MTL - Farmer of Shu Han-Chapter 1174 to strangle

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  Chapter 1174 Strangling

  In April of the fourth year of Yanxi, the weather started to become a little hot.

  The nominal capital of Wei State, Luoyang, Taifu Mansion.

  Master Sima walked hurriedly, and entered Sima Yi's study with a secret letter:

   "My lord, there's news from the south that Wu's soldiers are divided into three groups, committing massive crimes against the north!"

   "Huh? Have you finally done it?"

  Sima Yi, who was reading with a scroll in his hands, did not tremble at all when he heard Master Sima's report.

  I saw him raise his head, his expression unchanged:

   "How many soldiers and horses Wu Kou used in this attack, have you ever found out?"

  Master Sima passed the secret letter in his hand, and replied:

   "Returning to my lord, there is no exact number, but according to the information obtained by the spies, some say 200,000, some say 300,000, and even the soldiers of the whole country."

   "Your Excellency, why don't you read the secret letter from Xuchang first, maybe it's mentioned in it."

  Sima Yi put down the scroll, took the secret letter, uncovered the mud seal on it, and took out the letter paper to read it.

   After a while, he stroked his beard thoughtfully:

   "It seems that this time, Wu Kou is really powerful. According to the news from Xuchang, Wang Yanyun (that is, Wang Ling) reported that in Huainan alone, Wu Kou has no less than 150,000 troops."

   Judging from the current situation, Wu Guobing divided into three ways to commit crimes in the north.

   One route was led by Sun Quan and attacked Hefei from Chaohu.

  One route, Zhuge Ke led the army to attack Lu'an County.

  The last road was led by Zhuge Jin and Bu Zhi to attack Jingzhou's Jingzhong (that is, Nanzhang, Hubei Province).

   "My lord, this can be regarded as a full-scale crime!"

  Master Sima understood Sima Yi's explanation immediately:

   "It seems that Wang Yanyun's statement that there are 150,000 Wu Kou and northern criminals in Huainan is true."

  Si Mayi, however, had no interface. He read the secret letter carefully again, then stood up, and walked back and forth a few steps.

  Finally, he asked:

   "Where's Lu Xun?"

   Sima Shi was startled: "Lu Xun?"

   "That's right, where is Lu Xun? If Wu Kou really invaded the whole country, why is Lu Xun, who is the most knowledgeable general among Wu's generals, silent?"

   Sima Yi shook his head while talking: "This is unreasonable."

  When it comes to the most feared general of the state of Wu in the state of Wei, Lu Xun is none other than Lu Xun.

  If the state of Wu really brought all the soldiers of the whole country to attack, Sun Quan has no reason to let people like Lu Xun use it.

  Master Sima reacted immediately after being reminded by Sima Yi:

   "My lord is saying that Wu people are cheating?"

  Sima Yi smiled, with a slight look of disdain on his face:

   "As the saying goes, soldiers are deceitful. Deceitful actions in front of the formation are the reason."

   "Not to mention, Wu people have always liked to do deceitful things. Whenever they didn't cheat, it was abnormal."

   Master Sima thought about it, so he asked:

   "My lord, should we remind Xuchang?"

  Although Luoyang and Xuchang are in dire straits, they belong to the same state of Wei after all.

  Whether it is the Han State or the Wu State, they are all mortal enemies with the Great Wei, the kind that will never die.

  They will not favor any of them just because Luoyang and Xuchang are at odds.

  Master Sima still understands the principle of "brothers fight against the wall and defend against their insults from outside".

  If there is really a problem in Xuchang and the Wu people cannot be stopped, then sooner or later Luoyang will suffer from the enemy.

   Unexpectedly, Sima Yi raised his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then shook his head after a while:

   "No rush, don't rush this moment."

"grown ups?"

  Master Sima was a little confused.

   "Although Lu Xun knows the power of the army, he is more than defensive, but not aggressive enough."

  Sima Yi's tone was filled with a trace of joy:

   "Whether it was the battle of Shiting back then, or leading troops to attack Lu'an, it can be seen that if this person is allowed to defend the border, there will be almost no opponent in the world."

   "But if this person is allowed to attack the city, it will be nothing but ears and nothing to fear."

  Sima Yi stroked his beard and continued:

   "In my opinion, if Sun Quan uses Lu Xun as a surprise soldier, even if he can achieve a temporary miraculous effect, it will only be able to take advantage of it, and it will not be enough to reverse the general trend."

   "In addition to Huainan, Wang Yanyun (Wang Ling), Wen Zhongruo (Wen Qin), Tian Guorang (Tian Yu) and others are not mediocre. If they stick to the location, there should be no problem."

   Speaking of this, his eyes flickered a little:

   "It's a big deal, let Cao Zhaobo (that is, Cao Shuang) suffer some losses first, and when the time is right, we will remind you separately. It is not a bad thing."

  Master Sima understood and agreed:

   "It is indeed a good thing to take advantage of the situation and attack Cao Zhaobo without affecting the general situation."

  Although after a few words, Sima Yi confirmed the situation in the south.

  But between his brows, there is still a bit of worry:

   "There is no need to worry about things in the south. After all, Wu Kou is mostly a rat, but what I worry about is the west."

  Hearing his lord mentioned the west side, Master Sima, who was originally beaming, also became depressed.

  Sima Yi sighed:

   "No matter how deceitful Wu Guo is, he will lose his short-sightedness in the end. There is nothing to be afraid of."

   "But the Han Kingdom in the west, that is our real confidant, the disaster of life and death."

  Wu people like to cheat, but they forget righteousness when they see small profits, and are easy to be satisfied with immediate profits.

  The state of Han is good at treachery, but it has great schemes. It will not destroy the great Wei, and vows not to give up.

  However, there was Zhuge Kongming before the Han Dynasty.

  After that, there is Feng Mingwen, who is far-sighted, erratic in tricks, and can't act according to common sense, making people at a loss.

  What Luoyang has to face is precisely this kind of powerful enemy—I really want to switch with Xuchang and change the enemy!

   "The Han Kingdom on the other side of the river should probably do something, right?"

  Sima Yi's gaze was gloomy, looking to the west, as if looking at the land east of the river through time and space.

  The mobilization of troops in the early stage of Wu State can also be covered up by recruiting civilians and building water conservancy.

  But the movement of the Han Dynasty in the east of the river is not concealed.

   "As early as last month, the Imperial Army of the Han State had already entered Hedong. It seems that the Han and Wu countries have already conspired to attack our Great Wei."

  Master Sima remembered the news from the east of the river a few days ago, and his face became more and more serious:

   "Even the imperial army of the state of Han was dispatched. Even if it wasn't like the state of Wu, which went all out to commit crimes in the north, I'm afraid the movement would not be small."

   "I just don't know which direction Feng Mingwen plans to come from this time..."

  Master Sima has never met Feng Mingwen, but his name is like thunder.

  Although he doesn't want to admit it, even his own lord has suffered under this person's hands—even if he teamed up with Zhuge Kongming to make him suffer.

  Think about it carefully, how old is Feng Mingwen?

  I heard that she is about the same age as myself.

   Rao is Master Sima who killed his wife to testify the Tao, and his heart is extremely cruel.

  But when Feng was mentioned, his tone still had a lot of apprehension involuntarily.

  Especially when his brother Sima Zhao went to Chang'an and met Feng Mingwen, even though he was an enemy, he still praised Feng Mingwen full of praise.

  The rumors from outsiders may make people feel a little unreal.

  But if you switch to the people around you, the feeling will naturally be deeper.

  It's just that when Sima Yi heard Sima Shi's words, his face was a little uncertain, and he even had a relaxed smile:

   "Feng Mingwen, I don't think he will personally lead the attack this time."

   Master Sima was taken aback:

   "Why is this?"

  Wu Guo made such a big commotion, and Han Guo also dispatched even the imperial army, and it didn't look like it was going to let it go.

   "Leave this alone."

  Sima Yi waved his hand, "You just need to know that Wei Yan is the leader of Han this time, that's enough."

  After hearing what his lord said, Master Sima knew that it involved a secret that he couldn't know for the time being, so he didn't dare to ask more.

  But when he heard that Feng Mingwen did not lead the army, Master Sima breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously:

   "The Wu people came with a whole country's army, but the Han country was pretending to be aggressive. It seems that the alliance between the two countries is nothing more than that."

  Sima Yi smiled lightly:

   "It's a matter of course. When the Han State invaded Guanzhong with all its troops, didn't the Wu State also want to take advantage of the fishermen?"

   "In the past, if the Wu people hadn't deliberately reduced the troops in Jingzhou, how could the soldiers in Wancheng help Guanzhong from Wuguan?"

  Bringing up the events of that year, Sima Yi couldn't help sighing.

   It's just a pity!

  Thousands of calculations have been made, but after all, they still haven't figured out that Feng thief was able to lead an army across thousands of miles, raid Bingzhou, and directly threaten the retreat of the Guanzhong army.

  Finally forced himself to lead the army out of Guanzhong.

  Master Sima didn't think so much.

  Although I don't know how my lord determined that Feng Mingwen didn't lead the army this time, for a long time, my lord has rarely made mistakes.

  So Sima Shi also believed in the judgment of the adults this time.

   "If Feng Mingwen doesn't come, doesn't it mean that we don't have to worry too much this time?"

   "You can't say that." Sima Yi waved his hand, "Although Wei Yan is not as good as Feng Mingwen, he is still a rare general in the Han Dynasty."

   "If you really want to underestimate this person, you may suffer a big loss."

   In the past, Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Liang were in the water of martial arts. Zhuge Liang sent Wei Yan to fight across the water. He didn't realize it for a while, and lost thousands of armored men under the hands of this person.

  So Sima Yi was quite impressed with Wei Yan.

  When Master Sima heard this, he realized that he was indeed somewhat careless. He was startled, and quickly responded.

   Then asked again:

   "Then, where do you think Wei Yan will attack this time?"

   "No more than Zhiguan, Gaodu, and Yecheng."

  The Imperial Army of the Han State entered Hedong last month, so the Han Army may want to test Zhiguan.

  In the past few months, the Han troops in Hedong and Shangdang have been mobilized frequently, forming an oppressive trend against Gaodu.

  Now that Wei Yan sits in the Shangdang himself, it may not be impossible to send troops eastward from Huguan.

   Only in the first two cases, Master Sima can still understand, but for the third possibility, Sima Master can't believe it:

   "From Huguan to Yecheng? Is he going to cross the Taihang Mountains along the Zhang River? Wei Yan is a general of the Han Dynasty. How dare he take such a bold risk?"

  Yecheng is right next to the Zhangshui River, and it is not impossible to follow the Zhangshui River through the Taihang Mountains to reach Yecheng.

   But this road is really too difficult to walk.

  The years of scouring by the Zhangshui River are like an extremely sharp knife, cutting a huge wound in the Taihang Mountains.

  This wound is called the Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon by later generations.

  After nearly two thousand years, this canyon is still extremely steep.

   Not to mention the Three Kingdoms era.

  If not, after Cao Cao captured Yecheng, why didn't he go directly from Yecheng to the west along the Zhangshui River, but took a long way around and took Taihangxing from Hanoi to capture Huguan?

   It is because of this canyon that it is more difficult to travel than Taihangxing.

  "The enemy attacks and we defend, and the enemy is strong and we are weak. Even if the possibility is small, we must be prepared to take precautions."

   "It's not surprising that Feng thief was able to attack Bingzhou across the desert, and Wei Yan took the dangerous road to attack Yecheng."

  Sima Yi sighed, "It's just Yecheng... Alas!"

  Yecheng is the founding place of the Wei State, and now it is also under the orders of Xuchang instead of Luoyang.

  But if Yecheng is really going to lose, Hanoi will be surrounded on three sides, and the defensive pressure will double, which really makes Sima Yi feel a little tricky.

   Seeing the embarrassment and worry of the adults, Master Sima persuaded:

   "Why do you have to do this, my lord? Zhangshui Canyon is difficult for apes to walk. Even if Wei Yan really wanted to attack Yecheng by surprise, he would not lead too many troops."

   "The walls of Yecheng are high and thick. As long as you are prepared, you don't need to worry too much if you don't get taken advantage of by thieves."

   Taking a dangerous path and making a surprise attack is all about being unprepared.

   Now that my lord can predict that Wei Yan may attack Yecheng, as long as he informs Yecheng and prepares them, Wei Yan will naturally lose his suddenness.

  Unexpectedly, Sima Yi shook his head:

   "I am not worried about Yecheng, but I think that Yecheng is not in our hands but is controlled by Cao Zhaobo. It is a hidden danger in the end."

  Cao Shuang is just a playboy.

  The people you use, don't ask about their talents, but give priority to closeness.

  Even if he defends this time, what if Feng Mingwen makes a move himself next time?

  Even Sima Yi himself did not dare to say that he could guard against this person.

  After saying these words, Sima Yi's eyes brightened, and he fell into deep thought.

   While Henan and Hanoi were waiting for Ji Han, Jiang Weizheng led the army from Luize, walked between the mountain roads, and marched towards Gaodu.

  In the north of Gaodu, there is also a Han army, starting from Shangdang, heading south, and the destination is also Gaodu.

  Hedong, Zhang Bao led the Southern Army, and began to continue eastward, approaching Zhiguan.

  Obviously, this was not only to contain the Wei army in Zhiguan, Hanoi, but also to prevent the Wei army in Zhiguan from coming out and attacking Hedong.

  If someone overlooks the land of China from above at this time, they will find that there are at least six armies in Huainan, Jingzhou, Hedong, Shangdang and other places.

   Like a noose, ready to strangle Wei Guo from different directions.

  In Luoyang City, Sima Yi closed his eyes and meditated, as steady as an old dog, waiting for the exact direction of the Han army's attack from ahead.

  In Xuchang City, the fat and fat Cao Shuang climbed down from a talented woman of the late emperor, panting:

   "Sun Quan appeared in the old city of Hefei? It seems that Wang Yanyun (that is, Wang Ling) guessed correctly. This person divided into three groups, and finally wanted to fight Hefei."

  Hefei Old City, Xiaoyaojin, a five-story building boat, the height of the ship is almost as high as the collapsed city wall of Hefei Old City.

  Sun Quan stood on the bow of the boat holding his whip, looking north along the Shishui, his complexion was cloudy and sunny.

  The lower floors of the building are full of soldiers of the Wu army, standing with their knives in hand, waiting for military orders at any time.

  (end of this chapter)