MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 122 trade

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The wind was fierce, and there was blood mist everywhere it passed, and the smell of blood was all over the stone bridge.

Tian Yan was only a sword away from Qing He, blood red flashed in his pupils, and then disappeared quickly.

"Qinghe, do you think your calculations are accurate?"

Qing put the chain on the fingertips and slid through it lightly.

"It used to be very accurate..."

He raised his head and smiled at the person opposite: "But since I have a sweetheart, I'm not so sure."

"So, isn't this asking you?"

Tian Yan said: "What if I don't? What about you?"

Qing He smiled: "You are different from Yan Xiuming, I won't treat you like that, what you say, just be reasonable."

"You are smart."

Tian Yan looked at him coldly.

Qing Heyi pointed out: "Didn't you settle the score with Taihua? What's the result?"

Tian Yan remained silent, what was the result? The result was not good. He originally came back to test Taihua's bottom line, but after he came back, he found that the Canglan Sword was really irreversible, and he could not disobey Taihua's orders at all.

But now the only one who has influence on him is Ran Ran. If Taihua finds out about this, Ran Ran will be in danger. Qing Hehu will not last long, and Wuxuan's vitality will be seriously injured. He originally wanted to hit Taihua severely while he was conscious, but The backlash brought about by killing the master is enough to make him completely shattered.

Either way, it's death. Rather than that, it's better...

That day when Ran Ran came to look for him, he thought about it...

Completely become the Canglan Sword, cut off the tenth chain, and release Qinghe. His words will definitely protect Ran Ran.

But was his mind so clear as Qing He expected?

Tian Yan couldn't help but said: "You bastard, how can you calculate so far?"

Qing He shook his head: "No one can count so far."

"I used to think about negotiating terms with you. You care too much, and your weakness is obvious."

Tian Yan: "You know me better than others."

The chains rattled softly on the abyss.

Qing He suddenly asked: "Yun Jian, do you hate me?"

The person on the other side paused, then smiled.

"Hate what you do?"

"Isn't this the best result?"

"Even if you have a purpose, didn't you save my life and let me restore my memory? Isn't it better than being used by others?"

"Besides, you can still protect my sweetheart."

"It was originally a deadlock, so it can be solved so easily, but...thanks to you."

Qing He: "As expected of Yun Jian."

Tian Yan said: "I will cut off the chain for you, you can take Ran Ran away, you can go anywhere."

"She has only met me a few times, so she won't be sad for me. It's good to think about it this way."

After decades of wandering around the world, this person has not changed at all, never too entangled, always free and easy.

Between life and death, open-minded and calm.

Qing He looked at the pair of clear black eyes opposite, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.


"It will be...indefinitely."


Yun Ranran always felt uneasy and couldn't sleep well after tossing and turning. When she woke up, the sky was bright.

When I got out of the room, I saw Qinghe drinking tea in the courtyard.

Qing He saw her, made her a cup of hot tea, and asked, "What else is Ran Ran planning?"

Now the wind is cool, she wrapped her clothes tightly, sat next to Qing He, holding the hot tea in her palm.

"I always feel that something is going on, whether it is Tianyan or Cang Jue, I always feel that the atmosphere is not right."

Qing He pinned her wind-blown hair behind her ears, and said softly, "Don't worry too much."

Yun Ranran finished her hot tea and got up: "I'll go out and have a look."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the courtyard. The atmosphere in the sect is becoming more and more tense now, presumably it was caused by Taihua's entry into the abyss a few days ago.

She saw a group of people going to Ling Jue Peak, and she followed behind. When she reached Ling Jue Peak, she realized that the periphery of Diyuan was full of people from the Twelve Sects.

Yun Ranran frowned, are they going to strengthen the chain today?

She tried her best to get to the front, only to hear the sound of fierce quarreling.

A young male cultivator with his back to her said loudly, "I don't agree."

Surrounding him were the elders and suzerains of the twelve sects, and they blushed at the moment: "You disagree? It was you who did not agree to kill him back then, which led to this disaster."

When Yun Ranran heard this, she felt strangely familiar.

The male cultivator turned around, with a clear and handsome face, Yun Ranran was taken aback, isn't this the Immortal Lord Jikong he saw in Cang Jue's memory?

He actually came to Taihuazong? She still remembered that it was him and Taihua who saved Cang Jue from death.

Ji Kong said: "His body is still under the abyss, and he has not escaped. Now that his breath is weak, strengthening the seal will cause him to completely dissipate."

The elder opposite said: "Then this is the best time? Do you still want to give him a chance to recover?"

Everyone looked at him angrily, Ji Kong opened his mouth, but didn't say any more after all.

When Yun Ranran heard these words, she froze. Is it today? The people from the Twelve Sects just arrived yesterday, and they are going to open the sealing formation today? so urgent?

She hasn't figured out a way yet...

A sense of powerlessness overwhelmed her. When she was thinking wildly, the man walked over dejectedly and passed her by.

Yun Ranran called out in a strange way: "Immortal Lord Jikong?"

Ji Kong stopped and looked at her in surprise.

Yun Ranran said casually: "I have long admired the name of the Immortal Venerable, how offensive it is."

Jikong has a good temper, he just said: "It's okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, little girl, don't watch the fun, leave early."

Yun Ranran had a good impression of him, seeing that he was so approachable, he simply asked: "Immortal Venerable, if you dare to open this formation, how long will it take to complete it?"

Jikong glanced at Diyuan from a distance, and sighed: "It won't take more than three days."

Yun Ranran tentatively asked: "Everyone wants to get rid of Cang Jue's confidant, and now they are about to complete it. Why does the immortal look unhappy?"

Ji Kong smiled wryly, "I just can't bear it."

Yun Ranran: "Can't bear him to suffer so much?"

Ji Kong shook his head: "That's not the case. The road to cultivation is difficult and difficult. There are many people who have experienced hardships. I just can't bear the heart of geniuses to fall."

"The development of the cultivation world has been chaotic and extravagant over the past few years, and the atmosphere is not right. There are very few people who are amazingly talented and brilliant. If this continues, it will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Cang Jue was born with the **** sword on his back. He is an unborn genius. I tried my best to protect him back then, and I also hoped that he would grow up. A person like him will definitely affect the structure of the cultivation world."

"I just, didn't expect something like that to happen..."

"Even so, I have hope in him."

"But if it disappears completely, then there will be nothing..."

Ji Kongpo was really sincere, and Yun Ranran could feel the sincerity in his words, so she asked, "You hope he can get out of trouble?"

Ji Kong was silent for a while, before saying: "I don't know, I tried my best to keep him in Baicao Village, but then that happened..."

"I don't know if he will be released as I expected..."

Jikong shook his head mockingly.

"What's the use of saying this, no one can break the tenth chain, and I have no ability to release him."

"Everything in the world will eventually backfire."


When Yun Ranran left Ling Juefeng, she met Luo Yu who was watching from a distance. Luo Yu was surrounded by many people as usual.

Yun Ranran turned a blind eye, and when she was about to leave, Luo Yu walked towards her.

"Senior Sister Yun, please stay safe."

Yun Ranran: "What's the matter?"

Luo Yu stood still in front of her, her red lips slightly hooked.

She originally thought that she was doomed, but now it seems that everything has turned around again. Tianyan is under the control of Taihua, and Taihua's strategy is more than half, which can be regarded as indirectly controlling Tianyan. Cang Jue will completely dissipate within five days , As for Wuxuan, his vitality was seriously injured, which was nothing to fear.

This goes round and round, and she's still the winner.

"I just want to ask, Senior Sister obviously didn't do anything, why those three people treat Senior Sister differently?"

"Poor strength, nosy, reckless in order to save people, obviously stupid, what do they like about you?"

Yun Ranran said: "I don't know, it may be born to be liked."

Luo Yu was somewhat startled by her cheekiness, and his face darkened: "Shameless."

Yun Ranran said: "Believe it or not, I'm fine and I'm leaving."

Luo Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows: "There is business."

"I know some secrets of Tianyan Sword Immortal, and I want to make a deal with you."