MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 73 Spring God sentence mang

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Under Baiyuehu's strange eyes, Lu Qingjiu quickly explained that it was not his and Yin Xun's weird hobby, but the black umbrella that chased him yesterday.

After hearing the words, the white moon fox nodded slightly, stepped forward and reached out to grab the black umbrella, and then tore it forcefully, and then forcibly tore the black umbrella from Yin Xun's head. When the umbrella was torn down, he let out a scream. The cry was a bit like a crying child. He heard his scalp numb. Lu Qingjiu stood beside him. When he saw Yin Xun's head, he also saw something in the umbrella. It fell, crackled and slammed on the ground. After a closer look, he found that it was the black-pupil eyeball he saw that day, and it rolled all over the floor.

Yin Xun finally saw the sky again. While he was relieved, he was also frightened by the eyeballs here. The most terrifying thing was that these eyeballs seemed to be alive. The enlarged pupils were all staring at the white moon fox. The scene was terrible.

The white moon fox threw the black umbrella to the ground, and the moment the black umbrella landed, all the eyeballs that rolled down to the ground gathered in the direction of the black umbrella, and were again wrapped in the black umbrella.

"What the **** is this?" Lu Qingjiu had never seen such a magical creature, and he clearly remembered that there was no record of such a monster in the Shan Hai Jing.

Bai Yuehu didn't speak, he bent over and picked up something from his feet. After Lu Qingjiu straightened his waist, he realized that Bai Yuehu was holding an eyeball. That eyeball was similar to what Lu Qingjiu had seen before. It was a round one with red nerves behind it. Both the nerves and the eyeballs were obviously still alive. At this time, it was pinched by the white moon fox in his hand, just like a small animal. trembling.

"It's a technique." Baiyuehu said, "The specific use is unknown."

"Then these eyeballs are all human?" Lu Qingjiu felt that so many eyeballs were really uncomfortable.

"No." Baiyue Fox said, "These eyeballs are living creatures..." He threw the eyeballs in his hand to the ground, as if he wanted to see how his eyeballs would react when they landed, but he didn't expect to be obediently lying next to him. The lively fox cub Su Xi rushed over when he saw the eyeballs. Before they could react, they saw Su Xi groaning, eating the eyeballs into their mouths, crunching them, and swallowing them.

"Ahhh, Su Xi, what did you eat!!" Yin Xun screamed in horror.

"Quickly spit it out!" Lu Qingjiu stepped forward, picking up the fox cub and breaking his mouth to get his eyeballs out, but it was obviously too late for him to move, and Su Xi opened his mouth and revealed a neat row. Xiaobaifang's blue eyes stared at Lu Sake innocently, seeming to be asking Lu Sake what this action meant.

Lu Qingjiu said in pain: "You really ate it? If something happens, how can I explain it to your dad." It doesn't matter if I cut it into a poodle last year, but this year I have a food poisoning... I can go to see the parents.

Su Xi obviously didn't understand the pain in Lu Qingjiu's heart, and licked his mouth with his red tongue happily. His eyes fell on the black umbrella. From the looks of it, he felt that the eyeball tasted good and wanted to have another one.

Hei Umbrella was stared at by Su Xi, and he actually took a step back slowly. If Lu Qingjiu hadn't been staring at it, he might have thought that he had an illusion.

"Is this okay?" Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu anxiously.

Baiyue Fox took a look at the fox cub, and after thinking about it, he picked up the umbrella directly, then reached in, and abruptly took out another eyeball from the umbrella.

"What are you going to do..." Before Lu Qingjiu's words were finished, he saw Bai Yuehu squeeze the eyeball into his mouth and squeaked his eyeball so cleanly.

Both Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu were frightened by Bai Yuehu's actions. The two of them opened their eyes and stared at Bai Yuehu for a long while without speaking, until Bai Yuehu swallowed the eyeballs in his stomach and licked his lips. After slowing down, Lu Qingjiu trembled: "Is it delicious?"

Bai Yuehu: "It's delicious." He pondered for a moment, and said something terribly thoughtful, "It's not human eyeballs."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." What is meant by not being human eyeballs? Does Bai Yuehu's words mean that he can only tell the difference in taste after having tasted human eyeballs?

"Really good." Perhaps Lu Qingjiu's expression was too horrified, and Baiyue Fox thoughtfully said, "The taste is crispy, there is no fishy smell, and there is a lot of juice in it."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." If you are not talking about eyeballs, I will really try it.

Yin Xun's eyes fell off when he was watching, and he involuntarily stepped back and wanted to stay away from Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu said: "Try it?" As he said, he took out another eyeball from the black umbrella.

The umbrella was still struggling, but after being eyeballed again, it was completely wilted. Even Lu Qingjiu saw the four words of lifeless love in it.

"No way." Lu Qingjiu declined Bai Yuehu's kindness.

Bai Yuehu looked at Yin Xun, and Yin Xun quickly turned his hand like a wiper.

"Okay." Baiyue Fox said with a little regret, "Then I will eat it myself."

Black Umbrella seemed to be able to understand their conversation, and at this time he wanted to wrap himself tightly against the cruel and ruthless White Moon Fox Great Demon King. But its resistance was obviously a man's arm blocking the car in front of the white moon fox. The next moment, the white moon fox touched an eyeball from inside it and crunched it.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun both had dull faces, and they were a little confused by the murderous scene.

After getting rid of this strange umbrella, Lu Qingjiu silently turned around to make dinner. Yin Xun's shivering appearance behind him was somewhat similar to the black umbrella.

Dinner is relatively simple. Lu Qingjiu fried a large pot of beef patties, made a cold salad with three shreds, and cooked a pot of eight-treasure porridge. Finally, the marinated beef was cut into slices, and chili noodles were placed on the side. Dip and eat.

Lu Qingjiu put the porridge on the table and beckoned the white moon fox to eat.

Bai Yuehu nodded, and then put the black umbrella aside. The black umbrella stayed quietly beside the white moon fox, there was no movement at all, but the moment the white moon fox picked up the chopsticks, the black umbrella slammed open, and then rolled toward the door like a wheel. Past.

The black umbrella wanted to escape!

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun both looked stunned.

Bai Yuehu reacted extremely quickly. Before the black umbrella rolled twice, he rushed to the umbrella, grabbed the umbrella, and sneered: "Where to go?"

Black umbrella: "..."

"Come as you want, leave as you want, when this is a hotel?" Bai Yuehu said, holding the black umbrella, "Go, at least leave your eyeballs first."

As soon as he said this, Black Umbrella made a crying cry. Although the sound was a bit harsh, it sounded like a kid who was bullied, making Lu Qingjiu a little embarrassed and kind of himself. The illusion of bullying the weak.

However, the white moon fox's heart is as hard as iron, unmoved, and even went to the kitchen to find a thick rope, tied the black umbrella, and then threw it on the ground, saying: "I'm full today, continue tomorrow ."

Black Umbrella: "..." Oh, what evil did he do! The most terrifying thing is that the little vixen is also very interested in him. His nose is dangling on the umbrella surface, and it looks like he might bite off at any time.

Yin Xun looked at the black umbrella and bit his ears with Lu Qingjiu quietly: "Why do I always feel that I see my future in the black umbrella."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Don't think too much. If Baiyue Fox eats you, it will definitely be gone in one bite. It's very happy."

Yin Xun: "..." Thank you for your comfort, my friend.

After dinner, Yin Xun went home and Lu Qingjiu returned to the bedroom. Both of them did not mention the umbrella tacitly, pretending that nothing happened.

So for the next two days, the black umbrella became the exclusive snack for Baiyue Fox. Lu Qingjiu watched his vixen sitting on the rocking chair in the yard with a black umbrella next to him, and then from time to time he reached into the black umbrella. Take an eyeball out, put it in the mouth and crunch, the brutality of the picture is simply unbearable.

The weather has been good recently. Generally, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun would find a place in the yard to bask in the sun, but they really didn’t dare these days, because as long as they were in the yard, they could hear the scalp crunch. After listening to it for a while, the whole person's consciousness began to become blurred...It can be imagined how lethal it is.

Of course, there are also people who welcome black umbrellas at home. For example, fox cubs like black umbrellas very much, and they have not turned their eyes away when sitting next to them.

But in view of Lu Qingjiu's concerns about food safety, Baiyue Fox stopped feeding, even though the little fox looked pitiful.

Yin Xun stayed through it for two days. He really couldn’t keep going. He didn’t dare to ask Bai Yuehu to say that he could only find Lu Qingjiu, and expressed his inner fragility very tactfully: "I always feel that Bai Yuehu chews. My eyeballs hurt when I have eyeballs..."

Lu Qingjiu was frying fish, but the spatula in his hand paused when he heard Yin Xun's words.

Yin Xun: "Are you also..."

Lu Qingjiu sighed and nodded slowly: "Almost."

If it's just eating other things, it's a live eyeball, just stuffing it into your mouth so crunchy, it's almost full of picture.

"Then can you..." Yin Xun put his hope on Lu Qingjiu, "Ask Bai Yuehu for advice?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded: "Okay, I'll go talk to him."

So after lunch, Lu Qingjiu quickly expressed his opinions while Baiyue Fox was not planning to take a lunch break and snacks, including doubts about the taste of the eyeballs, and the picture of Baiyue Fox eating eyeballs. Unwell.

Baiyuehu was quiet for a while after listening, and beckoned to Lu Sake.

When Lu Qingjiu saw that he was going to say something to him, he bent down and leaned over. Who knew that Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand and pressed the back of his head, and then he felt something cold on his lips. Before he could react, the thing had been stuffed into his mouth.

"Hmm!" Lu Qingjiu's eyes widened in an instant, and he was about to say something, but he felt a sweet smell in his mouth, which was completely different from the stench he had imagined.

"Try it first." Baiyue Fox's voice came from the side.

Now that the thing has been in the mouth and the taste is not what he imagined, Lu Qingjiu suppressed the fear in his heart about the appearance of this thing, and carefully bit the surface of the eyeball with his teeth, and then he felt a delicate smell. The juice filled the mouth. This eyeball does not seem to be an animal's eye, but a plant that looks like an eye. It tastes crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside. If you want to compare it, it looks a bit like a strawberry. It's really delicious.

Lu Qingjiu crunched his eyeballs and swallowed them into his stomach: "These are not animal eyes?" How can animal eyes taste strawberry.

Bai Yuehu: "No."

"What's that?" Lu Qingjiu was a little confused.

"It may be a kind of fruit." Baiyuehu said, "It looks like a scary eyeball." In fact, it tastes really good.

After the eyeballs are eaten, there is still a sweet taste in the mouth. I have to say that besides the scary shape, the taste of the eyeballs really has nothing to say.

"Try it again?" Baiyue Fox took another one out of the umbrella, took a look, and then handed it to Lu Qingjiu, "This is orange flavor."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He hesitated for a moment, but still took it. This time, instead of waiting for the white moon fox plug, he carefully stuffed it into his mouth.

The orange flavor is not as sweet as the strawberry flavor, but the juice should be a bit more filling, and the pulp inside also contains orange particles, which is almost like eating a jelly version of orange, and it is a natural one without additives. Lu Qingjiu was eating vigorously, and he glanced toward his house, but he saw Yin Xun who was standing inside the house showing terrified eyes at him. Obviously he didn't understand why Lu Qingjiu who came to persuade also chewed with him. The eyeballs are gone, and I still chew with so much gusto.

Lu Qingjiu was a little bit tempted to laugh by Yin Xun's expression. After thinking about it, Bai Yuehu gave him an eyeball, and he held it in his hand and walked towards Yin Xun.

Yin Xun watched Lu Qingjiu come over with his eyeballs, turned around and wanted to run, but was caught by Lu Qingjiu.

"What are you running?" Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm not going to eat you."

Yin Xun didn't know what Lu Qingjiu was doing, and cried, "You stay away from me, I don't want to eat, I don't want to!"

Lu Qingjiu: "How do you know it's not good if you haven't tasted it? It's not an animal's eyeball. Come on, let's try it."

Yin Xun wanted to struggle, but Lu Qingjiu directly held his shoulders, and then a chubby thing was pushed to his lips. He was so scared that he almost cried, but his struggle was useless in front of Lu Qingjiu. , The thing was stuffed into his mouth abruptly. At the moment the eyeball entered, Yin Xun even suspected that he would die again - until he tasted the taste of the eyeball.

"Hey?" Yin Xun said, "How come it tastes like grapes."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is it delicious?"

Yin Xun stopped struggling for an instant, and chewed twice: "It looks like jelly."

Lu Qingjiu: "Yes, it has strawberry flavor."

Yin Xun: "It's really fragrant."

The two looked at each other, and the next moment their eyes fell on the black umbrella beside Baiyue Fox in the yard. The black umbrella seemed to feel their eyes and began to tremble again, but there was a White Moon Fox sitting next to him. , Can't run away at all. Coming to Shuifu Village may be the worst decision it has ever made in its life.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun also finally understood why the black umbrella has become Baiyue Fox's beloved snack these days, this thing is too delicious...Although it does not look good, it is beautiful in heart.

After tasting the black umbrella, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun finally overcame the fear in their hearts and began to sit in the yard with Bai Yuehu to eat eyeballs. Of course, they usually keep the door closed when they eat, lest a neighbor pass by and be irritated by the terrible scene.

After eating like this for two or three days, someone finally came to the door.

It rained a little that morning, and Lu Qingjiu cut a large handful of leeks in the garden and planned to make leeks boxes to eat. Then the door of his house was knocked, Lu Qingjiu went to open the door, but saw a beautiful girl standing at the door of their house. This girl was wearing a Chinese dress and her black hair was wearing a delicate headdress. It looks beautiful, but its style is incompatible with modern personality.

"Hello, is there anything wrong?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

The girl glanced at the leek in Lu Qingjiu's hand and said, "I lost an umbrella."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." It's over, the owner came to the door.

The girl said: "Did you see it?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Well... I can see it."

The girl said: "Then can you give it back to me?" She showed a pitiful expression, which looked quite affectionate.

Lu Qingjiu was still seen by her. After all, they had eaten with other people's umbrella for almost a week. Suddenly, the owner of the umbrella came to the door. Naturally, he felt a little uncomfortable. He thought for a while, first invited the girl into the house, let her wait at home for Bai Yuehu to come back.

Bai Yuehu just went to the ground with an umbrella. He never used an umbrella, but after he had a black umbrella, he started to use it actively. After all, he can eat snacks while holding an umbrella. It couldn’t be more beautiful. .

The girl sat in the room, and Lu Qingjiu was too embarrassed to leave the guest alone in the living room, so he simply took out the cutting board and cut the leek and meat in the living room.

The girl curiously asked: "What are you doing?"

"Make a leek box." Lu Qingjiu replied.

"Leek box?" the girl said, "what's that?"

"A delicious food." Lu Qingjiu said, "Have you not eaten it? Then I will make it later and give you a taste." He felt that this girl should not be human either.

The girl nodded and continued to wait quietly.

About ten minutes later, the white moon fox who had planted the ground came back. As soon as he entered the house, the girl who had been sitting stood up and said, "My umbrella!"

Bai Yuehu saw the girl and didn't say a word, just touched his eyeball from the black umbrella in front of the girl and ate it on the spot.

When Lu Qingjiu standing nearby clearly saw Bai Yuehu eating her eyeballs, the girl's expression was distorted.

"What are you doing!" the girl roared.

Bai Yuehu ignored her at all, but raised his chin, showing a provocative expression.

Girl: "White Moon Fox, you bastard!"

"It's okay." Bai Yuehu said, "What are you doing, this umbrella is yours?"

The girl said: "It's not mine, yours?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Everything that enters my house is mine. If it weren't for you to taste better than pork, I would eat it with you."


Judging from the dialogue between the two, they are obviously old acquaintances, but the relationship does not seem to be very good, they are the kind that may be pinched at any time.

"Return the umbrella to me." The girl knew that there was no benefit to tangling with Baiyue Fox on this matter, so she skipped the topic of herself and pork and went straight to the point, "You have been eating for four or five days! Don't be afraid of eating badly. My stomach!"

Bai Yuehu ignored her, touched her eyeball again, and ate it crunchingly.

The girl jumped into thunder in an instant, but Bai Yuehu ignored her at all.

Seeing that the white moon fox was not eating hard and soft, the girl could only swallow this breath, gritted her teeth and said: "Let’s talk about it, how can you

Give the umbrella back to me! "

Bai Yuehu: "Wait until I finish eating."

"You fucking—" The girl was forced to say swear words, and swallowed the swear words abruptly under the cold eyes of the white moon fox.

Bai Yuehu said: "Since you dare to bring the umbrella over, don't even think about going back."

The girl said: "It ran out by itself!"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's the first time I know that Chunshen's umbrella can run out by himself."

When Lu Qingjiu heard this, he was shocked. He didn't expect that the girl in front of him was the **** of spring in the myth. Rumor has it that the gods of the four seasons are Spring God Jumang, Xia God Zhurong, Autumn God Liaoshou, and Winter God Xuanming. It's just that these gods in the mythology are all male images, so the girl in front of me doesn't look like a man. Lu Qingjiu was strange, when he heard Ju Mang crying, the appearance of pear blossoms with rain was very pitiful.

However, the vixen of his family had no pity for Yu Yu, and said mercilessly: "If you cry again, I will kick you out."

Jumang died instantly.

Bai Yuehu said, "You can take the umbrella away."

Ju Mang was suspicious when he heard this, obviously suspecting that Bai Yuehu suddenly let go of some conspiracy.

"But you have to leave the seeds." Bai Yuehu said.

"What seed?" Ju Mang asked.

"Of course it is the seed of the eyeball." Baiyue Fox said, "God has an umbrella to plant everything. No matter what kind of seed, it will germinate and produce results on the umbrella. Is this eyeball a plant?"

Ju Mang snorted, "I can give you the seeds, but it's up to you to plant them."

Bai Yuehu said: "Yeah."

Jumang said: "If I give you seeds, you will return the umbrella to me?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Ju Mang said, "A word is settled." She stood up and left the yard, seemingly looking for seeds for the white moon fox.

When Lu Qingjiu saw that Ju Mang had left, he whispered: "She is the legendary Spring God? But isn't Chun God a man?"

Bai Yuehu glanced at Lu Qingjiu, and said astonishingly: "Who said he is a female?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Bai Yuehu: "He is a man."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

White Moon Fox: "Don't look like a man?"

Ju Mang's costume, those humming lines, how you look at them, they don't look like... Forget it, he is really a cute boy.

Maybe Lu Qingjiu’s expression was too shocked. Baiyuehu comforted Lu Qingjiu, saying that it is spring now and Chunshen wears sacrificial clothing. When he wears short sleeves in summer, he should be able to distinguish the gender of Jumang. .

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then what's the matter with his umbrella?"

Baiyue Fox said: "As long as it is a seed, whether it is alive or dead, it can be planted on his umbrella, but only plants can be planted."

Lu Qingjiu: "So you knew it a long time ago?" No wonder eating so happy.

Bai Yuehu said.

"Then how did his umbrella come to Shuifu Village?" Lu Qingjiu glanced at the black umbrella, "I accidentally lost it?"

Bai Yuehu sneered, "How could I lose Spring God's umbrella."

None of these gods save trouble.