MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 135 shadow

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At that time, the huge star core fell into a decay phase and burst with endless energy. Among them, countless inheritances were born. The star viewing platform was also obtained by the ancestors of the Yin and Yang family at that time, and the same is true of the He Shizhen in the hands of the first emperor.

It's just that there are a lot of treasures such as the Star Watching Terrace, which have the supreme power, but the most special among these treasures is He Shiji!

Her family has no earth-shattering power. Except for its indestructible characteristics, it seems to be an ordinary seal.

He Shiji is more like a right, a symbol of status, and a key to unlock all the treasures!

Just like now, the reason why Shihuang was able to ignore the defense of the stargazing platform and go directly into the depths of the stargazing platform is the role of Heshiyi. It seems that all the treasures of the same era as Heshiyi are controlled by Heshiyi. !!

The first emperor entered the stargazing platform, and directly transferred some of the power of the stargazing platform with He Shiji. Under the revival of the stargazing platform, any strangeness in the stargazing platform was killed, leaving some great for the warriors. Good items.

After half a day, watching the first emperor stepping out of the stargazing platform, the East Emperor and the Moon God were relieved and stepped forward to see each other. "The weirdness in the stargazing platform has disappeared. In addition, these things should have a great effect on the yin and yang family."

"Thank Your Majesty."

Dong Huang and Luna said, from the heart of gratitude, the stargazing platform is in the hands of the yin and yang family, which can be described as a pearl. Because of the lack of strength of the yin and yang family, the control of the star viewing platform is too poor, like this Once, the original Luna and Lao Xing entered the stargazing platform in order to spur the strange energy in the stargazing platform, which began to impact the immortality, but did not expect to fall into it instead.

At present, the Emperor's shot can be considered as a major hidden danger in Yin and Yang's family.

"Your Majesty, there is a star master in my yin and yang family. In the past, in order to protect my yin and yang parents, I risked myself and took away a strangeness from the immortal realm. I was not strong enough to find the star lord. . "

Donghuang Taiyi said arrogantly, knowing that his request was a bit excessive. Shihuang had already shot and quelled the strangeness in the stargazing platform, but now, a yin and yang star master is also bothered by Shihuang.

How honorable the first emperor is, even if it is just an incarnation at present, it also makes the emperor Dong Huang unable to bear the slightest resistance in his life.

Perhaps to the first emperor, a star master of the yin and yang family is just a ant, but it is different to the east emperor Taiyi. After the emperor Taiyi recognizes the north wind, the east emperor Taiyi regards the north wind as a moon god, the previous star master They are the same family!

For this reason, even if he knew that he might speak at this time, the first emperor might not like it, but he also asked.

The first emperor looked calm, so he looked at the first emperor Taiyi, no power was leaked, but as strong as the emperor at this moment, there was a kind of ants looking at the sky and could not help shaking.

Luna stood aside, worried.

"Eastern Emperor, the heavens and the world, countless souls fighting, and there are all races. When you reach your realm, you should understand that everything has cause and effect."

The Emperor opened his mouth and said something inexplicably, his body was broken directly, turned into a little golden streamer, and disappeared.

Dong Huang smiled bitterly, understood the meaning of the first emperor, and also knew that the relationship between the yin and yang family and the first emperor was completely exhausted.

The first emperor meant that if the north wind is really a person with great opportunities, it will naturally be a fierce battle, but if the north wind has no good luck, then it will die.

In the realm of the East Emperor, the East Emperor understood that the so-called cause and effect, every living being is in the cause and effect, which can also be said to be destiny!

The difference is that some people are extremely horrible. For example, the emperor directly jumped out of the Three Realms and was not in the Five Elements. Even a supreme man cannot see the fate of the emperor today.

And some people step by step from Fanhuaxian to constantly break their destiny. For example, they survived a mortal robbery, then they have changed their destiny and their fate will be disordered. Once Break the fetters of fate and change lives against the sky.

Another is the help of external forces, such as the strong shot, or heavy treasure.

The more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is to help it break the fetters of fate. At this moment, if the first emperor shoots, even the first emperor will have to pay some price!

Knowing and knowing, but Donghuang is not willing!


Dong Huangtai flew white hair one by one. When she reached the immortal state, she was in control of her own destiny. Only when she reached the immortal state could she be aware of the abnormality of this world!

There seems to be a huge shadow directly covering the heavens and the world, the heads of countless souls, there seems to be a pair of invisible hands, and the hands are covered with countless silk threads.

Only by reaching the immortal realm can we cut off the silk thread linked to our body and get rid of this situation!

"Your Majesty also makes sense, all we can do now is to trust him."

Luna stepped on the lotus step by step, and approached the emperor, comforting the emperor softly.

The state of Donghuang at this moment is somewhat abnormal ~ ~ There are countless bloodshots in the eyes of the whole person, the strength of the whole body is constantly changing, a white hair is standing up, and penetrates the void!

There was a cold in the heart of Luna, and his eyes were full of dignity. He took out an ice lotus. The ice lotus was so amazing that there were nine colors of light shining. When it appeared at the moment, it vaporized directly, forming a mist, which penetrated into the mouth of Donghuang. In the nose.

With the help of this strain of ice lotus, Dong Huang's entire body began to calm down gradually, and the bloodshot in his eyes was disappearing, but there was still some fierceness and irritability on his body.

"You have used too many bans. If you continue to do so, you will lose your mind and become a chaotic demon who only knows destruction and destruction."

Luna frowned, speaking to Donghuang.

"No way, there are too many forces in the hundreds of families who don't want to see the rise of the yin and yang families."

Dong Huangtai returned to indifference. The whole man seemed full of domineering and selfishness. His eyes were full of indifference, and he seemed to pierce the endless void, and saw a respectful man sneering at himself.

The yin and yang family was the number one thug next to the first emperor, and the yin and yang family pushed the first emperor to the top. Without the advent of the demon world, what is the yin and yang family today?

The first emperor was different from the yin yang family and other princes. In those years, the princes had received either a peerless treasure or a superb method. Only the first emperor only got a piece of Heshi. At that time, the princes quarreled. The emperor did not grow up and did not suppress the strength of the hundreds of princes. It was the prince of the yin and yang family who at that time made a public comment and directly led the entire yin and yang family to the emperor. In other words, Taoism can be countered. With the help of the yin and yang families, the hundreds of princes were suppressed, and the emperor began to grow up, eventually suppressing the philosophers and created a supreme empire!

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