MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 134 happiness

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(Restore the previously killed chapters as soon as possible, this chapter will be restored tomorrow)

At the deaf old lady's house, Lou Xiao'e, who was chatting with the deaf old lady, saw Silly Zhu, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with light on his head, come in.

"Xiao'e is here. The old lady asked me to cook a meal. You sit down first, and you will be ready soon." Silly Zhu was talking, and when he saw that Lou Xiao'e hadn't noticed the leather shoes he must wear on a blind date, he raised his head. Her feet dangled in front of Lou Xiao'e's face.

Lou Xiao'e noticed it, looked at it, and thought, is this a joke?

Thinking of what Liu Lin said, although Lou Xiao'e felt uncomfortable seeing Sha Zhu, she didn't talk to Sha Zhu, but just nodded.

I thought to just eat a meal and save some money, and I will end the previous kindness, and I will not come again. Just now when the deaf old lady was chatting, she always brought the topic to Sha Zhu, which made Lou Xiao'e clearly say that the family has already paid for it. He stopped talking when he got engaged.

When Lou Xiao'e told her about her engagement, the deaf old lady's frightening eyes almost scared Lou Xiao'e and ran away, but in the blink of an eye, she still had that kind eyes.

After a while, the food was set up, two meat and one vegetarian, Lou Xiao'e could see that, given the current conditions of the deaf old lady, this was a hemorrhage, thinking in her mind that she should save more money for a while.

Suddenly Silly Zhu also sat down, looking directly at Lou Xiao'e with that wretched look in his eyes, Lou Xiao'e felt very sick.

Ever since he knew how Sha Zhu treated his younger sister for being a widow, Lou Xiao'e hated this man very much, and he couldn't bear the disgust of Lao Duo.

"Old lady, I have something to do today, so I won't eat, and I'm leaving first." Lou Xiao'e stood up and was about to reach out for money from his pocket.

"You can't go." The deaf old lady shouted anxiously.

Lou Xiao'e was so frightened that she had never been so afraid of this old lady, her eyes, her tone of voice.

I can't stay any longer, I have to leave immediately, what happened today is so strange.

"Just stay with grandma for a while and just have a meal, okay?" The deaf old lady realized that she was a little anxious just now and immediately changed her tone.

"No, I really have something to do." Lou Xiao'e was a little scared this time.

"No, I have to eat this meal today." The deaf old lady was not kind anymore, and even winked at Shazhu.

"That's right, it didn't take long to have a meal." Silly Zhu stopped Lou Xiao'e vaguely, and put one hand on Lou Xiao'e's shoulder to press down.

Lou Xiao'e was terrified when he saw the two people in front of him, and was about to call someone.

Cui Dake was too smart, before Da Zhuang and the three of them saw anything, he immediately saw something was wrong when he saw the silly pillar blocking Lou Xiao'e.

"Come on, give me **** from that man." Cui Dake shouted.

A few people kicked in the door, Da Zhuang and the three of them directly faced Sha Zhu and outputted a meal.

Cui Dake knew that he had no fighting power, so he stood in front of Lou Xiao'e, not forgetting to shout: "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I'm in front."

This credit is even greater than that of the three of them.

"Da Zhuang has to fight so much that he can't even recognize his mother." Cui Dake is very good at commanding people.

Shazhu is known as the God of War in the courtyard, but his opponents are only Xu Damao and Liu Guangtian and his like. Da Zhuang and the others are professional fighters.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, killing, killing..." The deaf old lady didn't dare to go forward, so she could only call out.

Residents who had heard the movement for a long time all ran over, and a group of people pulled Da Zhuang and the three of them away from the beating man.

Liu Lin and Yu Li also came out. Yan Xiecheng had already drank Mihu and was still drinking. No one would **** it from him and eat and drink.

"What are you doing? The three of you are not from our court, so I will send you to the inspection office." Liu Haizhong played with an official accent.

Xu Damao was so happy on the side, and he was happy to see Sha Zhu being unlucky.

But seeing Lou Xiao'e again, now Lou Xiao'e is in a good mood every day, moistened by Liu Lin as charming as a peach.

Xu Damao suddenly had another idea. He was forced to divorce by the deaf old lady before, but now the old lady smells worse than dog shit, but no one can stop him.

"Grandpa, they are my man's brothers. They came to protect me today. Just now, Shazhu wanted to play a hooligan on me, so he beat him." Lou Xiao'e was very proud. Thinking of Liu Lin's protection, his heart felt sweet,

"Fart, my eldest grandson is not a hooligan, I testify, this **** is talking nonsense. You can't believe what she says, a lady from the Ziben family." The deaf old lady is completely shameless, thinking that she can't be busy in vain. , now is the time for compensation.

"We are watching outside. My sister-in-law is about to cry. This old woman is famous for being a liar, and no one in the street knows it." Cui Dake also shouted.

"Look at her disgusting appearance. I don't even treat her like a pig. A chicken that can't lay eggs." Silly Zhu raised his right hand and pointed at Lou Xiao'e.

Although Lou Xiao'e knew that she could give birth, she was disgusted by the words. After being pointed at for so long, she burst into tears.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e's aggrieved expression, Liu Lin coughed heavily, and facing Cui Dake who was looking over, he also raised his right hand, and even slashed with his left hand.

It's not that Liu Lin doesn't rush up to fight, but whoever has seen a big boss do it by himself, it's the people below who do it, just watch from the sidelines.

Cui Dake understood, did he break his right hand? He understood, it wasn't murder. If he really got to the inspection office, with Liu Lin's ability, he must be fine. It's all thanks to him. Said something in Da Zhuang's ear.

Da Zhuang suddenly rushed to Sha Zhu's side, and the other two and Cui Dake surrounded them, and the residents of the courtyard house didn't understand what was going on.

"Ah, ah, it's broken." Sha Zhu cried out in pain and then fainted. He saw Sha Zhu's right hand 180 degrees, turning in a circle.

The people in the courtyard looked dumbfounded. They usually punch and kick when they fight. Who has seen this before?

"It's called the inspector, it's called the inspector." Liu Haizhong's voice became thinner.

Cui Dake and the others stood there without running. Residents of the courtyard house just surrounded them to prevent them from running away.

After a while, Director Zhang came with a few people.

Then it was trash time, so after asking about it, they took Cui Dake, the deaf old lady, Lou Xiao'e, the fainted Sha Zhu, and the three people in charge of the courtyard house and left.

Liu Lin just took advantage of the chaos when the inspectors surrounded Cui Dake and the others, and accidentally stepped on Shazhu's right hand again.

With Liu Lin's weight and his body transformed by the small world, with a hard kick, Shazhu's right hand is hopeless in this life, he can change jobs, and the chef is not suitable for him.

"It will be a credit to report the fake composition of the idiot in a while." Liu Lin said a word when he passed Cui Dake.

Cui Dake nodded insignificantly and was taken away.

Liu Lin didn't pay attention. Two pairs of eyes in the crowd saw Liu Lin coughing, raising his hand, slashing, stomping, and spreading the word. There is an action that you can't think of even if you don't see it. Besides, people who are not ghost spirits don't think so much when they see it.

At the deaf old lady's house, Lou Xiao'e, who was chatting with the deaf old lady, saw Silly Zhu, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with light on his head, come in.

"Xiao'e is here. The old lady asked me to cook a meal. You sit down first, and you will be ready soon." Silly Zhu was talking, and when he saw that Lou Xiao'e hadn't noticed the leather shoes he must wear on a blind date, he raised his head. Her feet dangled in front of Lou Xiao'e.

Lou Xiao'e noticed it, looked at it, and thought, is this a joke?

Thinking of what Liu Lin said, although Lou Xiao'e felt uncomfortable seeing Sha Zhu, she didn't talk to Sha Zhu, but just nodded.

I thought to just eat a meal and save some money, and I will end the previous kindness, and I will not come again. Just now when the deaf old lady was chatting, she always brought the topic to Sha Zhu, which made Lou Xiao'e clearly say that the family has already paid for it. He stopped talking when he got engaged.

When Lou Xiao'e told her about her engagement, the deaf old lady's frightening eyes almost scared Lou Xiao'e and ran away, but in the blink of an eye, she still had that kind eyes.

After a while, the food was set up, two meat and one vegetarian, Lou Xiao'e could see that, given the current conditions of the deaf old lady, this was a hemorrhage, thinking in her mind that she should save more money for a while.

Suddenly Silly Zhu also sat down, looking directly at Lou Xiao'e with that wretched look in his eyes, Lou Xiao'e felt very sick.

Ever since he knew how Sha Zhu treated his younger sister for being a widow, Lou Xiao'e hated this man very much, and he couldn't bear the disgust of Lao Duo.

"Old lady, I have something to do today, so I won't eat, and I'm leaving first." Lou Xiao'e stood up and was about to reach out for money from his pocket.

"You can't go." The deaf old lady shouted anxiously.

Lou Xiao'e was so frightened that she had never been so afraid of this old lady, her eyes, her tone of voice.

I can't stay any longer, I have to leave immediately, what happened today is so strange.

"Just stay with grandma for a while and just have a meal, okay?" The deaf old lady realized that she was a little anxious just now and immediately changed her tone.

"No, I really have something to do." Lou Xiao'e was a little scared this time.

"No, I have to eat this meal today." The deaf old lady was not kind anymore, and even winked at Sha Zhu.

"That's right, it didn't take long to have a meal." Silly Zhu stopped Lou Xiao'e vaguely, and put one hand on Lou Xiao'e's shoulder to press down.

Lou Xiao'e was terrified when he saw the two people in front of him, and was about to call someone.

Cui Dake was too smart, before Da Zhuang and the three of them saw anything, he immediately saw something was wrong when he saw the silly pillar blocking Lou Xiao'e.

"Come on, give me **** from that man." Cui Dake shouted.

A few people kicked in the door, Da Zhuang and the three of them directly faced Sha Zhu and outputted a meal.

Cui Dake knew that he had no fighting power, so he stood in front of Lou Xiao'e, not forgetting to shout: "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I'm in front."

This credit is even greater than that of the three of them.

"Da Zhuang has to fight so much that he can't even recognize his mother." Cui Dake is very good at commanding people.

Shazhu is known as the God of War in the courtyard, but his opponents are only Xu Damao and Liu Guangtian and his like. Da Zhuang and the others are professional fighters.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, killing, killing..." The deaf old lady didn't dare to go forward, so she could only call out.

Residents who had heard the movement for a long time all ran over, and a group of people pulled Da Zhuang and the three of them away from the beating man.

Liu Lin and Yu Li also came out. Yan Xiecheng had already drank Mihu and was still drinking. No one would **** it from him and eat and drink.

"What are you doing? The three of you are not from our court, so I will send you to the inspection office." Liu Haizhong played with an official accent.

Xu Damao was so happy on the side, and he was happy to see Sha Zhu being unlucky.

But seeing Lou Xiao'e again, now Lou Xiao'e is in a good mood every day, moistened by Liu Lin as charming as a peach.

Xu Damao suddenly had another idea. He was forced to divorce by the deaf old lady before, but now the old lady smells worse than dog shit, but no one can stop him.

"Grandpa, they are my man's brothers. They came to protect me today. Just now, Shazhu wanted to play a hooligan on me, so he beat him." Lou Xiao'e was very proud. Thinking of Liu Lin's protection, his heart felt sweet,

"Fart, my eldest grandson is not a hooligan, I testify, this **** is talking nonsense. You can't believe what she says, a lady from the Ziben family." The deaf old lady is completely shameless, thinking that she can't be busy in vain. , now is the time for compensation.

"We are watching outside. My sister-in-law is about to cry. This old woman is famous for being a liar, and no one in the street knows it." Cui Dake also shouted.

"Look at her disgusting appearance. I don't even treat her like a pig. A chicken that can't lay eggs." Silly Zhu raised his right hand and pointed at Lou Xiao'e.

Although Lou Xiao'e knew that she could give birth, she was disgusted by the words. After being pointed at for so long, she burst into tears.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e's aggrieved expression, Liu Lin coughed heavily, and facing Cui Dake who was looking over, he also raised his right hand, and even slashed with his left hand.

It's not that Liu Lin doesn't rush up to fight, but whoever has seen a big boss do it by himself, it's the people below who do it, just watch from the sidelines.

Cui Dake understood, did he break his right hand? He understood, it wasn't murder. If he really got to the inspection office, with Liu Lin's ability, he must be fine. It's all thanks to him. Said something in Da Zhuang's ear.

Da Zhuang suddenly rushed to Sha Zhu's side, and the other two and Cui Dake surrounded them, and the residents of the courtyard house didn't understand what was going on.

"Ah, ah, it's broken." Sha Zhu cried out in pain and then fainted. He saw Sha Zhu's right hand 180 degrees, turning in a circle.

The people in the courtyard are all dumbfounded, they usually fight with and kicking, who has seen this.

"It's called the inspector, it's called the inspector." Liu Haizhong's voice became thinner.

Cui Dake and the others stood there without running. Residents of the courtyard house just surrounded them to prevent them from running away.

After a while, Director Zhang came with a few people.

Then it was trash time, so after asking, he took Cui Dake, the deaf old lady, Lou Xiao'e, the fainted Sha Zhu, and the three people in charge of the courtyard house and left.

Liu Lin just took advantage of the chaos when the inspectors surrounded Cui Dake and the others, and accidentally stepped on Shazhu's right hand again.

With Liu Lin's weight and his body transformed by the small world, with a hard kick, Shazhu's right hand is hopeless in this life, he can change jobs, and the chef is not suitable for him.

"It will be a credit to report the fake composition of the idiot in a while." Liu Lin said a word when he passed Cui Dake.

Cui Dake nodded insignificantly and was taken away.