MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 69 Old people old things

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This morning's beef rice noodles are as good as usual. The rice noodles contain not only beef but also beef tendon. The stewed rotten beef tendon does not have to worry about chewing, the taste is soft and glutinous, with the refreshing rice noodles, it is a refreshing day after eating.

Lu Qingjiu didn't have a good rest yesterday. Today, people are a little dull. He ate breakfast, simply fed pigs and chickens, and sat in the yard to rest.

After the white moon fox planted the ground, he brought back some fresh vegetables. Yin Xun washed the cucumber and chewed it by Lu Qingjiu. The cucumbers from the white moon fox were delicious, sweet and crisp. , Almost the taste of fruit, whether it is eaten raw cold or soup is very delicious.

Lu Qingjiu took a nap in the sun, feeling a little better, and then got up to make lunch.

Yin Xun was still a little worried about Lu Qingjiu, and hurriedly followed him in to help out. While washing the vegetables, he asked Lu Qingjiu when they would go out to play, go out for a walk and fly a kite when the weather was good.

"It's all right." Lu Qingjiu lowered his head and stirred the eggs in the bowl. "Didn't it rain yesterday? The mountain is still wet. Let's talk about it when it's dry."

Yin Xun said: "Then the day after tomorrow, the weather will be better the day after tomorrow."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay."

Yin Xun was slightly relieved when he saw that Lu Qingjiu agreed. He was worried that Lu Qingjiu was in a bad mood and wanted to have some fun to make Lu Qingjiu feel better.

Because Lu Qingjiu's spirit is not very good, his cooking is simpler than usual. He steamed a large bowl of steamed pork, cooked vegetable soup, fried twice-cooked pork, and made glutinous rice with red dates. Jujubes are candied and have a very sweet taste. After being steamed with glutinous rice, the sweetness spreads into the glutinous rice, which is sweet in your mouth.

Lu Qingjiu likes this kind of sweet dishes and ate a little more than in the morning.

At the dinner table, Yin Xun talked about going out for a walk the day after tomorrow, while Bai Yuehu listened noncommittal beside him.

"Can I go out?" Lu Qingjiu asked suddenly. Yesterday, Bai Yuehu said that after the dragon escaped, he was very likely to come to him, so if he went out for a walk, would he encounter any danger?

"Yes." Bai Yuehu also noticed that Lu Qingjiu was not in a high mood, so he nodded, "I can't stay at home forever."

This is also true. Lu Qingjiu took another bite of sweet and greasy candied dates, feeling a little better.

In the afternoon, Lu Qingjiu cheered up and made some desserts in the oven. The desserts are relatively simple cookies, but after using Niu Niu's milk, the biscuits taste particularly fragrant. Lu Qingjiu also wondered whether he would plant some wheat at home during the spring, and the flour for the coming year would be available. Originally, they rarely grow wheat here, but it is a pity that Baiyue Fox doesn’t use its special farming skills...

The fruit tree saplings planted in the yard last month are also rising slowly. Looking at their growth, Lu Qingjiu doubts whether the fruit will be fruitful in this autumn, but I don’t know how the fruit tastes, but I want to come to nothing. The moon fox is here, so it must be no different.

When they were young, Lu Qingjiu's grandmother would take them to the mountains to play, pick some wild fruits, and fly kites. At that time, the conditions were not good, and the kites were all made by themselves. Grandma usually glued a butterfly to Lu Qingjiu and a bee to Yin Xun, and then when they got to the mountain, they watched two little dolls running around the mountain until the kite in her hand. The line was stretched straight, and the beautiful kite flew into the sky.

There is no kite at home. Lu Qingjiu originally planned to buy one in the town in the afternoon, but Yin Xun volunteered to say that he would paste a kite, and he promised that it would look good.

Lu Qingjiu was skeptical of his self-confidence, but seeing Yin Xun patted his chest and promised, he decided to give his stupid son a chance.

The kite paper is ordinary paper, and the skeleton is the bamboo that Yin Xun brought back. After the bamboo is split into bamboo strips, it can be used as the kite skeleton. Lu Qingjiu sat next to him and saw Yin Xun’s kite made decent. It was a little surprised.

"What kite do you make?" Lu Qingjiu asked him.

"Squid." Yin Xun replied.

Lu Qingjiu: "Swimming fish?" He thought for a while, and felt that the fish-shaped kite didn't seem to be very strange, so he was relieved, and after preparing paint for Yin Xun, he went to the yard to do other things. Taking advantage of the good weather, he wanted to clean the pigpen and replace all the straw inside.

When Lu Qingjiu finished his work and turned back, he saw the "fishing" in Yin Xun's mouth.

Lu Qingjiu was shocked: "...what is this?"

Yin Xun: "Squid?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Why does this swimming fish still have whiskers?"

Yin Xun: "Don't all squids have whiskers?"

Lu Qingjiu paused for a while: "Wait, what two words do you mean by Yuyu?"

Yin Xun: "...Squid stewed with squid."

Lu Qingjiu was taken instantly. The kite made by Yin Xun is big, the color is all black, only two eyes are painted bright yellow, and the whiskers underneath are long and thin. Lu Qingjiu can imagine the kite floating in the sky and scaring children crying. Looks like.

But everything is done, let's make do with it, Lu Qingjiu decided to leave it alone.

Yin Xun made two kites in one breath. The shapes and colors were hard to describe, but in order not to discourage the children's enthusiasm, Lu Qingjiu, the father, decided to bear it.

Yin Xun was already looking forward to the day after tomorrow.

Although he was incapable, Yin Xun's weather forecast was still very effective. The next two days were sunny. On the morning of the third day, Lu Qingjiu prepared food early, and the family went on an outing.

The little flower, the little black and the little fox also followed, and the three of three animals went up the mountain mightily.

There is a relatively spacious platform near the top of the mountain in Shuifu Village. The wind is particularly strong in spring, which is very suitable for kite flying.

Yin Xun held his **** squid in one hand, and an invisible animal in the other, and ran behind Lu Qingjiu, who had to turn around and beckon him not to fall. Bai Yuehu still looks lazy, and his hair has returned to short hair, but this time it was cut by Lu Qingjiu. He didn't cut the Baiyue Fox too short, which probably did not affect the length of the meal. But it's also much better than the dog-gnawing hairstyle that Baiyue Fox cuts by himself-even though Baiyue Fox's hairstyle will not affect his beauty at all.

The wind on the mountain carries the fragrance of flowers, and you can see various wild flowers in the grass between the woods. Surrounded by bees and butterflies, compared with the dead silence of winter, everything is full of life.

The three of them walked along the mountain road to the top of the mountain with kites and bamboo baskets full of food. Feeling the strong wind on the top of the mountain, Yin Xun couldn't wait to take out his kite and ran across the mountain. Before Lu Qingjiu came, he still doubted whether Yin Xun's kite could fly. Who knew that as soon as Yin Xun ran a circle on the stage, the squid kite soared into the sky and ran all the way to the sky.

Yin Xun laughed like a child: "Look, see, my kite is flying!!"

Xiaohua Xiaohei ran with him. Yin Xun saw that they wanted to play too, so he wrapped the kite string around Xiaohua’s pig's hoof. As a result, the wind on the top of the mountain was too strong, and Xiaohua was too small, and was almost brought directly by the wind. In mid-air, Lu Qingjiu's small tail was quickly caught by his eyes and hands, and the tragedy was avoided.

"You are playing with a kite while guarding Xiaohua. He is not safe as a pig." Lu Qingjiu is like an adult who teaches children, "Don't be surprised."

Yin Xun said obediently.

After Yin Xun was done, Lu Qingjiu opened the bamboo basket he had brought, spread the cloth in the bamboo basket on the green grass, and then filled the cloth with all kinds of food. There are stews and fried chicken in fresh-keeping boxes, as well as strawberry biscuits and apple cakes that were baked in the morning. Lu Qingjiu still remembers to bring a few bottles of soda wrapped in ice towels.

Baiyue Fox sat on the ground beside Lu Qingjiu, looking up at the kite in the sky.

Lu Qingjiu stood by and smiled and said, "When we were young, we liked to tie grass on the kite string. When we tied the grass, we silently wished in our hearts. It is said that this can send a letter to the gods in the sky and let the gods realize their wishes."

Bai Yuehu said: "Did the **** fulfill your wish?"

Lu Qingjiu was surprised: "Of course not."

When Bai Yuehu heard this, he bowed his head, and pulled out a piece of green grass from the grass beside him, and handed it to Lu Qingjiu: "Try again?"

Lu Qingjiu smiled: "Okay." He took the grass to Yin Xun's side and tied the grass to the kite string. Then Yin Xun began to put the string to make the kite fly higher, and landed on the root of Qingjiu. The grass also flew into the air.

As for what wish Lu Qingjiu made, it doesn't really matter. After all, there are no gods in the sky. Since there are no gods, who will satisfy his wishes.

Yin Xun was like a child, and he had a great time playing with the little pig and little fox, and even wanted to try to tie the little fox to another kite to fly. Lu Qingjiu, as the parent, could only stop these bear children mercilessly. The act of death means that the fox can't fly. If it falls, it is estimated that the whole village will come to their house to eat.

Yin Xun: "Why are the whole village coming to our house for dinner?"

Lu Qingjiu: "To celebrate your funeral."

Yin Xun: "..."

In the end Yin Xun said that he should not bother the villagers, and obediently tied the kite to a small tree, and then sat down and started eating.

The fried chicken is made by Lu Qingjiu himself. It is wrapped in a thin layer of batter and fried slowly in warm oil. After the frying, the outer skin is crispy and the inside is soft and juicy. The yellowish juice of the chicken overflows with one bite. Because it was a chicken, it was brittle even with its bones. With a little effort, it broke into the mouth.

Lu Qingjiu drank the iced carbonated drink and ate the steaming fried chicken. He felt that life was actually very good, and there were not so many obstacles to pass.

Halfway through the meal, Lu Qingjiu suddenly urinated. He put down the food in his hand, wiped his hand with a tissue, and said, "I'll go to the toilet."

"Hmm." Yin Xun stuffed a chicken leg in his mouth, "Come back early, or we will eat all the chickens." He gave Bai Yuehu a look.

The white moon fox stared back coldly, Yin Xun stunned, pulled the chicken leg out of his mouth, and took a bite: "...It's okay, I'll leave you a leg."

Lu Qingjiu said: "You have more plays."

Yin Xun pretended to be wronged and hummed.

Lu Qingjiu walked to the woods next to him and found a hidden corner to solve the problem, but when he was about to take off his pants, he noticed something strange at his feet. After a closer look, he found that it was a A pile of black ants are crawling in the grass.

If it’s just crawling, it’s fine. Lu Qingjiu felt that the crawling tracks of these ants were very strange. After careful identification, he was stunned to recognize that these black ants had formed two Chinese characters incredible: Ajiu.

Ajiu, this is what Lu Qingjiu's grandma called Lu Qingjiu, and few people call him that except for the old man who has passed away.

A layer of goose bumps formed on Lu Qingjiu's back. Before he could react, he saw that the black ant changed into two other Chinese characters: Come here.

Ajiu, come here--the old man's soft whistle sounded in his ears, Lu Qingjiu's mind became blank as if he had been enchanted, and there was only one thought left in it. He wanted to go over and see, his grandma was calling him.

The black ants formed road signs, leading Lu Qingjiu, who was in a trance, towards the middle of the forest. Ajiu, come over, Ajiu, come over... Lu Qingjiu's mind kept reverberating with his grandma's call until A strange man appeared in front of him, and Lu Qingjiu withdrew from this trance.

"You...who are you?" Lu Qingjiu had vaguely guessed the man's identity in his heart.

The man stood in the depths of the dense forest against the light. He was wearing a black robe that was somewhat similar to that of a white moon fox. His hair was draped over his shoulders. He closed his eyes. Although his face was a little fuzzy, he still had a handsome taste.

Before he knew it, Lu Qingjiu had already reached the depths of the forest, surrounded by strange scenery. The breeze that was blowing on the cheeks also solidified, and there was no bird singing in the woods, only silence.

The man walked towards Lu Sake.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qingjiu turned around and wanted to run, but because he was too flustered, he was tripped by a stone on the ground, and he staggered a few steps forward. In the end, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Ah!" Lu Qingjiu's palm just pressed against a sharp stone, and the sting of his skin being cut made him scream involuntarily.

The man's eyes were closed, but he had clearly sensed what was happening before him. He frowned slightly and walked towards the fallen Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu watched the man stop in front of him, forming a silhouette against the light.

"What did you bring me here for..." Lu Qingjiu should have been terrified, but seeing the man's face close at hand, he calmed down unexpectedly, and even politely asked the question he wanted to ask." Is there a problem?"

The man squatted down silently. Although his eyes were closed, Lu Qingjiu had the illusion of being stared at by him.

"Did you kill my parents?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Do you still want to kill me?"

The man's lips pursed slightly, revealing a tight arc. Lu Qingjiu felt that he wanted to say something, but he just shook his head slightly and said nothing.

"You don't want to kill me?" Lu Qingjiu relaxed. He felt that the handsome man in front of him seemed not hostile to him, at least not at the moment. "Then what do you want to tell me?"

The man stretched out his hand to Lu Qingjiu and motioned for him to put his hand up.

Lu Qingjiu hesitated slightly when he saw this, thinking about whether to do this. But while he was thinking, Bai Yuehu's voice came from the woods behind him: "Lu Qingjiu, where are you Lu Qingjiu?" His voice was very anxious, and he was obviously looking for it right away.

The man's brow furrowed even tighter. He didn't give Lu Qingjiu any more time to hesitate. He grabbed his hand directly, and then wrote a word in the palm of his hand with his finger.

With one stroke, just one stroke, Lu Qingjiu understood what the word was.

It was the word "go", and the strange man in front of him was asking him to leave.

"What do you mean?" Lu Qingjiu was a little dazed, "You let me go? Go? Why should I go?"

Accompanied by the shouts of the white moon fox getting closer and closer, a little anxiety appeared on the man's face. He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but could only make dumb and unknown syllables. Lu Qingjiu, who was sitting in front of him, clearly saw only half of the broken tongue in the man's mouth.

The person in front of him is undoubtedly the black dragon trapped in the deep pit. He escaped from the cage and found himself, is it just to write a word in the palm of his hand?

The white moon fox's cry was behind Lu Qingjiu. He only had to push a few small trees away and he would appear in front of Lu Qingjiu's eyes.

The man also knew that he was running out of time. He raised his hand and gently stroked Lu Qingjiu's head with a gentle smile with a sad taste on his face. Then he turned around and disappeared in front of Lu Qingjiu in a flash.

Lu Qingjiu still wanted to hear what the man said, but the man obviously didn't want to meet Bai Yuehu, his posture when he left was extremely decisive.

"Lu Qingjiu!" Baiyuehu's anxious voice sounded behind Lu Qingjiu. He saw Lu Qingjiu sitting on the ground and hurried forward a few steps and pressed Lu Qingjiu's shoulders, "Are you okay? He didn't do anything to you. What?"

"No." Lu Qingjiu glanced at Bai Yuehu. He was so awkward. He didn't tell Bai Yuehu what the man had written on his hand, but shook his head. "He seems to be unable to speak."

Bai Yuehu said: "You are injured."

Lu Qingjiu’s palm was torn by the stone next to him when he fell, and the blood ran all over his palm at this moment. All his attention was on the man just now, and he didn’t realize it at this moment. Said, I felt that my palm was so hot and sore.

"I fell accidentally." Lu Qingjiu was a little embarrassed, "Small injuries, just go back and wipe some alcohol."

Baiyue Fox was noncommittal, his nose fluttered slightly, as if he was sniffing some scent, then he stared at Lu Sake with serious eyes: "You have his smell on you, he touched you."

Lu Qingjiu was dumb for a moment, and explained embarrassingly: "No, just took my hand." He touched my head.

Bai Yuehu pursed his lips, his serious expression was somewhat similar to that of a man, and then he made a gesture that Lu Qingjiu hadn't expected-lowered his head and licked the blood from Lu Qingjiu's palm a little bit. .

"Ah!" The warm and soft tongue slowly licked on the palm of the hand, and cleaned up the soil around the wound little by little. This action did not cause pain, but rather numb, Lu Qingjiu's face turned red. , Trembled, "No, it's dirty!"

The white moon fox was a little unhappy: "You won't get sick if you eat it."

Lu Qingjiu said: "But..."

Bai Yuehu said: "It must be cleaned up."

This clean up should refer to the wound, but Lu Qingjiu inexplicably felt that there were other meanings hidden in it. Bai Yuehu's actions were so serious that he didn't know how to refuse for a while, and waited for a thorough reaction. When he came over, Baiyue Fox's movements had stopped, he was pulled up from the ground by Baiyue Fox, and he stood obediently and let Baiyue Fox sort out the traces of embarrassment on his body.

After Bai Yuehu patted the dust on Lu Qingjiu's clothes, he was about to finish the cleaning work, but he felt something. When his brows frowned, Lu Qingjiu felt that he was pressed by a hand on the side of his ear and was forced to turn away. Tilted his head, and then, a heavy kiss fell on his hair.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned by Bai Yuehu's actions: "You..."

Bai Yuehu's voice was a little dull, as if he was angry: "He touched your hair."

Lu Qingjiu, who was originally righteous and confident, suddenly became guilty because of this sentence. His mouth opened and closed. After a long while, he whispered, "He touched it."

"You can't touch it." Baiyue Fox said coldly, "It's best not to look at it."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Alas.

Bai Yuehu took Lu Sake's hand and led him out of the forest. Lu Qingjiu realized that he was not too far away from where they had a picnic, only a short distance away.

"Lu Qingjiu, are you okay!!" Yin Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bai Yuehu take Lu Qingjiu back. He had already passed countless terrifying conjectures in his mind just now. Bai Yue was the one who feared the most. The fox brought out a dilapidated corpse, or...not even the corpse.

"I'm fine." Lu Qingjiu said, "He seems to have no harm to me."

"No malice?" Yin Xun muttered, "No malice what did he take you away, I was in a cold sweat." Fortunately, the white moon fox brought the person back intact.

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly: "If he was malicious to me, I am gone now." Although the dragon was tortured, it was still a dragon. In front of this mythical creature, no matter how powerful human beings were, they were nothing but ants.

Yin Xun pouted his lips and obviously didn't agree with Lu Qingjiu's words. In his opinion, it was not a good thing to take Lu Qingjiu away secretly.

Before he knew it, the sky had darkened, and Lu Qingjiu hadn't noticed that he had been away for so long.

Today's outing is also over here, they packed their things and are ready to go down the mountain. Only when he left the mountain, Lu Qingjiu couldn't help but glanced into the forest. He had a feeling that the man was still here, but he didn't show up.

After the wound in the palm of his hand was cleaned up by the white moon fox's saliva, he didn't feel much pain, but the handwriting left by the man's slender index finger was like a burning mark, which made Lu Qingjiu unforgettable.

"go"? What does it mean to go? Are you going to leave with him? Is there any other meaning, did he escape there just to tell himself such a word?

Lu Qingjiu couldn't understand it, and he couldn't help but sighed.

Yin Xun said, "What are you sighing for?"

Lu Qingjiu answered the wrong question: "Forget the squid tomorrow."

Yin Xun: "Why?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Because you always feel that your kite also smells like squid."

Yin Xun: "..." What's wrong with the smell of squid, isn't it pretty high?