MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 251 Han Dongdong's spring.

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On the way back, Han Dong suddenly woke up.

Opening my eyes is the night scene outside the car window. When I was surprised, I turned my head to see the familiar face.

Wang Zhongding's eyes changed from cold to hot in an instant, while Han Dong's eyes changed from hot to cold in an instant.


"He said to the driver.

Wang Zhongding's face changed. "What are you doing?" Han Dong ignored him and continued, "Stop.

"After all, the car stopped at the curb.

Han Dong said nothing and jumped when he opened the car door. Wang Zhongding thought he was convenient. As a result, Han Dong walked along the opposite route without looking back.

Wang Zhongding opened his car window and reached out, shouting at him, "Why are you going?" Han Dong didn't hear the same, and strode forward.

Wang Zhongding had to get out of the car and chase it up.

"What the **** are you doing?" Han Dong still didn't say a word.

Wang Zhongding grabbed him, "Ask you what.

"Han Dongwen said in a godlike tone:" Stay away from you, don't you want to see me? "Wang Zhongding said a little uncomfortably," I mean, 'these days' don't want to see you, haven't those days' passed? Han Dong smirked. "I'm sorry, your" those days "have passed, and my" these days "are here again. I don't want to see you now.

Wang Zhongding's eyes sank, "Isn't it competitive?" "Yang" was clearly written on Han Dong's face.

Wang Zhongding suppressed the annoyance in his heart, and calmly persuaded, "Go back when there is something to say, Tianer is cold, and you will catch cold when you wear these clothes.

Han Dong was obviously unable to carry it, but his face was still dead.

"I have nothing to say.

Wang Zhongding clasped his hands on the back of Han Dong's head, his tone softened again.

"Dongdong, obediently, go back with me.

Han Dong's soft heart was almost muddy, but his legs were still stubbornly resisting, leaving Wang Zhongding and moving on.

Wang Zhongding held Han Dong's hand in one hand, his fingers were entangled, and full of strength penetrated into it.

"Speaking of that is my temporary emotional release, I really can't stand you being close to any man.

Now that I have spoken my words perfectly, I cannot guarantee that I will make the same mistake next time.

Anyway ... you are important to me.

"Han Dong's heart has turned into a puddle of water.

Is this the so-called spring? The face in front of me was so warm, the voice next to his ears was so soft, his gaze was so intoxicating ... he couldn't help but be intoxicated, and didn't respond.

Wang Zhongding finally couldn't bear it, he snapped angrily, "Is it owed? Go back!" Han Dong's shoulders collapsed, his head shrunk, and he turned around and said nothing.

Sure enough, this is the trick.

Wang Zhongding continued stinging at him, "I'll give you some face and you don't know what your last name is.

Han Dong didn't dare to hear the crackling sound of Wang Zhongding's sole when he hit the ground.

Wang Zhongding also revealed his original face and said something completely opposite to what he had just said.

"Have I doubted you from the beginning to the end? You laughed and laughed with others, and you're wronged?" Han Dong didn't say what he wanted to say.

Wang Zhongding opened the door, "Go up!" Han Dong left and right defense, but was kicked by Wang Zhongding the moment he got into the car.

He was stunned, and jumped over the middle two seats to the back seat.

Then Han Dong couldn't help laughing.

Wang Zhongding patted the soil on Han Dong's trousers and hit him again on his bottom.

After getting on the road again, Han Dong quickly revealed the prototype, his arms wrapped around Wang Zhongding's neck fiercely, and his hands were touching him, making him very happy.

At first Wang Zhongding knocked it off impatiently, but finally he couldn't help it, and a smily smile came on his lips.

"What are you doing on the island these days?" Han Dong said, "Dancing in leaves, naked beach bathing, and enjoying myself in the waves ..." Wang Zhongding was clearly unable to breathe. Topography, research and development plans.

"" What came out? "I think the black forest on the east can be used as the shooting location for" Sneak Shadow 2 ".

"Wang Zhongding looked at him obliquely." Okay ~ have you earned all your money? " "" Why? Han Dong smiled shamefully. "Isn't this to save the crew's expenses."

""beat? "Wang Zhongding asked deliberately.

Han Dong smiled again: "15% off.

"Wang Zhongding hummed:" I spend money to organize your island, and then spend money to set you up, do you even save construction costs? "Is it for our province?" Han Dong smirked and slid his hand to the center of Wang Zhongding's legs.

Wang Zhongding finally became red, "I think about it.

After hearing this, Han Dong immediately rested his head on Wang Zhongding's leg.

Turning his face to the side of his pants, his gaze was fixed on a quietly changing object.

Wang Zhongding felt that his lower abdomen was almost burning.

Han Dong was not afraid of death, stuck out his tongue, and darted into his pants a little.

For ordinary people, don't even think about this distance.

But his tongue, as if it could extend indefinitely, instantly reached the edge of the pants.

It's just a little bit behind.

Han Dong stopped.

The tongue did a few fancy moves with dexterity and evil, and quickly retracted into his mouth.

Then a deep wink was made, and Wang Zhongding was confused.

... the two masters entered the house like crazy.

Kiss, scratch, scratch, scratch, touch, rub, scratch, poke ... everything is complete.

Except that Wang Zhongding swallowed Han Dong into his stomach, he did almost everything else.

Even difficult words were spoken.

"If you don't show up, you won't show up. Why didn't you see you with such determination?" Han Dong smiled and told Wang Zhongding the task he gave to Yu Ming.

Wang Zhongding was angry and distressed. It was Han Dong's occasional stubbornness. He was distressed when Han Dong was rejected.

But he was still greedy.

"Yu Ming stopped you in the dormitory, wasn't someone stopped you on the island? Are you still strong enough?" "Because I'm far away, I can't help looking for you when I sleepwalk."

"Han Dong said.

"Then you can't contact me with your cell phone?" "I hung my cell phone from the tip of the thorn tree and couldn't take it down at all.

"As the name suggests, the thorn tree is covered with thorns all over the body. Birds and beasts dare not approach. It is the most overbearing tree in the forest.

At first Wang Zhongding also fancied that Han Dongmengyou climbed a tree to get his mobile phone, but when he remembered it, he felt a bit frightened, and Han Dong's answer dispelled such unrealistic thoughts.

"What about that phone now?" Han Donggan laughed twice, "still hanging on it.

"Wang Zhongding was furious. This phone was customized by him. There are only two in the world.

What's more important is that Han Dong's massive private photos are stored in it. If it is destroyed by a few rains, Wang Zhongding's spiritual standard of living will go back at least 20 years.

"Why don't you take it down?" Han Dong shrank his neck. "I can't take it down.

"Then how did you hang up?" "With a pole.

"" Why don't you take it down without a pole? " Han Dong swallowed, "If I could take it down, wouldn't I have contacted you earlier?" "Wang Zhongding was right to think about it, but he still didn't understand.

"Can you hang it, why can't you take it down?" Han Dong said carefully, "Because I wrapped a lot of knots on it with a rope.

"Wang Zhongding even wondered," How did you go around? " "" Put a rope on the tree with a pole, the two ends of which hang down, fasten the button, and then use the pole to take a circle around the tree, and then fasten a button.

Then pick a circle around the tree and fasten a button.

And so on and on, until the phone is tied and strong ... "" What then? This is what Wang Zhongding cares most about.

Han Dong buried his head. "Then I cut the rope.

"Wang Zhongding's heart rate soared, and it took a long time for him to slow down.

"Aren't you very patient? Why didn't you cut a tree to make a ladder?" Han Dong said, "I originally wanted to do it.

Wang Zhongding held his breath and waited for an answer.

"I also tied the tool for making ladders to the tree ..." Wang Zhongding's temple jumped suddenly. "So?" "So I want to take it down and I can only climb the tree.

"..." After a while, Wang Zhongding finally nodded his teeth.

"Okay, it's good. I don't want to contact me.

Han Dong talked in disguise to please Wang Zhongding.

"It is because the real I love you so much that the hypocrisy I have to take strict precautions.

For the first time, Wang Zhongding heard Han Dong say "love you" and it was difficult to restrain his heart from shaking.

But after a brief throbbing, he still had to face the cruel reality-getting out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Han Dong was puzzled.

Wang Zhongding ignored him.

Han Dong chattered, "Aren't you talking? You have to go out so late? Where are you going? What are you going to do? You ..." Wang Zhongding finally roared.

"Climb the tree!" Han Dong said nothing at all.