MTL - Farmer of Shu Han-Chapter 1180 Under Shouchun City

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  Chapter 1180 Under Shouchun City

  The unexpected marching route took advantage of the contempt of the Shouchun defenders and the cover of early summer fog.

  The surprise Wu army suddenly appeared outside Shouchun City, catching the defenders and the people of Shouchun City off guard.

  Especially the people and soldiers crowded at the gate, they have no vision of the defenders at the top of the city.

  Hearing the siren, the soldier's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked into the distance.

   But the common people are at a loss.

   Some people even didn't notice the alarm from the city because they were in a hurry to get out of the city.

  The first city gate soldier to react subconsciously shouted:

   "Wu people! Thieves! Wu Kou is here!"

  The city gate officer was shocked by the voice of the people below, and finally reacted:

   "Get out, get out!"

  The panic of the soldiers at the city gate was like a plague, and it finally spread to everyone who entered and left.

   Many of the people who were still queuing outside the city gate were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they were terrified and didn't know what to do.

  The remaining part was subconsciously rushing towards the city gate.

   "The thief is coming!"

   "Wu Kou!"



   Outside the city gate suddenly became chaotic.

  And the people inside the city gate have not realized what happened.

   Someone saw that the exit was blocked, and they were still cursing:

   "Squeeze what? I'm looking for death!"

   "Wu Kou, Wu Kou is here!"

  Relying on his physical strength, a man desperately squeezed in from the exit, shouting:

   "Go back, go back to the city!"


   "Wu Thief is here!"

  More and more voices came from outside the city, and more and more people began to rush into the city, finally pushing back the crowd who were blocking the city and were about to go out.

  A frail woman couldn't stand upright, staggered and fell down.


   A man squeezed away by the crowd stretched his arms and hissed.

  But at this time, everyone wanted to rush to the city. No matter how hard the man tried, he was dragged back by the crowd.

  He watched his mother fall to the ground, trying to get up.

   Someone kicked her all at once, then the second, and the third...

  The woman who was half-supported was knocked over by continuous kicks and fell to the ground again.

   Then more and more feet stepped on her body.


  The man's eyeballs were red, but he could only watch the blood on the woman's face.

  She reached out again and again, trying to get up.

   But get kicked down again and again.


   Group stampedes started to appear.

  Compared to the common people rushing to seek refuge in the city, the soldiers of the Wei army at the city gate were more anxious than them.

   "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

  The city gate officer kept swiping with his scabbard, trying to separate the overwhelmingly resisting people.

  However, compared with the people who were densely blocking the city gates and fleeing into the city, the dozen or so Wei soldiers at the city gates were like a few drops of water in a wooden barrel.


  The first soldier of the Wu army had already stepped onto the suspension bridge of the moat, his eyes filled with a light of mad excitement.

  Da Wu's expansion of territory this time will be completed by them!

  The terrified appearance of the Wei people at the city gate made them feel very familiar.

  The Wei people in Shouchun are no different from those who were plundered at the border!

   "Close the city gate, quickly send someone to close the city gate!"

  The guard who rushed over after hearing the news saw the situation at the city gate, and then saw Wu Jun getting closer, his eyes were tearing up, and he shouted loudly.

   "General, it can't be closed!"

  The Wei army guarding the city is not a fool, they have tried it a long time ago.

   "There are too many people at the city gate, and the city gate can't come down at all!"

   "Then drive them away!"

   "The comrades outside the city, they can't squeeze into the city, there are not enough people outside the city gate, and they can't stop the people..."


  Looking at the people who were being driven over by Wu Kou, the guard chopped his knife on the top of the city angrily.

   "General, the Wu thief works carefully! Among the common people, there are secret works!"

  A sharp-eyed soldier pointed at the crowd at the city gate, "Look, our people have been stabbed down!"

  The guard heard the words and quickly fixed his eyes to look.

   Sure enough, at some point, a Wu thief dressed as a commoner suddenly lifted his outer shirt, pulled out his hidden white blade, and took advantage of the chaos to stab the city gate soldiers who were trying to order.

  At such a time, who would have expected that the panicked people around would draw their swords at each other?

  The city gate officer looked at Wu Junxiozuo in disbelief, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, or maybe he wanted to remind him, but he couldn't say anything.

  The life in the body is being lost at an extremely fast rate.

  The cries that were close at hand also became far away.

  Everything gets blurred...

   Without the constraints of the soldiers outside the city, the people became more and more crazy.

   "The thief wants to imitate the old things in Jingzhou, and seize the city in white clothes?"

  Tian Yu, who came a step late, looked extremely gloomy, and his hand holding the handle of the knife was bulging.

   Rao is a weather-beaten man, and he also finds the matter in front of him extremely difficult.

   On the contrary, it was the defender who was one step ahead of him, who dared to make up his mind more than him.

  But seeing the guard's eyes flashing fiercely, he said sharply:

   "Come here, shoot arrows, shoot arrows at the city gate!"

  Hearing the words, Tian Yu suddenly turned around in disbelief, and looked at the guard:

   "General Yang, what did you say?!"

  Wang Ling nominally asked Tian Yu to keep Shouchun, but how could he really hand over Shouchun to Tian Yu?

   On this trip to the south, he not only took away most of the Runan soldiers brought by Tian Yu, but only left a thousand Runan soldiers for Tian Yu.

  At the same time, he also asked his confidant Yang Hong to lead the army to stay in Shouchun.

   On the surface, he was assisting Tian Yu in defending the city, but in fact Yang Hong was the real leader of Wang Ling's army in Shouchun.

  But seeing Yang Hong's eyes were red, he said to Tian Yu word by word:

   "I said, shoot the arrow!"

   "General Tian, ​​if you don't make a decisive decision and continue to let the city gates remain in such chaos, Wu Kou will definitely follow the people into the city."

   "Shouchun is an important town in Yangzhou. If there is a loss, let alone Hefei. I am afraid that the entire Jianghuai will fall into the hands of Wu Kou."

   "It will even endanger Xuchang," Yang Hong stared at Tian Yu, and asked, "General Tian, ​​can you afford such a big event?"

  Tian Yu is no more than the prefect of Runan, and he has no more than a thousand guest soldiers under his command. He came here this time just to follow orders.

   Unlike the Wu army who went to Qingzhou to intercept the return from Liaodong a few years ago, with the scepter bestowed by the emperor, it can control the army.

  So he couldn't command Shouchun's defenders at all.

   "Fire the arrow, what are you still staring at?"

   After questioning Tian Yu, Yang Hong turned around again, and shouted at Wei Bing, who was hesitant with his bow.


  But seeing Yang Hong pull out his command sword: "Whoever dares to disobey the command, behead!"


  As the first arrow shot down, more and more arrow feathers followed and shot at the people at the city gate.

  The screams of misery, mixed with the cries for help and cries, formed a song of **** on earth and **** in troubled times.

   "Help us..."

   Some of the people below raised their heads and kept shouting and begging: "We are not small workers, we are the people of the Great Wei..."

   What answered them was denser arrow feathers.

  An iron arrow ruthlessly shot him in the face, causing his voice to stop abruptly.

   Tian Yu gritted his teeth, watching the people keep falling down, and the ground at the city gate turned blood red.

  He finally couldn't restrain his emotions.


  He drew his sword violently, slashed fiercely on the head of the city, raised his head to the sky and shouted, tears streaming down his face.

   I don’t know if I’m crying incompetently, or crying out for the hardships of the world.

   "Old General Tian is too tired, send General Tian down to rest!"

  Yang Hong was taken aback by Tian Yu's outburst, but seeing that the other party didn't make any further moves, he gathered himself together and gave orders.

   Tian Pengzu, the son of Tian Yu, has been following his lord, seeing everything in front of him, and then hearing Yang Hong's orders.

  He didn't wait for others to make a move, he hurried forward, supported Tian Yu, and persuaded in a low voice:

   "My lord, it is useless for us to stay here, let's go down first."

  Tian Yu let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and remained silent.

  Tian Pengzu half supported and half pulled, and together with several personal guards, sent Tian Yu down the city.

   Before they had gone far, they heard a sudden "boom" behind them.

   Turning his head and looking, it turned out that several waves of arrow feathers shot down, causing a large number of casualties and deaths, and finally stopped the people from rushing into the city.

  The city gate of Shouchun fell down before Wu Jun rushed there.

  The last scene Tian Yu saw outside the city was Wu Jun cutting down several unarmed civilians, and the arrow feathers constantly falling from the top of the city.

   He closed his eyes again in pain.

   Like a walking corpse, Tian Yu was dragged away by his son for an unknown period of time, but Tian Yu didn't even open his eyes.

   "If I had known today, why would I have left Liu Xuande?"

  Tian Pengzu was the closest, and when he heard what his lord said, his body was shocked.

"grown ups?!"

  Tian Yu closed his eyes and murmured:

   "When I was young, I entrusted myself to Liu Xuande, and Liu Xuande treated me very kindly..."

  Probably remembering what happened in the early years, Tian Yu showed a look of regret on his face:

   "If I could imitate Zhao Zilong and travel thousands of miles to find Liu Xuande, how good would it be?"

  In my early years, I thought that only Cao Mengde could bring peace to the world.

  Therefore, even if Cao Mengde repeatedly massacred the city, he also persuaded himself in his heart that this was a last resort in order to calm down the world as soon as possible.

  Who would have expected that the current situation in the world is becoming more and more incomprehensible.

   Even develop in the opposite direction of what I thought back then.

  Especially when he was guarding the border areas, he repeatedly defeated the Hu Yi, and when the Central Plains was in turmoil, he kept the soldiers and officials in the border areas stable, and he thought he had made great contributions.

  But compared to Ji Han's method of governing the Hu people, it is not worth mentioning.

  If you can be in Jihan, ride a horse in the desert, and subdue Hu Yi, how happy it will be?

  It’s like being pushed out by Wang Xiong in Youzhou in Wei State, pushed out by Cheng Xi in Qingzhou, pushed out by Wang Ling in Yangzhou...

   And every time you are squeezed out, the one who suffers is yourself.

  Tian Yu suddenly realized that he seemed to be on the wrong path for most of his life.

   Not only was the choice wrong, but what he did was meaningless.

  This seventy-year-old veteran was deeply shocked, as if his faith had collapsed, his energy and spirit seemed to be drained all of a sudden, and he lost his heart.

"grown ups?"

  Seeing that his lord was getting more and more depressed, Tian Pengzu asked again worriedly.

   "I'm fine."

  Tian Yu shook his head, "Help me back."

   After arriving at the temporary residence, Tian Yu said to Tian Pengzu, "After this battle, I will write to the imperial court to beg for the bones, and return home when I am old."

  Tian Pengzu was stunned when he heard the words: "My lord, this..."

   It was just that when he saw the appearance of the lord, he remembered the scene at the top of the city, and then thought of the unfair treatment the lord had received over the years.

   finally nodded:

   "What the adults say is what it is."

   After a pause, he asked again:

   "My lord, what shall we do now?"

  Tian Yu seems to have recovered, and he said in a flat tone:

   "Naturally, he tried his best to defend the city. Yang Hong's shooting and killing of the people is of course a matter of life, but if Wu Kou is allowed to enter the city, his actions may be even more like animals."

  Although he can't understand Yang Hong's actions at the top of the city, Tian Yu has to admit that this action is to kill the people at the city gate and save the people of the whole city.

   Right or wrong, he is not qualified to comment.

   Maybe no one is wrong, but this world is wrong.

   As a young man, he wanted to assist Cao Mengde to change the world as soon as possible, so he chose Cao Mengde.

   Now it seems that this idea is a bit too naive.

  The general trend of the world and the turbulent world, who dares to say that he has the ability to change?

  At this time, Tian Yu was old and short-sighted, and was disheartened.

   "You lead a thousand troops from Runan to report to General Yang at the head of the city and assist him in defending the city."

  Tian Yu waved his hand, "Don't worry about me, just go."

   Seeing that there is really nothing serious about your lord, Tian Pengzu took the order and left.

   At this time, the rain of arrows at the top of the city still has no intention of stopping.

  A large number of people were killed and injured at the city gate, and Wu Guo's fine work who was mixed in was also shot by the arrow rain from the city.

   Only a few lucky ones sneaked into the city gate and wanted to **** the winch, but were hacked to death by the swarming Wei army.

  The rest of the people, who could still walk, had nowhere to go, and Wu Kou came after them, and they all tried their best to run to both sides.

   Those who ran slowly were initially considered by Wu Jun to be in the way, so they knocked down some people.

  But when he watched helplessly that the city gate, which was only a little bit close to being captured in his hand, slammed shut at the nick of time.

   Let Quanxu (the son of Quan Cong, the governor) and Quan Duan (the son of Quan Cong), who led the raid, be furious.

  The great credit was taken away from his hands, how could Wu Jun let go of those people who ran not far away, and then turned around and drove them back—at least it was a little interest.

   Facing the rain of arrows at the top of the city, the two of them could only lead the troops back and set up camp.

   Half an hour later, Quan Cong arrived with the main force of the Wu army.

"grown ups!"


   Quan Xu and Quan Duan came to Quan Cong, their faces full of shame.

   Quan Cong, who was riding on the horse, didn't intend to get off the horse. He let out a "hmm" and didn't look at them, but silently looked at Shouchun who was not far away.

   "My lord, the child is incompetent, please punish me."

   Quan Cong then turned his eyes back, saw the two kneeling in front of the horse, and said calmly:

   "The two of you, the leader is incompetent, and should have been dealt with according to military law, but the most important thing right now is to break the city as soon as possible."

   "It's time for the army to employ people. If you punish you first, it will delay the siege of the city, so write it down first."

   "If you fail to make meritorious service in the subsequent siege, you will be punished for both crimes."

  The two quickly responded: "Here!"

   On the contrary, Zhang Xiu and Gu Tan, who were following Quan Cong, saw Quan Xu Quan Duanming's defeat, and they were dismissed lightly.

  The two couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

   With such a good opportunity this time, if he really succeeds in capturing the city gate, that would be an astonishing feat.

  As the governor, Quan Cong did not act impartially, but took the opportunity to give this opportunity to his son and his followers.

   I didn't expect these two people to be so unfavorable and missed the opportunity.

   But Quan Cong, there was no punishment at all.

   Isn’t this favoritism?

   It's just that Quan Cong is the commander-in-chief of the army, not only has a high position and authority, but also is His Majesty's son-in-law.

  The status of the two of them is lower than Quan Cong, and they don't even have the rank of general, so they can only bury their dissatisfaction in their hearts at the moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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