MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 24 loss

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  Chapter 24 Loss

  It rained heavily all night, and it didn't gradually stop until dawn. The wind didn't stop, it blew for another hour before it stopped.

  The families hid in tarpaulin tents for the whole night, and everyone was extremely sleepy.

  Seeing that the wind and rain had subsided, Qiqi got out of the tent and was busy looking for their own fishing boat to check the damage.

  Mr. Yang stuffed Huo Nian, who was still sleeping soundly, into Huo Xi's arms, and boarded her family's boat with Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu. Before he had time to check, he first untied the rope tied to other people's boats, and rowed towards the shore.

   After rowing the boat to the shore, Huo Xi realized that everything else was fine, the boards and sculls were still there, only the roof of her house was blown away by the wind.

  The top is bare, only the brackets on both sides of the cabin remain.

  Some boats were smaller than her family's boat, and the bamboo canopy in the middle was completely lifted. Only a bare hull remained.

  Her house is okay, the two sides of the cabin are framed by wooden boards, the roof is gone, the doors on both sides of the cabin are gone, and only the wooden frames on both sides are still there.

   This is clearly unbearable.

  Huo Xi carried Huo Nian to her boat.

   "Xi'er, don't come here, stay in the oil tent with Nian'er in your arms, there will still be wind, don't blow Nian'er." Yang called her to stop.

  Huo Xi hugged Huo Nian and stopped, only watching from the shore.

  The cabin was overturned, and rainwater poured into the cabin. Yang and the other three were busy bailing out the water to check the damage. Soon Huo Erhuai and Yang went ashore with the hemp rope, and tied the hemp rope between two trees.

  Yang Fu lifted the bilge and carried the bedding off the boat.

   "Is it wet?" Huo Xi looked over.

"Well, fortunately, it's not fully soaked. Let it air dry, and it should be able to be covered at night. If it doesn't work, you can bake it with fire." Yang Fu hugged the piles of bedding, the road was invisible, and he just walked by feeling .

  Huo Xi followed and pointed him.

  Although the bedding was wrapped in oilcloth, it was still damp, and the corners and corners were also wet.

   Yang Shi and Huo Erhuai took it, and spread the bedding on the hemp rope to dry. Huo Xi looked up at the sky, it was still cloudy, and he didn't know if it would rain or not.

   "It's okay, it's windy and rainy, unlike continuous drizzle, it shouldn't rain again today." Seeing her worried, Mrs. Yang comforted her.

  Since Yang and Huo Erhuai have been floating in the water for so many years, they should have some experience depending on the weather, so Huo Xi was a little relieved. But on this misty day, although there is no rain, the sun is probably gone.

  Just blowing the river wind, I'm afraid it won't get rid of the moisture.

   After a while, the bedding and matting were all dried. Two hemp ropes are fully sun-dried.

  Looking again, hey, the river bank is full of bedding mats hanging one after another, dusty, patched, and occasionally a little color can be seen. Very spectacular.

  Huo Nian didn't know when he woke up. He vaguely saw himself in his sister's arms, and grinned at Huo Xi. Huo Xi touched his forehead with him. Huo Nian giggled twice, and then he woke up.

  Lying on Huo Xi's shoulders, his eyes widened when he saw this magnificent bedding mat.

  Huo Xi patted his little **** with one hand: "You little thing, don't worry."

  Mr. Yang, Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu successively moved their own pots, pans, pots and pans from the boat, and various fishing gear down to dry on the shore.

  Seeing that Huo Nian woke up, they sneaked a few words to tease him. Seeing Huo Nian leaning towards her and stretching out his hand, Yang Shi hurriedly put down the things, rubbed his hands on the clothes, took him, carried him into the oil tent, and nursed him.

  Huo Xi and Yang Fu took out the clothes of the family in the cage to dry.

   "Oh, it's all flooded." Yang Fu took out one, it was full of water, he shook it, and the water was still dripping down.

  Huo Xi took a look, isn't it, there isn't a single piece of fresh clothes in the cage.

   Having no choice but to pull another hemp rope.

  Huo Xi handed clothes to Yang Fu, and Yang Fu tiptoed to dry on the hemp rope while muttering, "Nian'er's diapers are all wet by the rain, what should I do? I'm going to be naked today."

  Huo Xi looked at Huo Nian's diaper with half a hemp rope hanging out, feeling a little worried.

  Huo Erhuai immersed himself in inspecting the food in the pots and cages at home, and when he heard it, he said, "It's okay, if it really doesn't work, let's roast it with fire. I can't feel wronged."

  Just finished speaking, I saw that the firewood and charcoal in the bamboo basket were all soaked in water.


   After drying the clothes, Huo Xi and Yang Fu ran over to take a look, and they were also dumbfounded. How can this be baked? There was no firewood for breakfast for a while.

   "Quickly, bring the dustpan and put it on the dustpan to dry." Huo Erhuai ordered repeatedly.

   "The ground is full of water." Where to put it to dry. Huo Xi looked around, worried.

"Put some on the bow and stern of our boat to dry, and some on the fishing box to dry." Huo Erhuai said, Yang Fu went into the oilcloth tent and carried a fishing box out, still turned it upside down, put the dustpan on it, and Huo Erhuai Xi spread the dry firewood and charcoal on the dustpan.

  Just as she was about to hug some to the bow of the boat to dry, Yang fed Huo Nian, carried him out, and handed it to Huo Xi: "Xi'er, come and hug Nian'er, mother will do it."

  Huo Xi also knew that he was small and lacked strength, so he accepted Huo Nian's hug.

  Holding Huo Nian, Huo Xi saw that his family was busy, and then looked around, everyone was too busy to talk, and everyone suffered losses.

  Many cabins of the ship were overturned and boards were lost, but the ship did not capsize. The biggest family wealth was saved, but there was no crying and grabbing the land.

   "Xi'er, all the crabs we raised in the crab cages have disappeared. The crab cages are also gone." Yang Fu ran to say something, his face a little dejected.

ah? "The crab cage is gone?"

  Yang Fu pouted and nodded.

  Huo Xi couldn't help feeling distressed. A crab cage full of crabs, waiting to be drunk crabs and bald butter. They were all collected with money, and now not only the crabs are gone, but the crab cages are all off the hook.

  The family has to spend money to buy crab cages.

   "The shrimp cage is also rotten." Yang Fu said again.

  Huo Xi couldn't help touching his forehead.

  Shrimp cages and crab cages, every night, Huo Erhuai would always find a place with dense aquatic plants to put the cages at night, and then collect them in the morning. Because the shrimps and crabs are sensitive during the day, it is not easy to catch them, so they are released into the night cage at night, hoping to catch more.

   Now it’s all right, it’s gone. At least two shrimp pots and crab pots should be added to the family, which will cost a lot of copper coins.

   Fortunately, the night nets were not released last night, otherwise the fishing nets would probably be gone, and they would have to spend money to buy them.

  If it wasn't for the fortune made during the Double Ninth Festival, the family would have been bankrupt this time.

   "Is the food and seasoning at home all right?" Don't be hungry if you eat early.

  Huo Erhuai and Yang Shi were busy spreading the air, while replying to her: "It's still usable. Although it's soaked in water, it's still edible."

   That's good.

  She let out a sigh of relief when she heard Qian Xiaoxia's voice not far away: "This brown rice is soaked in water! What shall we have for breakfast?"

  The voice of Uncle Zou also sounded next to him: "Oh, the lard suet that I just boiled at home has turned into water."

   Thank you Shi Gandang for the reward, thank you for those who voted monthly, thank you for those who voted for recommendations, thank you



  (end of this chapter)