MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 36 everything

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   Chapter 36 Everything

  What is magic?

  According to the theory of the Takma Order, the founder of the classical magic system, and the creation model of the Seven Holy Spirits constructed by the crowned people in the early years of the Platinum Era, magic is the transformation from unresolved possibility to definite fact.

  The physical world of this world is a definite reality, so ore is ore, steel is steel, and sword is sword. If you want to turn ore into a sword, you must burn and smelt the ore into steel, and then smelt and forge the steel into a sword. There must be no less than one step.

For magic casters, however, they can skip all the steps: a transmutation mage can transform ore into a sword, and a powerful illusion mage can even draw a sword directly from the void .

  Because in the eyes of a true magic caster, whether it is ore, steel or swords, these observable substances are just fakes, and their essence is solidified magic.

  Everything is magic. This is the core of the Tacoma theory, and it is also the cornerstone of modern magic theory. Everything, including the operation of the law of the stars, must obey this iron law.

  In the conception of the Tacoma Order, the original world was a place with only light, and light was endless magic, which contained infinite possibilities.

   In a major event called Creation, part of the magic power broke away from the realm of light and sank and solidified, and turned into the solid and definite material world today.

  This idea inspired Protis to put forward the model of the creation of the seven holy spirits in later generations, and finally created the mythological system of the Church of the Holy Spirit unifying the entire Vic continent.

   Of course, these are all for later.

  Substances are frozen magic, or death magic, so magic casters cannot use them to change reality, at best they can only be used as a medium.

All that can be used by magic singers is the active magic power from the realm of light that has not participated in the creation of the world. They flow into the world through the astral realm, the moon realm and everyone's soul, and then turn into matter. The dynamics of the ever-changing world. Otherwise, the entire world is just a rigid specimen.

   Therefore, the magic casters use magic, even if it is only a first-level trick, the essence is to carry out a miniature creation.

  Magic singers, like the seven holy spirits who created the world, guide the magic of the realm of light into the world, and then use the ideas in their minds to transform the infinite possible magic into a solid reality.

   From this point of view, there is not much difference in the realm of all magic casters. After all, what they do is to use magic to reshape reality.

   And what really divides their power hierarchy is something simpler.

   Scale and depth of power.

The scale of    is easy to understand. One can see at a glance whether a mage who can only blow leaves is stronger or weaker than a mage who can set off a storm.

  Vincent has seen many people continue to delve into the scale of magic, and even today's Star Council regards the scale of power as the most important quantitative standard when rating mages.

   But after reaching the level and status of Vincent, he gradually realized that the standard that can truly judge the strength of a magic caster should be the depth of that power.

  Real magic should be a miracle, not a tool.

   Lighting a branch is very simple, and even mortals without magic can ignite it by drilling wood to make fire. Burning an entire forest to ashes is no big deal, even without magic, as long as a little spark falls on a dead branch at the right moment, anyone can do it.

  Because it is part of the laws of the world that wood will burn, using magic is nothing more than compressing the preparations for igniting them.

The depth of   's power means the extent to which magic touches the rules of the world, and igniting the forest does not reflect this. Making steel, stone, or even running water or frost burn to create miracles that would otherwise be impossible is the manifestation of the depth of power.

   To stop time is to touch the deepest and most basic rules of the world.

   In all creation myths, time is always the first thing to appear.

The causal concept of    or "sequence" is derived from the appearance of time.

   and changing time, that is a miracle that can only be accomplished by a magic caster who has reached the realm of the gods.


"how can that be?"

   Vincent asked, his tone was more of unwillingness than doubt.

   "Under the tyranny of the law of the stars, how could anyone still step into the realm of the gods?"

   Now, even if you want to be promoted to the legendary level, you must get the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Star Council, and those places have basically been monopolized by the royal family and other noble families.

   And this is also an important reason why he followed Duke Simon to seek the independence of Blackwater Province, and was even willing to indulge his colleagues' belief in the Moon Realm.

   As long as the law of the stars is still hanging on the head of every magic caster, if you want to be promoted, you must obtain the astral access permission opened by the Star Council.

Without the authority of the astral passage, it will be like Vincent. Even if he has already crossed the threshold of the legendary level in terms of spiritual power, he will not be able to obtain enough magic power to support the scale and depth of his power, but there is only a legend. The name of the first person below.

  If you want to bypass the laws of the stars and gain enough power, and you don’t want to kill innocent people indiscriminately and use a lot of souls as your own magic fuel, then there are only two ways to go through the lunar realm or ritual magic.

  The legend level is like this, not to mention the legendary God's Domain.

   It is said that because the scale of magic power required by the divine domain-level magic casters is too large, the magic power paths built in the astral world may be burned because they cannot withstand their power. Therefore, there are only one-handed magic casters in the entire empire, and they have to suppress their realm to the legendary level for many years to avoid damage to the laws of the stars.

   As a result, the person in front of him who he had never seen before used a magic at the level of God's Domain casually?

   This was unacceptable to him.

   The man said.

   "This power is more reliable than trading with the Void King and passing through the incomplete Wang Kou ceremony?"

   "Who the **** are you?"

   Vincent asked in a deep voice.

   The other party's words were full of disdain for the Moon Realm. Unless this attitude was faked, his power could not come from the Moon Realm.

   And if you obtain magic power by extracting the souls of mortals, if you want to use the power of the gods, you must at least imprison the souls of more than half of the population of Thorns as a source of magic power.

   So the magic power of this person in front of him can only come from the astral world.

   But he is not restricted by the laws of the stars, how is this possible? Unless he is a magic caster who cultivated to the realm of the gods before the law of the stars was established.

  Vincent shook his head in his heart, no mortal can live so long.

   "You can call me the presiding judge. If you agree to my conditions, I will be the one who can fulfill your long-cherished wish."

   said the man.

   The **** stagnating in mid-air fell to the ground, making a subtle rustling sound.

   Vincent asked.

   "Then what are your conditions? What do you want?"

   "What I want is..."

   The other party opened his hand and held it tightly.


   Thank you all, my love loli for the monthly ticket, thank you for your life and my luck for the reward, there is one chapter or two chapters in the evening



   (end of this chapter)