MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 30 Be a friend

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Ji Anran leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Is there so obvious?

"Enron. It is not a matter of enjoyment for a person to fight alone in the last days. Just sleeping at night is worried that there will be a strong person to assassinate and kill people."

Ji Anran still did not speak.

Wei Yanhua continued: "I am a man, I don't like communication and fighting. But in the end of the world, I have to continue to live. I always have to find ways to continuously improve my strength. I am sometimes worried about all kinds of things. The problem, we are two friends, I trust you, we can fight side by side and cooperate with each other."

"Actually... my attachment to my brother is not just because of the hardships of the single tree." Ji Anran looked dim.

In the past life, when he started his business, he could not bear the loneliness. He knows that his brother is trying to create a better future for him, but he can't help it.

Who knows when the elder brother wants to start a business? How many months? One year? Still several years?

Over time, he became more and more intolerable. In fact, thinking about it now, this is also related to his lack of love, so he is not willing to wait.

Later, they met in the last days. He refused his compound request. He was so proud of himself that he couldn’t stand the things that were rejected before everyone. He turned and left.

Later, he was alone in the last days, and he didn’t dare to sleep at night. At that time, he was the most missed time.

"I admit, I don't love him deeply, my love is full of too much care and gains." Ji Anran squinted, his voice a little choked, "But I still like him after all. I regret it, and I can't bear it. Not only because of the benefits."

"He has been rejecting your compound. Enron, you have to know this." Wei Yanhua hit the nail on the head.

Ji Anran's eyes are red and his voice is hoarse.

"I know, I always know!" Ji Anran suddenly clenched his fists and his eyes were a little crazy.

For a long while, he let go of his fist and pulled his side like a confession.

"In fact, think about it, I have always been very selfish. I used to wrap him up, not to conclude that he still loves me, so there is no fear? He refused me so many times, maybe I want to get a relief. I There really is no need to entangle, I don't deserve it!"

I love him so much, I guess I’ve seen it already? Therefore, regardless of whether it was a past life or a lifetime, the first reaction was to reject him. His likes are conspiracy and never pure.

Ji Anran took a can of beer on the table and poured it directly.

His eyes are red, and there is water shining in it. It seems that when he can't help but cry.

Wei Yanhua saw it and went to the refrigerator to get more wine and put it on the table.

"Enron, you are in a bad mood, I will accompany you to drink. Life is alive, if love is not enough, you can turn around and look at the friends around. There is always a little warmth in the world, it has been staying."

Wei Yanhua opened a bottle of wine and accompanied the season to drink.

Wei Yanhua's drink is very good. After drinking a few bottles of wine, Ji Anran is already drunk.

Although Wei Yanhua is a little red on the cheek, the eyes of the gods are clear.

Human beings are selfish and he is no exception.

The trust between people in the end of the world almost collapses completely. You don't even know if your teammates will suddenly slap you a knife. The original loved couple will suddenly turn against you.

Wei Yanhua was a house before the end of the world, and he was very disgusted with interpersonal relationships.

But after the end of the world, he found that the days of a man's house were not as good as he had imagined. It’s not too bad to sleep alone at night.

He pursues a lot, but it is too difficult to find someone who can trust the trust. After encountering a small partner who can deliver his heart, he can't help but be tempted.


Wei Yanhua hooked his lips and his eyes sparkled.

"Long delay, I really didn't plan to dig your corner. But you have refused him so many times. I have to find a small partner to fight for single life together, but not too much?"


In a small bar at the base, I will chat with my friends who are off duty.

Here is a box and the decor is very luxurious.

"Long delay, as you said, there are a lot of supplies in the farmhouse. You made a big profit this time." The friend patted the shoulders of Yan Yan. "You treat me tonight."

Yan Yan smiled: "Okay. Right, what happened in the base recently?"

"There is nothing big, it is the fact that the base is expanding. But what is going to happen, there is a big event." The friend suddenly lowered his voice, and the original appearance of the slinger disappeared.

See your friend's face dignified, and the heart that stretched down also hung up.

"what's up?"

"The investigation found that there was a zombie army heading towards the base. These zombies were originally from the villages in the city. The places were densely populated, and the stairs and the streets were generally narrow. Even if the living people wanted to run, it was not easy. Those zombies are constantly going to the base. Moving in the direction, according to reliable news, the number of zombies is at least four digits."

"Those places are estimated that even the abilities are not easy to escape. The rescue forces are also the priority to save the zombies. I am worried that the people will not be rescued. The rescue team will be completely destroyed. So many zombies, it is estimated that there will be a time." A fierce battle." Yan Yan brows wrinkled.

He had intended to go out and find the living supplies first, and then come back to the results of the study of the mutant animals. But now it seems that his plan has to be rescheduled.

The base is their home base, and the family has to be flattened by the zombies. What is the use of finding more things outside?

"Our base is preparing a trade fair with the Hope Base, just in the middle of the two bases of this Fengyuan Square. Although the base has been agreed upon, but it will not be a good time."

The friend said with a strong heart: "The zombie tide is just around the corner, and there is another wave of zombies on their side to prepare to destroy their base. There will definitely be no big move to the struggle between the bases, but the abilities will quietly kill people and goods in private. The battle is hard to avoid."

I took a sip of wine and my expression was very calm, which was obviously expected.

"This is normal. After all, there are always people who want to use some tricks in the dark. Even if there are some dark corners inside the base, the base can't handle it."

Yan Yan took out an invitation from his arms and put it on the table.

"There is a black market in the base. You must know this. They also discussed with the people who want the base. They just got a black market here and are ready to exchange some materials. If you need it, you can go and see it."

Good end, why not just sell it at the base trading market? Of course, because the source of the source is not correct, beware of being discovered.

The black market is wrapped up in a tight manner. Who knows who you are? Moreover, there is no law enforcement team at the base, and there is no righteous passerby passing through the road. It is simply not suitable for sales and defamation.

Of course, because the black market price is high. Some people have no problem with the supply of goods, and they are willing to take risks to make big money there.


At the same time, several researchers in the Chenxi Base Research Institute are still working hard.

Because of the problem of rain, people who eat plants that have been watered by rain for a long time will only have more and more accumulated in the body. The researchers at the base have already started researching and want to make drugs to clean up these impurities.

After all, although the base has kept some unpolluted soil in time, it is still working hard to carry out soilless cultivation, but where can most ordinary people in the base afford these expensive and pollution-free vegetables?

This pharmacy, no matter what, must try to overcome it.

For a long time, several people put down the record report in their hands, and they were so excited that they got up.

“It’s been so hard for so long, it’s finally developed!” A researcher’s voice choked, “Xiaohui, fortunately you picked this plant.”

Chen Xiaohui’s face is difficult to hide and smile: “I felt that the property of Gan Yulan was quite suitable. I didn’t expect an experiment to be successful. Thanks to the many material experiments you have done before, you have eliminated so many options, or else I It's also hard to just pick this one."

"In any case, you have a lot of credit for this matter. You are also diligent in doing things..." A researcher praised Chen Xiaohui.

Chen Xiaohui smiled and her heart became more and more excited.

He knew that this time he was finally integrated into this team. He just selected the experimental material, of course, not because of any coincidence, but because of past events.

Encounter and take off the mask: "Everyone has worked hard today, go back to rest. I will write a report to the upper level tomorrow, everyone will wait for the supplies."


After exchanging the information, he was delayed back to his home.

The moon hangs high and a layer of silver shines on the ground.

The street was quiet, and few people dared to go out. The only prosperous and lively place is the pub and the red light district.


Yan Yan turned around in the house and did not see Ji Anran.

Yan Yan then took the elevator to the floor where Wei Yanhua was located. Although only the door card of the owner of the house could stop at that level, as long as the owner went to the residential property, the information of the person allowed to park was left. The other person can also rely on brushing his face to the floor where the homeowner is.


I slammed the doorbell.

Wei Yanhua walked over and opened the door, and her lips lit up with an unclear smile.

When Yan Yan entered the door, he stopped.

Enron drunk, lying on the sofa without any precautions.

"What do you want to do when you are drunk safely?!"

Yan Yan's face was dark, and he stared at Wei Yanhua with his eyes.

Obviously, Yan Yan has regarded Wei Yanhua as a hypocritical hypocrite.

Wei Yanhua Gate is also not closed, leaning directly on the wall.

"Enron is not happy, I am accompanying him to drink. In fact, you should ask what you have done, or else what do he want to drink?"

"Do you dare say that you haven't provoked it at all?"

The eyes of the enemy are dangerously picked up, and the eyes of the enemy are getting worse.

Wei Yanhua raised his hand and fanned the fan: "I don't want to provoke it. Because he was rejected too many times, he was in a bad mood, and I advised him to give up. Is this a provocation? You are not always I hope he doesn't want to be with you, I am helping you~"

Yan Yan sneered: "I will take it safely and go back to you tomorrow."

Ji Anran was helped by the people. He opened his eyes in confusion and found that the person in front of him was his embarrassed brother.

"Hey brother..."

Ji Anran stunned his head and wanted to keep himself awake.

The sound of the delay is so gentle that it can drip out the water: "Enron, let's go home."

"No, my brother. I won't find you in the future. I don't have to stay in your house. I will sleep on Yanhua tonight. Go back."

Past life

After breaking up, Yan Yan madly missed Ji Anran, and it became clear that he had never faced up to the problem.

He and Enron are in love, but Enron is not as deep as he is.

After a few months, there was not much time for companionship. When Enron chose to leave, he could understand. He started his business to give Enron a better life, but he also suffered from the heart of Enron.

He ignored the impact of this waiting time on Enron, his fault.


Enron left, and walked so crisply and decisively. He had to admit that Enron did not love him so deeply, so he did not want to give up the opportunity.

After the end of the world, he reunited with Enron, and Enron said he wanted to compound.

He refused.

Why should Enron be compounded with him? In the last days, the people who can be assured of Enron should have only him. Therefore, at that moment, he would not hesitate to speak the compound words at the moment of reunion, regardless of his feelings at the time.

Not only because of feelings, but also because of interests, he knows. He can't accept it and refused.


Later, I heard that Enron is very strong and hopes to mix well in the base.

That's fine, Enron doesn't need him anymore.

Later, when I heard the news of Enron, it was already the death of Enron.

He put down the work at hand and rushed to the Hope Base day and night.

"What about the body?"

"Self-explosive, did not stay." Chen Hao base people said.

Then, he had a broom and a bag to collect the minced meat from the ground. After the cremation, he loaded the ashes.

Because of Enron's self-destruction, in addition to a mysterious person, everyone else was also bombed into a corpse. But no one in their body dared to claim it. It seemed to be worried about being chased by him.

At least it is a piece, too complete, how can he be willing?

From then on, there is no season in the world, but there is a famous infatuation in the morning base.


It’s been a few years since he found out the enemy and designed to kill it all.

But what about it, people are dead? The cruelty of paying for life is just to vent your anger.

"Hey, let's get ready to go and find supplies. Are you ready?" Gao Xun shouted outside the door.


He put the casket into the space and continued to begin his journey in this world.

Alone, in addition to constantly killing the zombies to live, there is nothing to do. Life only has the meaning of survival. What does it mean to live?

Probably I can't find a reason to die.

He sometimes thinks, if he is given a chance, will he still choose to refuse to ask for a compound?

Will not.

If you are Enron, don't say a few months, he can endure loneliness for a few years. But Enron is not so deep, he can't wait.

At the beginning, Enron directly smashed him and then disappeared. See you again, Enron said compound directly, even if it might make him feel uncomfortable.


Enron will open the lock for him, and go to the door to fall in love with him...

Enron will continue to open the store, saying that he can raise his business without having to work hard...

Enron will give up the hope of the base, and come to him...

In fact, he does not have to insist that this relationship is 100% pure, who loves to pay more.

He loves Enron, and the only person he likes is him.

This is enough, no one else can care.