MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3804 Too pretend

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After drinking tea for a while, Xiao Chen and the others disappeared.

   Xiao Chen asked Yiyu, she suggested...Don't wait outside and put pressure on Su Xiaomeng.

   Although Xiao Chen felt that even if he was waiting outside the classroom, Su Xiaomeng would not feel any pressure, but it didn’t make sense to think about it, so what should I do.

   After Xiao Chen sent Su Shiming and the others to the laboratory, they went to the Longmen headquarters.

   Speaking of which, he hasn't come a few days.

   "Brother Chen, do you know? After this volunteer activity, I found that the Longmen brothers have changed a lot... They think this matter is very meaningful and they are willing to be volunteers in the future."

   Huang Xing looked at Xiao Chen and said.

   "Hehe, this is the realization of self-worth."

   Xiao Chen smiled.

   "This is a good thing."

   "Yes, if my aura wasn't too strong, I must have gone too."

   Huang Xing nodded.


   Xiao Chen look at Huang Xing, are you serious?

   "There is also the old snake. He tried to go several times, but I stopped him."

   Huang Xing said again.

   "Old snake? Or let him go, it's easy to scare the people."

   Xiao Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, that big bald head had a horrible face...not to mention elementary school students, high school students can all cry in fright.

   "Yeah, I told him, I don't have any points to force it."

   Huang Xing nodded.

"Ha ha."

   Xiao Chen smiled, not only did the old snake do not, neither did you.

   One morning, it passed quickly.

   After eating, Xiao Chen was about to leave.

   "Brother Chen, are you going to pick up Xiaomeng? Would you like me to bring some brothers over and pull up a banner to cheer for Xiaomeng?"

   asked the bald snake.

   "Farewell, you should do something you should do, such as collecting protection fees or something."

   Xiao Chen shook his head.

   "Brother Chen, who is the joke about, do I still need to collect protection fees in my current status?"

   The bald snake touched his big bald head.

   "Okay, what are you doing, don't be a volunteer, and don't go to school."

   Xiao Chen patted the bald snake on the shoulder.

   "Don't forget your identity, you are a bastard, a big bastard!"

   "Oh... it's not my fault to look fierce."

   The bald snake shrugged his head.

   "Although I am fierce, I have a kind heart."

   "Hehe, yes, you are kind-hearted... gone."

   Xiao Chen smiled and left Longmen headquarters and headed to the laboratory.

   After staying in the laboratory for a while, the four of Xiao Chen went to school.

   Look at the time, it's almost time.

   "That person was in that position in the morning, and he's still...won’t he stay away forever?’

   Xiao Chen looked at one person and said in surprise.

   "It’s not impossible. Be a parent... Although this exam is for children, parents are more nervous than children."

   Su Shiming glanced, and said slowly.

   "There is half an hour left, let's wait."

   Xiao Chen took out a cigarette and handed it to Su Shiming.

   Su Shiming did not refuse either. At this time, a cigarette is very suitable.

   Just as Xiao Chen was smoking a cigarette, and there was a word that didn't say a word to chat with the old man, suddenly his eyes widened.

   "Hey, old man, is that Xiao Meng?"

   Xiao Chen pointed to a place and asked.

   "It's Xiao Moe."

   Su Shiming first took a look, and then he helped the gold-wire glasses and said with certainty.

   In the next second, he raised his wrist and looked at the time. The exam was not over yet.

   "Little Moe?"

   Yun Qingmeng and Su Qing were also very surprised and hurriedly looked inside.

   "I didn't finish the exam, why did Xiao Meng come out? She won't be kicked out, right?"

   Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng in the distance and said.


   Su Shiming turned his head, looking badly.

   "Cough, no, I didn't mean that... Xiao Meng handed in the paper ahead of time?"

   Xiao Chen also looked at his watch.

   "The paper can be handed in half an hour earlier..."


  Su Shiming nodded and smiled.

   "My Su Shiming's daughter is amazing."


   Xiao Chen was speechless, praised Xiaomeng and praised Xiaomeng, what are you doing with yourself?

   He discovered that this old man is sometimes more shameless than himself.

   "Little Moe!"

   Xiao Chen called out.

   "Don't make noise here..."

   The people at the door shouted to Xiao Chen.

   "Oh, sorry."

   Xiao Chen also had no temper, and nodded hurriedly.

   Hearing Xiao Chen's shouts, Su Xiaomeng turned her head and looked at them. After seeing them, she was a little surprised.

   She waved her hand, but didn't come over either. Although she could hand in the paper in advance, she couldn't leave. Instead, she had to go to the designated area.

   "You are here."

   At this moment, Dong Yunfeng also came.

   "The exam is almost finished, right?"

   "Xiao Meng has already handed in the paper."

   As soon as Xiao Chen finished speaking, Xiao Ning was also in sight.

   "Why did Xiao Ning come out?"

   Dong Yunfeng was a little dazed, just like Xiao Chen and the others.

   "Hehe, maybe the paper was handed in ahead of time."

   Xiao Chen smiled, really a good girlfriend, is this an appointment?

   However, it is also quite awesome. Only with this strength and confidence will the papers be handed in ahead of time.

  Of’s not impossible that the scumbag among the scumbags has given up early.

   Xiao Ning also glanced at the school gate, saw his mother, Xiao Chen and others, waved his hand, and went to the specific rest area.

   "These two girls hand in the papers in advance and can't leave, so why not check them again in the examination room."

   Su Qing shook her head.

   "Hehe, all schoolmasters are like this."

   Xiao Chen said with a smile.

   "Xiaoqing, how were you back then? Did you hand in your papers in advance?"

   "Me? I didn't have an exam."

   Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and said.

   "Huh? You didn't take the exam?"

   Xiao Chen was taken aback, wrong, isn't Su Qing a master student, she is still studying abroad.

   "I promised it."

   After Su Qing finished speaking, she shook her head again.

   "Actually, I am a little regretful. I should have taken the college entrance examination back then...not for anything else, just to feel the atmosphere."


   Xiao Chen is speechless, good fellow, this is a pretense.

   "I was thinking about the trouble at the time, so I didn't take the exam... Now that I think about it, I still feel a little regretful."

   Su Qing continued.

   "Hahaha...Xiaoqing, you deserve to be my Su Shiming's daughter."

   Su Shiming burst out laughing.


   Xiao Chen looked at Su Shiming and knew that the old man was going to say this.

   "Don't make a loud noise..."

   The person at the door said to Su Shiming again.

   "Oh oh, good."

   Su Shiming waved his hand hurriedly, lowering his voice.

   Half an hour, passed quickly.

   The person who submitted the paper in advance came to the door first and waited to come out.

   As the bell rang, they rushed out.

   "The exam is over."

   Su Xiaomeng was the first to rush out, opening his arms all the way away.

   Xiao Chen wanted to step forward, but he glanced at Su Shiming, but he still didn't **** him.

   As a result... Su Xiaomeng bypassed her Laozi and hugged Xiao Chen.

   "Haha, Brother Chen, it's nice to see you as soon as you come out."

   Su Xiaomeng smiled.


   Su Shiming's face shook, he really didn't want to stay in the female college!

   "Little Moe..."

   Xiao Chen winked at Su Xiaomeng and turned to Su Shiming.

   "Dad, I finished the exam..."

   Su Xiaomeng reacted and hugged Su Shiming again.

   "I haven't seen you one day, I miss you so much."

"Ha ha……"

   Although he knew that his daughter was coaxing him, Su Shiming still smiled.

   "How was your test?"

   "It's okay, it's boring, I'll hand in the paper ahead of time...If it weren't for the paper half an hour ahead, I would have come out.

   Su Xiaomeng replied.

   "Why don't you check it several times?"

   Su Qing asked.

   "I have checked twice. If the problem is not found twice, it will be difficult to find the problem."

   Su Xiaomeng said.

   "It's always good to check it a few times."

   Su Qing looked at her sister.

   "It is not allowed to hand in papers in advance tomorrow."

"Know it."

   Su Xiaomeng agreed... Anyway, he agreed casually, and I'll talk about it tomorrow.

   On the other side, Dong Yunfeng was also asking how his daughter was doing in the exam. After getting an affirmative answer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Mr. Su, Mr. Xiao...Is there time tonight? How about I invite you to dinner?"

   Dong Yunfeng said.

   "Tonight? All right."

   Xiao Chen thought for a while and agreed.

   "Where is the old man?"


   Su Shiming has no objection either.

   "But, Sister Dong, I have to ask for it."

   Xiao Chen looked at Dong Yunfeng and smiled.

   "Tonight, it is also to celebrate Xiao Meng and Xiao Ning's first day of exams..."

   "Will you still celebrate tomorrow night?"

   Su Xiaomeng asked hurriedly.

   "Hehe, no problem."

   Xiao Chen smiled.

   "It's great, I have a big meal."

   Su Xiaomeng said excitedly.

   "Let’s stop here, let’s go first."

   Su Qing looked around and said.


   Xiao Chen nodded.

   "Sister Dong, let's go to the Baidi Hotel."


   Dong Yunfeng responded.

   "Then we shall pass now..."

   "Okay, let's go."

   Xiao Chen and the others said, got in the car and left the school.

   "Meng, is it difficult this year?"

   On the way, Su Qing asked.

   "It's okay, for me, it's not difficult."

   Su Xiaomeng replied.

   "Little Meng, how many points do you think you can get on the test?"

   Xiao Chen also asked.

   "Who knows, anyway, I think I played well."

  Su Xiaomeng shook his head.

   "Okay, just perform well."

   Xiao Chen nodded.

   After arriving at the Baidi Hotel, everyone went straight to the top floor and came to the imperial hall.

   "This Imperial Hall, I have been here once. UU Reading"

   Dong Yunfeng looked around, feeling a little bit.

   Although her business is quite large, it is limited to this... and this imperial hall can't come up with money.

   "Hehe, Sister Dong wants to come later, come anytime."

   Xiao Chen said, looking at Fatty Xu.

   "Old Xu, this is Sister Dong...After she comes, you have to entertain her."

   "Okay, Sister Dong, you will come in the future, just call me."

   Fatty Xu nodded, and handed Dong Yunfeng a business card with both hands.

   "Thank you very much."

   Dong Yunfeng took it over, and being able to enter this imperial hall was definitely a manifestation of his identity.

   "Mr. Xiao, thank you very much."

   "Hehe, Sister Dong, don't be polite."

   Xiao Chen smiled.

   "That's right, Auntie Dong, you can come anytime if you want...This is the property of Brother Xiaobai."

   Su Xiaomeng also said.


   Dong Yunfeng smiled and nodded. She knew who'Little White Brother' was, and that was a level she could barely touch.

   Long Hai said that it is not big, but there are many circles.

   The top circle... It's not that you can join as many net worth as you have.

   And she also knew what influence the young man in front of her had in Longhai.

   His words... Maybe the top circle, there will be a big turmoil!