MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 240 The situation reversed.

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The fire of "Black Poison" not only put Li Shang on the front line, but also allowed Hengyu Media to rise rapidly.

In just two months, many new businesses have been expanded, including artiste brokerage.

The youth group a-clock, like this, is the first attempt of this business.

Facts have proved that Feng Muzhi not only has a strong market vision, but also has great talents in business planning.

The group became popular just a month after their debut, and they also appeared on the best variety shows in China, attracting a lot of young fans.

Just when everyone thought that Zhongding Group's portfolio plan was going to be a big deal, Zhongding Brokerage Co., Ltd. pushed out the combination with great fanfare.

And it was launched intact, and its name was a-watch. Since then, wherever there is an a-clock, there is an a-watch.

Some media even bundled it and publicized it as a-clock-and-a-watch, implying that the two sides are two branches of a combination.

In response, Zhongding has always responded vaguely.

Although Hengyu Media strongly denies it, in front of Zhongding Group's huge media relations network, its refutation seems minimal.

Coupled with the help of Zhongding Group's confidant media, "fitness" has become an established fact in the eyes of everyone.

As a result, the enthusiasm of the fans quickly spread to the a-watch side.

Coupled with the long-term training of a-watch members, they are better than a-clock in terms of image, temperament, and dealing with people, and they have quickly become the "new favorite" of fans.

During this period, Zhongding Group spent almost no publicity expenses, and everything relied on "light touch."

This is much more cost-effective than the fact that Hengyu Media is in conflict with each other.

However, this is not in line with the style of Zhongding Group, and some senior leaders have criticized this.

They believe that the company's self-devaluation is tantamount to treating a large group as no different from those small companies.

Although the outside world thought that Hengyu Media was taking advantage of Zhongding Group, as insiders, they finally felt that doing so was detrimental and offensive.

In this regard, Wang Zhongding completely adopted the cold treatment method.

Later, he simply did not even participate in the meeting. Those who were once loyal people are now noisy and stubborn. The whole company is a smart man.

At the end of June, a fashion festival was held in Beijing.

The stars appeared on the red carpet, and the guests were full.

Compared with the high profile of previous years, Li Shang looks particularly deep this year.

Like walking through the field, with little time for the media, they hurried off the red carpet.

Behind him is the a-clock combination. Although his debut, his popularity cannot be underestimated.

The fans screamed when they appeared, and their popularity was on par with the top stars.

A-watch followed closely, and it really set off a new round of climax.

Although the first three rolled their eyes, they did not affect their tacit understanding in the fans.

Then, Focus Queen Zhou Li appeared.

Gorgeous outfits, dazzling jewelry, hot body, 360-degree beauty without dead corners ... let the entire red carpet shine with it.

Cai Peng stood not far and looked at Zhou Li, his eyes shone brightly.

Zhou Li read countless men, and when he looked at Cai Peng's eyes, he understood what he thought.

The social flower is the social flower. As soon as he finds the emergence of this person, he will lay down and go forward.

"Mr. Cai, have a drink?" Zhou Li's pretty fingers fiddled with the goblet.

Cai Peng cried with her with a smile and praised: "You are more beautiful than I thought.

"How beautiful are you imagining?" Zhou Li asked deliberately.

Cai Peng replied without hesitation: "Yan Qunfang.

Zhou Li didn't hide her vanity, and smiled like a flower for a moment, attracting everyone's attention.

However, just when the two were having a good time chatting, Cai Peng's eyes suddenly turned to the red carpet.

Then, just like Jun was on it, he didn't move.

It seemed that someone who was still under pressure just now was overshadowed in an instant.

It was Han Dong who was on the red carpet at this time.

He was more low-key than Li Shang, and even the stylist didn't panic. He just pulled out a shirt with a cartoon logo and put on a pair of skinny pants.

Zhou Li turned around to see Han Dong and couldn't help but hold it.

Han Dong's trousers must be held on the ground as a rag by anyone.

When Zhou Li was surprised that Han Dong could control even such long pants, he found that an ankle appeared under the pants.

The length of the legs is not terrible.

I'm afraid that not only is the leg long, it's straight! White! uniform! Weigh! Bodybuilding! This week, even Zhou Li was a little uneasy.

Originally, she was waiting for Han Dong to come to her door. Since she came to the company, the scandals about her and Wang Zhongding have been banned repeatedly.

Since Han Dong and Wang Zhongding have a private relationship, it is a matter of tacit publicity, so Zhou Li feels that Han Dong will certainly try to find out what to do.

However, I am not afraid to meet a heart-wrenching person, but also a heartless and heartless person.

Your shelf is all up, and the cold line "I have passed with him long ago" is ready, but they are like a okay person, do you mean to be indecent? Therefore, in the end, Zhou Li couldn't stand it.

As soon as Han Dong got off the red carpet, he was squeezed by a pair of scented jade hands.

"Ah, why are you so cute?" Zhou Li praised miserably.

Han Dong listened to the truth and felt good about himself with both hands in his pants.

Zhou Li's assistant said: "I think the two of you have similar personalities. He is like a male version of you.

Han Dong replied cheerfully: "That is really my pleasure.

The assistant then said: "No wonder Wang has changed his sexual orientation for you.

Han Dong pretended not to understand this causal relationship and still smiled.

Zhou Li deliberately refuted the assistant's sentence.

"What nonsense? President Wang likes him because he is excellent. What does it have to do with him like me?" The assistant continued: "But president Wang is not with you ..." "You have endless?" Zhou Li interrupted the assistant just right , Leave a suspense for Han Dong.

However, Han Dong still looked indifferent.

Zhou Li falsely advised Han Dong: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I have nothing to do with President Wang.

President Wang has only you in mind, really, don't think too much! Han Dong laughed: "Relax, I won't think too much."

"I added a secret in my heart: silly bullies will be fooled by you !!! Here, Wang Zhongding and Cai Peng are also talking" friendly ".

Cai Peng shouted: "How can a person who is so honest and upright like President Wang learn how to take advantage?" Wang Zhongding replied with a cold face: "Near the person who is close to Zhu, the black person who is close to the black, and a quilt who has been sleeping for a long time. Hold your breath.

"After hearing the words" a quilt ", Cai Peng's face did not look so good.

"Instead of showing superiority here, it's better to be practical.

Shooting winter scenes in summer and covering up a bitch, you can watch it.

Wang Zhongding replied faintly: "No matter how gentle and considerate you are, you can't change the nature of the rough men.

"This moment instantly aroused Cai Peng's sad past, and Han Dong's sentence," I'm not interested in rough men ", became the biggest pain in Cai Peng's heart.

Therefore, Cai Peng's face can be imagined.

"It's true that I am a rough man, but you have been meticulous for a long time, why did you let your subordinates leak the plan?" Wang Zhongding quietly replied: "It's too pitiful to see your vacant room alone, and I will send you three fakes to warm the bed.

"" Who is genuine and who is fake? "

"The next day, Hengyu Media brought a written pleading of Zhongding Group to court.

At the same time, a-clock also announced in public that they have nothing to do with a-watch.

The latter only used their fame to hype, and they expressed their deep disgust.

The matter caused a stir on the Internet.

The two sides are just like Wang Laoji and Jiaduobao. They fight with each other in different ways.

Through the agreement, the best way to deal with this issue is to show the signing contract established by the respective combination, and use the effective date to determine who is ahead and who is behind.

If judged in accordance with this article, the winning odds of Zhongding Group are not great.

Because Feng Muzhi's plan indicates that the scheduled time for the contract signing is May 21, and the final time is strictly implemented in accordance with this plan.

Since the plan was stolen, Hengyu Media will definitely choose to do so before.

In fact, the a-clock combination was launched earlier than the a-watchG combination.

However, the results dazzled everyone.

The signing time of Hengyu Media turned out to be on May 25, nearly 4 days later than Zhongding Group.

Cai Peng's eyes were all red.

May 21? How could it be May 21? The plan stolen by Li Shang's boy was written May 27! Who TM changed Lao Tzu? Who else can it be? As soon as Cai Peng raised her eyelid, she saw the smile between Han Dong's eyebrows.

I knew everything in an instant.

OK ~ Let Li Shang deliberately steal a fake plan, and then let us do propaganda in vain.

When the propaganda is almost over, kick us away ... Your kid is dark enough! Cai Peng still did not forget to convey his love to Han Dong between his teeth.

Rest assured, I will love you more! !!