MTL - First Evolution-Chapter 2 That one hit style

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With a lot of doubts, Fang Linyan lifted up the shopping basket and put it in front of the cashier. After scanning the code to pay for the goods, he would leave, but something unexpected happened to him. When he left the supermarket door, The scanner next to it suddenly rang.

Wu Fanglinyan was a little at a loss, a security guard next to him was already very skilled at the door, pressed his shoulder, and Pi Xiaorou smiled:

"Be honest, get things out."

A fat aunt next to the cricket jumped up as if she had a stimulant:

"Ah ha ha! You little dare to steal things!"

Fang Linyan only felt angry at this moment, and blushed:

"I didn't ......... kekeke, kekeke."

As soon as he was agitated, he stooped down and started to choke fiercely. The security guard thought he was cheating, and escaped unprepared ------- This happened before and he was detained by half. The monthly bonus, so this time, he rudely pulled Fang Linyan, who was almost paralyzed, and dragged in, while shouting for help.

The fat aunt ran over with excitement. The fat on her face was shaking, and her arms were raised when she was approaching. It seemed to be a few slaps to Fang Linyan.

But in the next second, a terrible thing happened! !!

There was a loud roar on the street. Everyone was familiar with the sound, but it was the hoarse exhausted sound of the heavy truck engine passing by frequently. However, in the sound of this engine, there were still sharp horns. sound.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy truck with a full load of at least 70 tons was completely out of control, rushed in with a cold wind, and severely pushed into the supermarket at a speed of more than 80 kilometers.

This heavy goods vehicle rushed past Fang Linyan less than a meter away at a speed of thunder. At such an amazing high speed, the pillars at the supermarket door shattered in an instant, and the metal frame was almost as straight as plasticine. Softened and deformed.

Not only that, Fang Linyan seemed to feel that time was slowing down, so it was clearer to see that the abominable fat aunt was the first to be hit directly by the runaway heavy truck, and the whole person was like an overly full flat tomato He was punched and exploded!

失 This runaway heavy truck plowed a flesh, concrete, and metal road into the supermarket door, and drove another twenty meters, and hit the last five floors behind.

The exterior wall of this building is still the kind of red brick, and the wall is not brushed. It is estimated that it is much older than Lin Yan. How can it withstand such damage, after shaking it for two times, it collapsed and buried. After the front half of the truck, a large group of smoke and dust came out ...

Everyone present witnessed the tragic scene, and they were shocked for a full ten seconds and couldn't speak. In the end, the screams of pain and pain of the wounded made them return to God and hurried to save people. .

Where can a person take care of the small matter of the previous machine alarm? Fang Linyan was naturally beside him, too busy to be sweating. Later, everyone saw him cough so badly that he even coughed up blood, so he hurriedly discouraged him to let him rest next to him.

After Fang Linyan returned to the house, he couldn't sleep when lying in bed and turning over and over again. This was because the two facts he had experienced in the past had stimulated him too deeply. The incident in the bathroom was extremely weird. The car accident that came down was the fear at your fingertips!

The shock of the **** truck that was rushing insanely, and the cruelty and helplessness of life being destroyed in an instant, Fang Linyan deeply felt the impermanence and disillusionment of life! Every detail in my head is before the playback.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan thought of a very scary thing, and suddenly felt that the cold hair on his back stood up, and the whole person seemed to fall into the ice cellar! Because he carefully calculated a bit, if at that time he paid normally and left, there was no such thing as the alarm of the supermarket machine, then there is no doubt that an out of control heavy truck will definitely hit himself! !! !!

This is really a trembling thing. A living person instantly explodes into a tomato that has been trampled on .... The picture is too cruel. It really makes Fang Linyan have a deep soul. A feeling of panic.

He took two deep breaths, calmed his mind, and his thoughts immediately focused on one of the key points.

That's why the supermarket machine suddenly alarms?

机器 The chance of machine false positives is not without, but the possibility is very small, and it was directly ignored by Fang Linyan.

So ..... the biggest possibility is that you really have unscanned goods on your body! !!

验证 It may be simple to verify this, that is, check it out immediately and know.

First, Fang Linyan dumped out the contents of the supermarket shopping bag, and started counting in 1510. It only took a dozen seconds to be sure that nothing was missing.

Next, it was his own body. Fang Linyan habitually inserted his hand into his right trouser pocket first, and his face immediately showed a blank expression. Yes, he even felt something hard inside, and it was still square. Type.

After Fang Linyan pulled it out, he found that it was a cell phone!

Yes, it is still the kind of old-fashioned, almost 100-bar candy bar Nokia. This stuff is basically useless for young people, but because of its loud, durable, amazing battery life, and cheap, it is favored by many elderly people, so you can see it in the supermarket hypermarket .

Looking at this brand-new mobile phone in his hand, Fang Linyan was really aggressive. He never expected that there would be such an extra thing on his body. He remembered clearly that he had not even approached the mobile phone store. Not to mention stealing this phone on your body.

What's more, to tell the truth, now Fang Linyan is using Huawei smart phones such as Huawei, Europe, and other smart machines. He will not steal old machines!

At this time, Fang Linyan suddenly found that the mobile phone in his hand was still turned on. He spooked it and found that there were actually three unread text messages in it, and the sender of the text message showed "Unknown". After he opened the text message, his pupils shrank suddenly, because he found that what he saw next was even weird to the extreme! !!

"You were originally destined to not see this message. You should know exactly what I'm talking about. Yes, your normal destiny track should be at 9:47:32 this evening. The time came to an abrupt end. The cause of death was a car accident, making it difficult for your body to be found in a car accident. "

A text message of this kind of old machine can only have limited characters, so the content will be cut off here. You must look at the next text message. Fang Linyan was not eager to open the next text message, he only felt his heart. Banging, life view and other things have been greatly impacted, because he knows that every word in this text message is true!

At this time, Fang Linyan only felt dark for a while, knowing that his weak body was unbearable because of the violent mood swings, and he would faint in the next second. So he took a few deep breaths, quickly grabbed a handful of glucose powder and stuffed it directly into his mouth, then closed his eyes and forced his mind to be blank, so he finally recovered.

After ten minutes, Fang Linyan calmed down, and then he calmed down and opened the second message again.

"I know you must have a lot of questions in your heart now, but this is not the time to tell you the answer. Knowing that you have advanced cancer, you can't just feel silent waiting for death, have you thought about changing this **** fate ? "

After seeing this problem, Fang Linyan suddenly clenched his fist! The whole body was shaking violently.

Yes, after knowing the bad news, what he thinks most is resistance! However, after consulting a large amount of information, I found that the so-called anti-cancer really can only be described by the words "listen to heaven and fate". The sense of helplessness and powerlessness is the most desperate existence.

In fact, if there really is a fateful throat, Fang Linyan will rush up desperately, hold on, and use his teeth to bite if he can't, and hit his head with his teeth! As long as there is still breath, you will never give up! !! !!

"Of course ... think!" These three words, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Com was forced out of the teeth by Fang Linyan.

He couldn't wait to open the third text message. At this moment, to him, it seemed like a drowning man should pounce on the straw when he encountered it! Because even the worst results can't be worse than they are now, not to mention that this mysterious text message has shown something that is clearly out of line with known science.

第三 The third message, compared to the first two, is extremely simple, with only one sentence and few words.

At 13:17 on the 13th, Huichuan Pier 5 and a silver box can't arrive early or late.

Looking at this sentence, Fang Linyan's complexion began to become heavy, such a hint was not what he wanted! Because there is only time and place, and I have nothing to face, I rush in, and the unknown risk is too great. However, in the face of such a bizarre multiple choice question, he had no choice at all. !!

It is not Fang Linyan's style to act rashly, it is his style to plan and move later.

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately turned on his mobile phone and began to view the relevant maps and materials. He soon discovered that Huichuan Pier 5 had been abandoned for several years, and it was almost 50 to 60 kilometers away from the urban area. The nearest highway is almost two kilometers, and the dirt road connects the pier to the highway.

After thinking about it, he went directly to the Internet cafe, because only a computer can display satellite pictures and street views, but when Fang Linyan wanted to retrieve the pictures for viewing, it was 404. He sighed with regret and decided to go to the field tomorrow for a survey.

Fortunately, there is still a buffer time of almost two days before the 13th day at 17:17. Fang Linyan has enough time to investigate all this.