MTL - Fantasy System-Chapter 479 Are you misunderstood about Superman?

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"This... how many kilograms does he have to go down this foot?"

I saw the strength of the high school student Huang Maonan kicking the solid iron of the horizontal bar. For the first time, facing such a powerful person, the three women of Yuki Asuna’s breath could not help but breathe a lot, and the petite body shivered slightly. With a hint of fear.

As for the boy who had been crying by the indecent girl, she was even more powerful. She had just seen the boy’s punching and punching the strength of the trees with two people, and now he kicked the horizontal bar.

This terrible power, is he still the weak glasses man who has been bullied all day in school?

This kind of power alone, no matter how many people in the school can not beat him?

"Since it is here, don't want to go today!"

At this time, the low hair of the yellow hair came, and his legs were slightly bent, his body weight was low, and then his foot was stepping on the ground, and the ground was slightly pressed to make a recessed mark.

Under this force, his body rushed out like a fast cheetah, and his cold eyes locked Mu Fan, who was in front of the three women. When he ran halfway, his body leaped like a flexible ape. The child jumped out of the height of about three meters, and directly punched Mufan from the top.

The fist pierced the air and made a sharp sound of breaking the wind. Under the speed of Huang Maonan, several people could not react at all. Seeing the fist that was about to fall on Mufan, the three women of Jiecheng Mingnai screamed in fear.

Yingli pear was so scared that his hands closed and closed his eyes, but the tears could not stop. With the power shown by Huang Maonan, Mu Fan was enough to be killed by this punch.

However, at this moment, Mu Fan’s face was calm and forward, and his left hand was unhurriedly looking up. The left palm was open. Although Mufan’s movement seemed to be slow, when Huang Mao’s fist fell, his The left palm, but unbiased, just held Huang Mao's fist tightly.


The fist slammed a low-pitched collision on the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the time seems to be fixed. In the eyes of the three women, Huang Mao’s body is still in the air. In the punch of his powerful power, Mu Fan still stands still in the same place, and the body is actually silky. Unmoved, his palm simply grabbed the fist that Huang Maonan had come over.


A few women stunned their eyes wide open, as if watching the monsters stare at Mufan.

Yukihiko Asuna remembered that she was too nervous. She once said to her that he had practiced Chinese martial arts. For example, once they went to their home, they could jump from the bottom to the second floor of her bathroom, which is about three meters high.

This proves that Mu Fan has at least the same strength as Huang Maonan.

However, the last time Ming Nai saw it was just the one who had just learned the second-level magic talent. During this time, Mufan’s game talent and magic talent are growing rapidly, and the magic talent infinitely close to the third level is no longer this. Huang Maonan can handle it.

" there any misunderstanding about Superman?"

Looking at the yellow-haired man standing in front of him and holding his wrist, Mufan grinned.

Huang Mao, who felt the power of Mufan’s hands, saw Mufan’s smile, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He had not had time to beg for mercy. Mufan’s palm grabbed his fist and gently pushed it up, suddenly bursting for a while. The sharp bones shattered, and Huang Maonan could not help but scream.

Taking this opportunity, Mu Fan’s unrelenting direct reflexion directly swept the chest of Huang Maonan.


The sullen sound came, Huang Maonan’s body suddenly flew out, and the heavy impact on the horizontal bar that he had just bent on, the mouth spouted a blood, and then he couldn’t get up again on the ground.

When I saw Mufan, I was subdued by Huang Maonan. The scorpion of Yingli Pear was full of shock. The yellow-haired man who pointed to the street was swallowing and swallowing: "Mu Fan, he... he will not die?" ”

"It’s just that the coma has passed, and the attack with his body will not die."

Mufan shook his head. He still had some measure of his hand. Just a foot of his foot probably broke the ribs of Huang Maonan, but it was not a fatal injury.

Just to make him a bit strange, the strength of this high school student is a bit too strong, right? He is the power that comes with the help of the system. What about this high school student? Or is it a small exercise, or a natural power?

How can it be impossible to see?

He just said "I am a superman" myself.

From his discourse, Mu Fan probably can infer that this high school student should be the newly acquired power, and then think that he has become the protagonist in the novel, and his personality has changed greatly.

When Mu Fan came to the boy who fell to the ground, Ming Nai had already helped the girl who had just given it up.

In the comfort of the three girls, the fearful eyes of the female high school student gradually eased.

Seeing this, Mu Fan went over and said nothing. He asked directly at the door: "Excuse me, should you know this yellow hair?"

"Mu Fan, people have just eased over, you don't ask so directly."

Yingli pear stood up and took a look at Mufan. Then he sneaked in and whispered in the ear of Mufan: "The big thing happened just now. As a girl, the mood must be uncomfortable. Just let it go, don't let her think. Get up, let her take a break and ask again."

Mu Fan suddenly had some speechlessness. He didn't know much about the psychology of girls. However, no matter who was just doing it, it was impossible to ease it so quickly. It is indeed inappropriate to ask people at this time.

But with the help of Asuna, the girl sorted out the messy coat that had just been torn, and put the hair on her head. She stood up and looked at Mufan. The voice was a little tired and thanked: "It doesn't matter, I am fine. Thank you for saving me."

Said, the girl sighed: "In fact, this is not something that can't be said. Our confirmation, this thing is a bit strange, or I hurt his heart, let him become the look of today. Let's go."

Listening to this, Mufan frowned: "What happened to you?"

When the girl spoke, the formation of Akina has already taken out the mobile phone alarm. After all, the boy is still lying on the ground and needs to be resolved.

The girl sat on the bench in the park and looked up at the boundless starry sky. She sighed: "His name is Fuji Ichiro. I am Yuyou. He and I are the same high school classmates. It is also the same class at the same class. However, he seems to confess with a very beautiful girl in the first year of high school, and then it seems that the girl refused him, but this is not over, he was stunned by a small punk who likes this girl in school. ""

When I heard this, Mu Fan could probably think of what happened next. An ordinary boy was stared at by the little punk in the school, and the end would not be good.

"In the next two years, from high school to high school, he was bullied by them almost every day, because it was the same table, I saw him coming back every time, as the same table, I always have some If you can't bear it, you will comfort him a few words. Over time, he seems to like me because of this. I confessed to me yesterday. But I know that I don't like him, so I didn't accept it, and then he felt like a blow. Generally speaking, we are all liars, look down on people like him, only know that they are bullied and leave."

"Tonight, I received his message. Although it was night, my sports have always belonged to the top of the school. In fact, his sports are not good, so I am not afraid of his sudden impulse, and Fujii Ichiro I’m weak, but I’m very kind, and I’m not too worried about my character. I didn’t expect that when he came here, he suddenly became like this, and the power was much bigger than usual, not even like a normal person.”

Speaking of this, You can't help but cry and cry: "Then, in the face of him, I have no strength to resist, the next thing, you will see..."

When I saw the best, I cried again. The three women in the city of Yukihiko were comforted in the past.

Listening to the soft voice of the three women in the ear, Mu Fan’s heart is warm, no matter when, Asuna, English pear, black cat are so kind and gentle.

Just this thing, Mu Fan always felt a bit strange, a high school student suddenly suddenly strength soared, it is a bit too abnormal.

Mu Fan stood alone, watching the boys who fell to the ground and stunned, and fell into meditation.