MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 632 Killed

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Miss Xiao flew out of the room door, her heart was hazy, and her spirits lingered for a while. Then, Xiao Yuruo looked at his decadent cheek and was taken aback suddenly, holding his hand quickly: "You, what are you doing?"

"I'm fine!" He shook his head and said softly, "Miss, is there a room in Cloth?"

"Stay, of course!" Yu Ruo nodded hurriedly, tears appeared in his eyes: "You, you are--"

He smiled bitterly and sighed, "Qing Xuan doesn't want to see me. I don't have any interest in staying here. Wherever I come from, just go back! Repeatedly, isn't life like this?"

What he said was so miserable that the young lady's tears flowed down, and he gently clenched his hand, saying gently and firmly, "Where you want to go, we will go! I will always be with you!"

"Brother——" Qiaoqiao and Ninger screamed in unison, holding his shoulders one by one, and choking, "Where are you going? This is our home!"

The brothers Lin Zhao and Zhao Yan seemed to feel the desolate state of their father. "Wow" burst into tears, and the bright cry broke through the night sky, and the indescribable loneliness.

Lin Wanrong hugged the twins in a hurry, and patted her soothingly: "Good son, don't cry! Dad comes back to see you every day and buys you delicious food!"

Ninger and Qiaoqiao sobbed and snuggled beside him, softly: "Brother, we all swear to follow you, never to be separated from you."

"No," he shook his head firmly. "Qing Xuan is still confinement. This is not a joke. Don't fall into the root cause, you stay at home and take good care of her, as well as my son, my son! I will stay a few God, not far away, maybe I will be back sometime. Don't worry about it! "

Can this make people not worried? Luo Ning and Qiao Qiao were anxious to wait for another word. Lin Wanrong suddenly made an old face: "What. Didn't you even listen to the words of your brother?"

This sentence was severe enough, and the two of them wept softly and did not dare to speak. Looking at their weak and helplessness, Lin Wanrong's heart softened and her eyes narrowed. Hold your cheeks close to her ears and whispered, "Relax, brother will come back soon, can't you believe me?"

"Brother!" Qiao Qiao choked, and Ninger flew into his arms at the same time.

Xu Yanqing looked on for a while. Seeing that his mind was determined, he couldn't help pulling his lichen sleeves and pulling him aside: "You, are you really leaving?"

Lin Wanrong nodded positively: "Is there any question ?!"

"How can you be ruthless?" Miss Xu snorted. Indignant: "How much grievance have you suffered, can you compare to Princess Izumo? Can you master everyone-she can't cry twice? Have two sons for you, the confinement is not full You're leaving her, you, you. You are born with a heart of stone? "

Lin Wanrong opened her eyes and looked at her. Laughing aloud: "Aren't you fighting against Qingxuan ?!"

Xu Yanqing's face turned red, and she turned her head and said, "Nonsense, I didn't compete with her!"

"Understood. You are here to worship the mountain today!" Lin Wanrong said with a grin, "No wonder Qing Xuan protects you like that, I originally recognized my sister! I was ruled out!"

Looking at his hippie smile, Miss Xu was ashamed and annoyed. "I don't know why you laughed, you don't want to think about it, if you go. Can the princess live?"

Lin Wanrong had a sore nose and shook his head: "Stop talking about this. Ms. Xu, you are here just right, I have something to look for you. It is a very, very important thing!"

Listening to his emphasis was very important, Xu Yanqing's heart jumped wildly and her face turned red. He hurriedly lowered his head and said, "What's the important thing-wouldn't you go to see my dad, everything is left to his old man!"

Where is all this? Women are really rich in association! Lin Wanrong was sweating on the tip of his nose and chuckled: "Of course, I will talk to Mr. Xu well. I am more anxious than you! But what I want to tell you today is another thing, about Western Human things! "

After hearing what he meant, Ms. Xu realized that she wanted to turn things around, and snorted in a hurry. Her face was dyed like a red cloth, and she didn't dare to lift her head: "You, you come to bully me again! I can't bother you!"

I'm **** wrong than Dou E! Xu Yanqing was shutting her head in shame, but he couldn't afford it. He had to smile stubbornly and whispered in her ear: "Miss Xu is smart, beautiful, and intelligent. Only you can do this. I'm not at all relieved to change to someone else! "

"Don't be nice to you!" Xu Yanqing's mouth hardened, her heart softened a long time ago, and she gave him a soft pulse: "What the **** is it? Are you going to get the Westerners' silver?"

Ms. Xu knew me. Lin Wanrong was so happy in her heart that she held her jade hand and lowered her voice: "It's about the same as arranging their silver. I spent twelve silver and bought an iron armored boat with the French-"

"Twelve dollars to buy an iron armored boat?" Xu Yanqing's eyes widened: "Is it a Western-made artificial mold? That's too expensive!"

"What mold? Am I so stupid?" Lin Wanrong rolled her eyes and pinched her palm, annoyed: "It's a French armored ship, a genuine iron golem! There are a lot of musket iron armor on it, your soul Clever and mechanical, when will the artisans of Shenjiying go up to see ?! "

Miss Xu was overjoyed and stared at him tightly: "The Westerners' artillery iron armor ?! You, do you want us to copy?"

He smiled and shook his head: "It is not enough to imitate only. It is better to find out the craftsmanship and production methods. We design and improve ourselves."

Speaking of tricks, Xu Yiqing is a leader. She groaned and nodded: "It is not difficult to figure out their production methods. The muskets and iron armor require craftsmen to be exquisite in craftsmanship, and it is okay to make one or two, but if a lot of forging Then it will be difficult! We lack such a mold. "

"That's called precision machining, not mold!" Lin Wanrong laughed. "That's what I want to ask for your help! You are an expert in this area, can you help me choose 30 spiritual and manual skills in the folk and magic machine camps?" , A juvenile who is good at learning. It is better to have a poor family. "

Miss Xu wondered: "It's not difficult to select thirty Han family teenagers, but you want this

what? "

Lin Wanrong lightly said: "I have negotiated with the Frenchman. I select 30 young people each year and follow him to the Western Ocean to learn mechanical skills! We will return in three or five years. On the one hand, we can set up a workshop in the Shenji Camp. Invent and improve military equipment. In addition, they must be invited to Shengfang College to teach and preach. These skills will be taught to more folk craftsmen. They will invent and create! We send people to the West every year, every year Everyone comes back to learn, and continues to learn, carry forward, and create—grandma, to be behind the Westerners like this, my **** man cut his head into a night pot! "

The first few sentences were powerful and loud. Some looks, but later, it was revealed sexually. Unbearable! Xu Yanqing stared blankly at him, his face surprised and happy. The eyes were radiant, as if fascinated.

Lin Wanrong held out her finger, shook her in front of her, and smiled, "I admit that I look handsome, but you don't need to look at me like this! Everyone knows I'm shy--"

Miss Xu suddenly held his hand, her cheeks flushed. Softly: "You are amazing! It is the most powerful person I have ever encountered in my life!"

His heart was crisp. Tap lightly: "I have a lot of aspects, which one are you referring to? Oh-"

Before I finished speaking, I felt like I was being held. Xu Yanqing burst into tears and hugged him fiercely. His cheek was close to his ear, and his heart was shaking: "When will you come to meet me ?! I don't want to wait for a day!"

The female military division has always been calm. It's rare to be so excited. Lin Wanrong's heart warmed, and she stroked her hair softly and said, "How can I wait for Qing Xuan to finish confinement, the male lead is outside. In the female lead, everything at home is her responsibility!"

Master Xu Jun shouted and looked up shyly. Suddenly remembered that he was about to run away from home. He was a little sad again.

The night was dark outside the window, and it was not too early, and Err and Err were already asleep in the cradle. The red and tender cheeks had a naive smile. He lowered his head, fragrant a few on his son's delicate face, and breathed a long breath. He glanced at the room with nostalgia, gritted his teeth, and turned to walk outside the room.

The carriage is ready. Seeing him coming, Yu Shuang couldn't help but her eyes circle turned red: "Bad guy, don't you think about it anymore? The princess and sister stay here alone, it's pitiful. And the baby--"

He had a sour nose and sighed silently: "Qing Xuan doesn't want to see me. I'd better leave the ground, so that she won't be angry when she sees me. She will have a root cause in the confinement, and it won't be cured later!"

"Brother--" Qiaoqiao grabbed his hand for a moment.

Lin Wanrong patted her face gently: "Oh, you and Ninger take good care of Qingxuan and the baby, and the village is not far from home. I will come to see you every day! You can also come to the village when you think of our place Look for me, um, I'll go back and change to a big bed! "

Ning'er was crying and couldn't help but heard his words, but tears burst into flowers, twisted him a few times, bitter, ashamed and charming!

"It's early!" The young lady looked at him softly and helplessly.

Lin Wanrong said quietly, looking back at the warmly loft, his eyes gradually wet, suddenly took a long breath, leaned into the car ...

In the fragrant lady, Miss Xiao held her pretty face with one hand and looked at the lightly burning red candle, crying, laughing, joyful, and worrying, gathered in her heart.

The door of the boudoir exploded, Qin Xian rushed in like a child, and her face was pale: "Sister, it's not good! Xianggong him--"

"What happened to him ?!" Xiao Qingxuan was surprised.

Ms. Qin lowered her head and her eyes were misty: "Sangong, he's gone !!!"

"What ?!" Miss Xiao stood up suddenly, her face paled, her body shaking a few times, she trembled and fell down.

"Sister--" Qin Xianer was so frightened that his figure, like electricity, would hold her weakly.

Xiao Qingxuan's eyes were straight, if his face was ashes, and tears were like spring water, murmured silently: "Where did he go? Why didn't you stop him? This cruel man!"

Qin Xianer's eyes were red and swollen, and he faintly said, "Sangong said, my sister doesn't want to see him. Wherever he comes from, he goes back. The cycle is like this!"

"My silly prince!" Long thought he said these words in a desolate state of mind, Miss Xiao was dangling with a knife, and could not help but stunned her chest and broke into tears. She tried her best to stand up staggeringly: " I'm looking for him, I'm looking for him! "

Miss Qin hugged her in a hurry and cried, "No, sister, you are still confinement, you can't move the nest! It will hurt your body and break your veins!"

Xiao Qing's tears fell like rain, and he shook his head bitterly: "My husband doesn't want me anymore, what's the vitality of that body! I want to find him!"

She pushed Qin Xianer away ~ ~ stubbornly to pull the latch. Ms. Qin was so frightened that she quickly held down her hand: "Sister, you can't move! Rest assured, let's go find Xianggong, we must get him back! But you can't hurt yourself, otherwise Xianggong will come back and see Because of his affection for you, I'm afraid I won't be happy all my life! Even if you don't want to be yourself, you must also think about him, and our son-in-law, son-in-law-- "

When mentioning the two children, Xiao Qingxuan suddenly fell down, and Miss Qin hugged her with tears and put her on the bed to be cornered. Then she hurriedly exited the room.

Miss Xiao's eyes were dull, and she wanted to get to know her husband, to know her, and to fall in love.

First encounter by the lake, night talks in the thatched cottage, and love in the mountains, he shelled the holy place for her, and he did not hesitate to fight against the world!

The astringent sourness, endlessly warm and sweet, all rushed into her heart, and made her tear-like pain in her heart.

"Lin Lang, where are you? You're killing me!" She whispered suddenly, her face as white paper, and the tears soaked through the pillow instantly!

A trembling hand extended behind him, with a sharp shake, gently stroked her cloud-like hair: "Wife, are you calling me ?!"