MTL - First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)-Chapter 28 Questioned (1)

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Those who came to discuss the story were finally appointed by Huang Dexing to say that they must give them a statement and account within a week, and then they nodded and left.

After they left, Huang Dexing called the general manager of the project, Hou Zhengwen and Enron, into the office.

In the office, Enron and the supervisor in charge of the construction of the project sat at the desk of Huang Dexing, and the architectural design was spread out on the desk. Huang Dexing was sitting on the black leather swivel chair with a serious face. The tone said without emotion: "The accidents about this construction site have already come to the company. I want to hear from you about your opinions."

The waiting worker looked at Enron and turned to look at Huang Dexing. He said: "My construction is done according to the design. If you don't believe it, the company can send someone to check." His meaning is clear, and the drawing is the drawing. The problem, he is just construction according to the map, the responsibility is not in him.

Huang Dexing looked at his eyes and turned to look at Enron. He asked, "Enron, what is your opinion? Is it a design problem?"

Enron pressed the tight temples, which was a little sore, and said only: "My opinion is that I must give a statement and account to the families of the deceased."

"Is it confessed?" The waiting worker on the side stunned her eyes and said coldly: "Before you have a statement, you must first clarify the responsibility. Otherwise, where is the statement, where is the account."

Enron took a deep breath. She didn't want to argue with him, and she didn't want to say shirking responsibility. But he was so aggressive that the attitude of her drawings was really annoying. He turned to look at Hou Zhengwen and said: If it is my responsibility, then I will not shirk the escaping. I should apologize for the apology. I will bear the burden of one person and not drag the company.” Pointing at the design drawing on the table, “But I can be very clear. I tell you, this design picture about the location of the balcony here, the strength, everything I have been carefully designed, I believe that with your 20 years of construction experience, you know better than me whether this design has problem!"

Hou Zhengwen didn't look at her and denied it. "I don't know. I just built it according to your design. As for whether there is any problem, I don't understand." Now the problem has come out. If it is not a problem with her design, That is when he had a problem with the construction, such responsibility, he did not want to bear!

Enron did not look at him. He turned to Huang Dexing and said: "Director, I asked for a professional investigation into the accident. If the final result is really a problem with my design, then the responsibility for this accident is personally borne by me, and I will never Tired of the company or other people." Finished, got up and turned out of the office.

Out of Huang Dexing's office, Enran went to the bathroom with some irritability, opened the faucet on the glass table, and took the water directly to the face, trying to calm himself down.

There seemed to be someone in the bathroom, only to hear the sound of pumping, and then Xiao Xiao’s voice rang behind Enron. “Is it annoying for this accident?” With the sound, there was a paper towel she handed over.

Enron looked up, turned off the faucet, took the paper towel she handed over and wiped the water stain on her face, and did not speak.

Xiao Xiao took a lipstick and pouted at the mirror. He said, "You said that you are really unlucky this time. The waiting work is also a famous accident in our company. It is the first time that you cooperate. "Well, put the lipstick in the bag, and swayed the big wave of her in the mirror, the gesture reveals this flattering."

Enron did not speak, directly throw the paper towel into the paper basket, turned and left the office.

Xiao Xiao looked at her figure and disappeared behind the door. The corner of her mouth could not help but sneer, and some scornful coldness, "Fake high."

Enron went straight back to the office, sat in the position and stared at the pile of documents on the table, but did not move.


Enron did not respond, sitting still.


The knocking on the door sounded again, and the rules were rhythmic.

Enron just returned to God, took a deep breath, looked up at the door and said: "Come in."

Enron intuitively thought it was Ling Lin, but unexpectedly saw Huang Dexing.

Some cramped standing up, "Director?"

Huang Dexing raised her hand and motioned for her to sit down. She sat down in front of her and said, "The person in Houzhengwen is really more serious. Don't go to the heart."

Enron shook his head and didn't speak.

"On this accident, the company must investigate the reasons and specific responsibilities. It is not only necessary to explain and explain to the families of the victims, but you will also have to explain to you." Huang Dexing continued.

Enron looked at him and asked him: "The director means that you believe that my design is no problem?"

"I have seen your design drawings. The ratios, calculations, etc. are all correct, but the responsibility and the results of the accident have to be investigated before I know that I am coming to you, mainly because you don’t want to be on the head. Work and have a hard time, don't affect your other work because of this." Huang Dexing looked at her.

Enron nodded and understood that he was referring to the bidding of the government building. "I know, I will not let myself be affected. I will give you the design plan this weekend."

Huang Dexing nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well, but for this design company, I want to have a benign competition. All of your young designers are participating. Everyone has a copy of the case. This will not only make the company's drawings more competitive at the tender, but this way can also mobilize the enthusiasm of the company, how do you see it?"

"It is a good thing to have competition, I have no opinion." The truth of the survival of the fittest is well understood, so she has no opinions on competition, and there are comparisons before she knows whether it is good or bad.

"Yeah." Huang Dexing nodded with satisfaction and stood up to leave. "Then you will continue to work. The accident company will investigate, and it is most important for you to do your own work."

Enron nodded, "I know." Get up and send him out.

Su Shi’s phone came in half an hour before work, saying that she was going to pick her up. In the evening, they would go back to Enron’s house to eat, and by the way, the Enron’s things would be moved to Susie’s apartment.