MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 49

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When the stars are filming or publicity activities, if they are too close to another artist, they will often pass on the news. Sometimes they use this method to deliberately speculate.

Smart people know how to raise themselves by rumors; those who are not smart and not specific, the rumors of flying, the true and false, the desire to cover up, the impact is not very good, especially for the newcomers who debut.

Within a day, a few photos taken by the paparazzi and a few seconds of small videos were quickly spread across major websites and public media.

In the photos and small videos, the time is probably more than 10 o'clock in the evening. He Ruoying seems to be drunk, and he is weak and weak on Yang Anyu, and Yang Anyu is holding her, and the line is in a hurry.

From the two people's clothing and body shape, and He Ruoying's side face, everyone can judge Yang Anyu and He Ruoying, but because the distance is too far, the surrounding environment is too dark, so they can't see the expression on their faces.

"Pirates of Hearts" is currently being broadcasted, and every day about the topic of TV dramas, there are positive interactions. After more than two months of filming, "Hidden Love 29 Days" also reached the final stage. How do you know that there will be a sudden anecdote between the two stars?

People who don't know the truth are a bit surprised, but Yang Anyu's fans are bent on believing and defending their own idols. What can be proved by a few unclear photos? This year, even bed-photo can be ps and forged!

Usually, the black sons of Yang Anyu take this opportunity, of course, they are waiting for opportunities. They fully use the title to play, and before Yang’s debut, it is the early days when the young masters often go to nightclubs, teasing girls and boys, and other This young Yang family is very badly evaluated.

At this time, some of the fans of Yu Siyuan’s family are bound to have a foot and a sneering face. It is said that the reason why Yang Anyu was in a car accident the year before was because his own drunk driving was caused by himself.

For these black materials, Yang Anyu’s fans are “hehe”. I feel that some people can’t find black spots, and they like to turn over and fry the cold rice. Is it true that every human being is the Father of the Father, will not commit a mistake? The key is that the mistake can be changed, and the prodigal son will not change the gold.

And some rumors before Yang Anyu's debut, Yang Anyu and Shang Yi Company have already explained that the school has also clarified many misunderstandings. Later, Yang Anyu has become modest and eager to learn, and everyone has changed greatly.

As for the poor performance, how is He Ruoying, who is not famous, how to climb to this point step by step? As long as you move your mind a little, you will know a little.

Fans also speculated that this time she was only interested in using Yang Anyu to take the position, but unfortunately Yang Anyu did not marry her, she would play this kind of means.

The Yanba party, as well as the cult feathers, are even more unhappy!

There are more actresses who have a good relationship with Yang Anyu, not to mention the heroine in the play, the temperament beauty Jiang Yan; like before Yang Anyu was filming "The Pirates of Heart", and the lovely and lively Su Shijia also had a lot of intimate photos; During the period of challenging firsttime, Yang Anyu often went out to eat with Xie Tao. How did it go to He Ruoying’s head?

Therefore, even if I don’t talk about Yi Chenyan, the Yanba Party agree that Yang Anyu and He Ruoying are very inappropriate, and they have no sense of cp at all!

Even the Xiyu parties who have been stunned with them have stood up at this time. The major Xipi parties have jointly accused the unscrupulous media, only distorting the facts and making up false news.

d city, Yi Chen said this side.

Seeing this kind of news, Yi Chenyan's expression was condensed, and there was already any intention in his heart. He was about to take action, but he suddenly received a WeChat from Yang Anyu.

[Chen Yan, don't be angry, I have a way]

Immediately afterwards, Yang Anyu also sent several expression bags that sold Meng. In an instant, Yi Chenyan’s face turned from sunny to cloudy, and he could not help but bend his lips and lips. Simply reply to the past [good]

In the past two days, netizens have been clamoring for the rumors of Yang Anyu and He Ruoying, and they have support and blessings. They also have doubts and are not optimistic about the two.

He Ruoying's men's powders are heartbreaking, and most of Yang Anyu's girlfriend powder, sister powder and aunt powder are particularly opposed, but the two masters have been silent, and they have not yet expressed their position, and fans can only do it. Anxious.

Compared to the online, "The 29th Day of Love" is calm, but everyone is whitewashing. The major stars have different minds, and the staff will talk about gossip in private. The director himself is also aware of it.

However, Song Dao is a person who has been used to big winds and waves. Of course, he will not care too much and continue to seriously film. However, this incident involves Yang Anyu. Whether it is the Shangyi Group behind him or the Mr. Yingdi, it is estimated that some measures will be taken.

This afternoon, He Ruoying’s lounge.

He Ruoying used his mobile phone to look at the comments on the Internet, and his mouth was a slap in the face.

In fact, this rumor came out, although I don't know who is behind the intention to smear and discredit Yang Anyu, but He Ruoying's heart is secret, maybe she can try to fight for it.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. After Zhang opened the door, she found Yang Anyu and his agent, Qi Sen.

"An Yu, I am trying to find you. I didn't expect you to come to me first." He Ruoying screamed at the ear and deliberately licked his beautiful big eyes.

Unfortunately, in addition to Yi Chenyan in this world, no one has any effect on Yang Anyu's discharge. He can completely immunize the past.

"Qi Ge, Sister Zhang, I have something to talk to if I want to go alone. Let's go out first." After the speech, Yang Anyu took a look at Qisen and Zhang Jie.

Qisen nodded slightly, and Zhang Jie couldn't help but frown. Her heart was a little uneasy, but she calmly patted He Ruoying and then left.

"An Yu Ge, since things have already happened like this, instead of explaining what you are afterwards, it is better for us to associate." He Ruoying opened the door and said it directly.

"Communication?" Yang Anyu smiled, but the bottom of his eyes gradually appeared dark. "What else to say, you can finish it all at once."

"Sorry, An Yuge." He Ruoying bowed his head slightly and looked helpless. "I admit that I was close to you before. It really has another purpose, but gradually get along, I found that I really like you!"

She boldly confessed, but it was still too fake, and she could not impress Yang Anyu at all.

"Hey, isn't the last warning enough?" Yang Anyu sighed, but the next moment was a cold look. "If you look at it, you are really like Chen Yingxi in the drama."

Unlike the easygoing on weekdays, Yang Anyu changed his face again, and He Ruoying suddenly panicked.

"He Ruoying, I can tell you clearly, I am just like Du Yizhen, and I am completely uninterested in you."

He Ruoying did not respond, and he even tightened his lower lip.

"I don't want to say anything else, I think you know what to do next." Yang Anyu suddenly approached He Ruoying, and the voice was cold. "If not, it would be good to cut down the drama. It may be a direct substitution, He Ruoying, then what have you done before, are you all in vain?"

After all, Yang Anyu shrugged and said that she regretted it.

"You are threatening me?" He Ruoying's face was white, knowing that Yang Anyu did not eat her, so she would not continue to be innocent and pitiful.

"An Yu Ge, you have changed."

"No, I haven't changed, but you don't understand me at all."

After waiting for He Ruoying's lounge, see Yang Anyu's footsteps briskly, and picked up a small piece of music, a small appearance, Zizen could not help but shook his head.

"You can only scare the new girl."

Yang Anyu’s footsteps were stagnation, and he looked at Zisen with some surprises: “Qi Ge, can’t you guess what I would say to He Ruoying?”

"Yeah." Zisen nodded. "It’s so serious. In fact, you are not so capable at all. You still have to rely on Mr. Yang and Mr. Yi to help you."

"Oh, Qi Ge, don't disassemble me."

Yang Anyu was a little emotional, but he quickly relieved, laughing and saying, "I will work hard in the future, and strive to be as powerful as Chen Yan."

"Then you are still early."

Yang Anyu: "..."

Sure enough, Qi Ge will not splash his cold water!

However, as an actor, Yi Chenyan is indeed the goal of his struggle.

Another day, when the reporter came to the crew to interview, Yang Anyu and He Ruoying did not let this scandal go, let everyone talk about it, they all clearly stated that this is a misunderstanding, and the other party is only a friend, please Don't think too much.

For this rumor, Yang Anyu always felt that there was a black hand behind the scenes. As for who it would be, he also had a number in his heart. After all, some people never used him.

"Things seem to have been solved?" Yi Chenyan called the phone, what he meant, both of them are well aware.

"Well, I am worried."

Yang Anyu smiled slightly. If the matter was handled by Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu always felt that He Ruoying’s end would be very miserable.

"Chen Yan, I know that you are petting me, no matter what happens, it will protect me." Yang Anyu went on, and his tone became more and more firm. "But I will protect myself in the future, and I will become stronger and protect." you."

Protect him? Yi Chenyan is a little bit awkward. Not a few years ago, everyone thinks that he is strong enough and has everything, but in fact it is not.

And this "Yang An Yu" can easily touch the softest depth in his heart every time.

Yang Anyu and He Ruoying voluntarily clarified the anecdote. When the news reached Yu Siyuan and Yan Feng, the two men were too angry to bite their teeth. They thought they could still make trouble for a while. It seems that He Ruoying is a newcomer.

And from the re-election of the idol drama, when Yang Anyu was the actor, Yan Feng felt that Yang Anyu was not only behind Yang Lan, but there may be another person to maintain.

But who is it? Yu Siyuan and Yan Feng did not know that Tang Wei had already guessed it.

"Yang Anyu, will you be the weakness of Yi Chenyan?"

In the night, looking at the only photo of him and Yang Anyu on the mobile phone, Tang Yu muttered to himself, he had a dim sum, and life was full of too many coincidences...

Two weeks later, Yang Anyu’s idol drama was only the final finishing. On the other side of Yi Chen’s side, he ended his own play in advance and rushed back to the city from D City.

He secretly went to Wanxin Jingyuan at night and gave Yang Anyu a surprise.

"Chen... Chen Yan, you actually came back in advance!"

When I saw Yi Chenyan at the door, Yang Anyu suddenly rushed over. He licked Yi Chenyan’s neck and wrapped his legs.

"Chen Yan, Chen Yan, Chen Yan..."

Yang Anyu kept calling his name, and the whole person was hanging on Yi Chenyan. He seemed to want to grow a few more hands and legs, just like the octopus, firmly entangled. Yi Chenyan, why not let go.

Yi Chenyan dragged Yang Anyu's **** with a big palm, and he nodded and responded again and again: "Well, I am here, I am reluctant to leave you as a grinding fairy."

"I... I am not a goblin."

"You are obviously." Yi Chenyan bowed his head and put his face in the face and licked Yang Anyu's nose.

"Haha, itchy, Chen Yan." Yang Anyu grinned, and the two little tiger teeth came out.

Yi Chenyan saw his heart move, and bite a bite of Yang Anyu's soft lips: "Xiao Yu, you laugh so hard, and say you are not a goblin?"

"Okay..." Yang Anyu blinked, and Yi Chen’s words were even tighter. He looked at Yi Chenyan’s eyes with bright light: "However, I only say your little goblin, the only one." !"

"Then you can not regret it in the future?" Yi Chen said a deep color.

"Well, if I lie, I swallow the needle and become a puppy! And we can still pull it! It won't change in a hundred years!"

Looking at the sincere teenager in front of him, Yi Chenyan did not pull with him, just smiled lightly: "I believe in you."

After that, it was not good to stay at the door, so Yi Chenyan took Yang Anyu into the hall.

"Wang Wang!"

Coogee Coco also ran over at this time, although he was very happy when another male owner came home, but they would not have to patronize and kiss and hug it, just ignore it!

Seeing Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan are tired together, Coco feels that this possibility is great, Wang Wang!

In the winter, He Ruoying did not dare to continue to make trouble, she was much more secure, and Yang Anyu also completed the filming of "Love 29 Days".

The young Master Du, who laughed and was bad and embarrassed, finally came together with the seemingly capable, sometimes confusing female police officer Qiu Yunqi, and formed a happy family.

Shanghao Company will hold a family gathering at the end of this year.

According to the company's past traditions, this gathering is held every other year.

As long as there are no special circumstances, almost all of them will participate in the event, so at the event site, there are not only the songs of Li, Liao Zefeng and other singers, but also the shadows like Yi Chenyan and Hu Hongyu. Of course, everyone can see some. Newcomer faces.

On the day of the activity, Yu Siyuan was discharged from the hospital, but the leg injury still needs to be recuperated for a while, so he did not attend. People who are similar to him are also invited to leave in advance.

Yang Anyu swept a circle. Among the newcomers, in addition to his friend Qin Nuoxi, he and his soup, Huang Chuan and others were not less, and even the girl idol combination that the company had just cultivated.

The event started formally at 7:00 in the evening. Everyone first took a group photo exchange. At around 8:30 in the evening, some singers will also perform on stage.

Just after six o'clock, Yang Hao and other company leaders have not appeared yet. The first-line big names such as Yi Chenyan and Jie Li have not yet appeared. They mentioned that the artists who came to the scene gathered together in groups of three and they took photos. Polite and normal, there are also funny and cute.

There are a few stars who are well-known in the circle, and naturally they are also a variety of newcomers.

Tang Yan’s lips always accompanied a smile and slowly walked over to Yang Anyu.

"Xiao Yu." Even the name, he also shouted very kindly every time.

In this public occasion, Yang Anyu can only respond with a smile: "Good evening, Tang Yuge."

"Can you take another photo with me?" Tang Wei volunteered to suggest that the last time the two of them took a group photo, they still worked together to record the "Challenge firsttime" variety event.

Yang Anyu gave a slight glimpse, but nodded and stood by Tang Yu.

The company's camera brother made an ok gesture. When preparing to shoot, Tang Hao, who had no movement, suddenly caught Yang Anyu's waist and took him to his arms.

At this moment, Yi Chenyan was present, and two dawns were quickly directed to Yang Anyu and Tang Yu.