MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 116 Stunning sharpness, **** Concubine Liu to death

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  Feiying has already rented a shop near Bai Yichen's porcelain and silk shop according to her instructions, and is now decorating according to her drawings.

  I believe that in a few days, it should be almost the same. At that time, the remanufactured products can be shipped to various stores.

   At that time, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation, and then it will be easier to deal with Bai Yichen.

On the carriage, Xuanyuan Ye's expression was still a little bit bad, he seemed to be still angry with her, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to her, let alone hug her like usual, but just looked straight at her with a pair of eyes, I don't know What are you thinking.

Seeing Xuanyuan Ye's appearance, Meng Fuying was secretly amused. She never expected that he would be so depressed for this reason. Of course, she also knew that the reason for his being so depressed was not only that she didn't give him anything, Instead, she thought that she didn't take him to heart.

  Hey, I didn't expect that the confident and arrogant Xuanyuan Ye would have such a look of worrying about gains and losses.

Unable to bear to see him so depressed again, Meng Fuying said with a little thought on purpose, "There is one more special thing that will take a few days to make. That thing is the most precious. I plan to give it to you." Give me the most important person."

   Originally, I wanted to give him a surprise, but now that I saw him, I couldn't help but reveal it.

Hearing her words, Xuanyuan Ye's eyes flickered slightly, and it seemed that after a moment of pause, he came back to his senses, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, Not because she left him something special, but because of her saying that the most important person.

   "In your heart, I'm really the most important?" Xuanyuan Ye quickly took her into his arms, the depression just now disappeared without a trace, and at this moment, there was only gentleness in his voice.

   "What do you think?" Meng Fuying raised her head slightly, and said with a smile on her face, "Who else is there besides you?"

  Xuanyuan Ye's smile widened even more, and he held her tightly in his arms, without saying anything, her words were enough.

   "By the way, where did you get the money?" Xuanyuan Ye didn't think of this question until now. It took an astonishing amount of money to make her original mess like this.

"You're only thinking about this now?" Meng Fuying slightly pushed him away, and gave him a slightly dissatisfied look, "It's my concubine who pawned a piece of her rough jade to me. Concubine Mu believes in me and supports me. You won't be like you, don't believe me at all, and stop me."

"I'm sorry." Xuanyuan Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said softly. He is as proud as him, and he has never apologized to anyone since he grew up. Today he apologized to her sincerely. He should have believed her and supported her back then. .

After entering the palace, Meng Fuying asked people to move things to the Heshou Palace, and it happened that Concubine Rou was also in Heshou Palace. After Concubine Rou got well, she often went to Heshou Palace to accompany the Empress Dowager, but rarely bothered the Emperor and accompanied the Empress Dowager more time than spending time with the emperor.

  Of course, except the time when the emperor goes to Rouxin Palace at night.

  Actually, although the emperor often went to the Soft Heart Palace these days, nothing happened between her and the emperor. The emperor wanted her several times, but she refused because she was not feeling well.

  She felt that she seemed a little unable to accept the emperor now.

   In the past, the emperor had different women, but she was still able to suppress the unhappiness in her heart every time and greet him with a happy face, but now, she really couldn't do it.

  When she thought of that fake soft concubine, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart, and she became more resistant to the emperor.

   I heard that the emperor went to Concubine Liu's side in the past two nights. At this moment, she even faintly felt that there seemed to be a sense of relief in her heart, and she did not have the feeling of jealousy she used to.

"Ying girl, what are you doing?" The queen mother was stunned when she saw the guards bringing in the packages one by one. A gift for Ai’s family? But what are these?”

Concubine Rou's eyes also flickered slightly, guessing that it must be what Fu'er told her earlier, there was a little more expectation in her eyes, I don't know if it was really as good as what Fu'er said .

   "Grandma Huang, you'll know right away." Meng Fuying didn't explain much, but smiled slightly mysteriously. Then he ordered the maid on the side, "You opened those boxes, be careful, don't break things."

   "What kind of treasures are these, and you have to be so careful." The empress dowager got a little more interested, so she also stood up and walked over.

   "It's a gift from Fu'er to Grandma Huang and the concubine mother. It's very precious." Meng Fuying said with a smile all over her face, and gently supported the Queen Mother while speaking.

   "Ha, I really didn't expect that this greedy girl would give us something without hesitation. Concubine Rou, take a look, is the sun coming out from the west today?" The Empress Dowager looked at Concubine Rou and smiled intentionally.

   "Who says it's not, but I'm very moved by the concubine." Concubine Rou also followed the Queen Mother's words, with just a pair of eyes, but then looked at those things, eager to know what they were.

  The maids slowly opened the box, and then took out the contents one by one, first two vases, and then the porcelain pillow to be given to the emperor.

The empress dowager's smile that was originally all over her face froze so suddenly, her eyes widened even more, she looked at the thing in front of her in disbelief, she subconsciously stretched out her hand, and touched it carefully, her face was full of astonishment. Asked, "Hey, what is this made of? Is it really porcelain? How can it be such a beautiful porcelain, and it is so exquisitely made? It's really amazing. Ai's family has lived for such a long time." A lot of young people, have you never seen such a thing?"

The Empress Dowager's eyes have been staring at the porcelain all the time, not concealing her astonishment. As the Empress Dowager, but the head of the harem, what kind of baby has never been seen before. For her, I am afraid that there is nothing that is It can surprise her, shock her.

  That's why she was joking so casually just now, but when she saw these things, she was really shocked.

  Concubine Rou, although she had heard Meng Fuying talk about these things long ago, and had even seen the pictures drawn by Meng Fuying, she was dumbfounded at this moment.

   "Ying girl, where did you get these treasures?" The queen mother finally recovered, but she looked at Meng Fuying in astonishment, and couldn't help asking.

"Grandma Huang, I told you, I'm afraid you won't believe it. These things are all produced by herself." Xuanyuan Ye still gently embraced Meng Fuying, and couldn't help but hear what the Empress Dowager said. Live back.

Sure enough, the empress dowager was completely startled, her eyes widened, she looked at Meng Fuying in disbelief, as if she saw an alien, the corners of her lips trembled slightly, and then slowly said word by word. Said, "Ying girl, this, is this true?"

"It's true, this concubine knows about it." Concubine Rou didn't wait for Meng Fuying to speak, she replied for Meng Fuying, her eyes slowly looked at Meng Fuying in relief, with a bit of strange look Proud, the pride of being a mother, "Our Fu'er is no worse than a man."

   And when she said this, there was a little pride in her voice. An ordinary mother would definitely feel uncomfortable if her daughter-in-law surpassed her son, but she didn't mind at all.

  Of course, she also knows, and Ye'er won't mind.

When the Queen Mother heard Concubine Rou's words, she was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Xuanyuan Ye with her eyes. Seeing Xuanyuan Ye still had a chuckle on her face, without any strangeness, she immediately smiled and said, "Well, Ying girl is really good. It's getting better and better."

   Then he looked at those things again, and said happily, "Which one of these is for the emperor, or are they all for the emperor?"

"Grandma Huang said that Fu'er is greedy, and Grandma Huang is even more greedy than Fu'er." Meng Fuying glanced at her red lips and joked deliberately. After a slight pause, she added again, "The vase, Grandma Huang and Concubine Mu One for each person, that dragon-shaped porcelain pillow is for the father.”

   "Well, good." The empress dowager responded repeatedly, then turned to the maid at the side and ordered, "Go and report to the emperor, and let the emperor come to Ai's house to get the treasure."

   "Yes." The little maid quickly responded and walked out again and again.

  The Empress Dowager asked Concubine Rou to choose a vase, and she took another vase, placed it on the table, touched the vase lightly, and couldn't help but said again, "Isn't it very comfortable to touch?"

   "What treasure do you want me to come and get?" The emperor's speed is quite fast, and he has already come in just a while, but he came with him, and there is even Concubine Liu.

  The emperor walked in, and when he saw Concubine Rou, he was startled for a moment, but then he quickly turned his eyes away, looked at the queen mother, and said with a soft smile, "What treasure did the queen mother ask me to come here specially?"

When the Empress Dowager saw Liu Shi who came in with him, she couldn't help but twitched her brows, subconsciously glanced at Concubine Rou, and saw that Concubine Rou's face was still calm, without any strangeness, she couldn't help but slightly startled.

  But then said, "It's the treasure sent by the shadow girl."

   "Oh, Fu'er sent it?" The emperor's eyes also looked at Meng Fuying, and the corners of his eyebrows twitched slightly, "Does Fu'er have any treasures for me? It would be nice if you don't come to ask me for treasures."

  In the voice, there was Ming's teasing, but there was also a bit of disapproval.

   "It's Fu'er's wish anyway, why does the emperor make fun of the children." Concubine Liu's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a light smile, but deep in her eyes, there was a hint of disdain.

  The emperor has never seen anything precious, yet she dared to offer it, which is really ridiculous. While speaking, he also glanced slightly at Concubine Rou, and Chen Jiao was a little proud.

   It's just that Concubine Rou didn't even look at her, as if she didn't hear her words at all.

In other words, these things of Meng Fuying are not worth a lot of money in modern times, but in this ancient time, no one has ever seen such fine porcelain, how could it be possible not to be surprised, not shocked, never seen before Things are the most precious treasure.

"It's on the table inside?" The Empress Dowager frowned slightly when she heard Concubine Liu's words, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in her expression. How could she not understand Concubine Liu's thoughts, but she believed , after Concubine Liu sees those things, I'm afraid...

"Well, then I'll go in and have a look." Although the emperor didn't realize that there would be any real treasures, but after hearing what the queen mother said, he also cooperated with the queen mother, and walked into the inner room while speaking, Entering the room, she saw the porcelain pillow on the table, she was startled immediately, her footsteps couldn't help but stop, and Concubine Liu, who had been following him all this time, saw the porcelain pillow on the table through his side. Behind the pillow is also completely stunned.

"Well, what is this made of? It seems to be made of porcelain, but it doesn't seem to be. Fu'er, what is this like? Where did you get it?" Concubine Liu is usually the most calm, but at this moment she couldn't bear it. asked.

When Meng Fuying saw her walking in with the emperor, Meng Fuying's face was slightly gloomy, but when she heard her words just now, she sneered even more in her heart, but now she heard her exclamation, and said very casually, "It's not something special, it's just some things that Fu'er made by himself, which made Concubine Liu laugh."

   "What, you did this? Impossible?" Concubine Liu was completely shocked, forgetting the usual dignifiedness she tried to maintain, and shouted with a look of astonishment.

   "Fu'er, did you really do it?" The emperor's eyes slowly turned to Meng Fuying again, and asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Meng Fuying responded with a slight nod. She suddenly lost her previous affection for the emperor. Concubine Rou has suffered so much for him, and now she has only come out of the basement for a few days, and he is just like this. Is it right to go out with Concubine Liu?

   In the past, when the fake Concubine Rou was around, didn’t he show that he cared about Concubine Rou? Now it turns out,

   "I didn't expect you, a girl, to have such abilities." The emperor also praised her unabashedly, "Okay, okay, I like the treasure you gave me."

   Then looked at the vase, smiled again, "You made this vase too?"

"Yes, one is for the queen mother, and the other is for the concubine mother." Meng Fuying raised her eyes slightly this time, and said with joy, looking at the cup that was opened last, adding again Said, "This cup is for Qing'er."

  She said this intentionally to Concubine Liu. Everyone has prepared, even Qinger, but she is not there.

  The patterns on these two vases were specially designed by her. The one that the Empress Dowager held was a phoenix, while the one on Concubine Rou was a plum blossom, because in the past few days, she found that Concubine Rou liked the plum blossom very much.

   In the future, other products will be produced, but there will never be the same pattern as these two.

   Sure enough, Concubine Liu's face froze quickly, and her eyes couldn't help looking at the vase again, with a hint of jealousy hidden in her eyes. The hand hidden under the clothes also tightened involuntarily.

   She also sees a lot of jewelry, jade and so on, and there is no shortage of them, but she has never seen such things before.

  Actually, she really wants one now, but Meng Fuying didn't say to give it to her, so she was naturally too embarrassed to ask.

  The emperor ignored her at this moment, walked straight to the table, picked up the porcelain pillow, looked at it carefully, and kept praising, "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful."

  Concubine Liu walked forward slowly, with a little more envy on her face.

  Seeing her expression, Meng Fuying was secretly amused, and suddenly remembered that there were still a few bolts of silk that hadn't been opened yet.

   "By the way, Fu'er also brought some bolts of silk to make some sets of clothes for the queen mother and mother concubine." Meng Fuying had someone unpack the outer packaging and brought it over.

  At first, when everyone heard her talking about the silk, they didn't pay much attention to it, but when they saw the maid brought the silk, they were shocked again.

   None of them have ever seen such smooth silk and satin, and the color is really beautiful.

   "Grandma Huang, these two are yours." Meng Fuying first chose two colors suitable for the Empress Dowager.

   Then she took a lavender one, put it in front of Concubine Rou, and said softly, "Concubine Mu, this is your favorite color."

   Concubine Rou, like her, likes purple. He chose another color and put it in front of Concubine Rou.

   "En, Fu'er is so good." Concubine Rou was stunned for a moment, her eyes were a little touched, this girl is really careful, she has figured out what she likes in just a few days.

Concubine Liu's eyes lit up when she saw those silks and satins. Although the porcelain is beautiful, it is only for viewing after all, but the clothes are worn on the body, different materials, Different colors have different effects on the body.

  In this harem, which woman is not desperately dressing up, just to make the emperor look at them more.

   As for Meng Fuying's clothes, Concubine Liu had never seen them before. She didn't need to think about it, but she knew that the clothes made of silk and satin would definitely be beautiful, very beautiful if worn on her body.

  She kept looking at her with longing eyes, thinking, Meng Fuying would give her some points, after all, she was a noble concubine.

  Seeing that Meng Fuying gave two horses to the Queen Mother and two horses to Concubine Rou, she felt even more jealous, especially when she saw that the two colors of Concubine Rou were particularly beautiful. Moreover, she is about the same age as Concubine Rou, which is also the most suitable for her.

  Seeing that Meng Fuying had given the two horses to Concubine Rou, she couldn't help but reach out and grab them.

However, this is the Heshou Palace, in front of the empress dowager and the emperor, it is impossible for her to do that, so she can only look at the last two horses. Although the color of the last two horses is a little tender, but It's also brighter, which is also very good.

   "I'll leave the last two colors to Qing'er." Seeing her anxious eyes, Meng Fuying was secretly amused, and finally said deliberately.

  Concubine Liu was startled for a moment, her face froze for a moment, there was obvious disappointment in her eyes, but she was even more angry in her heart. The breath was stuck in his chest, and he almost couldn't breathe.

After all, she is also a noble concubine, and Meng Fuying is a junior, so she doesn't have her share of things. It's fine if the other noble concubines are not here, but she is standing here now. Meng Fuying didn't mean to embarrass her ?

  At this moment, the emperor was only paying attention to the porcelain pillow in his hand, and didn't pay attention to the matter of dividing the silk and satin at all, so naturally he didn't pay attention to whether Meng Fuying's actions were appropriate.

   What's more, even if he knew that what Meng Fuying did was inappropriate, he wouldn't say anything at this time.

   "Fu'er, this silk and satin is really smooth and beautiful, and the clothes made out of this must be even more beautiful." Concubine Rou also understood what Meng Fuying meant, so she said in line with her meaning.

  She doesn't want to earn anymore, she is completely disappointed with the emperor, but for these two children, she absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt them, and she will not allow anyone to arrange their mistakes.

  Before, when she saw Concubine Liu walking in with the emperor, she didn't feel much, but when she heard Concubine Liu say Fu'er, she felt a little more angry in her heart.

   "Yes, the concubine mother is already beautiful, and if she wears such clothes, she will look even more like a fairy." Meng Fuying's eyes flickered slightly when she heard Concubine Rou's words, and she smiled softly.

The emperor's eyes finally lifted from the porcelain pillow, and looked at Concubine Rou. At this moment, the lavender silk, just placed in front of Concubine Rou, reflected a special slightly hazy look on Concubine Rou's face. nice.

The emperor's eyes flashed a bit of trance, and also a bit of shock. The beauty of Concubine Rou is unparalleled. If she really puts on that dress, I don't know what she will look like. appearance.

"Fu'er is right. If Concubine Rou wears it, she must be as beautiful as a fairy. I will let people come to the palace to cut some clothes for the Queen Mother and Concubine Rou." The emperor a few days ago because of her constant rejection And angry, he deliberately went to Concubine Liu's side, Concubine Liu was always the quietest, but these two days, he felt uncomfortable, so he stayed with Concubine Liu all the time. Of course it was done on purpose for Concubine Rou to see.

  Now he has not been to Rouxin Palace for three days, presumably when he goes again, Concubine Rou will not reject him again.

   When Concubine Rou heard what the emperor said, the smile on her lips froze slightly, she just lowered her face slightly, no one noticed, and her body that was placed on the table also subconsciously tightened.

When Meng Fuying looked at her tightly clenched hands, her heart ached even more. The emperor could hug Concubine Liu while talking softly to Concubine Rou. He thought that all women must have no complaints. He obeyed without regret.

  That man only knows about conquest and occupation, but he doesn't understand love.

   "Well, then follow the emperor's wishes." The queen mother was obviously looking forward to it, and when she heard the emperor's words, she responded repeatedly.

  Since the queen mother has already said it, Concubine Rou can't say anything more, and this color is also her favorite color, and it is Fu'er's heart.

  Concubine Liu's eyes were filled with jealousy, especially when she heard the emperor's words, she hated her even more.

  Up to now, everyone has completely ignored her, completely treating her as air.

There is a tailor in the palace, and he rushed over quickly, measured the empress dowager and Concubine Rou, and when he saw the silk and satin in front of him, he was amazed again and again, "I have been a tailor all my life, and I have never seen such a thing." As for silk and satin, the clothes made of such silk and satin really don't know what kind of amazing effect it will have."

The tailor's words made Concubine Liu's heart itch even more, and her eyes became more envious. Even the tailor in the palace said that. Obviously, this material is extremely rare. Why don't you take this opportunity to get a set? , I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

   "Your Majesty, the silk and satin are really beautiful, and the concubine also likes it very much." After all, Concubine Liu couldn't help it, but she couldn't bear to ask Meng Fuying for it, so she said to the Emperor coquettishly.

  The emperor was startled, then looked at Meng Fuying, and said softly, "Fu'er, is there any more? Concubine Liu happens to be here too, so I have to do something for her."

  Meng Fuying's face suddenly sank, this man is really hateful, he actually said such words in front of Concubine Rou.

  At first, he thought of saying a word and pushed back, but seeing Concubine Liu's envious face, her eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly she had an idea to play tricks on her.

  She has also noticed in the past few days that this soft concubine seems to be extremely honest on the surface, but she is the most insidious one. Since you are making fun of yourself, don't blame her.

  Her eyes were looking at Concubine Liu, the corners of her lips were pulled slightly, a slight smile was pulled out, her red lips moved slightly, and she spoke slowly.