MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 615 Make your own decision

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"Is this a problem, some children are not suitable," Lin Sanda sweated, and said haha: "Salmu, you are too young, it is better not to ask!"

Salmu snorted, and his naive face was full of disdain: "Cut, like is like, what dare not admit it ?! On our prairie, as long as it is a woman you like, even if it is a grab, it must be Get her back in the tent. Sneaky, crouching, and dare not say anything like you, most despise-how could my sister like a coward like you ?! "

The kid scolded him unambiguously! Lin Wanrong grinned grinning a few times, and when people didn't notice, he wiped the cold sweat secretly, and turned away in a panic.

Hu Bugui followed him, forcing a smile: "General, this child is nonsense, don't go to your heart, how can they understand the subtle beauty of our Dahuaerlang ?! Especially the general you , That modest and implicit character is famous in our Dahua! "

Modest and implicit? Does this touch me? Lao Hu's uncle, obviously is taking the opportunity to sneer at me! He rolled his eyes, and Hu Bugui, the two chiefs secretly turned their heads and laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, subtle is also beautiful!" Du Xiuyuan quickly released the siege: "General, would you like to see Zhao Kangning again? Little Lizi is waiting to clean him up every day!"

Lin Wanrong shook his head and waved his hand: "I don't bother to see it, I'm upset to see this kid. Brother Gao, you will go to trial him later, this guy still holds several treasures left by his old man. Be sure to I dug it out. "

"Good!" The high chief yelled a few times, and laughed slyly: "Exactly, these days I have found a new medicine, I heard that it is specifically used to lactate the cows, Xiao Wang is very blessed!"

What else can be done in the hands of Lao Gao? Hu Bugui and Du Xiuyuan shivered at the same time!

"I haven't seen it in a few days. Brother Gao still loves to study!" Lin Wanrong laughed. "But don't be too heavy, just leave half a life for Xiao Wang and spend the next half of your life in bed!" Alas, I have become more and more benevolent lately. To review, I must review well! "

After a long afternoon in the camp, I remembered Xu Xuqing who was angry. He couldn't stop thinking about it, but he searched for a long time after the room, but he didn't find her shadow.

Du Xiuyuan could not bear the loneliness. He must be able to draw some common words, and the brothers have a lot of laughter and laughter, but they can't tell the joy, but whenever the front line confrontation between the two sides is brought up and the negotiations are deadlocked. Everyone always looked at him intentionally or unintentionally. The color of hope is beyond words.

Unconsciously, it was full of sunset, and he stepped out of the camp, only to breathe a long sigh, and saw that a distant ride came, the young general sitting on it was 14 or 15 years old, but It is Li Wuling.

"Little plums, little plums—" He hurriedly smiled and beckoned, but Li Wuling was face mask frost. Glancing at him fiercely. The horse kept walking and the brush flew past him.

What's wrong, didn't you feel happy when you met me then? !! Lin Wanrong wins. His eyes were swift and his hands fastened. He pulled the horse's reins, and the horse hissed, his head swung and his tail screaming. Li Wuling lay down on his horse, hummed, and turned his head.

"Yo, little plum, what's the matter?" He hugged the war horse with a smile, and slowly stroked the fluttering mane: "Dragging your face so long, Brother Lin didn't offend you!"

"You didn't offend me," Li Wuling glared at him, angrily: "But you bullied me Aunt Xu!"

"Miss Xu ?!" Lin Wanrong was startled, "She, what happened to her? I didn't think of bullying her!"

Li Wuling was so angry that she wiped her tears and said, "Aunt Xu has disappeared. How dare you say you didn't bully her?"

"Miss Xu is missing ?!" He jumped in shock. "When did it happen? No wonder I haven't found her!" "I just met you on the ground and she disappeared. I found I didn't see her figure all afternoon! "

Xu Yanqing is calm, so how could it be so easy to disappear? Lin Wanrong pondered for a long time, and suddenly he hesitated, turning over, "Little plum, use your war horse for a while!"

"Hey, what are you doing ?! Hey, Brother Lin—" shouted Li Wuling loudly, but Lin Wanrong whistled with a whistle, and the warhorse fought violently and disappeared.

Several people from Hu Bugui sneaked out from the camp, stretched their necks and looked at the blaze of fumes of dust in the distance. They couldn't help pointing up and praising: "Little plums, you have more ideas!"

"Of course," Li Wuling shook his head and shook his head and laughed: "Aunt Xu treats Brother Lin so well, but he always thinks of other women, and doesn't ask him to be anxious, he doesn't know that my aunt Xu is good!"

The high chief shook his head and sighed, full of sympathy: "It's really hard to say that Brother Lin, a Yu Jia has tortured him so badly that he wouldn't even see him! Plus Miss Xu Jun, Xu, this How are you going to live in the future! Hey, what a miserable man for this man ?! "

Miserable? !! Hu Bugui, Du Xiuyuan, and Li Wuling glared at him at the same time. How could such a "tragic" life not be my turn? !!

"When I didn't say it, when I didn't say it!" In front of the crowd, Lao Gao retracted his head obediently, smirking: "In fact, I also look forward to such a miserable life, really, the more miserable the better! "

The sun gradually disappeared under the horizon, and the distant sky, a beautiful sunset, seemed to be the last red makeup on the earth. The wind and sand of the desert danced with whistling, and the hot air beat on the cheek, making people's breath instantly hot.

Lin Wanrong ran for a while, and a single horse came out of the city, standing on the **** and looking around. The blood-red sunset, the circling storm, and the silver sand all over the sky make people's eyes unable to open. Where can I see Xu Yingqing's shadow.

This girl's temperament is really stubborn. That's it from the first meeting! He sighed long. The sad and happy face of Miss Xu when she met this morning appeared, and she couldn't help but shake her head slightly, identified the direction, and pushed the horse to the north, walking for four or five miles at a stretch.

The wind was whining, and Yin Sha kept beating on his face. It hurts a lot. In the tiny world, there was a small black spot standing still, sitting silently on the ground. Black hair fluttered in the wind, and the beautiful long dress was like a flying flag. The boundless wind and sand made a number of detours in front of her plump body, forming a strange swirl. She sat quietly, motionless, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Miss Xu!" Lin Wanrong flew down, patted his palm on the horse's butt, and let the war horse run away in the sky full of sand.

The gale howled. But he couldn't stop his voice, Xu Xunqing stagnated a little, didn't look back, and said coldly, "What are you doing ?!"

"I'm here for you!" He grinned and stepped forward. Sitting slowly beside her. There was a tall dune in front of Miss Xu. It seems to have been stacked by hand. It should take some time to look at it. With a wooden sign in her hand, she hid under her skirt and couldn't see what it was for.

Xu Yanqing leaned her head and looked at him coldly, her beautiful big eyes were slightly red and swollen: "What do you want me to do? There is beauty to accompany without fighting, aren't you living happily? I am dead or alive and why do you do it?" ? "

Lin Wanrong raised his head and smiled, "Is it dead or alive that has nothing to do with me? Then my life and death, do you care? If you don't care. I'll be dead-"

"Oh!" Xu Yanqing was angry and grumpy: "What is dead and alive. What are you talking about ?!"

Lin Wanrong shook his head slightly and sighed softly: "For people like me who have died once, life and death are just symbols. Don't be too persistent."

Xu Yanqing suddenly raised her head, and tears had turned in her eyes: "You bullshit! Life and death may be just a symbol to you, but for some people, that's everything for you. You mean man, you in the end do you understand?!"

She looked at him silently, tears dripping silently along the tender cheeks, and a few grains of silver sand dipped into her face with tears, indescribably tender and beautiful.

"Miss Xu——" Lin Wanrong sighed silently, and slowly pulled her palm. Xu Yiqing's palms trembled, but she leaned her head stubbornly, hiding her small hands behind her back.

Lin Wanrong smiled, and with a little hard work, she held her tightly in her hand, shaking and warm. He grabbed her palm gently: "--In fact, I understand!"

Xu Yanqing trembled sharply, and suddenly couldn't hold back anymore. She turned back sharply, hugged him and burst into tears: "You cruel man, why do you treat me like this? I want to hate you, I want to hate death you!!"

This walk is three months, life and death are unknown, and no news! Nearly a hundred days and nights, endless thoughts, worries and grievances finally broke out. Teardrops ran like rain, and her plump **** swelled sharply. She choked quickly, holding her tightly in her arms, crying as if she was about to suffocate, and the teardrops soaked all his chest clothes.

What an abominable war, **** rain, life and death? !! Lin Wanrong's eyes were moist, holding Xu Yanqing tightly in his arms, and slapping her weak shoulder silently, unable to say a word for a long time.

The wind and sand danced endlessly, and the whistling kept ringing, and the two of them hugged each other, but in their hearts, the earth was silent and warmly picked up the wooden sign held under Xu Qiuqing's skirt, and silently wiped the sand above dust. There is no word on the wooden sign, and only a few strokes are used to outline two figures, a man and a woman, tightly together, fingers intertwined, snuggle, and the wind and sand flying around them, slowly their bodies slowly Buried.

Lin Wanrong winced and looked at the piles of sand in front of him. He blinked and said suddenly: "Is this our tombstone ?!"

Miss Xu hastily stopped crying, wiped her tears and wiped her tears. She reached out and snatched, "You are not allowed to see it, you should return it to me!"

This tombstone is still falling. If it is to be erected, the tombstone and the fragrance of Miss Xu will be buried in the grave.

My clothes? !! He stared blankly at the dune, suddenly lying softly on the dune, and skyward laughed.

"What are you laughing, don't laugh!" Miss Xu rushed up angrily and reached out to cover his mouth.

"I've never seen my own grave!" He took Xu Minqing's hand, his nose was sour, and he said softly and firmly: "I promise you. When we are old, I will build such a grave, and everyone will Buried in it. We are always together, life and death! "

Tears rolled down Xu Xuqing, holding his chest in shame and annoyed, "Fool me into tears-I don't know how many people to bury in your grave! I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

Lin Wanrong laughed: "It doesn't matter. As long as you hold my hand, I know who you are. No matter what you become, no one can separate us! Do you believe me ?!"

"I don't believe you—" Xu Yanqing burst into tears, slowly clinging to his arms: "——Who else can you believe ?!"

Strangely enough, the quicksands of the desert danced wildly in the wind. The two held hands and lay on their own grave, but they were infinitely peaceful and gentle.

Lin Wanrong stared at the tombstone with a surprisingly calm heart: "Miss Xu, when did you make this tombstone for me?"

Xu Yanqing snorted. Youyou said, "When Hu Bugui returns from the prairie, I will be ready."

She didn't say anything later, but Lin Wanrong knew that once he really couldn't come back. The allusion to burying sand will be repeated. This girl has a terrible temper. He knows better than anyone. He sighed silently and took Miss Xu's body into his arms again.

Xu Yiqing suddenly looked up and looked at him shyly and dissatisfied: "Why are you still calling me Miss Xu now? Shouldn't I be called otherwise?"

Lin Wanrong grinned straight in her ear, and said in her ear: "Because I called you Miss Xu, the feeling is the most special, and no one can replace you! Even in the future, if you become a wedding hole, you go to bed and become a mother, I still Still calling you Miss Xu, okay ?! "

The words of this man are always full of lust. Is he born with it? Xu Yanqing's ears were hot. Fang's heart pounded, and I didn't know what to say.

"Oh, lying on his own grave. It's so comfortable!" He sighed beautifully, holding his head with both hands. The night is lonely. I do n’t know when the sky has become mottled. Stars are looming from time to time, and the light is faintly contrasting with the vast desert silver sand, which is extremely beautiful.

Miss Xu slowly stroked his chest, her motion extremely soft: "Does it still hurt ?!"

"No problem!" Lin Wanrong smiled slightly. "I am a person who belongs to the category of fast and good, and I am not afraid of getting hurt!"

Xu Yanqing sighed, gently pressed her cheek to his chest, and said quietly, "I have seen her." Who? Who have you met? !! "

"Who else? Tell me to pretend to be confused!" Xu Yanqing twisted **** his back.

"Oh, she, you say she-who is she ?!" Rarely confused, he opened his eyes and his innocent face.

Miss Xu was clever and smart, how could she not see through his tricks, and gave him an angry white look, but shook her head and sighed: "No wonder your soul is gone! This Turkian Khan, ground Really beautiful and beautiful, like a flower! No matter how martial arts, people are clever, and her status is noble, she is proud of her in every aspect! "

Even Xu Yanqing, who is an opponent, praised him so much. The charm of Crescent Moon is really not to be underestimated! No longer confused, Lin Wanrong laughed twice: "You say Yu Jia, she is really good. But with so many Turkic people, there must be one or two good ones, is there anything strange ?!"

Miss Xu snorted: "It's not just good, it's seductive and seductive. I can't bear to look at it. Even a woman who reads it can't help tempting, don't you want to see her again ?!"

"Isn't the general calling you to be a lobbyist ?!" Lin Wanrong shook his head with a painful face ~ ~ Xu Yunqing's face was bitter, and he turned his head annoyingly and said, "Let you go and meet the old lover again , Which woman is willing to be such a lobbyist ?! "

The bitterness in Miss Xu's heart, she pretended not to come, Lin Wanrong patted her shoulder, wanted to say something, opened her mouth, but could not spit out a word.

"The first talk was terrible. Yu Jia's attitude was extremely tough, and she only made a small concession. She even said that if we blindly take the Turkic Khan, she will not hesitate to break the net with Dahua Yi. "Xu Qingqing said quietly:" If we really fight, we are not afraid, anti-orthogonal soldiers have been for so many years! But this time is different from ever before. The Turks have set off in revenge for the purpose of revenge against Huawei, no matter how many cities they can capture, That **** rain and life are covered with charcoal, I'm afraid it's inevitable! "

Lin Wanrong gave a sigh, frowned, and didn't speak.

"After three days, the second round of negotiations will be reopened. With Yu Jia's personality, this should be the last chance!" Ms. Xu put her cheek against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and fell gently Tears: "Come or not, make your own decision!"