MTL - Find Out About Divorce-Chapter 62

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Jiang Wu came back later than usual today.

Hearing the knock on the door, Shen Mu ran to open the door, and saw Jiang Wu's thin arm carrying two large bags of books, seeing Shen Mu as if she had seen a savior, she rarely asked for help in a coquettish tone Said, "Hurry up and help me, it's too heavy."

You still buy so much…

Shen Mu hurriedly helped, took the two bags and put them aside.

"What did you buy?"

Jiang Wu was changing shoes, while Shen Mu squatted aside, looking at the two pockets Jiang Wu brought back.

"Junior high school textbook?!" Shen Mu picked out a book and looked at the title above, surprised.

"Yes." Jiang Wu replied.

Shen Mu couldn't understand, "What are you buying these for?"

Jiang Wu thought about it, organized the language, and euphemistically said, "Give it to the children."

Oh, children, it is a good thing to do public welfare, my wife is so kind.

However, after Shen Mu turned over the two bags, she found that something was not right. She did the math. Jiang Wu almost bought all the textbooks for the third grade of junior high school at this stage. The problem is... there is only one set, this kid seems to have a specific candidate!

Shen Mu squatted on the floor of his living room and thought for a long time.


The word "children" is a bit subtle, and there are actually quite a lot of "children" around Jiang Wu.

Shen Mu's mind instantly rang out.

She carried the textbook to Jiang Wu who was changing clothes in the bedroom.

"Are you the girl who bought the flowers for you?" Shen Mu asked.

Jiang Wu was a little surprised, she just said something ambiguous, Shen Mu guessed it, and it was a long time ago that she sent flowers, and she still remembers it now.

"Well, yes, it's her reward for helping me grow flowers." Jiang Wu replied.


Comrade Jiang Wu's words just came to the ground, and half of his clothes were changed, his skirt was taken off, and his trousers were only one leg, and the whole person was directly carried by Shen Mu and moved to the living room.

"Put me down." Jiang Wu said.

Shen Mu put the person next to the flower stand in front of the French window.

Jiang Wu didn't understand what Shen Mu was trying to do.

Shen Mu raised his hand and pointed Jiang Wu's eyes to the green plants in the room.

"I said the flowers in my office, you wouldn't even let them help you at home." Jiang Wu widened her eyes, if she remembered correctly, it was Shen Mu at the beginning The big boss refused to look for housekeeping.

How? Is this a sudden change of mind?

Shen Mu is so angry, she really has a tacit understanding, it seems that she can only speak directly.

"Quick, thank you for thanking me too."


Jiang Wu was stunned for three seconds, and finally understood.

"Thank you, because you grow flowers at home?" Jiang Wu tentatively asked.

"Yes." Mr. Shen said it with confidence.

"No." Jiang Wu refused.

She turned around, leaned on Shen Mu to find a fulcrum to stand on, raised her legs and continued to wear the half-worn trousers.

"Hey, there is no wild flower fragrance at home, the ancients honestly did not deceive me." Shen Mu began to sell miserably.

Jiang Wu changed his clothes, directly ignored Shen Mu's wailing, and walked towards the kitchen, "I have eaten, I am starving to death."

Shen Mu pouted and refused to move.

Jiang Wu turned around and saw that Shen Mu was still standing there, with a look of grief and anger, and he was instantly happy.

"You're jealous."

"Just kidding, eighteen years old, with a flower bone, I will eat the vinegar of a girl's film, haha, hahaha." Shen Mu laughed twice.

It's right to be jealous, Jiang Wu shrugged.

She didn't miss those strange books about guiding love and family life. Although many things are unrealistic, the content is not useless, such as a lot of heart knots These words were formed in seemingly inconspicuous little contradictions, and Jiang Wu took it seriously.

She hooked her fingers towards Shen Mu.

Shen Mu said suspiciously, "Why?"

Jiang Wuxiao, "Come here, don't you want to thank me?"

Shen Mu had no choice but to lean over.

When Lawyer Jiang was serious, he was quite serious, and Shen Mu has probably seen Jiang Wu's less serious side in his life.

She smiled and hooked her fingers, Shen Mu couldn't refuse.

"You need my thanks?" Jiang Wu smiled.

Actually, not so much. Shen Mu thought with some fascination.

The person in front of her didn't know when they had come over and embraced Shen Mu.

"However, wife, you have worked hard." Jiang Wu whispered to Jiang Wu's ear.

Since when did the relationship between two people change? It seems that Jiang Wu personally said that I love you that night?

No, maybe sooner.

Shen Mu's heart is like a dandelion blown by the breeze, and her heart is rippling.

Jiang Wu, who used to call her by her first name, began to call her his wife. As long as she showed a little bit of unease, she would also use her own way, euphemistically, or teasing, or outright coaxing She is happy.

It turns out that my love can get the full response of the other party is such a simple and beautiful thing.

Shen Mu is willing to do everything for Jiang Wu, a lifetime chef, a lifetime gardener, a lifetime pistachio, a lifetime lover.

When she was kissed back by Shen Mu, Jiang Wu thought, Shen Mu is really a very pleasing type, even before she exerted her strength, Shen Mu compromised.

It's nice, sweet, nice, nice.

A good night and a good morning.

Attorney Jiang is a very well-behaved sweetie. After his wife went out, she disguised herself and sneaked to Huace Law Firm.

She stayed there almost all morning just to see this so-called little friend with her own eyes.

Reality finally did not displease Shen Mu. Not long after she arrived, she saw a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old, carrying tools and cleaning at the door.

Slim and thin, if Jiang Wu had mentioned that he was a 18-year-old cleaner boy, Shen Mu could hardly believe his eyes.

Shen Mu stood there and watched the house from cleaning to finishing, and it only took twenty minutes in between.

After finishing, Shen Mu felt that she was really nervous.

She put on her sunglasses, got up, and left the parking space next to Huace.

Jiang Wu spends too much energy on others, which will invisibly cause Shen Mu a lot of pressure, but after coming here today, Shen Mu understands that Jiang Wu's attention is not because of How close she is to the other party, but because of need, she has been a lawyer for all these years, and she still has an indelible sense of justice and sympathy, which is very precious and makes Shen Muxiang cherish it.

Jiang Wu said she was naive.

Shen Mu smiled involuntarily while waiting for the red light.

Jiang Wu is really right, she is really a little naive.

She didn't need to come this time.

Shen Mu is in a good mood. She should play a song to listen to at this time. Just as she was looking through the playlist to find a song that suits her current mood, the call came in first. .

Looking at the caller ID, Shen Mu picked it up and said casually, "If you have something to play, please kneel if you have nothing."

"Bah." Fu Siyao is not a vegetarian, so he just went back.

Shen Mu also cheerfully asked when she heard the spirit of her friend, "You are now the successor of Tenghua Group, time is precious, every second is precious, I dare not delay you."

Fu Siyao snorted twice, "Yes, you are really biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people, okay, I won't say anything about my sister, bye."

Saying goodbye, but Fu Siyao did not hang up the phone, still waiting to argue with Shen Mu.

Shen Mu smiled and said, "You are still a sister, a few months younger than me. Even compared to my lawyer Jiang, you are also a little sister."

Fu Siyao saw that the topic was on the birthday, and directly pointed out the purpose of today's call, "Old place, Jade Restaurant, tomorrow night at six o'clock, please have dinner."

Why do you want to invite yourself to dinner all of a sudden, and say it so formally.

Shen Mu hasn't figured it out yet, the other party has already added, "Didn't you just mention your lawyer Jiang, bring her too, I'll see if Lu Wan has time, You also know each other, not outsiders, more lively, or if you don’t want other people to be there, it’s up to you.”

Shen Mu was even more surprised. Did Fu Siyao just say that he would bring Jiang Wu with him? As for whether to bring Lu Wan or not, he should consider it later. This can be said by Comrade Fu Siyao, the love brain. if?

"What day is tomorrow?" Shen Mu asked.

Fortunately, the two of them were not on a video call, so Shen Mu couldn't see the big white eye that Fu Siyao on the phone gave her.

She only heard the other side of the phone, Fu Siyao's voice was louder and the tone was high, "It's not any special day, just twenty-nine years ago, a big fool happened to be here Born in one day."


Big fool?

Come on.

"You're a fool."

Shen Mu's parents died early, and her grandfather died soon after she became an adult. The only person in the world who can remember her birthday is Fu Siyao, a friend she knew since childhood. As for Jiang Wu, they When the two got married, Shen Mu's birthday had already passed, and she hadn't mentioned it to her, so she probably didn't know it.

If you can have a meal with your wife and friends' family on your birthday, that's a very beautiful thing.

Jiang Wu will she agree?

Jiang Wu didn't know that her daughter-in-law followed her to Huace for a turn. When she waited for Lin Lan to finish cleaning up and come upstairs, she waved and called someone to her office.

Lin Lan didn't know why, "Lawyer Jiang, are you looking for me?"

Jiang Wu tied the sorted books with a wrapping rope, which would not spread out and was easy to move, and pushed it in front of Lin Lan, "This is a gift for you as a thank you."

When Lin Lan heard it was a gift, she quickly waved her hand, "No no no, I didn't do anything, how can I accept your gift."

Jiang Wu was not in a hurry and smiled, "You can take a look first and then make a decision."

Lin Lan embarrassedly rubbed her hands on the clothes, and then went to see what Jiang Wu was going to give her.

It was a textbook for junior high school.

It is almost the same as the textbook that Lin Lan had used.

"This, this is..." Lin Lan didn't know what to say at all. She looked at the book in front of her, then looked up at Jiang Wu, and her eyes gradually turned red.

Lin Lan choked up a little, "Lawyer Jiang, I really don't know, I really don't know how to thank you."

Jiang Wu rubbed Lin Lan's head, "As long as you want to learn, it's never too late, I will help you."

Lin Lan nodded vigorously.

The opportunity that was once deprived by a broken family and an unfortunate life is now placed in front of her again, Lin Lan really thinks, she really wants to use all her strength to seize it.