MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1306 Senior ecstasy annihilation!

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["You signed a 'spiritual contract' with the protoss player 'Jasmine'!"

["Your solitude can be increased by the talent of the other party, and your value of solitude can be increased..."]

["Your destruction level is improved, your secluded ability has acquired advanced attributes - annihilation!"]

["The spirit of your spiritual contract partner '24k' can be improved, and the level of spiritual links between you is improved..."


A bunch of system tips, brushed in the view of the wind.

For him, the feeling is more intense and obvious than the linguistic description.

At this time, he feels that the activity of his thinking has once again increased, and all the perceptions have been greatly enhanced. Everyone's every move can be clearly perceived.

This should be a very high level of mental response.

After all, because of his previous "spiritual frenzy", his mental strength has expanded several times from the original "small reservoir".

Now, if he shows "spiritual assault", even if it can't be like the "spiritual frenzy" that makes people directly headshot, it should also be able to let the ordinary players who are not awakened mentally "seven bleeds"!

However, the real exaggeration of change should also be "noble".

The upper limit of the scent of the wind is now more than twenty times compared to before the game!

This number is simply exaggerated.

Before his previous singer's use of the "stunner sniper rifle", he could only perform at least twenty times without considering the recovery.

However, even if it is opened with a hundred shots, the remaining ecstasy is still more than half.

Because, not only the upper limit of the solitude has increased, but the speed of recovery has also increased. Although it is not as exaggerated as twenty times, it has definitely increased several times.

If you take this into account, then the equivalent of ecstasy has increased by more than one hundred times.

This is no exaggeration, but can be attributed to the category of "terror". This kind of improvement is even greater than the extent of his fusion of "super-evolutionary virus"!

Of course, the most horrible, obviously still belongs to "advanced secluded energy"!

Advanced attributes - [annihilation]!

Destruction only destroys the macroscopic physical structure, while cracking can destroy the molecular structure.

As for "annihilation", it is not only that it can destroy the microscopic structure that reaches the atomic level, but it can even reach the level of "annihilation" similar to the "positive and anti-material" in the earth sciences when it comes into contact with each other!


The wind fell out of the right hand, and there was a lot of black destruction in the palm of the hand.

Then, like a collapse, it is generally compressed toward the middle, and finally gathers into a "black bullet" that the light is completely swallowed up!

Immediately after the index finger, the "black bullet" came out silently, hitting the head of the wreck of x-10000 a hundred meters away.


The coefficient reaches a+ level, comparable to epic equipment, even if it is a missile bombardment, it can not completely destroy the x-10000.

The next moment, it was a black light flash, and a large chunk had been lost from the air.

The wind can feel it, this is actually "overkill", the destruction of solitude corresponds to the legendary level, and the cracking can destroy the epic level.

This "annihilation" is afraid that even the 'artifacts' can be destroyed!

"Wait, this is a high level of energy... You wake up to the high level!"

The little princess named "Jasmine" Protoss, after seeing the power of the wind and the blow, the face first revealed doubts, and then, as if to think of what immediately looked at his panel.

Immediately, a pair of eyes slammed wide, as if I saw something incredible!

"Advanced ecstasy? Is it because of the increase in the talent of your Protoss..."

The wind fell to see her reaction, some strange.

"Who said...good, now I understand, I said that you have earned a lot. The people who have entered into a spiritual contract with our Protoss have far more benefits than they have imagined."

The little girl woke up to something and immediately changed her mouth.

But when watching the wind fall, the eyes are obviously envious and even stunned, and the original rejection has disappeared a lot.

"What is the significance of this level of solitude?"

However, it is natural to see her reaction completely in the eyes of the wind.

Naturally, it’s not broken, just a questioning look.

"As with talent, solitude is essentially an evaluation. The more advanced the evaluation, the greater the potential and importance."

"In addition, in the order of magnitude, it is divided into first-order, second-order, third-order according to the ten-fold upper limit increase... My current energy is close to the fourth-order, and your secluded energy is about the third-order middle level, and it just reaches the third-order. It is."

"Once you reach the third level, you can borrow the spirit of the other party through the spiritual link!"

Jasmine grabbed the armrest of the chair that was hard to restore the prototype and pulled it into a slender strip in the hand.

Then I went to the side of the epic shield that was placed next to it.


The heavy alloy shield was cut into two pieces directly by the blade without the strip.

Because, this strip has been covered with a layer of black solitude, and this secluded can be the "cracking" geek of the wind!

"It turned out to be..."

The wind falls to look at your own privilege property panel.

Sure enough, it was also found that two "borrowing" options were added.

One of the attributes is [space] solitude, which obviously should belong to the 24k solitude attribute.


The wind fell slightly and closed his eyes.

The next moment, a black wormhole engulfed his figure.

Then, his figure appeared on the back of the beast that was still alive on the battlefield, and then returned to the original position through the wormhole.

This "transmission" is not dominated by 24k, but he can do it in the panel with 24k space.

Subsequently, the wind fell to the other viscous property displayed on the panel - [Augmentation]!


The wind fell slightly and frowned.

"It is the increase..."

The voice of Jasmine is suddenly smaller than ever before, like a mosquito.

"So, this is your solitude attribute?"

The wind fell on her eyes with some dodge.

"How, can't you? Isn't it possible to match the racial talent with your own solitude?"

The eyes of the Protoss little princess are a drum, and the tone becomes "fierce"!


The wind sighed.

In fact, he was aware of this when he saw this [increase].

I also understand that this theoretically noble "Princess of the Protoss" is willing to sign a spiritual contract with a small zerg in her mind and an "ordinary" human.

Obviously, it is because of her own solitude attribute that there are some "exotic"!

This property, to be honest, has some "pitsmates" to some extent.

Previously, after Jasmine explained the "spiritual contract" to him, the personal property panel has also unlocked the relevant introduction.

The "spiritual contract" cannot be signed indefinitely, because the more units that sign the spiritual contract, the more likely it is that conflicts will occur.

Therefore, every place is very valuable, and once signed, there will be sequelae if it is solved.

And because everyone can only have a kind of solitude attribute, only by using this "spiritual contract" can people have a way to use a variety of ecstasy!

The contract with the protoss little princess is undoubtedly equivalent to being occupied by a quota.

"Oh, don't look down on people. According to the calculations of our Protoss veterans, my ability potential is unlimited. My privilege is similar to talent in primary and intermediate levels..."

"But in theory, if you can reach the advanced level, you will be able to increase the quality of the solitude... In the future, it is very likely that you will break the upper limit of the privilege level and let you reach a higher level than the legendary limit!"

"You see, you just didn't because I... got the solitude attribute of the advanced evaluation!"

The Protoss little princess swelled her cheek again, with her big eyes, like an angry goldfish.


The wind fell pale and nodded.

"吱 (骗), 吱 (子)..."

24k was screaming a few times.

Although the spiritual links are centered on the wind, Jasmine can indirectly feel the meaning of 24k.

"Ah, ah... you a little bug actually said that I cheated paper? You Zerg just made a scam of dozens of planets, you know..."

"吱 (不), 吱 (know), 吱 (道)..."

"Ah, ah... why do I have such a stupid companion..."

"Well, don't you bother with the two little guys... Otherwise, maybe your adults will be jokes?"

The wind suddenly opened and spoke a bit of incomprehensible words.

While speaking, he lifted his head and looked around the head in a circle, his eyes sharp as a sword.

:. Sogou: