MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 54 punishment

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The season of holding the clothes is stunned. He stares at the delay, and the surprised look seems to be staring at something strange.

"You seem to have forgotten. Not long ago, you just said that I have a sweaty smell on my body." Ji Anran grinned and raised his hand to extend it to the launch.

"I am very embarrassed. I just thought about coming to sleep with me, hey, no door!"

I held Ji'an's face and closed the bathroom door in the face of Ji Anran.

"I will put a dress first." Yan Yan put the clothes and bath towels in. A large bag of bulging sacs.

Ji Anran originally wanted to say ‘What is your attitude?’ The eyes were attracted by the clothes.

"How is such a thick group? You shouldn't be the winter pajamas."

Ji Anan stretched out his hand and tried to pick up the white bath towel and see what was placed underneath.

Yan Yan grabbed his hand: "This band-aid is not waterproof, I will give you a few waterproof ones."

Yan Yan said, took the clothes in Ji’an’s arms and put them aside.

Ji Anran licked his lips and his eyes began to drift.

Obviously intend to blow this guy out of the bathroom...

"It hurts?"

Yan Yan tore off all the band-aids on Ji Anran's palm, and stared at the wound and asked.

Ji Anran has a relaxed face: "Fortunately, it is a broken skin, and it will be fine. It is more troublesome. It is inconvenient to wash your hands in such a place."

"Deserve it, you ask for it." The sound of Yan Yan is not as depraved, but rather a statement of a fact.

Ji Anran was so angry that he was flushed: "I want you to control! Don't break a skin, I am not so delicate. You go out, I can take a bath alone, you don't need to wait."

"You are not squeamish, but I feel bad."

"Don't..." Don't think that if you say two words, I will deflate.

耿 Extend the tongue and squat from the bottom up along the palm of your hand.

His movements are so slow, his beautiful side face is faintly lit by the light of the bathroom, his eyes are pious and focused, and he is almost squatting in this gentle town.

Ji Anran feels that the palm of his hand is not like his own. There is a little wet touch. The feeling of crispy and numbness spreads to the heart, igniting the fire in his heart and making his heartbeat become mad.

"Hey brother..." Ji Anran's delicate face floated with a faint blush, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

His voice changed unconsciously, with a deep love and desire.

Yan Yan looked up and stared at Ji Anran, who was ashamed to wait for the pick. The two looked at each other, and Ji Anran immediately bowed his head in shame.

The world seems to be silent as well, and time seems to be stretched.

It seems that it has been a long time, and it seems that only a few seconds have passed.

Yan Yan suddenly reached out and seized the back of Ji Anran's head. The teasing and arrogance between the lips and teeth made Ji Anran almost unable to bear it.

He closed his eyes and obeyed obediently. Until he finally reached the limit, because of the lack of oxygen and confusion, he only pushed forward and pushed the shoulders.

It was only after he had let him go, let him rest on his shoulders.

Ji Anran felt his mouth twitching with his tongue, and he couldn’t speak.

The nature of the people's clothes is not idle, and the season is cleaned and put in the bathtub.

There is no water supply in this place, whether it is the water in the bathtub or the hanging light bulb with wires on the head, which is delayed by their own.

There was a mirror in the bathroom, and Ji Anran was too shy to close his eyes.

He lay softly in the bathtub, blushing and waiting for something. Such a clever and ready-to-take slaughter gesture made Yan Yan unable to hold it.

耿延三下五除二出了衣服, immediately sat in.

The water in the bathtub flowed to the ground.

Ji Anran was too nervous and the little hand clenched.

耿 掰 掰 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安


The sound of the delay was a little hoarse. He attached to Ji Anran’s neck, kissed for a while, and after finishing the mark, he looked up reluctantly and attached it to Ji’an’s ear.

"Enron likes to catch fish, is it good for us to catch fish tonight?"

"Ah, don't..." Ji Anran gasped slightly, until he was doing the foreplay, and he finally got the energy to answer.

Ji Anran's face powder is more beautiful than the peach blossoms on the branches. His eyes were blurred, and he looked at him with innocent and stunned eyes: "What fish?"

"Catch the squid, okay?"

"I didn't take a shower, I didn't leave the bathtub. I didn't want to go to the fish pond in the big night." Ji Anran is now groggy and unable to analyze the deep meaning of the words.

"Okay, don't go out, we are catching fish here."


"Slipped in, can you catch the fish?"

"You roll!" Ji Anran uncontrollably shed physiological tears in his eyes.


The two men made a mess in the bathroom. After they finished, they continued to wash their clothes in the white.

At this time, Ji Anran knew what was left under the bath towel.

"Cats, cat ears, still, and tails...when did you collect them?"

The season that was tired and tired, suddenly hit a spirit, and the chaotic brain was a little clear.

Ji Anran shivered and felt his **** hurt.

"Let's talk about it next time."

When he got out of bed tomorrow, he took the gunner.

Too much, too hurt.

I took the cat's ear to Ji Anran, then picked it up and put it back on the bedroom bed.

"Don't get it right~" Ji Anran softly spoke.

"Not good." Yan Yanan kissed the kiss and said, "I am very angry today."

"My hand hurts the skin, it doesn't hurt very much, really." Ji Anran wants to cry without tears.

He wanted to run, but he was squatted tightly there.

"Enron. What kind of thrilling things we have gone into the zoo today to do the task. From the elephant group to the soldier's neuropathy, to the back of the rabbit group. You are unscathed, the only wound, only your own hands."

Ji Anran looked at the tail and shrank a little: "Hey, I am wrong."

"Enron, I know your temper. Don't give you some lessons, you won't learn long." 耿 sighed and sighed, approaching the season.

Ji Anran began to struggle: "You go away, ah..."

Turned red waves, one night.


The winter wind blew constantly, and the face of the person was sore.

The sun has climbed to the highest point, and the sun has given the earth a faint warm light.

Ji Anran was still lying on the bed like a salted fish, and the noise from the downstairs did not wake him up.

For a long time, his eyelids finally trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

Ji Anran stared at the white ceiling and screamed for a long time. He slowly opened his lips and his voice was slight. It seemed to be floating from afar.

"I... survived."

Ji Anran grabbed the quilt and covered his head.

There were too many things happened last night, and he recalled that they were all blushing.

Too hurt and hurt the kidney too much, how did he find such a gunner.

This is his old life!

The door was suddenly opened, and Ji’an stared at the delay.

Yan Yan has been replaced with a black down jacket, which looks handsome and aggressive.

It’s a human-like dog, this dress is a beast!

"耿哥." Ji Anran opened his mouth and found his voice hoarse.

I took out a box of throat lozenges from the space: "Your scorpion is overused, with two pieces of throat lozenges."

Ji Anran just closed his mouth and closed again.

"I will brush my teeth first, oh!"

When Ji Anran got out of bed, he almost fell.

The **** is burning, so violent, I want to swear!

"Mix!" Egg!

The throat hurts and I don't want to talk.

Ji Anran cried his face and went into the bathroom to wash his face. He felt that Ji Anran was physically inconvenient and went in.

He helped to wait for the season to wash, and the season enjoyed the emperor's level of treatment, and then he gave me a look!

Dressed animals, big garbage!

"Enron, I just went to the dining hall to buy fresh vegetables. You go out to eat, it is not good to eat cold." Yan Yan took the season and went out.

Ji Anran originally wanted to knock down people, but when he thought about his ass, he still didn't start to "mount" himself.

Don't want to move for the time being, or don't just mess with the scooter.

After the fall, the account is good~

The food that was sold downstairs was put directly into the space. After Ji Enran was brought in, he took the dishes in the space and put them on the table.

Ji Anran's face suddenly turned black: "What garbage dish do you take. Look at what it is, you dare to bring me a fish!"

The Ji Anran scorpion with the throat tablets is just a little better, and it is still a little uncomfortable when talking. But he is too angry, even if he is dumb, he has to delay.

"The dishes in the dining hall are like this today. I can't do anything about it. It only makes fish and meat dishes, and everything else is vegetarian. If you prepare a table of vegetarian dishes, you probably don't like it."

Yan Yan looked at Ji Anran’s bleak eyes for a moment, and he couldn’t feel distressed.

"Enron, bear it. The wires that are not here are damaged. I can't cook it with you on the stove. When we get back to the base, I will give you a table of meat, okay?"

“喵呜~” Ji Anran’s heart was cold and he screamed.

When I heard it, I almost responded.

Ji Anran picked up the chopsticks and ate a few vegetables and finally couldn't stand it.

He still extended the chopsticks to the dish, although he now sees the fish, full of happy and unpleasant memories. But... he really doesn't want to be vegetarian!

"Enron, if you don't cling to eating hot dishes, I still have canned beef." Yan Yan suddenly remembered.

Ji Anran: "..."

How can I forget, there is a canned thing.