The dark-faced Duang, who was like the extraordinary King Yan, choked up. When Zhen Yuanbai was relieved, he swallowed back. He was confused and fearful, and suddenly grabbed his arm by Shifan: "Come with me to drink."

"I don't drink!" Zhen Yuanbai didn't have time to retract his arm, he was suddenly carried by him, the schoolbag behind him suddenly fell, and hit him directly on the head, causing him to faint for two seconds, panic "What are you doing?"

"I want to tell you the story of the past!"

Zhen Yuanbai struggled and was released on the way, but he was still grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a very different restaurant. He pushed him toward the sofa in the corner and said coldly, "Dare to run and you will die. . "

Zhen Yuanbai was sitting timidly, and he brought the menu to him in front of him: "A la carte."

"Can you eat spicy food?"

"I can eat anything you can except a soy product."

"It's a pity, I still want to eat a thousand pieces ... in fact, I don't particularly want to eat them." In his fierce eyes, Zhen Yuanbai had to change his mouth.

Zhen Yuanbai texted his mother that he would not go home for dinner, but he was silent when he ordered, and his face was dull. Zhen Yuan Baidian finished pushing the menu over: "Look, do you want anything else?"

"Just enough." When waiting for the meal, he asked for a pinch of hot milk and poured him a glass. He aggressively said to tell Zhen Yuanbai the story of the past, but now suddenly he said nothing. Zhen Yuanbai held the milk to look at him, pursed his lips, and said, "This milk is delicious."

Shifan also took a sip, and Zhen Yuanbai held his cheek and looked at him, saying: "Fanfan ..."

"Cough! Cough cough—" Shifan covered his mouth, took the tissue he handed over and wiped his lips, and said, "You ... yell again."

Zhen Yuanbai shouted obediently: "Fanfan."

After shouting, he laughed and said, "What are you blushing, don't your parents call you like that?"

Shifan looked at him and said, "You shout best."

Zhen Yuanbai was even less prosperous than him. He raised his hand to the face and fanned, drank the milk and said, "The temperature in the shop is so high, it's a bit hot."

He also took off his school uniform jacket.

Shifan pressed the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be inexplicable for a lifetime. At this moment, he all lined up and came to his mouth: "When I was young, I called them all godmothers."

From the perspective of Ling Xuan, this matter seems to be no big deal, probably because she is already an adult, she can relieve the persecution of her parents-in-law and take responsibility for herself.

But it is a lot heavier to tell this from an extraordinary perspective.

The extraordinary memory is very good. He even had the memory of the fake parents for the first time. He couldn't remember how old he was. He only knew that his grandmother gently put himself in the arms of a woman and said to him with a smile: "After this is Fanfan's mother. Come, call mother?"

But when he was a child, he was unusual and did not like to call his parents. He was not close to the two people.

Shifan grew up to three years old and never met Ling Xuan, but Shixian often came back to play with him. He was extraordinary when he was young. He was very "strange". He didn't like his "Mom and Dad". When the time came, Xuan laughed.

Perhaps he was worried that Shi ’s parents found out that they were counterfeit. Grandma only asked him to call Shixian to be his dad since he was a child. At that time, he was very small, and when he was unclear, he only called “Dad”. Every time he shouts like this, Shixian's expression is indescribable, but at that time, he is extraordinary and too small. He can't understand what Shixian's expression means.

On the third birthday of Shifan, I saw Ling Xuan for the first time in my life. The woman was pushed by her grandma to play with her. Shifan looked at her eyes with light. The blood relationship was sometimes so wonderful. Seeing this "goddam", I like her very much.

But the child is also sensitive. Shifan extraordinary quickly discovered that Ling Xuan didn't like herself, and even disgusted herself very much. The child's self-esteem was very heavy, and he felt frustrated that he was not liked, but what he could do It's just that nothing has happened before, just so bland.

The two elderly couples at home are very subtle about their fake parents. When they are extraordinary, they play the relationship between father and son, but sometimes they see that the elderly are very cold to their parents.

The meals were cooked well, and she gave Zhen Yuan Baicai a very soft tone. "I always felt something vaguely, but I didn't understand why. Until the age of eight, President Ling brought me a gift. She never It ’s not so good to me. It ’s the kind. Dedicate yourself to nothing and steal. ”

He smiled and looked at Zhen Yuanbai, who opened his mouth and nodded subconsciously and echoed, "You must think it's strange."

"Of course weird." Shifan said: "But she is very smart and very patient. She just comes back to accompany me from time to time and tells me that she is starting to be less busy. She even stays in my room with my homework as if I was with her. It ’s very close. And every time she comes back, my fake parents have to stand aside. To be honest, I do n’t like her and I have doubts about the attitude of my fake parents. ”

"In the beginning I thought there was a contradiction between them." Shi Fan slowly said: "Until one day, I saw the message she sent to my parents and let them rest for two months."

The fake parents were forced to deceive and went to the two-person world when they were helpless, and Ling Xuan took Shixian to invite Shifan to travel around the world. At that time, it was the summer vacation of Xiaoshengchu. Shifan took them with a lot of doubt On the road.

He found that the woman was a little attentive to herself. Especially after they came back, there were two days when he did n’t see his parents at home. He asked casually at first, and he told him that his parents had gone out. The two had n’t returned yet. One day, Shi Xuan was taken by Ling Xuan to the playground to play. Very dramatic things happened. He saw his parents and other children playing.

Shifan stood and watched quietly. He followed and heard the two children calling their parents. At that moment, an unspeakable anger was burning from the bottom of his heart. He took a picture, holding back All the emotions, when he came home, he asked his grandpa, "When will my parents come back?"

After repeated questioning, the fake parents finally ‘come back from tourism’. The fake mother brought him a lot of gifts and told him that he had just got off the plane.

Shi Wufan didn't say anything. He turned out the photos he had taken and asked them if they had brothers and sisters. There was no doubt that this incident reached the grandparents, and they began to try to collude to act, but Ling Xuan One sentence broke everything: "They were hired by grandparents, they have their own family, Fanfan, you also have your own parents, we stand in front of you."

Shi Fan recalled that he was silent for a long time, and it was not until Zhen Yuanbai touched his lips with a bullfrog that he returned to God.

Zhen Yuanbai continued to eat. He didn't comment on all of this, but he suddenly started to be mean: "I told you everything, and you have pity on me?"

"Do you want me to pity you?"

"Of course I hope." Shifan looked at him and said, "I'm a kid no one wants, and I'm poor and helpless. You must comfort me."

Zhen Yuanbai opened his mouth and insisted, "You are not pitiful."

Shifan's heart was upset: "I'm poor, I'm very poor! Please comfort me, or kiss ..."

Zhen Yuanbai scared something into his mouth again and swallowed it. He sat across from the opposite side with a black face. Zhen Yuanbai squeezed towards the corner subconsciously, but was pinched by him. "Have pity on me, or I'll take you around the shop and kiss you while walking."

Zhen Yuanbai was very angry: "I didn't come to pity you, shouldn't I do you like you?"

Shi Fanfan kept holding his posture unmoved. Zhen Yuanbai thought he was not satisfied and had to comfort him: "Then I will hang out with you tonight ... okay?"

Watching him for an unusually long time: "That's really ... so unreasonable."