MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 623 I am your eye

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Wo Lao Gong—— "


"Why do you like me?"

"Oh-this, little Crescent Moon, did I say I like you ?!"

"Despicable, dirty, capricious villain! I hit you!

The fist sounded like two young heartbeats! He looked at her with a grin and smiled, suddenly turned his face and kissed gently on the delicate red lips, said gently: "Don't ask me why I like you, just like, don't ask me why I breathe!"

Crescent Moon nestled in his arms and looked at him in surprise and joy, and the long eyelashes trembled gently: "Wo Lao attack, have you ever loved words, have you ever published poetry in Dahua? Why do you coax every time? I, I want to bite you happily ?! "

"Don't bite anymore, look at me like this, how do you see people later?" He shook his head in distress.

Looking at the bright marks on his forehead, ears, cheeks, and chest, the crescent crescent smiled, and pressed the tender, crispy chest tightly against his chest, plump and cocky, pressed hard against his chest, warm and humid, Soft and soft, the charming eyes seem to drip

Shuilai: "I just want you to meet people like this! I want to let the whole world know that Wo Lao attack is my man, and he is my man forever!"

"That, how embarrassing! You also know, my biggest weakness is 腼腆, very 腼腆!" Slowly stroking the tender, silky satin meat on her willow waist, the soft feeling reached the bone, he The words are extremely serious and sound

The sound is playing.

"I'm preventing you from stubbing!" Crescent Daughter-in-law chuckled, slowly picking up a weird palm, holding his cheek close to his palm, and softly said, "My man. How old are you this year! "

His heart was crispy and numb, and he fumbled with her: "Sixteen!"

Crescent Moon said funnyly, "Great. You are only one year older than me!"

"No, I can grow this up at fifteen-how old?"

"What's weird about this? It's not as good as some people. It's so shameless to learn at sixteen!"

What a clever girl! Lin Wanrong laughed and sniffed a few bites on her hair.

Yu Jia held his hands and buried her cheek deeply, quietly, "Your crescent moon is nineteen this year! You must not forget it!"

"Forgetting you is worse than forgetting me!" His eyes were slightly moist. Sighed silently.

Crescent Moon was full of joy, and smiled sweetly. She carefully held his palm for a long time and carefully hummed, "Wo Lao attack, why are there so many branches and leaves of your emotional line?"

"Oh, no. You must be mistaken!" He opened his eyes wide and hurriedly withdrew his palm: "I've always been known for my steadfast affection, and I have a reputation and reputation in Dahua!"

Crescent Moon said angrily: "This method of knowing palms. You taught me. I looked very carefully, how could I be wrong ?!"

"Oh—in fact," he said, his eyes fluttering. "These branches and leaves are actually the legendary heart with nine tricks. The trick is the symbol of the smartest person."

"I think you have nine things in your heart, and you know what's right!" Crescent Moon crouched in front of his chest, lightly annoying his chest. His eyes fell on the huge scar on his chest. Suddenly his eyes softened, and he said softly, "You must keep this scar forever. You are not allowed to look for that

What fairy sister applies ointment to remove scars! "

He froze and hurriedly said, "Why. Little sister?"

Yu Jia slowly pressed her cheek to the deep scar. With tears in her eyes, she cried and laughed, her eyes lingering with tenderness: "This is the mark I engraved on you! Staying on you and engraving on my heart belongs to my crescent moon! No matter you hate I

Love me, I want you to remember me forever! "

This girl is distressing even for overbearing! Lin Wanrong smiled silently and embraced her tightly. Sniff her fragrant horns.

Under the meniscus, her skin was smooth like shiny satin. Jiao's body shone with a gleam. It's like the most beautiful and seductive angel from heaven.

Slowly stroking the snow-white double-headed. Lin Sirong softly dangled in people's hearts, Lin Wanrong said softly: "Little sister. You are so good at medical treatments, can you make her recover, and you are like blue clouds in the clouds!"

Yu Jia brushed her head up and stared at him with her eyes wide, yelling loudly: "Why restore? Do you think she doesn't look good?"

"No, no," Lin Wanrong hurriedly waved his hand: "It looks good! You were the prettiest **** the prairie, and now you are noble and refined, as pure as Baiyun!"

"This is an eternal testimony!" She stared at him fiercely, and said firmly: "If you dare let me forget you next time, I can follow it, step by step, no matter how many years, no matter how many lives, I You will be found! Do you dare to try? "

He had a sour nose and turned his head in a hurry. Tears moved.

"Don't you dare?" Yu Jia's eyes were gloomy, and her slender and strong kicked his feet, her bare **** stood upright and trembling with the wind, her bumpy figure was like a ripe peach.

Wo Lao attacked awkwardly and laughed twice, but he did not dare to return: "This is not an example, it is not an example!"

Crescent Moon lifted his jewel-like little feet, kicked him a few times on the thigh roots, and hummed, "Don't dare you! Then I will give you fragrant soup tonight, will you come or not ?!"

"Negotiations haven't been done yet, and there are many details--"

Tears swirled in Yuga's eyes, and she said angrily, "Good, what are you talking about ?! I'll ask you to come or not-don't hesitate, don't blink, just answer now!"

She rushed forward, slenderly touching her eyelids with his jade fingers to keep him from blinking.

Lin Wanrong nodded hurriedly before Crescent Moon snorted and threw him aside.

Lin Wanrong rubbed his eyes helplessly and sighed: "My bright eyes were originally small, but now you have artificially pulled them into double eyelids. After returning, others should not know me!"

"I know it! Huh, I'll send it tomorrow night!"

Lin Wanrong smiled grinningly: "The more I send, the more I rejoice, it is best to send it for a lifetime!"

Yu Jia heard the sound and suddenly stopped. She looked at him gently, a smile of joy on her face. Tears dropped.

"What's wrong? Don't cry, don't cry. I'm telling the truth! There must be a false story, tell me to thunder. Don't die!" Lin Wanrong felt a pain in her heart, hugged her, and patted her Smooth shoulders.

"I know, I know!" Yu Jia cried and laughed, hugging him tightly, "Wo Lao attack. Will you always remember me!"

"of course!"

"Will you miss me forever?"

"Is this doubtful ?!"

"Then why don't you kiss me?"

He froze. Two hot red lips had bitten him fiercely. Crescent Moon seemed to be a beautiful snake, and his clean arm wrapped around his neck. The slender clings tightly to his legs, the immaculate twin peaks constantly changing shape during the body squeeze. She kept moaning, mum ...

Shocked again! It's all been seven times, and the sky is almost bright. !! Nalan and Xiangxue glanced at a few Turkic girls, shamed their cheeks, and slowly knelt down again!

It was already bright, and the broad dragonfly standing on the borderline had been silent for a long time. The pink gauze finally pulled open slowly.

A man came out of it. He glanced cautiously. Stomp about to go outside, but listening to a few soft and soft voices sounded in the ears at the same time: "Meet you!"

"Oh," he hurriedly turned his head to cover his cheeks. "It's a few young ladies and sisters, I worked hard last night!"

The cheeks of Xiangxue Nalan's maids were blushing at the same time: "We should. Your lord, you worked hard!"

I'm really hard! He laughed a few times, opened the curtain, and walked quickly towards the desert.

"Look at it. Look at it. Who is that ?!" Du Xiuyuan exclaimed, hurriedly awakening the two people who were snoring.

Hu Bugui opened his eyes and frantically glanced at the man who was traveling in the sand. He suddenly took a breath.

The man's clothes and body were dim. The outline is also familiar, except that the forehead, the corner of the eyebrow, the cheek, the base of the ear, the neck, and the arms are printed with deep, light, and neat marks. The horizontal and vertical are inclined obliquely, all of them are different.

It took a few days to get it out of your teeth. I'm afraid it will not subside. Those bright red lip glosses were printed on him, seemingly covered with countless crescents.

My mother. This battle is too fierce! Several people looked at each other. I really admire it!

Lin Wanrong stepped over and beckoned with a smile: "Early morning. A few big brothers, have you eaten? Well, why are your eyesight black? You need to take more rest!"

Take a break, but if we hadn't given you the wind, you would have been chopped by Miss Xu, and asked me why my eyes were black, could that be white?

Hu did not return to look at his face, Du Xiuyuan looked at his chest, Gao Qiao looked a little, widened his eyes and stared at him. A few people looked up and down, and marveled at the rows of teeth marks from his head to his feet. Yu Jia uttered words and her three arrows.

Like the chain, the world is invincible!

Lin Wanrong was startled and took a few steps back: "Brother Gao, where are your eyes?"

Lao Gao stared at his lower part and said, "Brothers, are these all crescent moon masterpieces! Alas, this tooth bite is wonderful, wow haha!"

A few people laughed loudly, and they couldn't tell the obscenity on their faces. Lin Wanrong blushed a lot. He walked more at night and was naturally not afraid of ghosts. He laughed a few times and said, "Where, where, I and Da Khan just discussed The future of China is wonderful, but wonderful

It's also very hard, I didn't sleep all night! "

You work hard, we can all understand! The three elder brothers were playing loudly, but Du Xiuyuan had a better conscience, smiled for a while, and carefully looked back: "General, you should go and see Xu Junshi, she has not left the tent overnight!"

Speaking of Xu Yiqing, Lin Wanrong suddenly got a big head. The crescent moon and the crescent moon, bedding, Huanglong Yueshan, the real character of the Hu Ren woman is like a man, but all of this falls in the eyes of the female military division. If she is not jealous, she will not be killed. Have

People believe!

Seeing General Lin's head bowed in an embarrassed manner, three people, look at me, I look at you, no one can say anything.

Xu Junshi's tent was next to his felt room. The barrels that had been bathed yesterday were still outside. The water was cold and the flowers were left. There was no trace of heat. I listened carefully outside the account for a long time, but did not hear a sound. I wonder if she is still inside.

"Miss Xu, Miss Xu!" Yelled boldly. The room was so quiet that no one answered.

Gently raise the curtain. I saw a slender figure lying on the simple bed. The whole body was wrapped in a quilt, without moving.

He stole over, leaned to the bed, and yelped with an old face, "Xu Junshi-"

"Miss Xu--"

"Mr .--"


"You are not allowed to scream!" Encountering his cheeky offensive, Miss Xu finally moved a little, and threw away the quilt angrily, facing him sideways, and snorted angrily.

"Oh. Then I'll call someone else!"

"Wow!" The quilt pillow flew over with the scabbard. Miss Xu stood up, her eyes swollen. Crisp chest trembled, widened his eyes and stared at him fiercely, as if to eat him!

Lin Wanrong lowered her head and hugged her while taking advantage. Stealing: "Don't you say that Crescent Moon is poor and tell me to treat her better?"

"I told you to be nice to her, but I didn't tell you to match her without a match!" Xu Minqing twisted his arms angrily. Tears blew: "You. You are still in front of me-dog and man, adulterer and adulteress, unmatched, unscrupulous, angry with me, angry

Damn me! "

She scolded a few times. It was getting harder and harder. He twisted fiercely on his arm. Lin Wanrong grinned her teeth, hugged her, kissed her ears, and laughed: "Since Miss Xu hates marriage without a match. I have a match with you, always

It's ready to go! "

Xu Yanqing's face was red. Body softened and angered: "You're all like that woman, don't touch me!"

"Oh!" He responded, slowly letting go. Head down, full of sorrow. Poor.

His pitiful appearance. It was even more annoying to Miss Xu, she was in tears. He bit his arm sharply: "Tell you not to touch and you won't touch? You are so obedient? You dead man, I'm so angry!"

Woman, really can't mess with it! Lin Wanrong laughed and hugged her into her arms, bowed her head and kissed on that lip, proudly said: "Then we will have a match every day for a whole lifetime! Miss Xu, my son, obedient baby, you Willing or not

Do you want to be my wife? "

This kind of nausea can only be said by him. Miss Xu's face flushed, and she felt a pinch of seven inches. It is superfluous to meet such a cheeky person!

"Have you said that to the beautiful Hu Ren Khan?" Xu Yiqing was ashamed, and there was another indescribable sour taste.

How to answer this question? He shook his head without speaking.

Xu Yanqing glanced at him, couldn't help humming, took a few water sacs on his side, poured the clear water into the palm of his hand, and wiped it on his face fiercely. Just let her have more strength, and her red lips can be wiped. How can the crescent crescent be eliminated? !!

"Look at her good work! Doesn't this bite hurt? How can you see people?" Miss Xu took a few photos on his face, again distressed and angry. The rows of tooth prints did not last for several days, I'm afraid they will not disappear!

"Don't waste water!" Lin Wanrong had to scrape off the layer of land on her rubbed face, and hurriedly grinned, "Your bath fragrant soup is still outside, I'll just wash it. Rest assured, I'll Not too dirty! "

Shameless people! Miss Xu's face was red and her ears red, her body suddenly softened: "You are not allowed to mention that fragrant soup! I was grateful to her last night, but I don't know if she had such an idea! I'm so mad!"

"Then she's giving fragrant soup tonight, do you want it?"

"To-eh ?!"

"Oh, I mean, if!" Lin Wanrong hurriedly haha.

The female military officer glanced at him a few times, bitter and sour, and gritted her teeth, "Not only today, but tomorrow, I'm afraid I'll send it, right? Adulterer, adulteress!"

Miss Xu was the matchmaker for Li Tai, and Lin personally accepted it. Although there was no match, she was already an authentic Mrs. Lin. She cursed this sentence, but she was very bright.

The adulterer bowed his head, and was really embarrassed to speak. Seeing what it looked like, he used the fragrant soup with joy.

Xu Yanqing said, "You're not afraid that her show place is a beauty, intentionally tempting you to make concessions?"

"If that's the case, then I'll do something beautiful!" Lin Wanrong sighed silently.

Love is a double-edged sword. Is it true of him, or is it true of Khan? Just like when Crescent Moon was still a captive, in order to get away. He deliberately used means to seduce him. But she took herself in. This is one

The most confused account, even if Yu Jia is the world's first intelligent person, how can she count it clearly?

Xu Yanqing was silent for a long time. Suddenly quietly: "Do you think she will promise you these four conditions?"

He had a hard time in his heart. Shaking his head blankly, "I don't know! Three days later, we should be able to see the difference!"

"Three days?" Miss Xu sighed silently. He silently bowed his head, pity and envy in his eyes, and a little jealousy: "If she promised. That would be the first lover in the world. No one can catch up with her!"

First love in the world? Lin Wanrong's eyes were hidden with tears, and his mind suddenly became chaotic. There was a feeling in it, and it seemed that his life was suffering the most. Coming to myself.

"You must treat her well these two days!" The female military officer suddenly tightened his hands, softly speaking.

Lin Wanrong horrified and jumped, "You, aren't you jealous ?!"

"I'm jealous! I'm jealous!" Ms. Xu dropped to his chest and wept bitterly: "But what about being jealous! That woman. She is thousands of times more miserable than me! She won't say her. Even I want to kill It's you! You're so destructive, you're really killing someone! "

I really do it for everyone? He grinned and wanted to laugh. But tears came out.

The two sides remained deadlocked, and the Turks had not moved. Dahuas are anxiously waiting for their reply. In the tumultuous times, time passes quickly and the sun does not set. The little court ladies brought fragrant soup.

This time, everyone knew what that meant. To say that the Golden Sword Khan is really enthusiastic, and the Dahua woman is shy and timid, but she wants to let the whole world know.

"Da Khan asked us to send fragrant soup to Lord Dumb!" The leading girl Nalan knelt on the ground. Think of yesterday's beautiful scenery. She didn't dare to lift her head.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry, take a bath!" The three of Hu Bugui winked and frantically pushed General Lin into the tent. They are hostile to the Hu people, but they admire and show pity for this crescent. Such an infatuated woman, if she loses

She will be struck by lightning!

Miss Xu glanced at him. He turned his head and didn't speak. Just this time. The fragrant soup given to her by Khan. She refused to accept it anyway.

Be stared at by a bunch of people outside to take a shower. It's a little awkward. But think about that crescent moon, at this time must also be bathing with himself. His heart suddenly became hot. This bath is really white as never before.

"Hurry up, General. Dengyu. Dengyu!" As soon as he came out, a few Laohu could not wait. Anxious to drive him away.

Lin Wanrong was moved and nodded towards several people: "Three brothers, thank you!"

Lao Gao sighed heavily, holding his shoulder and said, "The two of us, fight and return to war! But this crescent is really-oh, brother, brother just want to beg you, you must not lose someone, thousands of thousands Man! "

Looking at Hu Bugui and Du Xiuyuan, they looked forward with the same hope. He groaned and couldn't say a word.

"Master, please!" Said the maid, Nalan, softly.

Lin Wanrong stepped on the steps, and the sedan chair walked together. Then there were two snake-like soft and clean arms, tangled up tightly. The exhaling fragrance of fragrance echoed in his ear: "Wo Lao attack, how did you come? Don't you want me? "

Lin Wanrong was startled: "Little sister, you, how did you come here? It's just now that the sun is down!"

"I don't care!" Crescent Moon got into his arms, murmured, his shoulders trembled, and tears had already covered his cheeks: "I miss you, I want to die! Do you want me? If you don't want to, I will kill about you!"

Looking at the most holy pear flower, no need to answer, he held her tenderly on the cheek, kissed fiercely, like a wolf.

Yu Jia's body trembled softly. She entangled him like crazy, and her body was like the most beautiful octopus. She wanted to melt everything into her bones.

"Wow, why was the earthquake so early today!" That Long Yan was already surrounded by the heavy peach blossom account. He could not see the situation inside, but could only feel the shaking of the sedan chair. Du Xiuyuan was shocked.

"Isn't it early?" Gao Jie laughed. "Who makes others last?"

Hu Bugui secretly glanced at Xu Junshi, only to see her clenching her teeth and sinking into the water.

"Why are you biting me again ?!" Looking at the scars on the whole body. Lin Wanrong really couldn't laugh or cry. The old injury is not good, and new hate is added! This girl is really a crazy female leopard!

Crescent giggled. Huanruo sticks to him with a firm, firm chest and trembling: "Did you not bite me ?! Well, I am happy, I like it. I want to bite you, what can you do to me?"

Me and your bite. That's not the same thing, he laughed. There is nothing to talk about!

Yu Jia's eyes were silky, and she was clinging to his chest honestly. She was as soft as a pussycat: "Wow, you are a true warrior!"

"Little sister is also brave. From yesterday to today—"

"You are not allowed to say it!" Yu Jia hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, but he nibbled with his finger, with a halo on his face.

She was as bright as a jade figure with gorgeous silver light. Lin Wanrong looked anxious and stroked her a few times. The younger sister gasped and giggled, "Wo Lao offensive, you are not allowed to make trouble. I want to dance for you!"

Dance for me? He suddenly opened his eyes.

Yu Jia nodded slightly. He turned away the heavy powder yarn and smiled gently: "Look!"

Wow! Lin Wanrong suddenly opened his eyes.

He did not know when he had crossed the border and stopped in the middle of the grassland. The pink ground gauze was hung all around. Enclosed in a large circle, this closed circle. There are only them. There were countless fiery red Elisha under her feet, with crystal beads.

Cluster by cluster. Gorgeous, like the most magnificent clouds in the sky.

With so many roses, I don't know where she picked them. Jin Dao Khan, really dare to think about anything, dare to do anything!

Crescent draped the tent. Hold his hand tightly. Running in the flowers, frolicking. Like an ordinary carefree girl. This relaxed feeling was almost a luxury to her!

Yu Jia gently picked up a small flower, put it on her nose and sniffed, took a deep breath, suddenly turned back and looked at him with a small smile. Suddenly Baihua was overwhelmed: "Wo Lao Gong. Do you like it?"

"Like. Of course!" He nodded in a hurry.

Yu Jia looked at him charmingly. Smile shyly: "Then look at me!"

Her body suddenly stopped. The two jade arms, which are as smooth as lotus roots, stretch slowly, like blooming flower branches slowly. Slim jade refers to either side by side or standing. The hand shape is constantly changing. Just like a proud peacock, golden nails tremble in the moonlight. Flashing a clear light


brush. Suddenly she jumped up, her robe falling down. Jade generally has no time to pamper its body, and in the cold moonlight, it draws out a seductive big character, like the most holy goddess. The mountains are rugged, the waves are wonderful and sacred.

At this moment, Lin Wanrong stopped breathing!

Crescent eyes are watery, cheeks are bright red, like a fairy in a flying world, her tenderness

Posture. In the redness of the ground, a white kapok was made. Prairie Daughter Di Na Na

Charming and tender. Just at this moment. Show off vividly.

This dance is extremely beautiful. Seeing people trembling.

Yu Jia stopped slowly, sitting softly on the ground, her **** trembling, her mouth spit slightly, and she was ashamed

A look at him astringently: "This is called Hua Zhi Qiao. It is the virginity of our prairie women.

A man who can jump to himself! Wo Lao attack, do you like it? "

Looking at the faint sweat on that crystal jade body, his nose was sour, and he said softly, "Like, where

You jumped, I like it! "

There were tears in Yu Jia's eyes: "You must not like it! Otherwise, why don't you hold

I? !! "

With a dry throat, he yelled, and the tiger jumped up. Yu Jia plunged into his arms, crazy

Hugging him tightly, sharply digging his nails deep into his flesh, as if worried that he would disappear. She wow

With a loud cry, I cried, "Wo Lao attack, love me, love me hard-"

The sound was like a rolling thunder, roaring in his ear. Endless love on the grasslands

Spreading wildly, the two of them were hugging tightly, kissing and caressing wildly, on the green grass

Rolling, murmuring, moaning ...

Crazy and hot passion, like a continuous bonfire, last time did not go out, next time

Burning. No one dares to bother them, as if heaven and earth no longer exist!

I don't know how many times the tide has risen and fallen, and the gasp finally calmed down slowly, and the grassland recovered to sink.

Silent, silent.

"Wo Lao Gong--"


"Why do you say the stars in the sky are so bright?"

"Because it glows!"

"Hate. It still asks you ?! Then can you take them off for me?"

"I already picked it, don't you know ?!"

"where is it?!"

Wo Lao Gong stared deeply into her eyes. Smiling: "Your eyes. It's my night sky.

in. The brightest star! "

Crescent Moon's tears flashed: "So. What if I'm blind!"

"I'm your eye!"

Yu Jia stared blankly at him, rejoicing. Suddenly struggling into his arms, teardrops drop by drop

Falling on his chest: "Every word you say makes me want to bite you. Why is this so?

attack. I want you to watch the stars every night and miss me every night! Can you do it? "

"What if it rains?"

"I don't care! If it rains, you have to let it clear! Who told you to rain it?"

There is no reason to say, except for a little nod! Yu Jiaxin looked at him joyfully. Bury his head in his arms

Li: "Wo Lao Gong. You are so good!"

"Little sister, you are so good!"

This gently. Actually let the crescent moon flutter in his arms. He sobbed silently.

A few touches of white fish belly appeared in the east. Dawn is coming, Lin Wanrong pats her shoulder slightly

Sigh: "It's dawn!"

Yu Jia trembled suddenly and hugged him urgently: "Why? Why is the night so short?

temporarily? "

How to answer this question? He shook his head silently.

It was getting brighter and brighter. Red Sun was about to fall out of the ground, and Yuga stood up helplessly. Dress for him

clothes. Carefully smoothed out the golden lichen corner again, and looked up and down for a long while before humming.

Said: "You are not allowed to think I am poor in craftsmanship. You will never lose this clothes!"

Lin Wanrong smiled and sighed, and suddenly sighed: "The matter of negotiation—"

"You are not allowed to tell me this!" Yuxi suddenly patted his chest. Roared, tears fell

Cheeks: "You are my man, not Master Lin's Dahua!"

Dodge like this. Can only escape tomorrow! Tomorrow will be over again!

He was bitter in speech and had nowhere to say. Seeing that it was getting brighter and brighter, he could hear the hissing of the horse.

He kissed slightly on Crescent's cheek. Helplessly said: "It's dawn. I'm leaving!"

"Huh!" Yu Jia trembled slightly.

He shook her hand, grinning suddenly, "Is there still soup tonight?"

Crescent Moon nodded hard. Body shape trembles, tears shed like rain!

"You can't lie to me!"

She smiled sweetly and said softly in tears: "If I lie to you, I will punish my life. Miss you think

Deadly! "

Such a little girl. It really took out Lao Tzu's heart! His eyes are moist and he pats the moon

Yaer cheekily. Slowly turned away. Just a few steps. I heard a trembling behind me

Shouting sternly: "Wo Lao attack-"


He turned his head. But seeing Crescent Moon flew over, "This. Here you are!"

Her delicate palms clung tightly to a bright rose. Ground thorns on the stem. deeply

The blood was already dripping into her palm.

Suddenly remembered the scene in the past where she spent flowers for herself. His heart is like a knife. Rush to grab that fresh

Gorgeous flowers, gently kissed the blood stains of each palm of her palm. Annoyed, "You silly girl,

Doesn't it hurt? !! "

"No pain!" She covered her lips. Tears silently.

Lin Wanrong folded the red rose. Gently struck her like clouds of green silk. Safflower cloud. Picturesque beauty. Like the most beautiful picture in the world! He looked blankly and said lightly: "Little sister, you are the most beautiful person in the world!"

"Wo Lao Gong, Wo Lao Gong-" Yueyaer suddenly wow. Throwing it into his arms, her ten fingers have penetrated deeply into his flesh, she seems to be helpless, hugging him tightly and crying loudly: "You must miss me. You must miss me! Otherwise I will Dead! "

I'm dying too! His nose is blocked. Pat her shoulder gently, judo: "Think! I miss my little Crescent Moon sister every day!"

Yu Jia choked in his arms as if to breathe out, and she stood trembling and stood upright. The figure is constantly shaking, as if it may fall at any time.

"Hmm!" She kissed softly on the familiar dark face. Looking at him deeply, Ami smiled: "Remember, tonight. I will give you soup!"

Out of that beautiful peach blossom account. He was empty and listless, a few miles away. Going step by step, without any trace of anger.

Come across the border. Slowly look back. The gauze roses everywhere are still beautiful and beautiful, but I don't know where my little sister is hiding. He sighed. Xu Xuyi returned to camp. When Hu Bugui met him, he was startled: "You, why are you back?"

"Why can't I come back?" He looked at several brothers in puzzlement.

Miss Xu's soft voice sounded anxiously beside her: "You, you don't know? Crescent did not tell you?"

"Say what?" There was a faint feeling in his heart. Anxious to clasp the military division's shoulders: "Hurry up, say it!"

"You left last night. Lu Dongzan sent the agreement over!" Miss Xu said swiftly: "Crescent Moon signed! Those four conditions. She signed them all! They will return early this morning!"

"What ?!" He was startled. Grabbed the golden scalp in Miss Xu's hand!

Turkic. Big Chinese. None of the four conditions is negligent. Covered with golden wolf prints below. "Yu Jia", two trembling fine prints in two soft beauty. clear and distinct. Vividly.

Miss Xu filled her cheeks with tears and murmured: "She is the first infatuated woman in the world! You idiot!"

"Yeah—" He suddenly growled madly. Throwing the parchment paper in my hand, tears shed in tears and blood: "little sister. You said you want to send me soup tonight. You lie to me, you dare to lie to me ?!"

"If I lie to you, punish me in my life, I want you to die!"

The younger sister's firm vow, trembling body, and tears of light crystallized before her. The soft whispered words were still in the ear. Suddenly, he felt that his whole heart was broken into petals.

Looking at his tears on his face, his empty eyes, and the blood on his lips slowly, Miss Xu was distressed and angry. Can't wait to kick him hard, angrily, "What are you still doing? Chase fast. It won't be too late!"

"Oh. Horse, horse—" He cleverly yelled, knowing where he had gone.

Hu Bugui hurriedly handed the war horse to his hand, he turned over and stabbed his horse in the ass: "driving--"

The war horse hissed in pain. Set off a sickly blue smoke. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the dust.

"It is clearly the two smartest people in the world. With a word of love, it has become, the world's first stupid, and the world's first stupid! Really so mad!" Miss Xu sighed and shook her head helplessly.

Hu Bugui heard in their ears, but felt that Xu's sentence was extremely brilliant. A few words spoke the essence of love!

When he came back, he was full of horror and believed in the horse. He had delayed a lot of time. He rushed into the grassland again, but he could no longer see the Turkic figure. The veil of the sky is still there, and the petals of roses have been scattered into the rain everywhere.

Into a broken heart!

chase! Chase my little sister for life and death!

He grinned and burst into tears. The warhorse has been pushed to the extreme, and the hoof sound broke the tranquility of the grassland. Leaving a long blood stain.

I don't know how long it took. Far ahead, a long line of black dots slowly appeared. That's the Turks' team! A golden drapery was not in the line, and the slightly veil fluttered in the wind, appearing from time to time.

"Yu Jia--"

"Crescent Moon--"

"Little sister--"

Under his ecstasy, tears flowed like a spring, screaming after breaking his throat, and a fast horse was like a shooting star, rolling up the wind to the Turkic team.

Hearing this shout, the tail of the Hu's team suddenly gave their swords and watched!

"Crescent, little sister--"

The cry of crying blood came to the tent, and the figures in the sedan shivered: "Wo Lao Gong-"

She hurriedly opened the curtain, and the dark spots were getting closer, clearer, full of dust, open angry eyes, dark skin, and tears, like a wolf monkey. It's not the old attacker, who else is coming?

"Wo Lao Gong, Wo Lao Gong-" She seemed to be stabbed, holding on to the tent, her thin green tendons trembled, her tears fell down, her body suddenly fluctuated. The choked throat fell on the soft collapse. Under the pressure, the pink curtain

Son, crackling, it has been torn off by her.

"I can't see you, I can't see you," she murmured suddenly, covering her face and crying, "I see you and I don't want to leave anymore!"

"Little sister—" As if faintly seeing her weeping face, Lin Wanrong's eyes were red. It looks crazy. Wow is a knife in the **** of the war horse. The steed hissed. Struggling to step forward.

The war horse was killed by him. Walk for some distance. Already exhausted, this knife goes on. Nothing but a hundred feet. Ben Ang hissed and his forefoot was soft. The ground crashed.

"Little sister, wait for me, oh—" he didn't say a word. He has fallen with the horse. Yu Jia shuddered in her heart. Opened his eyes sharply. Then he saw that his body was like a flying stone, and he flung himself to the ground fiercely.

"Wo Lao Gong-" Yueyaer wept, her heart was empty. Nothing to care about. Swipe the floor and jump down from the high ground tent. No time to care about numb legs. She held the long skirt in her hands. Bare bare feet. Crazy in the steppe

Run wildly.

What a bump. What thorny gravel. No one can stop her pace. Looking at Wo Lao slamming heavily on the ground, she rushed forward in general, surpassing everyone, the distance of a hundred feet, in her eyes, is within easy reach.

"Wo Lao Gong——" She was vacant in shape, and threw him in the arms fiercely, with grief and joy in her heart. Just like the sky and the earth, everything fell down in an instant.

What national affairs. What ethnic grudges. Go to his mother's land, I just want my crescent moon, no one in the world is more important than my little sister. He hugged the delicate and trembling body tightly, sniffing the fragrant aroma of her hair, and the tears flowed. this moment. He couldn't say a word. Just feel the world spinning. The whole world has fallen into arms.

"Wo Lao Gong——" Crescent Moon raised her head and cried and laughed. She slowly extended her little hand and gently wiped the tears on his face, but the more the tears were, the more she couldn't stop.

Lin Wanrong shook his head. With a big mouth sulking, he laughed more ugly than crying: "Little sister, I ride badly, can you teach me more in the future?"

Crescent Moon eyes were hazy, and his heart was like a needle, but he didn't know how to answer his words.

Lin Wanrong's gaze was so fierce, she held her hand tightly, and said unwaveringly, "You follow me!"

Yu Jia shook her head frantically. Tears rained with joy: "Yu Jia can't leave the grassland now, let alone her people. Otherwise, she won't be at ease in her life!"

She looked up eagerly, tears in her face. My eyes were full of hopeful light: "My man, can you wait for me for ten years? After ten years, would you like to have your crescent moon?"

"Ten years?" Lin Wanrong stayed. I was going to detain Salmu for ten years. My little sister was going to be alone on the prairie for ten years. Is this a punishment from heaven?

Crescent Moon stroked his cheek, and said softly, "I will plow the grassland in ten years, and I will return a complete grassland to Salmu in the future! This is a vow I made before my father ’s sweat! Yes, your four conditions, no one without me

Law done! My man, my old man, would you wait for me for ten years? "

ten years? How many decades can life take? Suddenly he felt like a cocoon, and wanted to cry.

Yu Jia gently wiped the tears from the corner of his eye and choked, "Don't force me to leave the prairie now, you know, I can't resist you! But I don't want to be restless for a lifetime! Can you understand your woman?"

"But, Acacia, it's hard, I can't hold it for a moment!" He murmured, suddenly opening his mouth wide, crying like a child.

"Wo Lao Gong——" Yu Jiayu slammed into his arms, slamming him madly, biting him, and choked with breath, "I don't want you to carry it, I want you to miss me, Miss me hard! I am your woman for generations to come.

Everyone misses me! "

This is simply the greatest torture in the world! His chest was panting, and he sighed, almost out of breath.

Looking at his painful appearance, Yu Jia raised her head in tears and said softly, "Wo Lao Gong, would you like to see your little Crescent Moon sister every year?"

Yes indeed! He brushed up and stood up, his eyes widened suddenly, my mother was really more and more confused, I have legs! He wiped away his tears and said excitedly: "Little sister, I come to see you every month! I'm familiar with the position of your palace, and I'll take a look

I came to your bed! Wow, I remember, you still have hot springs there, it's better to take a bath! "

"Yi", Yu Jia chuckled with tears: "You fool, you think you are a scruffy leg, you can come in a moment ?! From Kizil to your Dahua Beijing, even the fastest sweating BMW, hit It takes more than a month to go back and forth! You come every month,

It's all on the road in a year! "

"Then Turk has a business trip in three months!" He hummed, and suddenly frowned again. Annoyed: "But it's still three months long, I'm just afraid I'm getting old!"

Crescent Moon smiled shyly: "I don't care if you come once every few months-hum, I warn you. If you don't come, you can't stand the consequences!"

"What are the consequences?" He was startled.

Yu Jia smiled slightly, her face flushed. Stroking a flat belly. Proudly: "I told your son to hit you!"

My son came to hit me? He froze. Seeing Crescent Moon caressing his lower abdomen with pride, his eyes widened and his mouth closed suddenly: "You, you, you--"

"How am I?" Yu Jia smiled shyly and covered her face. "Warrior, you are really brave! Our son. It must be the smartest person in the world!"

"This. It's only been two days! You, you can conceive?" His lips began to narrow. This news is really unexpected!

"Are you convinced of my medical skills?" Crescent Moon smiled gently: "Then you wait!"

This isn't just playing around with Yujiadi, she said she wants to have a son. Then stay close to ten! No wonder these two nights, she haunted me like a snake, trying to squeeze me into an adult! This is simply taking seeds! Why didn't I **** think about this

What's the point?

"Little sister, can we discuss it?" He trembled with excitement, and slowly stroked the smooth belly with his palm: "Can you not go back to the grassland? I'm afraid I can't carry it!"

"Then I want to die for you!" Crescent Moon slowly stroked his cheek with tenderness in his eyes: "My man. I warn you. If you don't come to see me once a year, I will set up your son in the future. For Khan, tell him to lead troops to attack your Dahua!

Whenever you ascend the throne, or Izumo's son became the emperor of Dahua. The result, hum, can you take it? "

My son is Khan? Brothers and sisters, father and son? Alas-he covered his mouth. His face was pale.

There is a wave of unrest, and waves are coming again! These things today, sadness, joy, and surprise came all together. The nerves are a little weaker, and I'm afraid they will be driven crazy.

A smile of shame appeared on Yu Jia's face, and he patted his cheek, "So, my man, you have to be good, at least once a year to see me! Ten years later. Bring a sedan chair. It's safe to marry your woman home!

It's late one day. Hum— "

This. This is sad and happy in his heart. Other than nodding, I really don't know what to say.

"Wo Lao attack, I'm leaving!" Crescent Moon looked at him, tears falling down: "Don't you want to hug your woman? She doesn't know when I can see you again!"

Hugging that trembling Jiao body. Feeling the sorrow in her heart, his heart trembled violently, and the crescent strength of the crescent was only superficial. During that ten-year period, it is far from reachable. Is it for everyone to endure? She is deliberately broadening my mind.

His eyes were moist, and he said gently, "Little sister, rest assured, I will do what I have said! I will definitely come to see you, but I will not tell you when, I must give you happiness!"

"Wo Lao Gong——" Yu Jia can no longer be strong, she slammed into his arms, slaps him against the chest, and died crying: "You must miss me, you must come to see me, ten years later, you must Take your wagon to marry me! Otherwise, I really

Will die! Your woman really will die! "

Lin Wanrong wept a long time, buried her head in her long hair, and nodded hard.

Crescent Moon raised her head, and there were crystal tears on her eyelashes. She gently wiped the tears on his face. Judo said, "When I leave, don't allow you to see me! That way, I can't go in my life! Also Yes, you are not allowed to cry, it is ugly when you cry !!! "

Facing such a crescent moon, he didn't know how to keep it, his heart was sad and bitter, but he didn't know how to say it.

Yu Jia slowly got up, kissed him fiercely, then gritted her teeth and waved her hands gently.

The palace maid Nalan walked over and covered her eyes with a black cloth, holding her slowly forward.

She walked softly, her body trembling, and every step, tears came down countlessly. Without the help of a maiden, she would have collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, let him be clever, but he couldn't think of any way to keep it. Looking at that tentacle step by step, this sadness is by no means outsiders' imagination.

"Ah-" He suddenly knelt down on the ground with his arms up and sighed in the sky. This sound passed through the gold crushed stones and went straight into the sky, as if even the zenith was toppled.

The tentacle trembled quickly, and Crescent Moon stood up in madness. With tears in her eyes, she covered her eyes and waved her arms at him with all her strength, calling out loudly, "Wo Lao attack, you are my eye. ! "

Lin Wanrong stunned, suddenly pounding his chest and crying, but the voice was already hoarse, and no one could hear him except himself. This cold grassland is his only companion.

"Sir, sir!" A few voices rang out in his ears, and he looked up, but it was Xiangxue who stood next to him with a team of Turkic palace maids: "This is what I gave you to Khan! "

Xiangxue handed a brocade box respectfully, UU Reading www. uukanshu. The com box is golden and candid and luxurious, with a golden wolf head embroidered on it. Opening slowly, the dazzling Jinguang blinked his eyes.

Looking at the unique gold knife in his hand, all the maids were terrified, and at the same time fell to their knees, bowed their heads, and shouted in unison: "I see the King of Khan!"

King of Khan! I am the Khan of Crescent Moon! He trembled and touched the magnificent golden sword, unconsciously, tears like rain: "Little sister, I am your king of sweat, and your eyes!"

The melodious jade eggplant is crisp and sweet, slowly reverberating deep in the grassland, and there is a white-skinned person standing in the distance. She looks forward, lightens her lips, and the high-pitched singing comes from the wind:


You are relatively silent by my side

Silently wish attachment to love

Smoke from the ranch lights the grassland

Love image