MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2052 Sweeping the northern powers

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"But the situation does not have the breath of chaos, even if you can hide it, you can't deceive it, but you can't deceive me, so you can definitely be the avatar of the squad." The gaze looked down the abyss. Xiao Chensen is cold.

"Is there a horrible smell in the avatar?" The eyes flashed with horror, and the thunder stunned.

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Chen said: "No matter how powerful the body is, it is impossible to achieve the same strength as the real body. Unless it is an illusion, it must be a special way for the squad to have a real body. To fake the truth."

"Small lords, do you inform the Lord of the Patriarchs?" asked the cold emperor.

"Forget it." Putting his hand, Xiao Chen sneered: "If it is here, it is necessary, just to be separated, not to disturb the master, but unfortunately, otherwise they will break the seal, the power consumption is too large At the time, you will be able to take the opportunity to kill the squad, but unfortunately it is a avatar."

"Before we were still happy for a while." Spread the hand, the moon shadow helpless smile.

Looking at the wind to the emperor, the face evoked a fierce, Xiao Chen sneered: "It is to give them some color, and the squad must be refining my strength, and the two guardians and the three elders have nine The great sages are breaking the seal. The strong people of all are very busy. The wind lord, the order is passed down, and the Temple of the Soul and the other four temples are killed in the northern domain, weakening their strength and benefiting us. How many kills can you kill?"

"The lord of the temple, to the battle of the Holy Emperor and the Holy Supreme, those little crickets are not qualified to shoot, as long as they can kill the squad, no one else threatens." Cold Emperor respectfully said.

"I know." Gently nodded, Xiao Chen said faintly: "I just want to create trouble for them, so that everyone in the sacred world knows that I am afraid of moving him to the sacred temple!"

The faint words are implied by the hegemonic arrogance.

"Yes! Immediately ordered by the subordinates!" Fenghuang respectfully said.

"Moon Shadow, you also go together, maybe the turbid wind is hoping to see you." Looking at the moon shadow, Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

Wen Yan, the face of the moon shadow suddenly appeared a sly smile, Sen sneered: "I must let him enjoy."

"Cold Emperor, you will stay and drag them, don't touch them hard, the repair of the two law-protection is above you, be careful." The gaze then looked at the cold emperor, Xiao Chen shouted.

"Yes! Little Lord!" Cold Emperor respected.

Regardless of whether Xiao Chen sent out a few powerful forces to shoot the Temple of the Soul, after the power of chaos refining chaos, it will certainly be shot, so Xiao Chen will be the first to be strong.

After the instructions, Xiao Chen returned to the Bawang Soul Temple and other good news, and did not stop the nine people from breaking the seal. Some people helped to break the seal, why not?

The secluded Xuan and other people who received the order were sent to the Holy Land by the Holy Emperor and the Holy Power.

Under the command of Moon Shadow, they are all shots of the big forces sitting on the squadron. Under the transfer of the moon shadow display space, the army is out of thin air, and apart from anything else, it is a crazy attack, and there is no preparation for the enemy. .

The entire northern region is almost the power of the squad. It has to be said that the moon shadow is very savvy. First, it sweeps from the outside of the northern region. When it passes, one by one, the forces disappear one after another.

The war broke out in vain, and many powerful people led by the secluded Xuan Xuan also had the help of the moon shadow. A big force was only half an hour, and it was gone.

As time went by, after more than a dozen forces were swept, the Kui Kui Temple had received the news, and the turbid wind immediately led the Kui Kui Temple and many powerful people who sat down to support.

However, let the turbid winds vomit blood, they come, the moon shadow is the space transfer, with the secluded Xuan and other people to go to another force, it is like playing a cat and mouse game with the turbid wind.

The speed of the moon shadow is amazing, and there are still some magical laws to change the space. They can't lock their breath of the moon shadow, and the second is that the speed can't keep up. There is no way.

The moon shadow with the news of the many powerful people who swept the northern region, and soon spread to the nine people in their ears, the two guardians and the three elders are angry and stunned, but it is not hurried.

At the same time, I am worried that the Moonshadow will make a big noise in the temple. They are all responsible for breaking down the seal and want to return to the temple.

However, when the two guardians wanted to leave, they were intercepted by the cold emperor who appeared out of thin air.

The appearance of the cold emperor, but they are surprised by the nine people, they did not expect the cold emperor they will come to the valley of forgetting.

"Oh, it turned out to be the guardian of the Holy Spirit." A faint smile, the head of the Kui Kui faint.

"Zhu Kui Sheng Zun is really leisurely, not going back to healing, swallowing up the power of the Lord, and not rushing, but it makes me very strange." Smile without fear, the cold is not flustered Road.

"Cold Emperor, are you coming to death?" The old face was so gloomy, and a guardian was cold, his eyes flashing and murderous.

Smiling slightly, the cold emperor still has no fear of color: "The left guard is highly cultivated, I have not been arrogant enough to deal with the left guard, but I still have confidence in dealing with the elders and the nine."

"This law has no time to talk nonsense with you, don't want to die!" The right guards glanced at the cold emperor and shouted. ,

Looking at the abyss of the Forgotten Valley, Leng Huangwei smiled and said: "Oh, 湮 圣 圣 圣 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Can you not even break your hand?"

"You shouldn't know what you know, don't ask so much. You dare to block even this one. The courage is really not small." Smiled slightly, and he whispered, but the deep eyes were flashing. Spicy and murderous.

"Don't dare." The cold emperor smiled lightly, and then waved gently, and the cold emperor smiled faintly: "湮魁圣尊, please."

"The soul and the wind are not in the vicinity, why is the cold king so calm?" Wrinkled, and Kui Kui’s heart was slightly strange.

Qi Kui is only a doubt, and did not think much, even if the first to disappear, the two guards are stunned and glanced at the cold emperor, and immediately followed away.

"Moon shadow, you are going soon!" Qu Kui and others left, the cold emperor rushed to the moon shadow.

The cold emperor dragged Yu Kui and others for a moment, that is, this time, it is already let the moon shadow and others wipe out a big force.

In less than two hours, many forces in the northern region were wiped out. Among the big forces that the squadron sat down, there were three forces that were blood-washed. It can be described as heavy casualties. The forces in the northern region are in chaos and everyone is at risk.

"Unfortunately, there is no strong strength to stop them. Otherwise, let the moon shadow destroy the temple of the Kui Kui. When the time comes, the old kings will be mad and half-dead, and then they will spread out. I am afraid they have no face to see people." The face showed a sneer Lei Wangyin snarls.

"If you are not worried about the palace, I am afraid they will not let us go so easily." Lazy stalled the hand, the wind smashed the road.

After the moon shadows explained the situation, the cold emperor gave Xiao Chen a voice: "The lord of the temple, the squad of the squadron and the nine people who went back, the moon shadow they eliminated a lot of forces."

Wen Yan, Xiao Chen in the hall, a light face reveals a smile, Xiao Chen said: "Hey, they will come back, let the moon shadow them, and play with them until they destroy all the forces in the North." So, dare to take my strength, I should enjoy my anger."

"Yes! The Lord of the Temple!" The cold emperor respected the voice, and the corner of his mouth immediately evoked a touch of sneer, and looked at the people and smiled: "The Lord of the Temple can not be provoked. Now there is a great opportunity, the Lord of the Lord wants to The forces that belonged to the Kui Kui in the entire northern region were all eliminated."

"Ha ha! The main hall of the temple is really powerful! Look at the entire sacred world, in addition to the master of the tyrants and the sacred sacred sage, this is estimated to be only the lord of the lord dare to say!" excited laughter, the ice emperor laughed .

"It’s not a lord of the temple. It’s really irritating the Lord. The consequences are unimaginable.” Feng Huang and others are happy to laugh.

Unable to nod and nodded, the cold emperor smiled: "Take away the power of the lessor, it is a price to pay, we also come to help! Eliminate the power of the squad, how to say it is good for us. ""

"Hey, bullying is weak, we haven't done it for a long time! Just recall the feeling of happiness!" The sneer of the fire emperor, the eyes screamed and murdered.

In this way, after a period of time, when the Guardian Temple and the Elders and the Nine Greats returned to the Forgotten Valley again, the Moon Shadow was once again led by the army to the North.

After destroying several forces, before the strong leader of the Suikui Temple came back, the army led by the moon shadow disappeared out of thin air. After a few days, the army reappeared in the northern domain.

In this way, for a full period of time, the forces of all sizes in the northern region, as long as they belong to the power of the squad, are all wiped out by the cold emperor.

Other independent forces in the northern region and countless scattered repairs are horrified to escape to other areas to take refuge, for fear of involving them.

After a month's time, the northern region has become cold and clear, the forces of all sizes are in ruins, and countless strong men are tragically killed.

Everything good news is passed back and forth, and Xiao Chen, who is practicing, is also proud of his heart.

However, this is also the strong anger of the sacred temple, the two Guardians wanted to personally lead many revenge of the strong, but was blocked by the squad.

The most important thing for them now is to break the seal and then find the sanctuary box to open the sanctuary.

If you rush to take the shot, once you encounter the soul of the soul and break the wind, the two guards are very likely to kill their lives. At that time, no one will break the seal, and it will be no good at the end.

To this end, they can only put this anger in their stomachs and continue to break the seal.

"Being in the power of this chaos, the arrogance of your arrogance is also the time to disappear!" Somewhere in the mysterious place, the squad in the cultivation, forced to see the road.