MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 3

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"Six months."

Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu have been married for half a year, but they have met very few times, and the days when they really get along are more than a month.

After all, Yi Chenyan is really busy. A movie can be filmed for a few months. During this period, there are various publicity, plus his advertising and endorsement activities are numerous. Occasionally, he has to be a variety show as a guest.

"Young Master Yang, don't think too much." In front of the car, he smiled faintly. "Chen said that he has a special career, so he has not disclosed your relationship to the outside world. You and he went to the United States to register and get married at the beginning of the year. Now it has passed. Six months."

After listening, Yang Anyu "oh", although there are still many questions in the heart, but I feel that they do not like this topic, there is no more to ask.

Only married this year? So, the original owner and Yi Chenyan are newly married couples, no, newlywed husbands. Logically speaking, they should be very sweet, but why do you feel weird?

What reason should they marry? Yang Anyu is too lazy to go deep into it. His gaze drifts away and eventually falls on the face of Yi Chenyan.

From the perspective of Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan's side line is also very charming. Because of the narrow eyes, Yi Chenyan's fine eyelashes are covered and look longer. Under the tall nose, there is a **** thin lip.

Intently staring at Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu's mouth is unconsciously tilted up, and he is proud of his heart. Sure enough, his generals are handsome, and in modern terms, they are particularly eye-catching.

It is good to be able to meet him in this era.

Feeling the burning gaze of the people around him, Yi Chenyan’s brow moved and suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Yang Anyu immediately turned his head and pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

Yi Chen said that he had licked his lips and did not open his mouth. He closed his eyes again.

In a short while, it may be because the charm of a big star is too big to be ignored. Yang Anyu once again turned into an "idiot" and obsessed with the sleep of Yi Chenyan.

The driver who drove in front of the car sneered two times, but Yi Chen’s heart was helpless, but he was too lazy to control a certain idiot. Let Yang Anyu “appreciate” to the home all the way.

It is located in Sihuan, West District of S City, Wanxin Jingyuan.

Li Yan carried Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan all the way into the community. After coming out of the underground garage, Yi Chenyan put on his coat and put on sunglasses and a mask. He didn't want people to recognize it and always acted in a low-key manner.

The three people went upstairs quietly, and hurriedly confessed a few words, then took a look at the watch: "There is something else in the company that needs me to deal with it. Chen Yan, you should prepare first, I will pick you up in the afternoon."

Yi Chen said a faint "hmm", then took off his jacket and turned into the bathroom.

"It turns out that you still have work in the afternoon." Yang An Yu said, "That can be used to pick me up this morning."

When the star seems to be very busy, although the former generals often have something to go out, but he will take him to go with him, but now with Yi Chenyan, but it is the agent.

"Should." Li Xiao smiled. "Young Master Yang, when you were in a car accident, we did not come back in time, sorry."

I didn’t expect that Li Wei would apologize suddenly. Yang Anyu groaned and then smiled and shook his head: “It’s okay, at least you’ve appeared now, not hiding for a lifetime.”

His joke-like tone, but let Li Wei slightly.

"Think about what I used to be, I guess it’s annoying to see anyone who’s seen it. The car accident is also self-seeking, and you can’t blame others.”

Speaking of what the original owner did, Yang Anyu always had a lot of spit.

Li Wei secretly surprised, how did the young master suddenly have a sense of reflection?

After that, Li Wei left. As soon as he left, only Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan were left in the family. Listening to the sound of the water from the bathroom, Yang Anyu was a little nervous.

He walked away at home and looked around. The memory obtained from the original owner made Yang Anyu gradually familiar with this home, but he always felt that this "home" was very cold, rather than a temporary house.

There are two bedrooms in the house, one of which is your own, and the other is close to the study...

Inexplicable, Yang Anyu stopped at the door.

"That is my room."

The sound of the water stopped, and Yi Chenyan came out in a bathrobe. His hair was still stained with water, and the wide neckline made him reveal a delicate collarbone, so he just stood free and full of temptation.

Yang An Yu looked awkward and hurriedly turned his gaze: "Oh, I know."

Wait, since he and Yi Chenyan's room are separate, that is to say they used to sleep in the room?

Yang Anyu was suspicious in his heart, but he quickly sighed again. After all, if he had a bed with him, he would definitely be very embarrassed and try to refuse.

"Mr. Yi, you can rest assured that I will not go in." Yang Anyu finished, and he retired back and forth.

He also called himself "Mr. Yi"?

Yi Chenyan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he took it back.

Lunch was Yi Chenyan with Yang Anyu going out to eat, the two almost did not speak at the dinner table, the atmosphere is a bit stiff.

After returning, Yi Chenyan changed another set of clothes: "If you want to eat later, go out..."

"Actually, I will do it myself. Can I borrow a kitchen?" Yang Anyu interrupted him.

Does he actually cook? Yi Chen said a glimpse, nodded faintly: "With you, this is your home anyway. The kitchen has not been used, the things inside are new."

"Yeah." Yang Anyu smiled, and there was a faint expectation in a pair of big eyes. "Then come back early in the evening, I will cook for you."

When I first entered the military office, Yang Anyu, who was less than ten years old, was too small, and her martial arts was bad. She was still a small servant. He often went out into the kitchen and learned to cook with the masters inside. After that, he and Yi Chenyan were fighting outside the country all the year round. He had made several meals for Yi Chen to eat, Yi Chenyan had a very happy meal and praised his craft.

At this point, Yi Chenyan shook his head: "You don't have to wait for me, I won't come back tonight."

It seems that Yang Anyu is really forgotten. In the past six months, Yi Chenyan has rarely been in the city, let alone go home with Yang Anyu.

The time they spend together is pitiful.

"Oh." Yang Anyu is somewhat lost.

In the afternoon, Li Yan came over and took away Yi Chenyan.

"All the way."

Yang Anyu’s voice did not fall, and the door was closed.

Looking at the ring in his hand, he couldn’t help but stay together. Is it so easy to get along with each other?

Yi Chenyan does not seem to like "Yang Anyu" at all, whether it is the original owner or him.

Xingmao Street in the Southern District has a newly opened small bar at the end of the street. It is not famous yet, and there are fewer guests.

At 9:30 in the evening, I didn’t tell anyone else. Yang Anyu came here with a taxi by the memory she had obtained before. This is the bar that the original owner had been to before the car accident that day.

Yang An Yu is a bit stuffy in his heart. He wants to drink some wine, and the more he thinks about it, the more he is wrong. He guessed that the original owner might have been stimulated before the car accident.

But what is it? He did not know that he could not get this memory.

"... keep the distance, you and I will play too much, the regrets in youth, the person who took away from the bottom of my heart, the cruelty makes us grow up..."

The youth on the stage plays the piano, and the soothing melody is accompanied by his magnetic voice, which can bring back memories of the guests' youthfulness. It is deep and intoxicating.

After ordering a glass of whiskey, Yang Anyu tasted a few mouthfuls and felt that the taste was mellow. He had a good amount of alcohol and was generally not drunk.

Last weekend, the conscience drama "Xin Mang" ushered in the finale, and from 9 to 10 o'clock tonight, Weibo had a micro-interview of the "Xin Mang" crew. Several major performances answered the fans' questions and actively They interact, of course, including Yi Chenyan.

With memory, Yang Anyu boarded the account of the original owner Weibo, and he found that the original Yang Shaoye really set Yi Chenyan as a special concern.

Constantly refreshing Yi Chenyan's Weibo homepage, Yang Anyu does not want to miss his latest developments.

Most fans are crying about the finale of child abuse, and some people care about the arrangements and plans after Yi Chenyan. Of course, some people take the opportunity to express their confession and sell Meng, so that Yang Anyu cares about this question -


#信芒大结局# I asked @易辰言:信芒, I think it can also be understood as "heart", easy boss, then you met the light in your heart in reality? 】

It looks like a literary problem, but the fan is asking his affair in disguise.

[Yi Chenyan v: Not yet, I hope to meet in the future]

After reading Yi Chenyan’s answer, Yang Anyu looked at the ring on his hand and felt more and more ironic. He sighed and then took off the ring.

"Why do you want to take it down?"

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded around.

Yang An Yu stunned, and realized that the song had stopped, and the resident singer on the stage actually came to himself.

The young man in front of him is almost as big as him, his skin is fair, and a pair of beautiful peach eyes are especially hooked.

"Hey..." Yang Anyu didn't know how to answer. The soul was worn on the young man's body. It was already very depressed. I know that there is such a ridiculous marriage.

He didn't want to be a husband and wife with Yi Chenyan, but wanted to be friends with him, but now it seems that this is not easy.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have to answer me." Junmei's young man said, he ordered a glass of wine, and then sat casually around Yang Anyu. "Maybe I shouldn't give it back to you."

"Are you..." After listening to this, Yang Anyu’s brain turned, "Anyone who picked up my ring?"

"Yeah." The young man nodded. "Because you helped me before, Yang Anyu."

Wen Yan, Yang An Yu immediately thought about it, and there is indeed such a thing in the impression. Previously, the youth was ridiculed by several mixed-races, and the original Yang An Yu was released.

I didn't expect that young master, I have done such a good thing.

"No matter what, the ring thing, thank you, Mr. Qin."

Yang Anyu smiled. He didn't know the specific name of the young man. He only remembered that he was like Qin.

"My name is Qin Nuoxi, there is nothing to thank, I just don't like to owe others." Qin Nuoxi lowered his eyes and shook his glass.

"The song you just sang on the stage was very nice. Did you write it yourself?" Yang Anyu suddenly asked.

Qin Nuo Xi Wei, gently "Hmm".

"you are great!"

Yang Anyu’s eyes brightened and he wanted to continue to praise, but was interrupted by a low voice.

"I finally found you, Qin Nuohe."

The tall figure suddenly appeared in front of the two people. The elite man in a suit seemed to be invisible to other people. He only stared at Qin Nuoxi and proudly raised his lips.

Qin Nuoxi put down his glass and didn't bother to look at him.

Yang Anyu looked up and said: "Brother?"