MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 389

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In the void, a silver giant python phantom emerged from behind the girl, opened its **** mouth, and let out a neigh that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, a tidal wave of spiritual energy swept out.

All the monsters suddenly passed ten or ten, and they all stopped as if they had been immobilized, and there was pain and fear in their eyes.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Hundreds of monsters exploded like dynamite and died.

All the believers in the rear were stunned when they saw this scene.

They knew that the maiden was the strongest of the tribe, but seldom saw her fighting.

Not to mention that at this moment, one move almost destroyed the entire Kuroshio.


Suddenly, there was a sound of gasping for breath.

Looking at the girl's back again, the phantom of the silver giant python surrounding her actually felt like she had obtained the true inheritance of the snake god.

The fighting spirit of all believers was thoroughly stimulated, and they all shouted to join the battle.

Behind the Kuroshio,

The group of people watched the movement here from a distance, their eyes were almost all locked on the snake-eyed girl, and their faces were extremely dignified.

"Tsk tsk, it's really terrifying strength."

"Is this the power to get the bonus of faith? It's just... heartwarming."

"Apart from that girl, there should be other dangerous beings hidden in the tribe, don't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, the big guys have taken out all the family's assets this time. If they don't succeed, they will become benevolent. I want to see what secrets are hidden in that palace."

Just when a few people communicated.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but immediately dispersed and retreated towards the rear.

"Be careful, this black guy is also quite dangerous!"

"Leave it to us."

Several people took out the props prepared in advance, and immediately crushed them, and a red protective cover suddenly appeared all over the body, resisting the attack of the King of Darkness.

However, with the sharp claws, the defensive cover obviously couldn't support it a few times, and dense cracks spread out.

"This guy…!!"

Rao was well prepared, and when he saw with his own eyes that the attack of the King of Darkness turned out to be so terrifying, he was still a little worried.

You must know that this is a god-level defense item, and it can usually work wonders against monster bosses.

A few people gritted their teeth and immediately took out another item, before the defensive cover on their bodies shattered, and they continued to run ahead of time.

In this way, the king of darkness was gradually led away in a thrilling manner.

At the same time, another group of people in the forest turned their attention to the girl in front of the tribe.

Next, it's her...


tribe, palace.

Bai Yu sat on the throne, and his telepathy saw everything that happened outside, including those outsiders who played tricks to lure the King of Darkness away...

However, Bai Yu didn't care.

His eyes stayed on the girl, his eyes moved slightly.

This was the first time he had seen a girl in such a fighting state.

Snake scales, snake pupils, the snake shadow on the body...

And that powerful mental energy attack.

"It does have the same effect as the illusory snake pupil."

Bai Yu murmured.


The girl also awakened her sensing ability, although the sensing range is not as good as Bai Yu's.

According to this trend, the girl really has the meaning of the spokesperson of the snake god, and she is also the one with the most significant skill bonus among all believers.

510 You are here at the right time

Continue to watch the battle outside the tribe.

At this time, Bai Yu's sensing ability, 360 degrees, covered the entire tribe, including a radius of 20,000 meters.

All things, every grass and every tree, any wind and grass, all are in his induction.

It looks quite enjoyable, and no details are missed.

It can also be viewed from different angles, which is full of experience.

Such as the battle over the Dark Lord,

More than a dozen outsiders used props to delay it, trying to kill it in the process, but found that it was too difficult, so they had to give up their thoughts and honestly fought a war of attrition.

On the other side, several teams of outsiders were walking through the forest, as if they were organizing some action.

Right in front of the tribe, the monster Kuroshio has been blocked by the believers.

After Rin discovered the intruder in the forest, he took the initiative to kill it.

This is because he is in charge of the tribe, so it is a more reckless battle? ?

Bai Yu rubbed his chin and continued to watch the battle. He found that there were still a large group of intruders approaching furtively, about a few kilometers behind the tribe.


At this moment, the teleportation array in the palace flashed a ray of light.

A tall and tall figure walked out.

"Uh, brother?"

Looking at the figure sitting on the throne of the main hall, Xiyue was stunned for a moment, and her long and narrow eyes painted with purple eyeshadow suddenly flashed a hint of joy.


Bai Yu smiled at the person who came, and said, "You came at the right time."


"The tribe is very lively now."

Bai Yu briefly explained the situation, Xiyue's face turned cold, and she said:

"Brother, wait for me here, I'll deal with those annoying guys first."

After saying that, Xiyue left the hall and soon appeared behind the tribe.

The indigenous warriors guarding there were stunned for a while, but they quickly reacted.

This is a distinguished guest of the tribe, and he has a lot of relationship with Rin, and more importantly, he is super strong.

Just standing there, people can't help swallowing, and the pressure is huge.

Under the induction of Bai Yu, the outsider who sneaked over from the rear got closer and closer to Xiyue and others, and finally the two sides finally met.

The battle broke out immediately.


All the indigenous warriors are still putting up their defenses,

Xiyue has rushed out like an arrow, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep and rushing into the enemy team, and soon completely defeated the entire team.

"Fuck! What kind of monster is this, so strong?!!"

"Save me, Captain save me!"

"Calm down! Don't everyone! Follow the plan!"

Even though I already knew that this battle would not be easy,

However, watching one by one teammates die tragically at the hands of the enemy, the rest of the team was still frightened, and the two battles.

Just because the strength of the enemy completely exceeded their expectations.

They had gone according to plan, but still couldn't stop their teammates from dying.

Until the last leader gritted his teeth and pulled out a black sphere and threw it violently towards the ground,


A large amount of black gas was suddenly generated around, quickly shrouding this space, condensing into a chaotic golem, and watching it spread towards the tribe.


At this moment, a terrifying aura turned into a substantial air wave and immediately stopped the trend of black air spreading.

In the howling wind,

The black-robed figure stood there,

The body was burning with purple flames, and the pair of long and narrow eyes under the hood looked at all the intruders indifferently, as if looking at the dead.


Seeing this scene, even the face of the intruder who used the prop changed, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

That is a god-level item, so it was blocked like this? ?

What kind of humanoid monster is this he, mother? ? ? !

Facing Xiyue's gaze, everyone fell into an ice cellar, and their limbs were cold.

"It's all here! Don't hold back if you want to survive!! The tribe is ahead, as long as we rush over, we have a chance!"

The leader shouted loudly, took out a few black **** and threw them out again, and the pervasive black air quickly obscured their figures.

The golem formed by black air attacks Xiyue from all directions. After being defeated, it will condense again, and it will repeat itself...

Seeing this, Bai Yu raised his brows slightly, the kind of black energy could not help but condensed continuously, and even blocked his induction to a certain extent.

For example now,

Those intruders who were hiding in the black air were only left with red dots of life in his senses, and he could not clearly appreciate their expressions at this time.

"Sure enough, he came prepared."

Bai Yu laughed.

So far, those intruders have pulled out a lot of artifacts, many of which have never been seen by even Bai Yu.

These god-level items are probably the source of their self-confidence.


Bai Yu seemed to remember something interesting, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more intense, like a devil's smile.

He remembered that some time ago, the 40th floor launched the power of the empire and collected some world items, which seemed to be kept in Xiyue's hands.

Although the god-level props are good,

But when it comes to world tools...

Bai Yu is looking forward to the next development.


Xiyue seems to be telling him with actions that there is no need to use world props to deal with these ants.


Purple flames rose up and spread rapidly, blocking the black gas like a sea of ​​fire.

The temperature of the flame is obviously not high, but it makes people feel unbearable burning, the pain seems to come from the depths of the soul.