MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 28 Gron kneeling

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The black puppet turned into blood quietly emerged from the dirt behind Zhao Yun, then hugged Zhao Yun's left leg, and exploded immediately.

The force generated by this explosion was so great that Zhao Yun could only stagger back involuntarily.

However, with this opportunity, Breuer had quite a lot of blood sprayed out after being blasted before, and they also turned into black puppets one after another, aiming at Zhao Yun and rushing forward one after another.

At this time, Zhao Yun still did not change his face, and dealt with the series of attacks methodically. After all, such a battle was already a desperate situation in the eyes of others. However, this situation at this time was nothing to Zhao Yun. After all, Nagasaka Po Shi's spears and arrows couldn't do anything to him, but the continuous impact after the black puppet exploded made him trip over a stone and finally fell to the ground.

Seizing this opportunity, a huge shadow directly covered it like a mountain. It was Brewer who was directly shot in the head. Only two seconds!

Seeing the giant monster rushing straight at him, Zhao Yun simply raised his gentian spear and stabbed towards the sky. At the same time, he sighed regretfully,

Because he already knew the next ending.....


Five seconds later, in the Three Kingdoms world,

Zhao Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the big tent, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were still a little dazed,

Because in the last second, he pierced the giant monster's chest with the erected gentian gun, but the monster didn't have the slightest weakness or hesitation, and punched down hard!

Zhao Yun's eyes went dark in an instant, and then he realized that he had returned to the camp. After he regained his composure, a strong sense of fatigue and headache came over him, and Zhao Yun closed his eyes again.

Fortunately, the pain came and went quickly, and it disappeared quickly. On the contrary, Zhao Yun also felt an indescribable sense of comfort, which made him let out a long breath.

He has always been frugal by nature and dislikes extravagance, so at this time he was only wearing coarse linen.

It can be seen that Zhao Yun's nostrils were already dripping with blood, and then it fell on the straw mat in front of him little by little. Immediately afterwards, he rubbed his chest with his hand and coughed violently. Fortunately, he had prepared a towel beside him. , directly used to cover his mouth.

At this time, a coughing sound was heard outside, and a servant also rushed in, and after seeing the blood, he hurriedly said:

"My lord!"

This person is Zhao Yun's most trusted person, called Jiao Lei, who was Zhao Yun who eradicated the local tyrants when he was the prefect in Guiyang. Reported, directly sold to Zhao Yun as a slave.

His elder brother Jiao Nan became Zhao Yun's personal soldier, but died three years ago trying to defend Zhao Yun from an arrow. Jiao Lei came to accompany Zhao Yun and was loyal.

At this moment, Zhao Yun waved his hand at Jiao Lei, and then Jiao Lei suddenly came to his senses, hurriedly went to the side to get a pill, and a bowl of black soup and medicine stood beside him, which was obviously Zhao Yun's order to prepare of.

After Zhao Yun finished coughing, the towel was already dripping with blood, so he threw it away without taking a second look.

Then Zhao Yun drank the decoction first, then carefully peeled off the wax skin on it, and swallowed it.

The moment after swallowing the pill, Zhao Yun suddenly punched the wooden couch next to him, and said angrily:


Jiao Lei was already looking at Zhao Yun with concern, but when he saw his movements, he became agitated, and then thought of many bad things, and hurriedly said in a trembling voice:

"What's wrong! Is it the Buzhong Pill that I took before?! Someone poisoned it or something went wrong with the medicine! Damn it, Lao Jiu didn't say that this is the secret of the famous doctor, so I'm going to **** them now skin!!"

After realizing that Jiao Lei rushed out while speaking, Zhao Yun was also a little stunned, then burst out laughing, and called him back at the top of his voice:

"What are you going to do? The medicine is fine. Just now I thought of something and lost my mind."

What did Zhao Yun think of? Of course, it was the scene where I clearly caught the opponent's flaw and succeeded in a single blow, but was killed instead.

At this moment, after learning from the pain, Zhao Yun reviewed the game carefully, only then did he realize something that can be said to be very annoying.

I actually fell into the opponent's plan from the very beginning - the flaw in Breuer's eyes was sold out by itself!

I have encountered countless powerful enemies in my life, but this is the first one who can directly use the eyes as a flaw. No wonder the other party succeeded in the end.

After letting out a long breath of depression, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth.

Isn't this kind of life what you are looking for? Isn't such setbacks and failures what I expected!!

That **** named Fang Yan, I originally thought he was bragging and exaggerating, and it would be good if the real experience could reach half of the normal situation.

But now it seems that instead of lying, he didn't describe it enough!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun stood up immediately. Although his face was pale due to vomiting blood, his eyes were radiant, like cold stars.

This is not an illusion, but the previous battle, although it was only on the spiritual level for Zhao Yun, it actually produced a huge temper for him. Zhao Yun, who had been on the battlefield for many years, seemed to have been polished by a whetstone, and he regained his unparalleled aura.

Zhao Yun could clearly feel that the fog that blocked his progress had begun to fade a little, and the end of the thick fog was enlightenment!

Master Tong (Yuan) personally told about using martial arts to enter Taoism!

At this time, Zhao Yun had begun to feel a little regretful. If he could face enemies of this level many times in the future, then he shouldn't have held back when he forged the tip of the Thunder Spear, which caused his spiritual consciousness to become weaker. Only 70% of the power can be exerted over there!

He couldn't help but look out of the window, there was a war horse. Although this horse was also a good one in a hundred, it was not enough to compare with Lu Yi in his peak period.

As for the point steel gun hanging on the victory hook next to the horse's back, although it is also an old man who has been with him for many years, compared with the gentian gun, it is completely dull.

"Let's look again..." Zhao Yun said to himself silently in his heart: "If Fang Yan is really not telling lies, then find a way to make up for the defect of the Thunderbolt's tip."

***real world,

The battle between Zhao Yun and Breuer was a long story, but in fact it only lasted a few seconds.

Masters compete for life and death are often just a snap of the fingers.

After Fang Linyan released the tip of the Thunder Spear, it wasn't that he didn't think about asking for a helper. The key is that among the people present, no one could keep up with Zhao Yun's speed, let alone his thinking. Sometimes life and death are just a front line.

Going up to help rashly, maybe it will become a disservice!

And don't forget the side effects of the thunderbolt tip. Fang Linyan's HP was deducted by hundreds of points, and his chance of being critically hit was increased by 3%, so of course he had to proceed with caution.

Fortunately, the battle came to an end very quickly. Fang Linyan was relieved when he watched Zhao Yun shoot Brewer's eye with a single shot. If he could achieve such a record, then no matter what happened to Brother Yun , I have made a steady profit.

Although Fang Linyan was surprised by what happened next, Brewer was so vicious that he traded injuries for injuries and directly beat Zhao Yun into bright spots, but Fang Linyan also seized this excellent opportunity and yelled loudly road:

"Elder Nemanya! Activate your skills!"

After hearing Fang Linyan's words, Nemania immediately took a deep breath, and he could see countless light spots flying out of the bowl of soul, throwing them into his mouth like moths to a flame.

Immediately afterwards, two pterosaur-like wings grew out of Nemania's back, fluttering and slowly floating in the air, and then he began to groan something

Short sentences.

Most of these sentences are composed of one or two syllables, and Fang Linyan's ears actually smell like Sanskrit singing.

Immediately, everyone on the battlefield felt a wave of ferocity, bloodthirsty desire surged from the bottom of their hearts, their pupils also involuntarily shrank rapidly, and a sweet **** smell filled their mouths and noses.

Wrath of Yalong!

Of course, Brewer felt something was wrong at this time, it let out a ferocious roar, and then jumped forward as if jumping into the water.

The name of this jump is also very unique, called the leap of salvation.

With its son of the earth's unique ability, after this jump, it can directly sink into the ground in front of it, gain the protection of the ground, and at the same time quickly recover from its own injuries.

But Fang Linyan had already communicated with the goddess Athena, and war is the strength of the goddess, so when Brewer jumped out, he was already disturbed by the goddess, thinking that he was jumping to the flat land ahead , in fact, its senses at this time have been misled, and its real jumping direction is actually towards the sky!

This is undoubtedly tantamount to throwing oneself into a trap and becoming an out-and-out living target!

In an instant, more than 3,000 remaining soldiers raised their guns at the same time, aimed at Brewer in mid-air and fired together!

More importantly, while firing, the virtual image of Athena's **** self appeared in the sky. She held a war scepter and stared calmly at the battlefield below. All attacks within five seconds must be critical strikes!

There is a saying that ants kill elephants more often. If these more than 3,000 soldiers attack Brewer under normal circumstances, they can't even break its defense at all. But with the blessing of Wulong's Fury, the real damage can be Let it be hit hard.

After all, although the damage of a single soldier is low, multiplying it by 3,000 is terrifying, not to mention that the goddess has shown miracles and once again gave the soldiers a powerful bonus.

In just an instant, Breuer's life value plummeted, almost decreasing at an astonishing speed! During the few seconds that it jumped in the air, it was directly sieved by the focus fire, and its health dropped below 10% in an instant.

When its huge body hit the ground heavily, it was already covered in blood. Although it could no longer be set fire by all the soldiers at this time, it was still beaten with blood flying all over its body, and howled repeatedly.

Fortunately, at this time, more than half of the second short horn on its head has emerged, and this short horn is aqua blue, it is its flowing water horn!

This means that in five seconds at most, Breuer's power will be unlocked to the second level, and his health, defense, and mental power will be improved, and most of the water spells will be unlocked!

However, what is desperate is that Brewer doesn't have five seconds at all at this time, not to mention that even if five seconds are up, it will take time for him to unlock the healing water spells to take effect.

Seeing the situation where Bruel must be killed, Fang Linyan also heaved a sigh of relief. The plan has been carried out until now, and it is finally half completed...

But what Fang Linyan didn't expect was that at this moment, Brewer looked stubborn and strong, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com berserk, the savage troll is scared! !

Regarding this, Fang Linyan could only express emotion: Death is really a touchstone, no matter what race or personality, it really reveals its true colors in front of it, and it is not surprising to make any choice.

Some weak women who usually shed tears for a long time when they scratched their skin, can see death as home in the face of death,

Some tough guys who are usually extremely mighty and ruthless to others but also ruthless to themselves kneel down in front of death, crying loudly...

The same is true for Brewer, who actually knelt down on the ground with a "plop", facing the position of the virtual image of the goddess in the midair, and at the same time issued a series of wailing sounds.

Obviously, the surprise came so suddenly that even the goddess didn't expect that a big pie fell from the sky and hit her forehead with a bang.

You must know that a creature like Gron is a demigod from birth, and it has an obvious reference point, that is, the Typhon giant family in the age of mythology!

This is the strongest demon **** in the age of mythology, even Zeus has not been able to tame it.

Undoubtedly, Athena certainly couldn't miss such an opportunity. Even if the guy in front of her was a piece of trash, it was a piece of trash that even Zeus couldn't subdue.

What's more, it is an out-and-out demigod creature, or a demigod creature from a different plane, so Athena can't let go of anything, and immediately the deity descends and comes to Brewer's side, A hand was placed on its head, directly trying to make it his servant.

However, because Breuer is very powerful, even if it is willing to cooperate, the progress of Athena's taming is still very slow, and it has to go all out, and there is no time to spare to do other things. matter.