MTL - First Player-Chapter 18 seventeen

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   Chapter 18 Chapter Seventeen · "Doctor, please shoot with bullets."

   "Hall of Fame and Qualifiers?" Su Ming'an bit the blood bottle and looked at the barrage that swiped frantically.

   Adventure players can't see the forum, and can only get information from the barrage. Su Mingan was a little curious when he learned that these eliminated players actually made such a thing.

  The popularity of the live broadcast room reached 100,000 after the audience of the celebrity list poured in. Obviously everyone is here to see the new characters, it doesn't matter if they just run away.

  Su Mingan asked a few questions out of curiosity, and learned about himself.


  【(pre-selection) No.100 Su Mingan

   is a ruthless guy - maybe that's not enough for him to make the list, but to me, this is a very confusing dragon boy.

   The actual identity is a student. The mental power is still unknown, and the other three attributes seem to be at the level of ordinary people, but the skills are outrageously strong. Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious. Damage skills with too short attack distance are hardly helpful in combat, but if the distance is increased, this will be a magical skill that is still above fire control.

   His mental state was so calm that he was merciless without anesthesia and amputated his limbs to survive. The previous live broadcast was unknown, so no one saw it, but it was only a short paragraph on the recommended screen that made me think he should be on the list. The estimated combat power is around 120.

   Rating: Potential 8, Strength 5, Unknown Wisdom, Popularity 5 (There seems to be a girl with good swordsmanship around)]


   "It's such a description..." Su Mingan stared at his 230 combat power panel.

  The barrage is still swiping:

  【Does your arm still hurt? I feel so distressed when I see it. 】

   [I don't know why, but I think the anchor is very cordial. 】

  【What do the anchors think about the Hall of Fame? Who does the anchor think the "first player" will be?】

   - "First Player".

   A player who was arrogantly demoted by a large number of people from the first day to the fifth day, and praised by most people.

  The only existence that has officially stood in the spotlight, giving a generous speech under the watchful eyes of a billion souls.

  Ta is regarded as a treasure by many players who have found the light, and there are many supporters and debaters in today's forums.

   And after the Hall of Fame came out, countless audiences quarreled over their favorite players, trying to forcefully prove that the first player was the one they liked.

   "The first player?" Su Mingan learned that the one with the highest approval rating was Aini.

   He thought for a while, and poured the blood bottle into his mouth, a light sweetness filled his mouth.

   "It's me." He said with a smile.

   [Anchor, stop joking, it's not true at all. 】

  【I think that Lu Shu is more likely to be the first player...】

  【I think it's Adolf...】


   Who is stronger or weaker is always a hot topic in people's mouths.

  Su Ming'an shook his head and continued to chop down zombies. It is estimated that he is not far from being exposed, and his skills are too powerful, far exceeding the average level of current players.


   Blood splattered, and after killing a zombie, Su Mingan saw a familiar figure.

  The girl in the thick padded coat was walking among the ruins, as if she was going somewhere.

   "Who is that?" Yueyue asked.

   "A native of the world, an assistant to my identity." Su Ming'an said, "Xiaohan!"

  Xiaohan heard the voice, turned around and saw Su Mingan.

   Today, she is wearing a sun hat embroidered with daisy flowers, a lake green cotton padded jacket, and a plastic garland around her wrist, revealing the breath of spring all over her body.

  Her black hair was blown up by the wind, like scattered golden rivers, and her eyes were clear and clean.

   "Doctor, what do you think I found?" She stretched out her hand, which was a music box.

In the    music box, the puppet of a girl in a red dress spun slightly.

   Xiaohan smiled happily: "I found this in an abandoned store. I didn't expect that there are still intact music boxes. By the way, Doctor, I'm going back to the R&D center now."

   "Let's go together." Su Ming'an said.

   He happened to be going back.

  Xiaohan watched Su Mingan swing his stick, cooperate with Yueyue to kill zombies, and walked all the way through the block.

   "Look, Doctor, this music box is so beautiful, and the puppets are wearing red dresses... I remember there were such dancers in peacetime. I hope that one day, I can become a good dancer..."

   Xiaohan raised the music box and fiddled, the music was crisp and nice.

   They gradually walked to the door of the R&D center.

  —the bodies of countless children were buried there, pits lined up side by side.

   Only, there is a pit that is empty.

   Xiaohan squatted down, wiped the stone tablet, and said:

   "Doctor, I'm craving candy, there's a box in your room, can you bring it for me?"

  Su Mingan nodded, he did go to the doctor's room to get some food.

   He opened the drawer, the candy was a product of Sanwu, obviously the product of the apocalypse. On the candy jar is a line of small characters "Xiaohan's New Year's gift to the doctor", followed by cute emoji.

   He returned to the pit with the candy jar.

   "Xiaohan?" He saw Xiaohan lying on the ground.

  Yueyue stood helplessly by the side.

  Xiaohan lay beside the vacant dirt pit, covered with black spots, like a fallen black tombstone.

   After a while, she suddenly collapsed.

   "Xiaohan?" Su Mingan helped her up.

   Xiaohan blinked, and she reached out and took the candy jar.

   Her fingers trembled for a moment, unable to hold the candy jar, the candy spilled on the ground.

  Su Mingan picked up the candy jar and stuffed it into her hand again.

   She still couldn't hold it, her palms were shaking like spasms, and the candies were like broken stars.

   "Doctor." Xiaohan said: "Although human beings are shining brightly, some of them... are also extremely ugly."

   "You were already infected?" Su Mingan realized this.

"Yeah." Xiaohan said: "Three days ago. No zombies bit me. It was a group of people who used zombie viruses as weapons. They hit me. I didn't die from zombies, but from my compatriots. despicable…"

  Su Ming'an did not speak.

  Yue Yue stood beside him.

  Xiaohan suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly, like a roar.

   She is like a dying swan:

   "But why...why can't I even save this bunch of despicable compatriots?"

"Why, why can't I just have a little more time? I want to save everyone, I want to save that grandma, that grandpa, their pregnant daughter, I want to save the kids in the R&D center—I want to save everyone, I love Everyone!"

   "I love them! I love them!"

  Su Ming'an didn't speak.

   In his eyes, Xiaohan's face that was gradually becoming shriveled was reflected.

"I think…"

   The light in her eyes gradually faded:

   "The time I spent with my doctor in the R&D center and the children was my happiest time."

   "I wore my favorite clothes today, and before I died, I found my favorite music box."

   "When I saw you on the side of the road, I was very happy. When I... walked away, it turned out that I was not alone."

   "If, if I can live, if I can see the new century when the dust is gone, if I can see the blue sky and white clouds..."

   Her eyes gradually closed.

  Her hand rested on the gun on Su Ming'an's waist, and placed the gun in Su Ming'an's palm.


【PhD. 】

  【If one day, anything threatens your safety, please shoot with the bullet inside. 】

   It turns out that the "threat" that Xiaohan said at the time was herself.

  No wonder, she always wears thick clothes these days, it turns out to cover the zombie virus that gradually spreads on her body.


   "Good night." Su Mingan squeezed the trigger.

  Help her end her life and prevent her from becoming a monster, this is her last wish.

   Xiaohan watched him.

   There was clear water in her eyes.

   "I love you, Doctor."

   "It's not love between men and women, it's love for human beings themselves, you are human, and I love human beings."

   "Actually, I have long known that you are not the original Dr. Su Changan. Your personality is fundamentally different from his. You treat children, grandma, and me very well. Your eyes are very clear."

   "You'll read poetry to're a nice guy."

   "Although I don't know why the doctor became you...but may I know your name?"

   "Su Mingan." Su Mingan said, "My name is Su Mingan."

   Xiaohan grinned.

   "Can you... read me the last poem?"

   "Okay." Su Ming'an said.

   He laid her flat on the edge of the pit.

   "When she opens in the morning,

   "Red as blood.

   "Dewdrop dared not touch her,

   "Fear of being burned by her.

   "When she opens at noon

   "As hard as coral.

   "The sun is near the glass,

   "…to watch her shine."

   He read, Xiaohan's eyes became more and more hazy.

   She let go and the candy fell.

   Their plastic surfaces reflect the sun and gleam in the sun.

   The puppet music box in the red dance skirt vibrated, and the sound was crisp and clear.

   She smiled softly.






   The sound stopped completely.

  The girl's body fell into the empty dirt pit—the grave she dug for herself.

  Su Ming kept his shooting posture quietly.

   Until she fell into the pit, like a butterfly, like a rock that couldn't be lighter.

   Until his chaotic thoughts were interrupted by the repeated pain in his right arm, he withdrew his hand.

  The corner of the girl's mouth kept a smile - what was she thinking at the last moment before she died?

   is thinking, will he mourn for her and see the blue sky and white clouds in the future for her?

   Still thinking, she regretted not being able to save those children?

   Or... just want to live?

   The loess spilled into the pit, and he turned around.

  The bright sun plated his white coat, smearing it with a beautiful golden color. He raised his head, his pupils were filled with the system values ​​of HP and MP.

   He is the player. He is just a passer-by in the world.

  When he went through one copy after another, and experienced countless different worlds, would he remember that at the very beginning, there was such a person named Xiaohan, who woke him up and called him "Doctor"?

   He stood there, side by side with Yueyue.

   "Su Ming'an." Yueyue said.


"I remember Xiaohan." Yueyue said: "Everyone in the live room... also remembered her. After that, they all know that you are the number one player, and the whole world will know this girl. She is not alone. Leave alone."

   "After us, we will meet more and more people." Su Mingan said.

   This is just the first copy.

  Different worlds, endless people. His journey is still very long.

   "Well." Yueyue said, "But I will always remember that at the beginning of the world game, there was a person named Xiaohan."


   "A very strong person."


  【World Game·Existing Players: 401929837】

   (end of this chapter)