MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 150

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Jingxi's letter was quickly delivered to the prince. Since the prince had made it clear to his aunt, he no longer concealed it and showed her the letter directly.

In addition to the description of the situation in Suzhou, the letter is about the attitude of the big brother after he arrived in Suzhou and the requirements he put forward to the prince.

Rong Xin: "…"

Unconditionally agreeing to a request, big brother can make such a condition, should he be worthy of it?

“Nowadays, Big Brother wants both money and promises, don’t you panic?”

The prince waved his fan and said with a smile: "Big brother is on guard against Jingxi, it's better than being faint and arrogant."

"How are you going? Are you going to agree?"

"In other words, the eldest brother is asking for something from me." The prince asked back, "Does the aunt think that the eldest brother will ask me to give up the position of the prince?"

Rong Xin immediately shook his head, "It's not up to the two of you."

The throne is not a child's toy.

The prince thought the same as her, so he said very casually: "Big brother must also know what can be mentioned and what can't be mentioned. If so, why does Yinren dare not agree?"

The prince immediately wrote a letter to convey his intentions to Jingxi. At the same time, he ordered Jingxi to disturb them secretly, and ensure that their plans are carried out as usual.


At this time, the news of the serious illness of former counselor Tang Bin reached the prince's ears.

Tang Bin, the prince's counselor minister, was appointed to the Minister of Industry, but after being ill in 26 years, he resigned from Kangxi and only worked in the prince's Zhanshifu as an assistant The prince has been there for more than seven years.

This year, Tang Bin is 66 years old. Whenever he is sick, he often has to stay in bed. After several struggles, he finally asked the prince to beg for a break.

When the old man expressed his affection to the prince, he also composed a poem on the spot.

The prince respected this gentleman very much and would not force him to stay, but after the prince agreed, Tang Bin formally asked Kangxi to serve, and Kangxi agreed.

When the prince got the letter, he was busy arranging the refugees outside the capital, and immediately asked Kangxi to visit him.

Rong Xin doesn't go out with the prince very often, so he didn't go out with him. When the prince returned from his visit, he greeted Tang Bin's body.

" Mrs. Tang said that after my husband returned home, he read and wrote every day, but he often frowned. Say it." The prince sighed, "My body was quite strong before he went to work, and I was thinking about my husband returning home or enjoying family happiness, and I fell ill before I thought about it."

When Rong Xin heard the prince's words, her first reaction was that she was too old to be idle, and then the more she thought about it, the more she thought it was very similar, so she shared her views with the prince.

"Mr. Tang's body has a lot of problems, but it's easy to solve it, Zuo is just looking for some other things to do for him, when Qi Momo..." Rong Xin shook his head for a moment, then naturally Di continued, "I often say that I won't live for a long time, isn't it because I hang your wedding in front of my head, so I don't feel angry?"

"What my aunt said is true." The prince said thoughtfully, "It's just that Hongzhao is young, so asking Mr. Hongzhao to enlighten him is really overkill, and you need to think about other things..."

"Isn't that just going out from the East Palace and coming back? Walking in the palace requires caution, and it's not a good place to go."

"Is it that bad?" The prince looked helpless, "Aunt, anyway, we all live in the palace."

In front of the crown prince, Rong Xin was not easy to say anything about Kangxi, and he even said more confidently: "Go ahead and try, and then ask Mr. Tang to teach the emperor. The eldest grandson, did he refuse to refuse?"

"..." The prince was speechless for a while, and finally conceded: "Even if this is the case, it is inconvenient for me to intervene in private affairs."

Rong Xin glanced at the books on the bookshelf in the Prince's study, and said casually: "Mr. Tang has reached the pinnacle of his career and fame, but this reputation is endless, and the book stands Speaking or teaching and educating people, either can teach scholars to become famous, and this kind of satisfaction cannot be given by no matter how high an official career is."

Of course, with a high career, he can grab other people's works and make his own name like some famous people, but Tang Bin's personality is obviously disdainful.

When the prince heard the words, his eyes lit up and smiled: "Auntie woke me up, so Yinren knows what to do."

"How can I have the ability to wake up Your Highness? It's just that you didn't think of it for a while." Rong Xin said, and unconsciously brought out a little temper, "If you want to think about it, Where can others count?"

"How dare I be angry with you?" Rong Xin also has a temper, and like the tantrums next to him, the more he is coaxed, the more his anger surges.

The prince said with a good temper: "As long as you don't get angry, auntie, Yinren is willing to do everything."

"I'm not angry with you either." Rong Xin sighed, "I've been thinking about it all day and night, I combed my hair this morning, and lost a handful of hair. Can't hold the flag..."

Rong Xin is worried. She knows that worrying is useless, but she can't help worrying.

The prince bowed his head guiltily, "Yinren doesn't want you and the princess to worry, but Yinren doesn't regret what he did today."

No regrets…

Teaching people helpless is the prince's no regrets...

"If you really think about all the consequences and are not afraid, I have nothing else to say."

Rong Xin couldn't say anything to obstruct, but insisted: "It's just that if you have something in the future, it's inconvenient to say it clearly, please give me some air, don't teach me ignorance I don’t realize it, and I’m afraid afterwards.”

"Yes." The prince agreed.

"Then I will go back to the backyard first. Yesterday, I went to Changchun Palace with the eldest grandson of the emperor."

The prince instructed her: "Don't let Hong Zhao go too far, and you will be tired again."

Rong Xin replied casually, without saying whether she agreed or not.

And the prince said again: "I'll ask the imperial doctor to come and take a look for you later."

What? Because she lost this hair?

Rong Xin directly refused and said, "Why do you need to call an imperial doctor for this trivial matter, I will teach people to cook a bowl of soothing soup."

"Yinren almost forgot, my aunt is quite knowledgeable in medicine now."

Rong Xin listened to the smile in the prince's language, and gave him an angry look, "Are you still making fun of me? Where did my unwarranted disaster come from, have you forgotten?"

The prince immediately put away his smile and graciously sent her out in person.

After that day, a few days later, the crown prince handed Kangxi his book on how to settle the refugees, and he went out of the palace to visit Tang Bin again.

And when he returned to the East Palace this time, he looked extremely relaxed.

The Crown Prince was busy all these days, the Crown Princess saw that his expression was so relaxed, she smiled and said to Rong Xin: "Auntie, the appearance of our Prince's Highness is obviously a good thing. ."

Rong Xin also looked at the prince and joked: "I look at it as usual. After all, it's a husband and wife, and I can see things that others can't see."

"It's fine, you're making fun of me." The Crown Princess leaned on Rong Xin's arm and said in a coquettish tone, "Song Yi does not rely on..."

The eldest grandson of the emperor was originally sitting between the princess and Rong Xin, but due to the action of the princess, he was directly squeezed to the couch, but his calf was still sandwiched between them, struggling for a while still Couldn't get up.

Prince Concubine ignored her son, just picked up Rong Xin's arm, and acted like a spoiled child: "Auntie, you have to go to Song Yi."

The muscles at the corners of Rong Xin's mouth twitched, and he quickly compromised: "Okay, to the Crown Princess, I won't make fun of you again."

The Crown Princess released her with satisfaction, and when she turned around, she found her son lying motionless on the couch, "Hong Zhao?"

Seeing that they were paying attention to him, the eldest grandson suddenly raised his voice and howled. The voice was very high.

But they saw it clearly just now, and the tears haven't been squeezed out yet...

The prince was completely ignored by them. At this time, he found a space and came forward to pick up his son and coaxed patiently.

The eldest grandson of the emperor was just aggrieved for a while, so he quickly put on a smile again, but it was just like holding a grudge, sitting in the arms of the prince and playing, and determined not to return to the prince's side.

The prince also hugged him happily, sat on the chair, and teased his son with his hands while chatting, "I told my husband today to build an academy. I am overjoyed, claiming that I will take care of my body as soon as possible, and will never hold me back."

The princess asked curiously, "Are you going to build an academy? In your name?"

The prince denied: "I'm going to write an essay to ask Huang Ama to build an academy in the capital in the name of the court."

Rong Xin asked: "After years of wars, natural disasters, and the national treasury is empty, the imperial court should not be able to provide money to support the construction of another academy?"

When the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, people were restrained from running their own academies. It was only at the end of the Shunzhi reign that Emperor Shizu began to relax the restraint policy. After Kangxi came into power, the regime became more stable, and local officials gradually began to allow local officials to rebuild the academies in various places.

Rong Xin's original intention was actually to suggest that Tang Bin accept a few closed disciples and teach a few talented students, maybe there will be one or even a few famous in Shilin, then he is a teacher must have a higher reputation.

But if it is according to the prince's intention, and let's not say whether it can be done, then Kangxi really defied all opinions to support the prince to build an academy, led by the imperial court, and made it to the world's scholars, it must not be It's a small project, otherwise the court's face will be difficult, but it will make the world laugh.

It is not easy to build an academy comparable to Yingtian Academy and Yuelu Academy…

"Aren't you too impatient?"

Rong Xin knew that the prince wanted to do practical things and to benefit the people, but he just planned to introduce a new law, and now he wants to build an academy, this one thing is chasing one thing, which one It's not something that can be done in a while, but he is so confident that in case of setbacks, the blow will not be small.

As for her questioning, the prince said with certainty: "There are still many students who cannot get good teachers to teach because of the limited number of places in the official school. Severely refuted."

Rong Xin was not as optimistic as the prince, and persuaded a few more words, but when he saw that the prince insisted, he stopped persuading him.

Prince Concubine did not interject when the two were talking, but in the evening, she still persuaded the Prince: "Auntie's opinion, why don't Your Highness consider it more carefully?"

"I know what my aunt said is reasonable, and building the academy is not a day's work, but I didn't just try to comfort the gentleman." The prince rested on his left arm, facing the princess, and explained, "But I want to build an academy with teaching without distinction, the sooner the better."

Unfortunately, the prince thought very well, but it was as Rong Xin thought, and he failed to get Kangxi's approval.

In fact, Kangxi did not veto it in words. Instead, it was an official of the Ministry of Household who immediately said that he had no money and that the Qing Dynasty still needed to rest and recuperate, and could not spend money and energy here.

The prince returned without success, but he was not discouraged, and began to think of other solutions, in order to reduce expenses as much as possible and achieve his goals.

And the prince did think of several plans. When Rong Xin entered the study one time and saw it, he really felt that the construction of the academy could teach him to grind it out.

When the princess was chatting, she told Rong Xin about the prince's thoughts, and her idea of ​​wanting to see the prince teach a lesson was shaken...

But most people, isn't that the case?


The eldest grandson held an old rattle, ran up to Rong Xin, hugged her leg, raised his head and smiled at her.

Rong Xin nodded his nose and said with a smile: "When the eldest grandson grows up, I don't know if he will be like your Ama. No one can stop him if he is stubborn."

The eldest grandson didn't say anything, so he couldn't answer, he just raised his two short arms, "Hold!"

Rong Xin picked him up, walked into the room and said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with being like you, Ama. If there are no such stubborn people in this world, how can it be prosperous? What do you think?"

The eldest grandson sat in her arms, playing with a rattle, and said "um" as if he understood.

"I'll go to the front hall later, so I won't be with you. I'll come to see you at night."

The eldest grandson of the emperor turned the rattle with joy, and no matter what she said, she made another "hmm", Ying Wan promised that something was wrong, and hurriedly shook her head again.

His little head shook the same frequency as the rattle in his hand, Rong Xin laughed, "Do you really understand?"

"Giggle..." The eldest grandson laughed even more happily, if it wasn't for Rong Xin to hug him, he almost fell back.

Rong Xin turned his eyes and recited the Three Character Classic to him silently.

But the eldest grandson of the emperor is worthy of being the son of the prince. She just read "The son does not learn, it is not appropriate", the eldest grandson of the emperor swayed the rattle with the rhythm, and she was not allowed to stop, but Rong Xin I escaped after reading a dry mouth...