MTL - First Law-Chapter 27 medical leader

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No one knows what kind of deal Karen and Ah Zhen made. At least all the creatures in Gold Shining Town know that Karen will build a church for this pastor that is comparable to a human city-state, and at the same time recruit three priest apprentices in Gold Shining Town , in order to ensure that every resident can receive timely treatment after injury.

At noon that day, the designer Pompeii provided the blueprints, and Taifen and the cavemen began to build the Church of God's Revelation within a month.

At the same time, the freshwater lake was officially named the Holy Maiden Lake, and the Divine Revelation Church was temporarily in charge of the management of the entire lake.

"Thank you." As the only pastor in the town, Ah Zhen has the right to participate in the caucus meeting. It is the first time for her to enter this hut, which is a little strange. There are skeletons, Forbes, Taifen, and Pig, " Karen, your freshwater lake has shown me miracles, and I know you are not an ordinary wilderness robber."

"It should be me thanking you." Karen smiled. "At least I don't have to worry about being assassinated and killed innocently in the future. I have absolutely selfish intentions in recruiting you into Gold Shining Town."

Ah Zhen knew that the other party was taking care of him completely, and he knew very well that as Karen, he could hire a better pastor, "Don't worry, I will perform my duties."

"Is there anything else I can help with?"

"What?" Ah Zhen didn't react for a while.

"Do you need me to deal with your family, or your private affairs in the human race?"

Ah Zhen thought for a while, and said slowly, "I have a sister in Qatar, but with my current status." She smiled bitterly, "Let's look for opportunities in the future."

"You can pack your bags. I just have some things to deal with in Qatar, and I can take a trip in the middle. I think no matter what happens, relatives are always the most precious."

"Really?" Ah Zhen asked in disbelief, but hesitated again. She is a demon now, and it is absolutely dangerous to show up in Qatar City at this time, "Will it not bring you any trouble?"

"No, it's very simple."

"Oh, I can leave at any time. By the way, I got some inheritance when I evolved, and I can recruit more Aoli Void Spirits. These Void Spirits appeared after smelling the familiar water vapor. They told me they like it here Environment, I want to build a virtual spirit teleportation array to attract more Aoli virtual spirits to settle here."

"You mean you didn't summon these creatures?" Karen asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. I'm a priest, and I don't have the ability to summon at all. Aoli Void Spirits need to reproduce in sacred fresh water, and there must be plenty of magic power in the air. They are very demanding, but they think they can settle down here. Through I hope to get your approval." Ah Zhen hurriedly added, "They said they can help you build the Serbian sky."

"What?" Pompey asked directly.

"The Serbian canopy is a shield designed by the great demon Serbia to resist the meteorite in the starry sky. It is divided into thirteen layers. The lowest canopy can filter out the violent magic power in the sun, which can ensure that we can work during the day."

"The ozone layer?" Li Wen, the skeleton on one side, asked suddenly.

Ah Zhen was confused, and didn't understand the meaning of this skeleton.

Karen is no stranger to this new term that popped up suddenly. If the Serbian sky can keep creatures on the surface, it will definitely be a big move.

"Is the canopy difficult to build?" Pompey continued to ask.

"It's not difficult. Aoli Ethereal can excrete Ozzy. As long as the aura accumulates to a certain extent, it will form the lowest-level Serbian canopy. But they said that if they want to cover the entire town, the population of Aoli Ethereal needs to reach ten. More than ten thousand."

"Is it difficult to accumulate the population of Aoli Ethereal?" Pompeii continued to ask

"It's not difficult. First of all, there needs to be enough magic power in the air. They say that the magic power in the wilderness is very rich, and secondly, they need enough pure fresh water. Also, they like to attach themselves to glowing goldfish. into maturity."

Ah Zhen saw that these big bosses remained motionless and listened to her alone, she couldn't help feeling shy, "I'm sorry, what I said was not good."

"That's a good point." Karen smiled, "Churchill, can you find a glowing goldfish?"

"Boss, the glowing goldfish is a freshwater fish, and you can buy it directly from Qatar City without wasting pennies."

"Pompeii, what do you think?"

Pompeii nodded earnestly, "If the Golden Town wants the magic circle, it must overcome the hot sun's rays. I originally planned to use the dark sky of the kingdom of death, but now I didn't expect to be able to attract miniature demons like Aoli Void Spirit. I think It is absolutely possible to implement the sky screen plan."

"I also feel that the current environment must be improved. The blast of sunlight has made it impossible for me to carry out many experiments." Li Wen also said.

"Boss, if we can filter out part of the sun's rays, we may be able to grow plants in Gold Shining Town. A good environment can attract more investment." Churchill said with a smile.

This is the most unified opinion. Karen directly announced the launch of the Sky Screen Project. The front-line person in charge of the entire plan is Saint Azhen. He is responsible for commanding the Aoli Void Spirit, governing the Holy Maiden Lake, and managing the entire Serbian Sky Screen. Pompeii Assist.

Secondly, A Zhen was recognized as the chief pastor and the head of the medical system in Gold Shining Town, in charge of the Church of Revelation and disease control.

After that, they began to discuss the development route of Gold Flash Town.

Buck advocated the development of the alchemy industry and took the route of the alchemy kingdom, and at the same time won the support of Pompeii. Both of them believed that the combination of magic and machinery would be the main channel of the future world.

And Li Wen feels that science and technology will always be the primary productive force, and the ability to extract fresh water from the wasteland is a strong proof, and Gold Shining Town has completely controlled the production formula of Coca-Cola. As long as the machine and material production place can be found, the drink will It has become the second largest way to make money after table salt.

He has been approved by Nicole, the only sorceress, and the food will never worry about selling.

However, old Bunker and Churchill uncharacteristically believe that the basic funds have been settled now, plus the leader of the Piggy mob, they believe that the real threat comes from the steel Xiaozhen in the north, Qatar City in the east and your spring town in the south, especially the small spring water town. Town, they are unscrupulously detecting everything in Gold Town.

As long as they can buy a batch of weapons from the human race, they will be able to razed the spring town to the ground. What's more, the spring town is stuck on the key points of the Harsha swamp and the coastline, and at the same time occupies the most advantageous position in the Aegean Sea and the wasteland. From the sea estuary, bypassing the reef area and sailing for three days, you can reach the sea of ​​stars of the orcs.

This is already a commercial route leading directly to the wilderness. Churchill felt that it was necessary to win this estuary and open the orc business as soon as possible.

An army of armed forces is essential.

Karen didn't express her attitude clearly, so the debate in the meeting was extremely fierce, and no one gave in. Even Ah Zhen, who had just joined, made a few remarks. She thought that the town's welfare should be improved. With the current level of Jinshi Town, even the sacred One-tenth of Stormwind City can't reach it.

From Karen's room to the burrow, and then from the burrow to Karen's room, they quarreled all day long. In the end, Karen had to make a decision to set up their own laboratories. As long as they can produce reliable results, they can go into production directly.

But such a problem has arisen again. If Buck’s machinery factory is to be cashed out, it needs mechanical apprentices. If you want to develop mechanical alchemy, you can’t just rely on the steel town. The steel parts they produce can only assemble crude benzene like a mechanical triceratops goods.

Mechanical alchemy is a great subject, and Gold Glitter Town must correct its attitude immediately. Even if it does not have its own steel factory, it must at least obtain some channels to buy from the human race. In Buck's eyes, what the steel town produces is A pile of crap.

Li Wen's problem was even greater. He had more than 30 chemical experiments to be verified, and he needed to lead a group of apprentices, and he had submitted reports to Karen more than once about the shortage of experimental materials.

He needs a tailor-made equipment factory, and he can bear the cost by himself when necessary.

Churchill, Bunker, Thorn Thugs, these wasteland veterans lack weapons, fighters, and powerful charging mounts. They always think that force must come first in the wasteland.

Karen plans to spend more time in the human race this time. Firstly, it is best to let Haas provide some better sources of goods, and secondly, a trip to Dalaran. He has been thinking about those wizard bones for a while.

Half an hour after the meeting was completed, the Piggy thug team with Griffin and 10 people set off, of course Ah Zhen was with him.

We set off in the morning and entered Hongye Village at noon. Compared with the past, the place is much more prosperous, and humans are coming into contact with Cambul one after another.

This is a salt trade road that has already been formed. The salt produced in Shining Gold Town will enter Hongye Village at noon in the morning, and return to Shining Gold Town with wood in the evening. UU reading

There is one back and forth every day, but now it can no longer be satisfied. Haas's business is getting bigger and bigger. He keeps urging Karen to supply goods. His Bauhinia Merchant Group has planned to expand the salt business to the capital of the Holy Storm Kingdom. Then spread to the entire empire.

The premise is that Karen can provide a hundred times more salt than now.

Karen inspected the lumber field first. The lumber was basically hired human coolies. The three praying mantises each led a team and marched towards two directions of the Red Leaf Forest.

It is basically stable, and the salt depot is moving out salt. There is no stock here at all, and it is a building that needs to be expanded.

After chatting with Campbell, I reminded him to recruit some armed forces. He had already seen many new faces in Hongye Village.

Amid Cambul's respectful and respectful voice, Karen came to the city of Qatar. Although he had been here twice, the loose defenses here were still unsightly. survived.

Strange to say, only three city-states survived on the southeast line of the wasteland.

The most powerful Blue Mountain City, Dalaran ruled by wizards, the rest is this loose city of Qatar.

"This robber! This hungry wolf! Just wait, I'm going to skin him."

Before Karen entered the city, a fat-bellied and strong man led two guards out, cursing endlessly as he walked, and commanding the two soldiers to stick wanted notices on the city wall.

"Sharaf the Wolf, who has severely eroded the honor of the Holy Storm Empire through his repeated raids on the city of Qatar, is now wanted for 50 pence."

"Hello, Karen?"

Just as he was looking at the notice, he saw the pot-bellied city lord walking over and hugging his shoulders like an old friend.

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