MTL - For a Prosperous World-Chapter 424 : Everyone has his own life

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The Prince's suit pressed the hilt of his sword, and looked at the people around Cao Cao, but did not rush to kill him immediately.

When he discussed with Dong Cheng that day, he had concerns.

"Dong Hou, I heard that Cao Cao's account has many tyrants, and there is also a person who often wears white clothes, and Yong Wu is even more Lu Bu. If Cao Cao is surrounded by guards, this can be difficult.

"General Wang, Cao Cao has almost no guards when he enters and leaves the palace, and it is already the best time to start. As for a strong general on the side, hum, two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands, and they will win together.


The sky was dim, so at first glance, Wang Zifu saw the white man standing in front of Cao Cao.

There are many rumors about Cao Cao's white shirt.

Some people even say that she stopped Xiliang Wanjun alone at the mountain stream. Of course, this exaggerated rhetoric is only a few people in the legend, and few people believe it.

But there is one thing most people are sure of, that person's force is better than that of the general Lu Bu.

How powerful Lu Bu was. He had met that year. He did not believe that there would be people stronger than Lu Bu in this world. Since it is so rumored, it would not be too bad to want to come.

So even though the white man next to Cao Cao didn't look like a general, maybe he wasn't that person, he didn't dare to come forward easily.

However, the Prince's clothing was so, but not all his subordinates. The generals who were also riding warhorses beside him were already unable to hold back.

In his opinion, Cao Cao had only three guards beside him, and the remaining three were conspirators. It was easy to kill Cao Cao. He didn't want to miss such an easy opportunity to build his career.

The prince's suit was not ordered, and the hundreds of people who blocked the palace gate had not yet moved, but the three men in front of Cao Cao had already walked up to the palace gate.

Gu Nan didn't keep up, but there were more than 300 people in front of the palace gate, except for the two generals, who were all pawns.

The steps are chaotic. Without an array, they should be patchwork soldiers.

Among them, only a hundred or so people wore iron armor, and the rest only wore leather armor and cloth armor. They wanted to be private supporters.

Such three hundred people, the three of Dian Wei fully coped over.

On the contrary, overcoming them does not mean that these three people can stop all three hundred people. Since the purpose of those people was Cao Cao, it was better to guard her.

The wind was getting closer and closer. In the narrow palace road, three people walked towards hundreds of people.

"It's not enough for me to fight alone."

Dian Wei grinned, and pulled out his two short halberds, and the halberd dragged across the stone slab on the palace path to make a harsh frictional sound.

The long sword in Cao Ang's hand also made a humming sound: "General Dian, I will have a few people in a while, so I can try my new sword skill."

Cao Ren was the most stable. He glanced at Cao Ang and instructed: "Be careful with your son."

"Small!" With a whistle of resignation, the department next to the Prince's clothing would not wait any longer, but hurriedly rushed towards the three men and raised the spear in his hand.

"Come to death!"

He was confident that he could kill someone with horsepower.

The war horse rushed quickly, and the rapid sound of horseshoes encouraged the sound of the wind.

The spear on the horse's back was held high, and it was sharp.

When seeing the rushing people, Dian Wei stopped and held the hand of the short halberd. The blue tendons exploded, his eyes were fierce, and he sang loudly.

"The palace gates are forbidden to be trampled!"

The ministry was stunned and hadn't responded yet.

The halberd flashing with cold light had been thrown, and his voice whistled into his chest.

As soon as the body was light, the whole person was flying high into the air, and then he fell heavily.

A dust rose from the ground, and the ministry spit out blood.

With the long gun off his hand, the Ministry will open his eyes in horror and kick his legs to get up, which is no longer useful.

Stained red blood flowed over the slate, and the ministry stopped struggling and fell silently there.

Only an unmanned horse in the distance was frightened away.

Dian Wei stepped forward and pulled out the short halberd in his chest, raised his eyes, and there was silence in the air.

Hundreds' hearts were cold as they looked at the man full of evil spirits.

"Mo Pan." Wang Zifu now had no heart to scold the minister who had not achieved enough and failed, and waved his sword.

"But three people, quickly took it down, took one of the first level, and paid a hundred dollars!"

Under the heavy reward, the crowd no longer hesitated, and they shouted and shook the palace door, rushing towards the three Cao Ang.

The prince's clothes did not rush up together but looked at Cao Cao standing behind, and gritted his teeth.

This time the incident was to kill Cao Cao. At the moment, in his opinion, he can only let go.

"Drive!" With a boast of the horse's belly, the horse's hoof stepped on the slab, bypassing the crowded people, and ran towards Cao Cao in the back.


The sound of the horse's hoof was getting closer, Guo Jia saw his general rushing, his face tightened. At this time, Cao Ang, Dian Wei and Cao Ren were all entangled.

He pulled calmly and held Guo Jia's shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

Cao Cao.

The prince's eyes stared at the closer and closer figure, gritted his teeth and raised the sword in his hand.

Don't blame me, I blame this Chaotang for not being able to tolerate you ~ ~ The horseshoe stepped in front of Cao Cao, and on the horse's back, the sword crossed a sword.

It rained in the sky. A drop of rain fell from the sky and was cut into two sections by the blade. The broken water droplets wiped the blade of the sword covering the cold.

A white figure suddenly appeared in front of the horse, and the prince's face was stunned for a moment.


One hand grabbed the sharp sword blade out of thin air, and the other hand pressed against the horse's face under him.

The prince's uniform watched his sword unbelievably being held by his hand, but the next moment, his eyes were spinning.

The war horse wailed.

Gu Nan pressed the horse's head with a surge of interest, accompanied by a gust of wind, and one person and one horse were smashed on the palace road.

"Bang!" A muffled sound, the wind rolled away, the bluestone slabs on the palace road cracked, and the war horses trapped between the slabs lay motionless, with their mouths closed and blood flowing between their mouths and noses.

Guo Jia, who was standing behind, wiped his forehead suddenly. He had heard of the white-clothed plan, but in normal times, it was really difficult to associate Gu Nan's appearance with the generals who killed the enemy in the battle.

This was the first time he had added Gu Nan to his shot. No wonder Fang patted his shoulder in disapproval.

Thinking of it this way, he was really blessed.


There was a heavy rain in the sky.

Cao Cao stood and looked back at the slaughter in the rain. The blood on the ground was washed away by the rain, and the palace road was dyed red.

The prince lay down on the ground in disguise, his sword fell to the side, and looked at the raindrops falling in the sky dullly.

He did not believe that anyone had ever compared Nalub, so he believed.

A black stick-like thing hit his throat, and he closed his eyes frankly.

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