MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ Han Te Chuan (71) can't escape?

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"Hey, hello, Axia sister, when is this, you must not dig into the corner!"

Teresa saw that Asha’s mood was not quite right, and her forehead suddenly ooze a layer of cold sweat and hurriedly said, “That’s all tens of thousands of years ago, Chen Sesame’s ruined things, even if your ancestors were deserters, and What do you have to do? We still think about the current dead, how to escape from birth!"

"No, there is a relationship, the ancestors are deserters, and I am also a deserter. I have been escaping from the moment I watched my father die in my uncle's hands."

Princess Axia smirked. "I saw my uncle insert the knife into my father's chest. My father's blood spurted out and smashed into the corner where I was hiding. It seemed to replace his helpless hands. I want to call me out to help him.

"But I just didn't have the courage to go out from the hiding place, and I stood up to the proud chest of the eagle's princess, and my uncle, the prince of the prince, decided to fight.

"I, I am very incomparable, I can only run away without going back, and I will bury this scene deeply in my heart, even the memories are not dare."

"I hypnotize myself, hypnotize myself over and over again - I am the most useless person, I don't have the wisdom of Hera's sister, there is no Wu Yong of Natasha's eldest sister, and there is no Teresa your decisive, I am just a The phoenix that has been pulled out of the hair, it is impossible to rely on its own strength to revenge, can steal and steal, is my limit.

"As if through such hypnosis, you can completely remove the guilt of your heart, the thoughts of your father, and the hatred of your uncle.

"Even if I commit to Black Jack, is it not another form of escape? I always tell myself that one day Black Jack will avenge me, and serve him well, that is my only way of revenge, even if I already knew in my heart that Black Jack did not take my revenge plan seriously, but I am always reluctant to face the truth. I am still escaping. As long as there is even a possibility of self-deception, I will always evade.

"Oh, hey, hahahaha, it turns out that we started from the ancestors of 10,000 years ago. We are shameful deserters. The blood of deserters and traitors flows through my blood vessels. No wonder I will be so embarrassed.

"Look, now I am making excuses for my escape and blaming my problems on my ancestors. Is this another form of escape?"

"But ah, Captain Gao Zunlong and Captain Kelly said that it is impossible to solve the fundamental problem. Even if my ancestors gave up all glory and persistence, I buried my head in the sand like an ostrich. After all, I have escaped. The day that goes on - that is now.

"I regret it. I didn't rush out and my uncle was desperate at that time. Yes, I can't beat my uncle, but at least I can let this monk squatter look at the pride of the Princess of the Eagle Kingdom and then die with my father. In the annals of later generations, it will be recorded in the end, there has been such an eagle country, there has been such a princess! Even if the annals are ruined in the destruction of the emerald continent, at least, my name will be turned into a shining Mars. Fly to the endless star sea, and look at the afterglow of the beginning of the period of the beginning of the Japanese civilization!"

"Axia sister, you, don't think so..."

The more she listened, the more she felt that the mood of Princess Axia was wrong. "When the enemy is strong and weak, I will make a strategic turnaround for a while. There is no problem. I used to know a predecessor and I am very good at wrapping a planet." Three hundred and sixty degrees, to back the enemy, it does not prevent him from becoming a great hero of homage to the people! When your uncle seeks to squat, if you rush out, you will die long ago, I I miss your father, and I don’t want to see you die in front of him. I would rather use his life to exchange your life so that you can live well!"

"What is the difference between dying at that time and dying now?"

Princess Axia sneered, "Yes, there is a difference, that is, I have been a doll for more than a few years, it is a very funny and humiliating day!"

"Let's live well, do you think that being black Jack is playing with it, when you become a cockroach and what... 'Battery', is it a good life? Think about it, I, and all the ancestors of the past ten years, we are in this illusory What is the meaning of the days in the dream!"

Princess Axia was weak and soft, and she used her long hair and fibrin to rub her face, and she cried.

Theresa is one of the first two big.

Damn, she hates women crying, especially when it’s not about occasions, just venting emotions here, not letting you feel your life, but let’s also know where the time and place are. So crying again, she was upset and wanted to "squat"!


Teresa suddenly felt sore and swollen, as if being manipulated by a mysterious force, and the body clung to the Princess Asha uncontrollably and cried with her.

Immediately reacted, and gave him two slaps.

"Bastard, control your own endocrine, don't cry here, do you really think of yourself as a magical girl? You are ambitious and vowed to be the man of Xinghai Cannon!"

Theresa roared in her heart.

Forget it, Princess Axia is not looking forward to it, everything depends on myself.

"Jade, how much resources can we mobilize now? If I completely activate the ‘Women Gene’, I have to give me some super weapons before I can go out and play with Black Jack?” Teresa asked.

"Of course, this is a list of all the weapons and resources we can currently mobilize." In the jade's eyes, there is a stream of information that slides down like a waterfall.

Teresa is serious and dedicated, not letting go of any weapon that can be used.

No way, can only fight with Black Jack, not only for the emerald continent and the **** battle of the devil, not only for the girls in front and outside, but also for the glory of the Pangu universe!

Suddenly, Teresa’s eyes lit up.

"Escape cabin? You really hide an escape cabin!"

She was so excited that even the voice changed, and instantly dispelled the idea of ​​black Jack and defended the glory of the ancient universe.

"There is an emergency escape cabin, but I am afraid it will not help much to solve our problems."

Jade explained, "Because of the serious shortage of energy, the exploration of the nearby star fields has not been carried out. This escape cabin is like a central part of the ocean, a small seesaw in the middle of the ocean, even if it is riding on it. Going out, how far can you escape, where can you escape?

"According to the resources that this escape cabin can carry, it can support us to perform hundreds of Xinghai jumps and maintain the hibernation state for decades. In the vast sea of ​​stars, such a short distance is not even a half step. The result is that the resources are exhausted. You two become two dead bones in the escape cabin. I am forced to close, and the escape cabin is turned into our grave, drifting in the dark vacuum forever."

"The result is not much better than falling into Black Jack's hands, or even worse. At least Black Jack may still leave us a life. We can temporarily surrender and slowly deal with him. Black Jack wants to master it completely. With the Jadeite, it is impossible to destroy me immediately. I will find ways to protect you, and the result of losing the Xinghai and running out of energy is only a dead end.

"Because the probability of escape is almost zero, I have not told you about the escape cabin as soon as possible, lest you have unrealistic fantasies."

"No, you are wrong, you should have said it earlier."

At the bottom of Teresa's eyes, she is full of self-confidence. "Without the star map and coordinates, hundreds of stars and sea jumps can't solve any problems, but if you store very accurate star maps and coordinates here? ?"

She stretched out the fingers of the jade and tapped her forehead.