MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 67 Delayed "philosophy"

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Quan Enran knows how to delay, and if you listen to it, you know that there is no good thing in someone’s mind.

"I don't want to know, goodbye."

耿 揉 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安

"Go to you," Ji Anran's little face turned red, turned his head. "I wish you something, go back and talk."

Yu Yan was stunned for a second and quickly reacted.

"Well, let's go, we changed the collection of materials."


At the same time, Wu Quan’s other teams in charge of surveillance were stunned.

This is just a team, actually killed the plant directly? !

The tricky plants, since they were monitored, have never seen anyone who can go back alive!

The people who ran here to collect supplies were competitors to each other, but after discovering that the plants were particularly tricky, they quickly changed their strategy and began to join forces against vines.

At that time, dozens of abilities, although most of them were first-order abilities, the number was scary enough. Human tactics, no one is living.

One person put down the telescope and the voice trembled.

"That pair of people is the devil, actually..."

"Speaking, they have just played against the vines, and they are not too small. You said that we should run over the sneak attack, maybe we can take the profit."

"It’s stupid! You are now running for food, but they are not too small, but it’s more than enough to beat us."

The man said, he slaps his team members and slaps them on his head, which flashes the brain shell.

"Captain, you are light!"

"Oh, I can only teach you the lesson, so that you don't have to worry about going to death!" The captain snorted.

"Right, the captain, I just can't see who is out of the wind. I saw it? How do we write this information report?"

The captain grinned: "It's fine to write it. Anyway, we are only responsible for the distance, and it is not within our mission to find out which of the teams in the team is a dual-system."


After solving the vines, it is looking for supplies.

There are too many dead bodies buried in the snow, so that everyone's heart is tight.

Looking at the players, I thought for a moment: "There should be something in the few rooms nearby, we are looking for it."

Ji Anran did not enter the house, but went to the root of the plant where to look.

This vine runs around the roots, and the roots of the earth are grayed out, and countless roots are arranged in disorder, causing the eyes to spend.

Ji Anran turned over the roots: "I had inadvertently seen its roots seem to be a bit problematic. Although it has a lot of roots, it handles it very well, and it doesn't have messy knots when running. ”

"However, there must be a small piece of the root in it that is curled up together. I don't look like it is uncontrollable after the injury, so I always wonder."

Ji Anran said, let the roots that are entangled together be opened, and the things inside are exposed.

"This is a seed."

I walked over and looked at the dark little rounds.

Ji Anran nodded. "I guess so. It makes sense why other people's crystal nuclei are useless to it, but it still has to collect these nuclei."

"The seeds of the spring bloom in the coming year, and there may be vines that awaken the abilities. It is done to reserve the nucleus for the offspring." Yan Yan took out a transparent nucleus from the roots of the plant.

"Is this the spiritual nucleus? It's beautiful." Ji Anran slaps his lips. "Although I don't know who the people who killed me in the past, I can use this stuff to fish him out."

Yan Yan fists clenched, and the blue veins on his hands.

"Well, when we get along with the vines, we will solve all the people. But you don't want to be impulsive, we need to be prepared. The other side's power is not small, we can't accompany them to hell."

Ji Anran chuckled: "I won't be impulsive, as long as you are not impulsive enough."

Obviously it is a revenge for killing, he can bear to go to the elder brother first, instead of digging out his own enemies. His endurance is not average, but he is worried that his brother is too angry to act.

However, fortunately, my brother's self-control is also strong enough. Impulsively this kind of thing will hardly happen to my brother.

Oh, except for the bed!

"I can only be impulsive when I face you. For example, when you are jealous of me, for example, when you are particularly cute and unconsciously yelling at me..." Yan Yan rushed to Ji’an’s ear and whispered softly.

Ji Anran blushes and his eyes glance around.

The friends all went into the house to search for supplies, which is not here. Very good, no one saw them flirting.

"Hey brother, it’s good to be outside, you converge." Ji Anran was ashamed and annoyed. "When I asked for compounding before, you were calm and cold with personality, how can this be..."

"Enron, I was not good at that time. I have restrained it. I don't want to restrain it now. Our relationship is a gunner. Isn't it a bit in your heart?"

Ji Anran stunned and said: "Do you really treat me as a gunner?"

"Of course. There is already a way to find an enemy. You are waiting to be a boyfriend. No, it is a small wife."

Ji Anran suddenly became angry and angry: "You are a little wife! I am your old attack!"

"Well, you can make me shout anything."

Ji Anran opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

My brother’s words seemed to be retreating, but... Why didn’t it seem that there was a sense of victory?

Probably because the bed is still being suppressed. But that is so tired, he just wants to lie down...

Lazy season, salted fish, and Enron thought.


Yan Yan had a while with the season and entered the room to search for supplies.

There are two kinds of houses here, one is for sleeping chickens at night, and the other is for the farmers themselves.

Because it is accompanied by this terrible vine, whether it is a mutant chicken or a normal chicken, it can no longer die.

Instead, there are some living materials on the staff quarters, and they are not empty-handed.

"Where is the nucleus of this vine hiding, I remember that it should be buried in the vicinity." Ji Anran walked away. "Zhou Liang, you control the plant to dig here and try."

Zhou Liang controlled a vine seed in the land, let it grow up quickly, and extended his tentacles to dig the ground.

"found it."

After a while, Zhou Liang dug out the crystal nucleus under the ground.

Ji Anran looked at the colorful nucleus and sighed heavily.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who have died here this time. It is embarrassing."

"Most of the deaths are from the people who want the base, because the news is coming from them. They know the fastest and the fastest."

Ji Anran snorted and his eyes were mocking.

"For Wu Quan, this is good news. Anyway, the bureau he laid down is not his own. It is a lot of neutral opponents. He is expected to open a beer to celebrate. ""

"In this world, there are always some people who will make some madness for their own self-interest. They will be retributed sooner or later."

Yan Yan sighed, clenched Ji Anran's hand.


In a distant city, several cars are galloping on the streets.

"Auntie!" Wu Quan suddenly sneezed, "Who is cursing me?"

"Maybe those people in the base, they have been wondering how to bring you down."

Wu Quan snorted: "They can only think about it. This kind of delusion is only realized in their dreams! That plant is a spiritual ability, which is of great use to us. If it was not beaten at first. We will not leave."

"If you don't notify me, you set up a garbage plan directly, attracting so many people. If the crystal nucleus is taken away by others, I will not finish with you!"

Upon hearing this, a long-lost killing young man suddenly exploded.

Wu Quan is calmly: "The plant is not a good deal. Otherwise, I don't dare to use it to design delays. Unfortunately, it didn't succeed, or else the plant's ability and the past ambush attack, 耿The nucleus of the Yanyi team will be our bag!"

"Oh! I am worried that there will be a nucleus in the human brain. The news will be more and more."

Wu Quan cold eyes: "What do you know? Our strength, the first-order crystal nucleus is no longer useful. The news has spread out, and many people are guilty, it is not easy to find us."

"Hey! There are so many excuses. Someone is arguing for a good nuclear nucleus. It is obviously a self-made clever trick, and it is also hard to swallow a fat pet!"

This person is very ugly to speak, Wu Quan is so angry that he has a smog, but it is not easy to have a dispute with the other party, so he has to bear it.

"I can't control you, you are not filial! How about how you love."

Some unfilial son is rebellious, and turns to look out the window.

Old things, the brain can't move, it should be abdicated!


After collecting the materials, Yan Yan and Ji Anran and others quickly evacuated.

At night, during the break, Ji Anran squatted in his arms.

"Hey, what is your wish?"

Yan Yan chuckle: "Go back and tell you. I am thinking, will you promise me when you arrive?"

"There is no good thing." Ji Anran grinned. "How come I found you a bad man."

Although it is the words of Tucao, Ji Anran's heart is full of sweet breath.

"It’s too late to regret. Some things are doomed in the morning, but people will win the day. If you use your wisdom, the problem will be solved."

Ji Anran’s mouth is pumping: “...”

It is not the same thing as the philosophy of life.

It is said that he is going to make a demon this time, which implies that he did not guess.