MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 3

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By the time Bai Li came out of the game room, it was already two hours later.

An hour ago, he signed up for himself on the official website of the "Holographic Game Design Contest". Fortunately, he happened to be on the last day of the registration deadline. However, this is only the first step. Afterwards, the general framework of the game needs to be designed, and the game entrance will be added to the official website of the competition before the deadline, and the official registration will be considered successful.

Bai Li didn't start designing right away, but chose a few of the most popular games last year to play, intending to learn from the game design experience of his predecessors. As a result, each of them withdrew in less than ten minutes with a blank expression on their faces.

Should it be said that it really deserves to be a big environment for all people to play games? But why the games he made were all the type of fighting and killing. He wanted to find a place to relax and relax, but he couldn't find any with a cute atmosphere. All the games on the list are all the ones that fight monsters and upgrade in outer space. If you play too much, you can't even match the game name with the game content.

Bai Li resolutely gave up, and had great confidence in the holographic farming game he planned to make. At least in terms of game content, his game is fundamentally different from what other contestants did.

So after lying in the game room for an hour, Bai Li finally opened the E-level holographic game builder, and diligently built the scenery of the mortal village he visited for the first time in that world where there was nothing. There are many houses, criss-crossing paths, mountains, waters and fields, the only thing missing is the upcoming residents.

After the world construction was completed, Bai Li nodded in satisfaction. But soon, he frowned, thought for a moment, and then waved his hand, erasing all the large houses, fields, and beautiful mountains and rivers, and replaced them with broken walls and ruins, and a dense and deep forest in the corner. , an overgrown grove.

Hey, compared to a village with everything, it’s more exciting to start from scratch, isn’t it?

After finishing the above, Bai Li was quite happy. Fortunately, the operation of this game builder is fool-like, as long as he can outline everything he wants through the ideas in his mind. And as an "outsider" from the fairy world, he is still very powerful in his soul, and it didn't take him too much energy to do these things, but he seemed to be able to handle them with ease.

Not only that, when building this world, Bai Li's aura of vegetation and clear spirit subconsciously merged with the world, and when he discovered it, the two had already merged completely. If you want to separate them completely, You need to completely destroy the world first and start from scratch.

Bai Li felt it carefully, and found that this fusion is still very wonderful. The whole world is soaked in the clear and spiritual energy of plants and trees, making it between reality and illusion. Farming in this world, the efficiency and output can be better than the original. Set it higher. As a farming fanatic, it was difficult for Bai Li to refuse such a change.

And when his divine power slowly recovers, and his aura becomes stronger, the world will also undergo qualitative changes, when the time comes...

What's more, the clear spirit of vegetation also has the effect of calming people's restless emotions.

In the end, Bai Li still didn't break up the world and redo it.

The initial appearance of the game world, or the "novice village" has been designed, and Bai Li non-stop added "character creation interface", "novice missions", "functional NPC", and "game mall" according to the suggestions of the competition party. these basic plates.

The character creation interface is the most elaborately designed by him. In addition to the adjustment of appearance, height and body shape, Bai Li also added a setting for character decals. Players can freely choose to add a favorite logo on the face or any part of the body. In addition to the twenty regular models he provides, players can also pay for customization. You only need 5 stars to have a pattern that is different from everyone else. As for the paid decals, there are up to five on a player.

When designing this way, Bai Li's face flushed slightly, he was a little embarrassed, always felt that his behavior looked a bit like cheating money? But when he thought that he only had 666 star yuan left in his pocket, he didn't hesitate at all. Is it important to have face and money, and is it important to survive? No.

Besides, if players think it is expensive, they don’t have to buy it at all. Anyway, there are free public models.

When it came to the novice task, Bai Li also put a little thought into it. As long as the players follow the mission process he set, it should be no problem to grow a plant.

In terms of functional NPC, Bai Li didn't think it was necessary, so he perfunctorily only became a village chief, wearing the skin of the first Shennong in the history of the fairy world. In addition to setting him to automatically issue tasks and answer some simple questions for the players, he also left a "hole" on the village head, thinking that whenever he is free, he, the game designer, can also become A cameo for the village head.

By the time it was time to design the final game store section, a long time had passed. Because he was worried that the supreme being outside the game room would wake up and not be able to see him, Bai Li was also a little anxious, so he only hurriedly put on the shelves a gift package worth 10 star yuan for the first charge.

From Bai Li's point of view, the content of the gift package is quite rich, 10 star yuan is simply a jump price, and I want to buy everything I see.

After everything was settled, and the game entry was added to the official website, after spending half a minute thinking of the game title of "Leisurely Living in the Fields", Bai Li hurriedly went offline.

There will be a two-hour review period for the game, which is completed by a special program, and the game will officially appear on the corresponding page after the review is completed.

Bai Li planned to fill himself and Zhizun's stomachs first while waiting for the game to be officially available for play.

The game cabin slowly stopped running. When Bai Li came out, he felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. Who would have thought that this game cabin, which was just a gift, would have the functions of massage and maintaining the optimum temperature of the space?

The free ones are so great, I really don’t know how cool it will be to use the most expensive game warehouse on the market! At this moment, Bai Li's desire to work hard to make money became even stronger, and the last bit of guilt and guilt about adding the function of character decals because of a flash of inspiration disappeared.

But this drowsy feeling of comfort woke up suddenly when he saw Zhizun who was nestled in the pile of old clothes and was shivering a little because of the cold weather in the early spring evening.

Bai Li walked forward quickly, worried that the temperature would freeze the child to death. Just as he approached, the Supreme Being who had been asleep woke up and opened his eyes. At this moment, Bai Li's dark and bright eyes met the Supreme's golden cat pupils, and everyone and the cat were a little dazed.

Bai Li: Oh my god, my cub is really beautiful, isn't this the joy of raising pets? I understand!

Supreme: Good-looking human beings who give him a comfortable feeling, hungry, want to eat...

In the end, it was Supreme who broke the weird silence, and with a "meow", successfully brought Bai Li back from his trance, stretched out his hand to stroke the cat's head, then stroked the cat's belly, and went to the kitchen to have dinner with limp feet .

As a successful Saturn, Bai Li is the leader in planting, but in other aspects... such as cooking, this skill point has not been highlighted. So after standing in front of the kitchen stove in silence for two minutes, Bai Li took out his precious stock - God of Chef's special sweet and sour pork ribs topped with rice.

In fact, there are other kinds of rice bowls, but Bai Li thought, since he lives on the Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs Star, the first normal meal here should be something suitable for the occasion.

While waiting for the rice bowl to be heated, Bai Li took the time to complain about the weird naming method of the rulers of the empire. How can we replace the names of all the planets with the names of food in order to commemorate that we can no longer eat delicious food in history?

Bai Li also couldn't figure it out, there are ninety-nine agricultural planets if not one hundred, but why the vegetables and fruits grown by so many agricultural planets are so weak in taste, and even tend to be homogeneous, obviously the shape Little has changed.

Can you believe that cucumber and durian taste the same?

No wonder interstellar chefs and gastronomy practitioners feel bald on a daily basis.

Even if they have all kinds of means and techniques, they can't make too delicious food if the quality of the ingredients is not good.

Bai Li really wanted to study the specific reasons that led to this situation, but he couldn't do anything without money, so he could only figure it out slowly.

With a sound of "ding", the rice bowl is heated, and a sweet and sour smell unique to the sweet and sour pork ribs escapes, which makes people move their index fingers. For the first time in three days, his stomach, which hadn't felt hungry, let out a growl. Bai Li didn't change his face, and took out the sweet and sour pork ribs topped with rice.

It was taken out together with the rice, and there was also spiritual goat milk specially prepared for the supreme being.

I don't know when, the Supreme has already come to Bai Li's feet following the smell, the cat's mouth kept screaming "meow, meow", and a pair of shiny cat eyes stared at Bai Li's hand without blinking. ... Donburi.

Bai Li smiled, deliberately ignoring the impatient Zhizun who was meowing, and calmly put the rice and hot goat milk on the table, and then leaned over to hug the already anxious Zhizun, She put it opposite her, and thoughtfully pushed the goat milk over for him to drink.

"Little guy, you can't eat this meal. Be careful that the bones will break your baby teeth." After speaking, Bai Li ignored the disappointed Supreme and started to eat with gusto.

Reluctantly, Zhizun glanced at the rapidly diminishing sweet and sour pork ribs for the last time, and buried himself in drinking his own hot goat milk. Passing by delicious, let his ears and tail droop together, looking pitiful.

Bai Li smiled and watched Supreme's performance while eating, he is really a smart little guy, he has learned to pretend to be pitiful in less than half a day.

Hmm, this should be considered a relatively high-talented category in the Warm Light herd, right?

Halfway through the meal, Bai Li found a new message on his communication account. He opened it and saw that it was sent to him by the staff member with black hairy ears named Xiong Pili. He politely asked him if he had signed up for the "hologram game" Design Contest", if possible, the other party hopes that Bai Li can tell him the name of the game, and then he can enter the game to experience it.

Wow! Spotted a potential player!

Bai Li's mood improved a bit, and he seriously sent the words "Leisurely Living in the Field" and thanked Xiong Pili for his attention.

It's just that after the message was sent, there was no reply for a long time. Bai Li guessed that the other party was busy or doing other things, so he closed the chat page and continued to finish the rest of the meal.

After the meal was over, one person and one cat sat down on the sofa for a while, waiting for the two hours of game review time to end, Bai Li got up and walked towards the game room, and fished up Supreme by the way.

He deliberately read the instruction manual again, which did not say that pets are not allowed to enter. On the contrary, the book also specifically pointed out that this game compartment can actually be used by two people, no wonder there is quite a lot of space inside!

But Bai Li was the only one in the house, so the extra space was extremely cheap.

"Aww?" Regarding Bai Li's behavior of putting his body on his chest and abdomen, the Supreme One didn't understand, so he could only tilt his head to look at Bai Li in doubt.

"Good boy, sleep here, it's warm inside and won't freeze you." Bai Li gently stroked the back of the Supreme with one hand, while using the other hand to activate the game compartment.

An invisible breath permeated the confined space, and the consciousness of each person and cat gradually became deeper.

In the next second, Bai Li's figure appeared on the "character creation interface" built by him. What he didn't know was that at the same time, another person also entered the exact same space.

A pair of bright golden eyes vigilantly surveyed the unfamiliar environment in front of them, and there was a strange light in their eyes.

This is where?