MTL - Five Years Later, She Bombarded the Palace with a Miniature Version of the Regent-Chapter 13 Change the wedding dress, go to the imperial mausoleum

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  Chapter 13 Changing the wedding dress, going to the imperial mausoleum

  The dungeon of the Wangfu is very damp and dark, with only a small window with a faint light coming in.

  The smell of blood and rancidity are mixed together. I don’t know how many house slaves have died here. It’s extremely gloomy.

  Yu Yunxi was thrown in a corner. She curled up in the corner, very cold.

  She couldn't tell whether it was her body or her heart that was cold.

   She was careless.

  She had calculated thousands of times, but she didn't realize that Nanny Liu was so ruthless, not only would she be ruthless, even Feng Yili's life would not be spared.

   "After all, I still couldn't save you, and even put myself in it." Thinking of Feng Yili's cold face, Yu Yunxi twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled wryly.

  Maybe after these days of protecting each other with their lives, she has already regarded Feng Yili as an important person fighting side by side with her.

   Now that he is dead, her heart feels out of breath.

   I don't know what happened to Jiang Han and the nanny.

  She and Feng Yili are already the people that Lord Yan wants to take in, I hope the nanny and the two of them will not be burdened by her anymore.

  Sitting like this for an indeterminate amount of time, with not a single drop of water in, and the poison remaining in her throat, she was almost unable to hold on.

  Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the wooden fence.

   Soon, a figure appeared.

   Nanny Liu kicked open the door with her wedding dress in her hand, then looked down at Yu Yunxi from a high position, and smiled sullenly.

   "My lord, after all, I won."

  Yu Yunxi lowered her eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "You were the one who poured the poison into the bowl, right?"

"So what if it is, so what if it is not? Anyway, no one will believe what you say. The imperial doctor has already diagnosed that the prince died of poison, and we have found it on the clothes you wore yesterday. The same poison. You are the murderer who murdered the prince." Mother Liu sneered.

Yu Yunxi raised her eyes, with sarcasm in them, "Then let me guess again, are you from the emperor, or... from the national teacher? The concubine did raise a wolf beside the regent, but that wolf The wolf is not me, but you."

   Nanny Liu's smile deepened, "You are indeed a smart person, but unfortunately your surname is 'Yu'. If you want to fight against me, you will have to wait until your next life."

   "The concubine hates you. She originally wanted to tear you into pieces. But because the national teacher interceded for you, can wear this wedding dress to accompany the prince to the imperial mausoleum."

   After finishing speaking, Madam Liu began to put the wedding dress on Yun Xi's body.

   And Yu Yunxi was like a marionette, allowing the other party to roughly dress her.

  Eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she whispered softly: "Put the hat of killing the prince on my head, and behind me is the Yu family. The emperor and the national teacher can also take this opportunity to blame Yu family... It really kills two birds with one stone."

   "In fact, if you pretend to be deaf and dumb, maybe you can really live for seven days, and the prince can die slowly. But you insist on being a hero and detoxifying the prince, will die soon."

   Nanny Liu laughed "giggling" and said sarcastically.

   "Do you know that I'm detoxifying the prince?" Yu Yunxi's eyes finally became turbulent again, she turned her eyes sideways, and her eyes were fixed on Madam Liu.

   "Your medical skills are really good, and you were able to change the medicine smoothly with my hands yesterday. But you are still not careful enough, you didn't clean up the medicine residue yesterday." Liu Nanny's tone was a little satisfied.

"Sure enough, you already knew that the medicine your lord drank on weekdays was harmful, so you might be so flustered when you heard that I could heal you that day. However, there is one thing I don't understand. Since you can detect my medicine from yesterday's dregs Something is wrong, and you turned to plot to murder me. Why did you suffer at my hands the previous few times? You really shouldn't..."

  Yu Yunxi secluded road.

  Nurse Liu, with her ability, how does it seem that she grew up overnight?

   "Hmph, you are dying anyway, so it doesn't matter if I tell you something more."

   Nanny Liu clapped her palms, looking very good.

She smiled triumphantly and said: "I did not know your ability at first, but someone reminded me. This matter is more related to your sister-in-law, Wangfei, who also knows a little bit about medicine. She went to the hospital yesterday. I went to the kitchen and found something wrong with the medicine, so I gave me advice."

  Is it Yu Wanrong?

  Yu Yunxi coughed heavily, with a strong fishy-sweet smell in her throat.

  Niangqin was famous for her medical skills back then, and Chen was jealous, so she forced Yu Wanrong to also learn medical skills.

  Thus, although Yu Wanrong can't be said to be proficient, she still has the ability to see the difference between the two medicines.

   Unexpectedly, the person who finally pushed her to the far end was Yu Wanrong.

"Wangfei really has a good sister. Let me tell you another anecdote. I heard that at noon today, there was an old woman's body hanging on the wall in the east of the city. Some people said that the old woman was the nanny of a certain minister's family. , Offended Miss Di, was beaten to death, and then left dead on the street for everyone to laugh at."

  Nurse Liu covered her mouth and laughed "hehehe", her expression was as smug as she wanted.

  Yu Yunxi's head buzzed, and the blood on his face gradually faded.

   "What did the minister call for? It seems that his surname is 'Yu'." Nanny Liu continued to sneer.

   "Pfft..." Yu Yunxi finally couldn't hold back the blood that was stuck in her throat, and vomited it out.

  Nurse, nurse...

   No wonder Jiang Li hasn't come back for so long, it turned out that something happened to the nanny.

  The hatred in Yu Yunxi's heart was about to burn her up, her heart ached as if she had been pierced by thousands of needles.

   Seeing Yu Yunxi like this, Mammy Liu felt even happier.

  She started, pinched Yu Yunxi's arm fiercely, and then dragged her out: "Princess Wangfei, don't worry. Soon you will be able to go down to accompany your nanny and prince."

   When they were dragged outside, it was completely dark, but the palace was not dark at all.

  The guards held the torches and surrounded the gate of the dungeon. There were mourners not far away, and the cries resounded through the sky.

  Yu Yunxi could see from a distance that Concubine Ning's hair was messy and her eyes were scarlet.

  Behind her, a young man wearing a black robe stood there.

  Yu Yunxi struggled to raise her head, before she could see the opponent's appearance clearly, she was knocked out.

  But before she passed out, she saw the other person's eyes.

  Slender, narrow and cold, it looks broad and compassionate, but in fact it is vicious and vicious.

   There is still his voice next to his ear: "Don't worry, Taifei, this girl has been cursed by her national teacher. After death, she cannot be reborn. She will live forever as a slave and animal, to atone for the prince and the royal family."

   Heh, he... is really poisonous.

  (end of this chapter)