MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 51 his rage (1)

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Qingzhu couldn't stop anything, so he could only pray for his master secretly in his heart. When he saw the snow mastiff's nose approaching the red wedding dress, he sighed secretly again in his heart. Poor master, if he is caught by His Highness, I don't know what will happen to him. How are you?

   It's just that the snow mastiff's nose sniffed the wedding dress for a while, but suddenly it grabbed it impatiently.

  Sufeng didn't expect it to make such a move, and when he was unprepared, the wedding dress was stepped on the ground by it.

  Xuanyuan Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of surprise quickly flashed in the depths of his eyes, what's going on?

   It stands to reason that Snow Mastiff knew it was hers, so she should cherish it very much, and it is absolutely impossible to deliberately damage it.

  Qingzhu also had a look of astonishment, the snow mastiff is obviously a little strange today.

After stepping on the wedding dress on the ground, the Snow Mastiff sniffed again. This time, it was more serious than before. However, the fur on its body seemed to stand up slightly again. It is not difficult to see that at this moment, it really I'm a little irritable.

  Xuanyuan Ye stared straight at it, and there was a bit of tension and anticipation in his eyes that he didn't even realize.

   However, after sniffing for a while, the snow mastiff suddenly lay down on the ground. At this moment, it was no longer just impatient, but also a little more frustrated.

   It even pulled the wedding dress aside, whimpering, wondering what it meant?

"What's going on here?" Su Feng's eyes widened, and he asked with a puzzled face. The snow mastiff had been tamed by His Highness just now, and he had already 'promised' to help find Miss Meng. It stands to reason that, Should be very cooperative?

  But its current attitude is not cooperative at all.

"It can't smell the smell of the master, can it?" Qingzhu looked at it for a while, and said suddenly, although she also knew that the snow mastiff's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, but the way it looks at the moment really makes her feel that way .

"How is it possible? This dress was worn by your master just today. With its keen sense of smell, how could it not be able to smell it, unless your master didn't wear this wedding dress at all today." Su Feng swept slightly She glanced at her with disapproval.

   "Impossible, this wedding gown was put on by the maidservant herself for the master." Qingzhu was slightly displeased when he dismissed it.

   "Go and get a piece of fresh raw meat, don't bring it into the room, don't let it see it." Xuanyuan Ye narrowed his eyes, and suddenly ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes." Su Feng flashed out quickly, and in just a moment, he got a piece of raw meat from nowhere, and the meat was still dripping with blood. He didn't let Snow Mastiff see the piece of meat, but put the piece of meat The piece of meat was placed outside the door.

  At this moment, the blood mastiff was squatting at the door, so it was only a few steps away from the piece of meat.

  The green bamboo standing in the room smelled a **** smell, and it was faintly disgusting.

  But the snow mastiff was still lying on the ground, without moving or responding at all.

  The blood mastiff is specialized in eating raw meat. Even though it usually doesn't eat food fed by strangers, it will definitely react when it smells raw meat.

but now…

  Sufeng was stunned for a moment, but also had to admit that Qingzhu's statement just now seemed to be correct.

   "Go get an imperial physician." Xuanyuan Ye's originally gloomy face became more and more gloomy. In the gloomy, it seemed to be a little dark, and there was a feeling that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

   Su Feng was startled slightly, why don't you ask an imperial physician to see this dog? no? But His Highness clearly meant that.

  Although he was surprised, he didn't dare to have any objection. After a reply, he quickly left to ask the imperial doctor to treat the dog.

   I have to say that Su Feng's speed of handling things is indeed amazingly fast. In less than a quarter of a second, he 'dragged' an imperial physician.

It is not too much to say that it is procrastinating, he just dragged the imperial physician in so abruptly, the imperial physician's eyes seem to have not been opened yet, and the clothes on his body are still obscene clothes. dug out.

  Su Feng, who is usually like an ice cube, can really do anything. If it is true, there are such subordinates as there is a master.

  Qingzhu saw that the imperial doctor's clothes were disheveled, the corners of his brows were slightly frowned, and he quickly opened his eyes, his face was slightly gloomy.

  But at this moment, it is not the time to care about that.

  The imperial doctor was taken away from the room. When he saw Xuanyuan Ye, he was shocked suddenly. He couldn't recover for a while, and he didn't even salute.

  Or, he thought he was dreaming at this moment.

   Well, he was sleeping soundly, but suddenly he was dug out by Sufeng, and without a word, he was brought here directly, and whoever it was, would not be able to react.

   "Check its nose, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Ye ordered coldly, regardless of whether he recovered his senses or not.

The imperial doctor's body trembled, his eyes widened suddenly, he looked straight at Xuanyuan Ye, pinched his thigh fiercely with his hand, his mouth cracked in pain, this time he realized that he was not dreaming, Then he saluted in panic, "Please refer to Your Highness for a humble position."

  Xuanyuan Ye frowned slightly, showing some dissatisfaction faintly, glanced at him coldly, then looked at the snow mastiff in front of him, "Check its nose, what's the matter?"

  He repeated what he said just now. He always cherishes words like gold, but today, he seems to have talked too much. I have repeated my meaning more than once.

  That's right, that woman made him an exception. In the past, let alone repeating what he said, even if he was ordering his subordinates, sometimes it was just a matter of his eyes.

  The imperial physician's eyes slowly turned to the snow mastiff, startled, His Highness asked him to treat that dog? He is not a veterinarian, and most importantly, he is afraid when he sees that huge monster, so how dare he check it out.

   "Hurry up." Seeing that he was not moving, Su Feng urged in a low voice. His Highness at this moment is like a volcano that may erupt at any time, so don't mess with it.

   While speaking, he pushed the imperial doctor towards the snow mastiff.

  The imperial doctor could only bite the bullet and leaned over, but his leg was trembling constantly.

   Fortunately, Snow Mastiff seemed to understand everyone's words, so, it was extremely cooperative, and the imperial doctor was slightly relieved, and began to examine it carefully.

  The imperial physician's medical skills are not bad. Of course, when Su Feng goes out, it is naturally impossible to dig out bad ones. After checking for a while, he reported to Xuanyuan Ye, "Your Highness, its nose can't smell."

  Xuanyuan Ye's eyes sank again, the corners of his lips moved slightly, and he said coldly, "The reason." It seems that the results of their experiment just now are not wrong at all, can't they smell it? A snow mastiff but can't smell it?

   "If the humble job is not mistaken, it should be a temporary loss of smell." The imperial doctor trembled again when looking at Xuanyuanye's blood stagnant eyes, and replied cautiously.

   "Temporary loss of sense of smell." Xuanyuan Ye repeated the words of the imperial physician word by word, and there seemed to be a feeling of gnashing of teeth in that cold voice.

  The hand hanging slightly by the side also tightened suddenly, temporarily, the sense of smell lost! Only ghosts believe that it was an accidental accident.

   Su Feng's eyes once again flashed a bit of astonishment, and faintly, he could also guess a possibility. When he saw His Highness's expression, he couldn't help sweating secretly for someone.

   "Yes." The imperial doctor didn't know why, so he could only answer in a low voice again.

   "The reason." Xuanyuanye's lips moved again, and this time his voice was even more icy, just like an ice pick was dropped in the severe winter, and the ice hit everyone.

   The reason, although he was asking the imperial physician, how could he not know the answer in his heart.

"It should be caused by some kind of medicine." The imperial physician shrank back in fright, then reported the truth, paused for a moment, and then added again, "It seems that someone did it on purpose, because the humble official found out that the medicine It's not simple."

A sneer slowly appeared on the corner of Xuanyuan Ye's lips. Yes, he was smiling, but that smile made people feel no smile at all, instead it made people feel the blood stagnant coldness, making everyone present People, including Hayakaze, are all creepy.

  The imperial doctor even knelt on the ground on the spot, shaking like the fallen leaves after autumn. He thought that he had done something wrong and angered His Highness. However, he did report it truthfully, and he did not say anything wrong.

  Qingzhu turned her eyes and gave him a hard look. The last sentence will kill the master.

"Heal it." Xuanyuan Ye loosened his clenched hands slightly, and seemed to take a deep breath before speaking again, this time the voice was still bone-chilling, and more A bit of a dangerous breath.

The doctor's body trembled more and more, a layer of sweat oozed from his forehead, he obviously felt the bone-piercing cold, but the sweat dripped out uncontrollably, his body suddenly bent down on the ground, trembling He replied, "Returning to Your Highness, I don't know what kind of medicine it is. If I can't prescribe the right medicine, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating."

   It's rare that this imperial doctor can still speak such complete and fluent words under such circumstances.

   Xuanyuan Ye's cold eyes quickly turned to Qingzhu.

  Qingzhu has been following her all along, so she should be aware of it!

Qingzhu was secretly startled, but now, facing His Highness, she absolutely did not dare to hide the slightest thing, because she knew that there was nothing that could be hidden from His Highness, she took a deep breath, and then He whispered, "These days, the master has been smelling different flowers, grass, and some strange things to it..."

  Qingzhu paused slightly, she thought it was the master who was bored to pass the time, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

   "This is what the servant saw and didn't pay much attention to. The servant really doesn't know about other things." Because she didn't think of that at all, she didn't care at all.

   That is to say, she has no idea what the medicine is.

  It's better not to say what she said. After using so many things, no one knows what caused the snow mastiff to lose its sense of smell.

"It may have been caused by Miss Meng's unintentional actions, but since Miss Meng has smelled so many things for it, I'm afraid even Miss Meng herself doesn't know which kind of thing caused it, so the humble official dare not prescribe drugs." The imperial doctor continued Qingzhu's words again and again, obviously, he still hasn't figured out the situation.

  So, his explanation at the moment has a feeling of adding fuel to the fire.

  Qing Zhu glared at him fiercely again, this imperial doctor is really hateful, he just said what he couldn't say.

   Unintentional move! Only ghosts believe that she did it unintentionally! She clearly planned it for a long time.

Xuanyuan Ye's face gradually turned black, black, it seemed that the whole face could no longer find the slightest light, it became like the gloomy before the sudden storm, black and terrifying, at this moment, I am afraid that the King of Hades will see him He was frightened.

  Emotions That woman has been plotting this all these days.

   has been planning how to escape marriage! Thinking of this, the anger in Xuanyuan Ye's heart boiled suddenly, like a volcano that was about to erupt, the suppression at the last moment was just for that instant eruption.

His hand suddenly slapped the door beside him. The solid wooden door was turned into sawdust in an instant. ash.

  Qingzhu's body couldn't help shrinking back a bit, but she didn't dare to dodge, letting the sawdust sprinkle her all over her body and face.

  At this moment, Xuanyuan Ye's appearance made her afraid from the bottom of her heart. If possible, she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

  I couldn't help but worry more and more about my master. If my master is caught by His Highness, I don't know if he will be smashed like this door. Judging from His Highness's current appearance, it is very possible.

  She prayed secretly in her heart, don't let His Highness catch the master.

  Sufeng's body also froze obviously. He knew that His Highness was really angry this time. He had been with His Highness for so many years, and he had never seen His Highness so angry. It seemed that he couldn't control it.

   Standing beside His Highness, he could clearly feel His Highness's anger.

His Highness has always been able to control his emotions very well, and has always been indifferent to emotions, but at this moment, not only did he not control, but he showed it so directly, it can only show that His Highness is out of control this time .

   Lost control because of Meng Fuying.

  That woman is really capable. Unexpectedly, she had already calculated the snow mastiff beforehand, and she had already thought that His Highness would use the snow mastiff. It was really powerful.

  The doctor's soul was so frightened that he literally collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

  Su Feng was a little worried, whether His Highness would directly kill the imperial physician.

   "Your Highness, why don't you go and invite other imperial physicians to take a look." Su Feng bit the bullet and suggested, because the atmosphere at the moment is so terrifying that even he can't hold on anymore.

  Xuanyuanye seemed to be slightly stunned for a moment, his eyes looked at the snow mastiff again, and said in a deep voice, "No need."

  Since it has been calculated, according to her shrewdness, how can there be any room left, no matter how many imperial physicians are invited, it will be useless.

  She really tried her best to calculate even this point, and she didn't leave him the slightest chance.

  Okay, that's great, Meng Fuying, this king really underestimated you, you are really capable.

   I really didn't expect that she would have this kind of ability to strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

   The calculations are really precise enough, I want to see what skills you have!

   It's just that he seems to have lost this first round...

  He has to admit that she is indeed a formidable opponent. If at this moment, the two are on a hostile battlefield...

  Xuanyuanye's lips slowly pulled out a sneer again, although it was still cold, but it seemed that there were a little more complicated emotions, and the anger on his face just now was slowly suppressed.

   The mentality of chasing people has also changed slightly, and now it is more like a contest between the two.

   Without saying anything else, he turned around and left suddenly.

   Both Qingzhu and Sufeng looked astonished, a little puzzled, but after Sufeng realized it, he hurriedly followed out, and Qingzhu hung his heart tightly.

  Worried about Meng Fuying.

   Search the city, continue to search the city, all night, without stopping.

  Xuanyuan Ye didn't sleep, he never changed his clothes, and he didn't even go to court the next day.

   Xuanyuan Chen danced all night, while the miserable Meng Fuying nestled under that bridge all night.

  At first, she thought that Xuanyuan Ye had already searched the palace, and she would definitely not search again, so the room she chose would be safe, but she didn't expect that there would be troubles.

  One afternoon, plus a whole night, Meng Fuying only felt that the bones in her whole body were hardened, and her whole body ached when she moved.

  Xuanyuanchen, our son has grown up.

   Soft Heart Palace.

  Concubine Rou sat upright in the room, her eyes slightly looking forward, not knowing what she was thinking.

  The court ladies all stood aside, no one bothered her. Concubine Rou often sat in a daze like this, and they were all used to it.

  Concubine Rou has a very good temper. She never gets angry with them, and never punishes them. Moreover, she is extremely favored by the emperor. It is their blessing to be able to follow such a master.

   "The emperor is here." The sudden shrill voice broke the silence.

  Concubine Rou also quickly retracted her gaze, stood up quickly, and came out to meet the emperor. Seeing the emperor walking in, her face was full of intoxicating softness, and she saluted slightly, "My concubine greets the emperor."

  That gentle voice can even drip water, just like the intoxicating spring breeze blowing everyone's heart, not to mention a man, even a woman, can't help being intoxicated.

   "I love my concubine, you don't need to be too polite." The emperor also smiled lightly, and there was a little more tenderness in his usually cold eyes, and he stretched out his hand slightly, and helped her up.

"Your majesty has just come down to court. The concubine has already made people boil the soup." The smile on Concubine Rou's face became more and more intoxicating. With his gentle support, she slowly got up, and then softly ordered the maid, "Go to the emperor's house." Serve up the soup."

  That is, when talking to the maids, they always speak in such a soft voice.

   "Yes." The maid answered softly, but her movements were not slow, and she quickly went to serve the emperor soup.

   "I still love my concubine the most." The emperor smiled softly, and slowly put one hand on Concubine Rou's back, pressing on a certain part of her back.

  Concubine Rou's body seemed to froze slightly, and the smile on her face also froze suddenly, but the slight froze was very fast, very fast, and not obvious, so no one noticed.

   "The emperor knows how to make fun of his concubines." The smile on her face spread quickly again, and she smiled coquettishly. A bit more shyness of a woman.

  The smile on the emperor's face seemed to grow stronger, he embraced her, and slowly walked to the chair she was sitting on just now, sat down, and casually let Concubine Rou sit on the side.

  The palace lady has already served the soup, the emperor brought it over, and wanted to drink it, but Concubine Rou gently held it with her hand, "The emperor is always so careless, let the concubine try it for the emperor first."

  In a soft voice, with a slight coquettishness, while speaking, he picked up the small spoon on the side, slowly scooped a spoonful, and fed it into his mouth.

   "You are always so careful." The emperor sighed slightly, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a little more tenderness, "With you, I still have nothing to worry about."

  In those words, there was obvious trust, but also a touch of affection, but his fingers holding the soup bowl seemed to tremble slightly.

   "Your Majesty, the concubine does not want the emperor to have any mistakes." Concubine Rou said softly again, "To the concubine, the emperor's life is more important than the concubine's own."

  When she said this, the smile on her face became even more touching, and there was an undisguised affection in that tenderness.

  She had already drank the soup, and there was nothing wrong with it, so she slowly pushed the soup to the emperor's mouth, and said softly, "Okay, the emperor can drink now."

  The emperor smiled lightly again, and quickly drank the soup in just a few sips, and there was nothing left.

   "The soup made by my concubine is always so delicious." Putting down the bowl in his hand, the emperor praised without hesitation. His voice was also extremely sincere, with a touch of tenderness and a touch of emotion.

   It's just that, I don't know if it's an illusion in a trance, the smile on the emperor's face at this moment seems to be slightly stagnant.

   "The emperor made fun of his concubines again." Concubine Rou gave him a slight look, pretending to be dissatisfied. In the end, the emperor laughed softly again.

   "Your Majesty, what's the matter with Ye'er?" Concubine Rou hesitated for a moment, then asked in a low voice, there was obvious worry in those beautiful eyes.

   "I haven't found that girl yet." The emperor didn't shy away from her, and replied directly, "I really don't know where that girl is hiding, and even Ye'er can't be found."

   "Yes, that girl really knows how to hide." Concubine Rou frowned slightly, with a little bit of annoyance on her face, "It's just that Ye'er took so much trouble to find, is it appropriate?"

   "Hehe..." The emperor suddenly chuckled, "When does he care about whether it is appropriate or not?"

  As long as it is what Ye'er wants to do, she never cares so much.