MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 287 Great Creator.

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"Hello, we want to make a special show for" Sneak Shadow 2 ".

"Yuan Ze's driver said to the theater staff.

"Sorry, all the games have been contracted out.

"" What about VIP boxes? " "" No more.

Yuan Ze directly called the theater's boss and got the same response.

"Xiao Yuan, I'm so sorry, this movie is so hot that it has already been booked out.

"When the driver thought that Yuan Ze was going to die, he actually lined up to buy two tickets, and followed a large wave of people into the ordinary screening room.

Before the lights turned off, someone noticed Yuan Ze, and his expression was like seeing a beggar in Dubai.

"Look, there is a rare handsome guy in the world.

"My God, kill me.

"" Let people not watch movies well? " "" ... "This is why Yuan Ze wants to reserve a room. If the movie is not attractive enough, those people haven't watched the screen for a long time.

Just a few minutes before the screening, the driver chatted with Yuan Ze.

"Have you seen" Sneak Shadow 1 "?" "Yes.

"Yuan Ze said faintly.

The driver suddenly came to the spirit, "What do you think of" Sneak Shadow 1 "?"

"" Do you know who wrote the script? " "Isn't it the collective creation of the Ministry of Culture of Zhongding Group?" "The driver smiled." If they really have that ability, as long as they produce so many "Chinese-style horror films"? ""That is? "" Han Dong wrote.

Said the driver.

"Did he write? Will he still write the script?" Yuan Ze found it difficult to accept. Although the script of "Stealing Shadows" was not at the top level, it was at least an effort.

Han Dong's kind of confusing speech and thinking that is not always on the normal line can write a script with such a strict logic? "Who did you hear?" "Xia Hongwei.

Yuanze wondered, "How could he tell you this? "" I was in the hospital that day and chatted inadvertently.

Yuan Ze snorted, "That goods and Yu Ming are good 'girlfriends'. Of course, Xia Hongwei has changed the way to boast, otherwise how can they reflect the superiority of their kind? "But Xia Hongwei didn't like Han Dong very much.

""how? Do you think Han Dong and his family are too close? "No, because Han Dong once pitted his brother.

"Yuan Ze was surprised," his brother? Xia Yangzhuo? "No, Xia Yao.

"Xia Yao? How could Xia Yao be related to him? The driver told Yuan Ze that Han Dong was posing naked as a woman, and Yuan Ze was petrified on the spot.

He never felt how great the Creator was before, but now he suddenly had a high respect for it. How many brain cells did it take to create such a thing? "It is said that Xia Yao was not interested in women after that incident.

Yuan Ze's teeth tickled. "How many people have he pitted?" The driver was ashamed. "I don't know too well. It seems that the last thing he pitted liked him.

"Yuan Ze drew a face," What are you talking about? " "General Manager Wang is one of them. It is said that because General Manager Wang hates him so much, the final thing must be reversed ..." Yuanze felt he heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

But a word behind the driver made him laugh completely.

"So I'm worried that you too ..." The driver swallowed foam and said nothing.

If Yuan Ze had super powers, the whole movie theater would have been lifted already.

"How tired are you to be able to say this kind of desolation?" The driver quickly shut his eyes and turned his eyes to the big screen.

... At the beginning of the film, the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

The two children secretly ran out of the orphanage and rushed to the road quickly.

One of them is Sissi.

Since it was a back lens at the beginning, Yuan Ze didn't see Xixi's face, but only saw the little curly hair, and thought the child was cute.

As soon as Xixi turned around, Yuan Ze immediately scolded me. Was it carved out of Han Dong ’s childhood photos? Although there are some opinions on Xixicun in terms of appearance, Yuan Ze has to admit that the child's acting skills are still good. There is no restraint and contrition when the children perform, and it looks very natural.

But also because of Xixi's cheerful appearance, coupled with heavy sound effects, people can't help but feel nervous.

Sure enough, a truck drove over.

Sixi also ran on the road like a little bull, provoking the children behind while running.

"Come, come, you can chase me if you have the ability!" "Ah-" With the child screaming behind, Xixi was hit by a car more than ten meters. Twitching.

Leaving aside how difficult it is to control this kind of neurotic convulsion, just to say that such cold days lying on the **** ground toss is not something that ordinary children can tolerate.

The scene took three days.

During this period, Xixi's grandma, Wang Zhongding's mother, did not know how many tears she wiped.

Fortunately, the effect is amazing.

There was a hiss in the screening hall, and it felt like witnessing a car accident.

Many people have a feeling with Yuan Ze.

This child is amazing.

... "Ah-" After overlapping with the child's exclamation, a handsome sweaty face appeared on the big screen.

Shen Chuan, the role played by Xia Yangzhuo, is also the movie's actor sulking on the bed, meaning that what just happened is just a dream for him.

Then Han Dong pushed in the door.

His role in the film is Wei Yun, who grew up with Shen Chuan in a welfare institute. The two have a very good relationship and have lived together since graduation.

"What's wrong? I heard you crying from that room.

Wei Yun asked Shenchuan with concern.

I don't know if it was brought in habitually. Yuan Ze always felt that Wei Yun was uneasy and kind.

"I had a nightmare," she said.

"What nightmare?" "I dreamed of the car accident when I was young.

Wei Yun smiled. "It seems that the car accident left you a lot of psychological shadows. I have been dreaming for so many years.


"After Shen Chuan got up, the two had breakfast together.

During the Shenchuan Chao Weiyun asked: "Are you going to the development zone today?" "Yeah, what's wrong?" Wei Yun did not understand why Shen Chuan asked this suddenly because he had to go to the development zone every Friday Girlfriend, a law has been formed.

"Nothing, stay safe on the road.

Wei Yun nodded and went out.

Shen Chuan did not go to work after Wei Yun left. His profession is a traffic policeman. Facing the continuous flow of vehicles, Shen Chuan always had an ominous hunch.

After work, he didn't go home directly, but he sent a ghost to a car and went to the development zone.

As a result, the tragedy really happened.

Wei Yun had a car accident, and the driver was the role played by Li Shang, who was called Chen Jianlong in the film.

Chen Jianlong escaped, leaving only Wei Yun's crushed body, and Shen Chuan could not help crying.

Seeing this, the audience thought it was a "death is coming" route. There were signs of death that eventually did not escape ... but this idea was quickly overturned.

"Ah-" With the exclamation, Shen Chuan woke up from his bed again.

Wei Yun came in like the first time.

"What's wrong? I heard you crying from that room.

"Shen Chuan rubbed his head, feeling a bitter smile.

"I just dreamed.

Wei Yun was curious, "What dreams are in dreams?" "I first dreamed that you died in a car accident when you were a kid, and then I woke up in this bed and had breakfast with you. You said that you were going to the development zone, and I felt a little bit vague, and finally went to the development zone to find you As a result, you really had a car accident ... "Wei Yun looked at him," I also had two car accidents in your dream? "Well, once as a kid, once as a kid.

Wei Yun teased, "You just want me to die?" Dead twice? "I'm not looking forward to your death, I'm afraid you will die.

"" Don't be afraid of my death and have a dream of health and longevity. Isn't this dream cursing me? " "Shen Chuan smiled," But in my dreams, I really felt that you had a car accident when you were a kid.

"This kind of feeling has been experienced by many people, that is, they have created a completely strange world in their dreams, but this world is very familiar with themselves in the dream. It seems that they have lived here for many years, and even memories are inherent.

"Get up, it's time to be late for work.

"Wei Yun urged.

There was a close-up shot of Shen Chuan before he got up, hitting his face up close, and he could clearly see the flash of confusion inside, short and violent, just right.

It will not let the audience immediately raise their caution, nor will they miss this clue when they look back.

At the age of Xia Yangzhuo, it can be considered remarkable to be able to play the eyes so well.

But unfortunately, his face was too dazzling, completely stealing the limelight of acting.

The focus of the female audience has shifted.

"Look at the confusion when he wakes up, he's so cute.

"Especially those blue eyeballs, which caused people to spit nosebleeds when they started.

"" Stunner, really stunner.

"..." Yuan Ze's driver was still attentive and discovered this anomaly in Shen Chuan. He also whispered with Yuan Ze.

"Will Shenchuan still be in the dream?" Yuan Ze snorted, "Do you mean the dream in the dream? Isn't it the same as the previous episode?" It's too simple.

"" Since you didn't understand, just shut up.

"The driver stopped talking.

... The next few days, Shen Chuan's mental state became worse and worse, she often had some insomnia, and her memory became worse and worse.

Often you put the things the night before and forget where you are the next day.

Wei Yun suspected that he was caused by too much pressure, so he took him out to travel and relax. The place to travel was the small island. Shenchuan took many photos of Wei Yun in the Black Forest.

One of the photos was taken not far from the cabin where Yuan Ze lived.

A sharp-eyed viewer pointed at the big screen and said, "Look, that tree looks burned.

"Can it be any clue?" Yuan Ze's belly defamation: Clue your uncle, that was left over when I burnt Lao Tzu.

During the tour, Shen Chuan's mental state has improved a lot, and she has never lost sleep or forgetfulness.

He developed all the photos taken during the trip and put them in the old album.

At this time, a close-up was given to a photo, which was a photo taken by Wei Yun not long ago.

However, the night after Shen Chuan returned, he lost sleep.

He wanted to take some sleeping pills, but when he opened the drawer, he found that a photo had fallen to the floor.

Take it for a look, it is Wei Yun's photo.

Shen Chuan wondered, he clearly remembered that he put this photo in the album, why did he run out again? So, Shen Chuan went to the bookshelf again to pick up the old photo album, and wanted to stuff this photo. When he opened the photo album, he found that all the photos taken during the trip were gone.

How could this be? Shen Chuan looked through the boxes, but couldn't find those pictures.

Thought that it was Wei Yun who showed it to a friend, Shen Chuan didn't manage it anymore, he threw the ID photo and old photo album on the sofa and went to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Chuan and Wei Yun talked about this, and Wei Yun expressed surprise.

"I haven't touched those pictures.

"See for yourself.

Shen Chuan was dumbfounded as soon as she opened it, and the travel photos were placed in the album intact, and strangely, those photos were placed in the original order, and there were more than thirty.

If Wei Yun really took it away, it would not be possible to insert it back in place.

"Are you having bad memory? Go to the doctor.

Wei Yun advised Shenchuan.

Shen Chuan said nothing.

Before going to bed at night, Wei Yunchao Shenchuan asked, "You have lost sleep in the past two days?" Shenchuan said aloud.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" "No, you go to sleep.

"Oh, right ..." Wei Yun said, and took two clothes from the back room and threw them on the sofa. "My wardrobe is full. These two clothes are hung up on you first."

"Okay, you put this.

As soon as Wei Yun left, Shen Chuan forgot about the stubble and went back to his room to wash and sleep.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Shen Chuan woke up again and couldn't sleep after waking up.

He paced into the living room, trying to sit on the sofa for a while, and suddenly froze.

The place where Wei Yun's clothes were originally placed was empty.

Shen Chuan quickly walked to the back room, opened the closet and glanced, but did not find the two clothes Wei Yun gave him.

Shen Chuan again.

Because Wei Yun went to bed after giving him his clothes, it was impossible to get up and take his clothes away during that time! Even worse, Shen Chuan got up early the next morning and found that Wei Yun's two clothes were on the sofa.

The audience in the auditorium started whispering in a small area.

"In fact, sometimes I do the same, I can't find anything, and I finally find it at hand.

"Yes, yes, I have experienced this.

"" Evil door.

"..." After seeing this, Yuan Ze's first thought flashed in his mind was Han Dongmengyou took away.

Shen Chuan in the film thinks the same way, he thinks Wei Yun must be sleepwalking.

But Wei Yun vowed to promise Shenchuan, "I have no sleepwalking, and I never sleepwalk.

"The incisive tone and the incisive expression made the audience feel that Han Dongning can eat **** and cannot sleepwalk.

Only Yuan Ze wanted to take him out and give her a slap.

How does your TM's face turn blue? ... Unfortunately, Shen Chuan had to see a doctor.

The doctor made a series of examinations and tests, and came to an amazing conclusion.

"You don't have any problems with forgetfulness.

"Shen Chuan was shocked." No way, I remember that album ... "The doctor interrupted him directly." If you really have amnesia, how do you keep the order of those photos intact? " "Shenchuan was struck by lightning for an instant.

The audience followed for a moment.

At this time, the doctor asked him again: "You tell me, what are the things you forgot about?" After Shen Chuan recalled, his face suddenly became pale.

"It's all about a friend of mine.

"" When did that begin? "Shen Chuan thought again, his face was even worse.

"It was from that day that I had a dream, and dreamed that he had a car accident, and then ..." The doctor's face was a little dignified. "In this way, if you have insomnia tonight, go to organize or check your friend's things .

""okay, I get it.

"Shen Chuan a week, the doctor's assistant whispered.

"What do you think he looks like?" The doctor shoved his glasses. "I suspect his friend is dead, and he cannot accept the reality.

"A lot of viewers think the same way.

The assistant sighed, "Next.

As soon as the door opened, Wei Yun came in.

The audience is all scared. What is it? The doctor asked, "What's your problem?" "I'm fine, I'm a friend of the patient just now.

"The doctor almost slipped out of the chair.

The audience was also laughing.

Yingdi, you're naughty again.

As a result, the joyful atmosphere did not last long. With Shen Chuan's insomnia again, the repressive horror began to spread slowly.

This day was another Friday. Wei Yun went to the development zone as usual, leaving Shenchuan alone at home.

Waking up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, Shen Chuan went to the drawer to get sleeping pills.

After opening it, a photo fell out again.

Still the photo of that ID.

He clenched his hands and slowly turned the photo over. The two big red characters stimulated him to almost fall.


Everyone is uproaring, is this hair? Isn't he still going to the doctor to sell Meng just now? Yuan Ze also couldn't understand.

Shen Chuan trembled to the door of Wei Yun's bedroom, clutching at the doorknob, she did not dare to open it.

The hearts of all the audience followed.

Because according to the general horror movie routine, open the door of the room at this time, and it should be a spiritual hall.

But after Shen Chuan had the courage to open it, it was still an ordinary room.

Everyone was relieved, but with doubt.

Since it is an ordinary room, what's going on with the photo just now? Just as everyone's nerves were relaxed, a thunderbolt exploded from overhead.

The wardrobe is empty! The wardrobe that Wei Yun claimed was full had no clothes in it.

Shen Chuan fell to the ground, white as a piece of paper.

... The next day, Shen Chuan went to the doctor again.

"I have sorted out its contents as you ordered.

""The results of it? The doctor asked.

Shen Chuan said: "He was dead. I thought the car accident was a dream, but it was real. The photos have since disappeared, and the clothes in his closet are empty. I have never been willing to accept this reality ... … "As he said, the door was suddenly opened, and Wei Yun came out again to challenge everyone's IQ.

"No, you explain to me, who is dead? The curse doesn't bring this ..." The audience laughed again.

Only Yuan Ze frowned, what an odd way? Later, Shen Chuan was called for an examination by a nurse. The doctor said to Wei Yun: "We suspect he has paranoia.

"" Paranoia? "Yes, it is difficult to distinguish between the subconscious and the conscious, and insists that what he fancies is the fact.

Wei Yun was so embarrassed that his schizophrenia were all friends and relatives who died and insisted that he was alive.

How can I live well, but he thinks I'm dead? "The cause of this disease is very complicated. It may be that he is not sociable. Only you, a close friend, suffers for a long time, so you will be stimulated by a dream.

"Wei Yun was very heavy.

But if that's the case, it can't be called Stealing.

... In the following days, Wei Yun stayed with Shen Chuan as much as possible, hoping to dispel his uneasiness.

However, Shen Chuan's "illness" not only did not improve, but became more and more serious.

That night, he had insomnia again, and went to the drawer to get medicine as usual, but another picture fell out.

This time, it was a picture of a child.

Shen Chuan picked it up and took a look at the picture when he and Wei Yun were young.

Wei Yun in the photo is the face of Xixi.

Then, when Shen Chuan returned this photo to the old album, he found that all the photos of Wei Yun when he grew up were gone, including those travel photos and the ID photo, and the rest were only photos from his childhood.

Shen Chuan trembled and turned the photo over again.

It clearly read the seven characters: "Mourning my childhood friend.

"How come ... Shen Chuan collapsed to the ground directly.

The audience was almost paralyzed with him. What the **** is this? Dead two times? In the commotion of the crowd, Yuan Ze only realized that he hadn't changed his sitting position for a long time.

Shen Chuan found the doctor again and told him everything.

The doctor sighed, "Do you remember the dream you told me before? You put the first layer of dreams in your head again, and thought he died when he was a kid.

"Shen Chuan shook his head." No, I can see it clearly. That picture says ... "" Bring it. "

"The doctor reached out.

Shen Chuan passed the childhood photo to the doctor.

The doctor held up to him, "You see clearly, there is nothing on it.

"She didn't say what she wanted to say.

Although there was no refutation, the thoughts inherent in Shen Chuan's mind were not eliminated. In order to prove that he really saw them, Shen Chuan bought a camera and decided to record everything that happened at night.

At night, he lost sleep again.

Take the mobile phone to the bathroom, look at it, the picture of the child sitting on his lap suddenly appears on the mobile phone screen.

When Shen Chuan took the phone away, the exact same scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Sisi did sit on his lap.

The small head slowly turned around, and the eerie smile really scared the audience.

Children are terrified, and their lethality is extremely strong.

Especially Xixi acting group.

Xia Yangzhuo was taken aback when filming this scene, let alone the effect of filming.

Xia Yangzhuo was shocked and found that he was sitting on another person's leg and turned his head to see Wei Yun's somber face.

"Ah-" Someone screamed in the cinema.

Yuan Ze had some unstable heartbeats.

This film has always been without **** shots, and it is the atmosphere and the rendering of the picture that increase the horror value. This is the first time that the audience has been astonished.

The acting skills of the main film emperors are too great.

Shenchuan was so frightened that he ran back to the room and ran into the room until the morning. He picked up the camera and was stupid.

He sleeps all night.

Not to mention that Shen Chuan is difficult to accept, even the audience is difficult to accept.

What? Are you dreaming? Shen Chuan was forced to accept this "fact", and even if she saw anything at night, she never mentioned it during the day, but her depression was getting worse and her work was no longer in a state.

On that day, while he was on duty with another traffic policeman, a red lighter was stopped by them.

When the man got off the car, all the audience was shocked.

-Chen Jianlong.

Chen Jianlong played by Li Shang.

That is, the man who crushed Wei Yun in Shenchuan Dream.

At this moment, he was explaining to the traffic police: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I drove a car, didn't deliberately run into the red light ..." "Do you understand the fatigue of driving? It is worse than running through the red light.

"The other traffic police reprimanded.

Shen Chuan was completely stupid.

Impossible, impossible, dream.

No one's dream can dream of a completely strange but real person.