MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 17 Share weal and woe (seek support)

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  Chapter 17 Share Wealth and Wealth (seek support)

   Before you know it, it’s the ninth year of the Dragon and Phoenix (1363). Xiao Zhu is a stranger in the first year of the Dragon and Phoenix, and he will be ten years old after the New Year.

  In these years, he and Lao Zhu get together less and stay away more. Every year, Lao Zhu will go out to fight and leave him in Yingtian Mansion.

  Zhu Biao actually feels that there is no difference between now and when he was a child. Originally, he couldn’t get out of that house, but now he can’t get out of Yingtian Mansion.

Since he was five years old, Zhu Yuanzhang has found him, together with Gao Qi and Liu Ji, the "Three Masters of Poetry and Prose in the Early Ming Dynasty", and together with Zhang Yi, Liu Ji, and Ye Chen, the "Four Masters of Eastern Zhejiang". Song Longmen Song Lian taught him enlightenment.

  Song Lian was a well-known Confucian in the world, with profound knowledge and self-contained school, and his fame spread far and wide among scholars. It is undoubtedly an excellent political capital to be called his disciple.

  Student Xiao Zhu is naturally studying hard. After all, he is a person who has gone through the college entrance examination. Although Song Lian is also relatively strict, Xiao Zhu feels good. After all, there are few temptations now, and there is no computer or mobile phone.

  Letting Xiao Zhu play with those young sons of generals is not as interesting as reading a book, so Song Lian was amazed by Xiao Zhu's hard work,

  What he learned in his previous life is completely different from what he learned in this life. He must learn these things if he wants to control those civil servants in the future.

  Song Lian set a rule for him, regardless of the season, get up to read with him at dawn in the morning, have an hour to eat and rest at noon, and go back at night when it gets dark.

  Thousand-Character Essay, Hundred Surnames, Analects, Book of Songs, Mencius, Zuo Zhuan, Shangshu, Gongyang, Zhongyong, Daxue, Guliang, Han Feizi, Book of Rites, Zizhitongjian, Qimin Yaoshu.

These are his studies in the first five years. I have to say that even with a famous Confucian professor like Song Lian, he still feels obscure and difficult to understand. It is impossible to imagine how those normal children understand the trivial words and righteousness in it. His two lives add up to almost thirty. It took five years of hard work every day to read through!

  But this has already shocked Song Lian into a heavenly man. Originally, he wanted to enlighten Zhu Biao and leave, but he couldn't stop after teaching.

   He didn't understand these books until he was in his thirties. It took this kid five years to pass his hard work of more than 20 years.

  The most commendable thing is that he is not only talented and intelligent, but also has the perseverance of an adult at only a few years old. He never thinks about stealing and playing tricks. He studies extremely hard every day. Even if he is not the eldest son of Wu Guogong, he has the potential to become a generation of Wenzong.

   These are what Song Lian told his friends.

  Xiao Zhu thinks that it is not ruled out that his own old Zhu is victorious in every battle, especially after the water battle in Poyang Lake, with the power and influence of the world, Comrade Song should be reluctant to bear the name of the emperor's son or even the future emperor's teacher.

   After all, Zhu Biaozhan is the head of the family and is extremely talented, and he is well-known in Yingtian Mansion. Although Song Lian didn't say anything to Xiao Zhu, he was silently building momentum for him, endorsing him with his reputation as a great Confucian, and sending some of his articles to other celebrities for comment.

   For nothing else, the status of master and apprentice has been determined, and the interests of the two are connected, one is prosperous and the other is damaged.

  If Xiao Zhu is still so outstanding when he grows up in the future, and he can inherit the great rule, then Song Lian can be known as the emperor's teacher in the literary world, become a scholar leader, and leave his name in history!

Of course, Xiao Zhu is not at a loss. There are famous Confucians in the world to promote his reputation. Even if it is useless now, when he forms the East Palace, he can use this fame to recruit talented people in the name of the crown prince and form a complete team. .

  Xiao Zhu is now accompanied by a dozen servants, and if he leaves the Marshal's Mansion, there will be a team of nearly a hundred guards from the Marshal's Mansion.

  Actually, in these years, apart from Zhu Yuanzhang who came back and took him out for a walk, only some outstanding generals Gao Tang celebrated his birthday and Mrs. Ma would let Xiao Zhu personally send gifts to express the closeness and importance of the Marshal's Mansion to them!

I have to say that one's status and environment can really change a person's temperament. In his previous life, Zhu Qian was just a harmless young man, but now with the expansion of Lao Zhu's power, Zhu Biao also has a so-called momentum.

  Last year, when the old lady of Marshal Guangxingyi’s family celebrated her birthday, Mrs. Ma asked Zhu Biao to give the gift. It happened that Xiao Zhu was in a restless mood that day.

   As a result, the bustling Marshal's Mansion suddenly fell silent, and everyone was cautious, even those naughty children did not dare to make trouble anymore.

   When Xiao Zhu came back to his senses, he realized that it was not even noon, and half of the banquet had already dispersed, and it was deserted.

  The old lady of the Marshal's Mansion personally led the whole family to say hello, and asked if there was any place where the hospitality was not good?

After reacting, Xiao Zhu quickly cheered up, bowed to the old lady and said: "Of course there is no problem with the reception at the Marshal's Mansion, it's just that I'm a little bored today because I don't understand the teacher's question, and it's really a shame to disturb the old lady's birthday banquet." No! Condemned the old lady!

  The old lady hurriedly comforted her and said, "It's a good thing for you to study hard! How dare you blame me?

   Marshal's wife also quickly received: "Yes, in the entire Yingtian Mansion, who doesn't know that your son is knowledgeable and talented, and several great Confucian scholars have praised your article, unlike our family who are worthless, reading books will give you a headache!

  Xiao Zhu saw that the old lady's birthday was almost turned into a memorial day, so she hurriedly said goodbye and left.


   Let’s participate in the new book investment, it’s free! Now there are only 29 people who have invested, and I guess there is one of them (︿)




  (end of this chapter)