MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3830 News from the west

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Back at the hotel, Xiao Chen met Amos.

In addition to Amos, Leon and Carat also came.

"Xiao Chen..."

Leon was very excited to see Xiao Chen, and hadn't seen him some days.


Amos coughed, why is it so unruly?

Afterwards, he bowed slightly, "I have seen Lord Wolf King!"

In the werewolf clan, the wolf king is respected, and even the head of the werewolf clan must respect the wolf king when he sees the wolf king.

The so-called patriarch, to be precise, is the patriarch of the royal family, not the patriarch of the entire clan.

Before there was a wolf king, the old patriarch was in charge of everything!

Now that there is a new wolf king, the natural wolf king is respected!

"Oh...I'm all so familiar, okay, I've seen Lord Wolf King."

Leon mumbled when Amos moved, and he bent slightly.

Carat is the same, respectfully greetings.

"Hehe, like Leon said, I'm so familiar, what to do so politely."

Xiao Chen looked at them and said with a smile.


Leon nodded hurriedly.

"Lord Wolf King, the rules are unbreakable..."

Amos glared at Leon and said seriously.

"Okay, I think I am Xiao Chen, not the Wolf King."

Xiao Chen said, throwing out a few cigarettes.

"Come on, let me introduce to you, my grandfather, the old fortune teller...the people of the rivers and lakes call it the "old god"."

"Old god?"

Amos looked surprised at the old fortune teller.


Xiao Chen looked weird, didn't he? The old fortune tellers also have intersections with the werewolves?

Do you know any old wolf king?

"Hehe, hello."

The old fortune teller smiled.

"I have seen the old god... admiring your name for a long time."

Amos respectfully said.

"Just looking up for a long time? Don't you know?"

Before the old fortune teller could say anything, Xiao Chen asked.

"What do you mean?"

Amos was taken aback.

"Oh, nothing."

Xiao Chen shook his head. If the old fortune teller knew another werewolf ancestor, he would admire him to death.

"Hehe, I have nothing to do with the werewolves."

The old fortune teller looked at Xiao Chen and smiled.

"I thought you knew everyone."

Xiao Chen also smiled.

After a few chats, the old fortune teller left.

"Amos, why did Rowling come here?"

Xiao Chen looked at Amos and asked.

"Didn't you let her come?"

Amos froze for a moment.

"I asked her to come?"

Xiao Chen looked at Rowling, this there a truth?

"Didn't the Wolf King let you come?"

Amos also asked Rowling, frowning.

"Yeah, I dreamed of the master, he said he missed me, let me come."

Rowling said solemnly.


Xiao Chen and the others are all speechless, is this okay?

"Also, she said she went to Gata Island alone to find me, so you let her go? What if she tried to make a mistake?"

Xiao Chen said again.


Amos opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it.

"Wolf King, the good thing he said don't disturb you..."

Leon scratched his head.

"It's not good for us to bother, right?"

"She says good things are good things? You believe it too? I say it again, I'm innocent with her, nothing else!"

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Do you believe it?"

Rowling looked at Amos and them and asked.

"Do not believe."

Leon shook his head.

"To shut up!"

Xiao Chen glared at Leon.

"Carat, it's okay to teach this guy more!"

"it is good."

Carat smiled and nodded, but in fact... she didn't believe it very much.

"I won't believe her in the future."

Although Amos didn't believe it very much, he had to have an attitude.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?"

Look at Rowling in the white night, with such a beautiful and charming beauty, can Brother Chen couldn't help it?

Although it is a vampire, but... isn't it more exciting?


Xiao Chen was out of anger.

"You have something to do."

"This really isn't."

Without waiting for Bai Ye to speak, Rowling looked at him and shook her head.

"I look down on him."


Bai Ye opened his mouth, so insulting people?

This vampire lady, as expected by Brother Chen, is not a good thing!

"Where are my father-in-law and them?"

Xiao Chen asked Bai Ye.

"Oh, they haven't come back yet."

Bai Ye replied.

"Lyon called me and I was back the first time... But I should be back soon."


Xiao Chen nodded and looked at Rowling again.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Know, don't worry."

Rowling responded.

"Amos, I heard Rowling say, the werewolf family and blood family, someone has disappeared somehow recently?"

Xiao Chen asked after lighting up the cigarette.

"Well, some people have disappeared one after another, there are almost more than 20 people."

When Xiao Chen said this, Amos was also a little serious.

"I sent someone to look for it, but I didn't find the corpse, nor any traces. It just disappeared suddenly."

"Why didn't you tell me about it on the phone?"

Xiao Chen raised his brows and asked.

"Originally, I thought it could be resolved... After I communicated with the Blood Emperor, she said that the blood family also has this situation, which attracted my attention."

Amos glanced at Rowling and said.

If it were released before, he would definitely suspect that it was a vampire.

Even now, he had doubts, so he contacted Rowling and asked if the people below did it secretly.

As a result, Rowling told him that many people from the blood clan were also missing, and there were even more people.

"Master, you are all here now, can you say something about the ‘universe’, right?"

Rowling asked.


Xiao Chen nodded and recounted the ‘universe’ thing.

"A Chinese expert is missing?"

After listening to Amos, he was surprised.

"It seems that the ‘universe’ not only moves in the East, but also moves in the West..."

Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"They are plotting, not small."

"Can you find them? Dare to move my werewolf clan, I smashed their brains open and ate their brains!"

Yelled Leon.

"I found their shadows in Huaxia, but it is not so easy to find their lair... Please check this matter back and we will keep in touch at any time."

Xiao Chen looked at Amos and Rowling and said.

"Since they are eyeing the werewolf clan and blood clan, they will definitely not stop there."

"it is good."

Amos and Rowling nodded.

"If there is any situation, I will make an appointment with you again when that happens."

Xiao Chen pressed out the cigarette.

"If the ‘universe’ is too powerful, we may need to join hands."

"Don't forget, you are the wolf king... Don't say that the werewolf clan has been involved, even if the werewolf clan is not involved, the werewolf clan can fight for you at any time."

Amos looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.

"That is, you are my master, and the blood race can also fight for you... In addition to this, you are the grandson of the old god, and the great kindness that day should be more."

Rowling also said.

"Ha ha."

Hearing what the two said, Xiao Chen smiled.

"Okay, wait for my news."


The two nodded.

"Amos, how is the old patriarch?"

Xiao Chen asked what he thought of.

"He's fine, I'll meet him before I come."

Amos replied.

"He said, let you go back to the Us Mountains often..."

"Has his strength returned to its peak state?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"It's recovered, and it's stronger than before."

Amos nodded.

"However, he rarely comes out, and now he doesn't care about things in the clan."

"It's a shame not to be able to leave the Ust Mountains."

Xiao Chen shook his head, otherwise this would be a powerful boost.

He has seen the power of the old patriarch, and among Western giants, that is also the front of the existence.

"This is the fate of the wolf god, he said, he will not leave."

Amos said slowly.

Xiao Chen nodded and looked at Carat, "Did you forgive him?"


Carat smiled bitterly.

"My father didn't die by his hand... Otherwise, I really can't forgive him."

"Let go of hatred, it's extremely difficult, you can let go, it's great."

Xiao Chen nodded, he could understand Carat's mood.

"He is now the patron saint of the werewolves. He said he will spend the rest of his life guarding the werewolves and the Uth Mountains."

Kra said slowly.

"Think about his former establishment of the'Devil Wolf.' Although he had selfish intentions, he was also to fight against the wolf god...These are the reasons I forgive him.

"Indeed, if he hadn't fought against the wolf god, the werewolf family might have ceased to exist."

Xiao Chen nodded, so he couldn't comment on the old patriarch's actions.

"Let him guard the Uth Mountains and make atonement for himself."

Carat said seriously.

"I think my father will also support my choice."

"Carat, I admire you."

Xiao Chen smiled, it would be difficult for him to let go of his hatred, otherwise he wouldn't kill him back to the Xiao family.

He belongs to the kind of grudge that must be avenged, but think about it, if he is Carat, I am afraid it will be difficult to choose.

"I just did what I was supposed to do."

Carat shook his head.

"I came here this time to thank you too."

"Hehe, didn't you just say it at the time, don't thank me, I didn't do anything."

Xiao Chen waved his hand.

"If you say you are with Leon, you can thank me."

"Thank me too."

White night busy said.


Leon grinned and smiled.

Krabai glanced at him and smiled.

"Amos, has the werewolf family changed much now?"

Xiao Chen looked at Amos and asked.

"Have you seen results in your reform?"

"of course."

Amos nodded.

"The initial results have been achieved. With the old patriarch, plus you, there is little resistance."

"That's fine, UU reading www.uukā I am looking forward to the growth of the werewolf clan..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"If you want to bring the werewolves back to the top, you can't rely on me or the old patriarch, but on the werewolves themselves."

"I see."

Amos nodded.

"I will complete my mission!"

"Hehe, I believe you!"

As Xiao Chen said, he flung out a few more cigarettes and lit them by himself.

"Amos, over there the elves...has there been any movement lately?"

"The elves? Didn't you contact Miss Joan?"

Amos was surprised.


Xiao Chen shook his head.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"A while ago, Miss Qiong completed the'return to the ancestor', and the bloodline power was fully awakened... The Elf King let her talk, she will become the next Elf King."

Amos said.

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