MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ Han Te Chuan (94) two programs

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All the sisters of Princess Axia and the harem group looked at Black Jack in a complex look, slowly slipping into the white flames and turning into a colorful fireworks. After a moment, they disappeared into the invisible.

The old era of the Emerald Universe is over.

A brand new era is coming.

The launching ceremony of the core power road was successfully completed.

This also means that the control system of the Jadeite, the super artificial intelligence “Jade”, has gained more powerful energy support, can mobilize higher computing power, and restart hundreds of millions of virtual systems to gain billions of years of accumulation. The wisdom of the stars.

This made Teresa see a glimmer of hope.

After the ceremony, she sneaked back to the deepest part of the bridge.

Jade is waiting for her here.

At this moment, it has been supported by new energy, becoming more beautiful and radiant.

"How about how, your database and computing power have been restarted to more than 50% of the stage, have you thought of ways to solve my problem?" When she saw Jade, Teresa could not wait to ask.

"Don't worry, how can it be so easy to solve completely?"

Some of the jadeites lay lazily on the commander's chair of the captain, as if they were exhausted. "The jade has just restarted. Everything is a waste of time. There are still many things I have to do - repairing the damaged cabin of the battleship. Restoring the efficient production of synthetic foods, continuously outputting more oxygen and clean water, and sorting out the new Starship Driving and Maintenance Manual, so that the high-tech Devils can not be touched for thousands of years. Get started.

"Right, there is the fusion of the **** demon world and the radiant world, even the fusion of the magical world and the world of comprehension. You should not think that the fusion of the two universes is as easy as a child to make friends. Wan Xu, a lot of problems, a little careless, and even friction, resulting in tragedy!

"Even if you restore 50% of your computing power, it's still a little inadequate. It makes me tired in the past few days. How can I have time to deal with your small problems?"

"What a small problem! These... 'Repairing the Swire Warships hundreds of millions of years ago, unifying the magical world and promoting peace in the universe' are these little problems!"

Teresa was so angry that she was red-faced and said, "The most important problem at the moment is to change me back to men! I can no longer stand them and scream at me, "The Giant Cannon"!"


The emerald squinted and curiously said, "Your gun is really huge?"


Teresa said, "It's hard to explain to you. In short, I don't care, I must reinvigorate and change back to the real man!"

"I thought that in your decisive battle with the swallowing beast, you have already realized that ‘as long as there is a steel man’s heart, no matter what the appearance becomes, it’s the real man’s truth!”

Jade Road, "I didn't expect you to be so vulgar, obsessed with small changes in appearance!"


Teresa said with some irritability, "Is this a small change in appearance? Is it clear that the actual performance or even the combat mode is different?"

"Is this not a good thing?"

The surface of the liquid metal of Emerald is constantly changing. Soon, it becomes a male image resembling Captain Kelly, but more heroic and masculine, like the twin brother of Captain Kelly, who smiles and even stretches. Put your finger on the chin of Teresa. "So you can enjoy a double life and get more than twice the excitement and excitement than others. Is there any problem?"

Theresa had a goose bump.

Unrelentingly, I knocked out the hand that Jade came out: "I don't come this way, I don't have this abnormality, anyway, I will change back!"


Emerald restored the appearance of Captain Kelly, shrugged her shoulders and said, "Look at you and Black Jack to eliminate the swallowing beast and save the Jade, don't say I don't help you, although these days are indeed Very busy, but I also have some time and resources to solve your problem. At present, I have formed two less mature programs."


Teresa was overjoyed, "Let's talk about it?"

"The first solution, you should know that liquid metal is soft and flexible, and it is flexible?"

Emerald put a finger in front of Theresa's eyes, and then the finger suddenly swelled, just like a baby's arm.

"I can give you a minor operation, implant a special liquid metal below your waist, rest assured, this is medical-specific, absolutely no toxic side effects, and will not react with the human body."

Jade Road, "This way, you can change your waist back to the 'Korte' state, and the liquid metal is controlled by your brainwaves to ensure that you are stronger than the past, how about?"

"So, what about the waist?" asked Teresa.

"Before the waist, naturally it's like Teresa. You don't think Teresa looks much better than Hante's form?" The emerald looked serious.


Teresa took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. "So, what about the second plan?"

"The second program, I found a special gene-inducing factor in the GeneCase database of the Jade, plus the inspiration of the swallowing beast, which has become a brand new agent that can stimulate you. Adrenalin is secretly secreted, and when it reaches the critical point, it can trigger a total outbreak of androgen, which will make you return to the real Hante."

Jade, "However, this gene-inducing agent is still experimental, unstable, and requires you to be in extreme anger to activate your adrenaline and androgen."

"Extremely angry state?"

Theresa frowned. "What is the truth?"

"In nature, most male animals are responsible for hunting and fighting. Only extreme anger can trigger their male hormone outbreak, which makes their muscles congested, strength enhanced, fearless and painful."

Jade explained, "So, the extreme point is that extreme anger can provoke a manly temperament, can make a white-faced scholar become a glamorous King Kong, and naturally can make Teresa return to Hante."

"It sounds a bit reasonable."

Teresa thought for a moment, "that is, as long as the gene-inducing agent is injected, then when I get angry, I can change back to Hante?"

"Not ordinary anger, must be very angry, extremely angry."

Jade Road, "Once the mood is calm, you will change from Hunter to Teresa. No way, this gene-inducing agent is still in the experimental stage. The wisdom of the witch gene and countless captains is hard to complete. Analytical things, if you have to inject now, that's it."


Theresa grinned. "Then I can't always be in a state of extreme anger. How can I be extremely angry? It will be good to last for three or five minutes, isn't it, I can only be three or five at a time? Minute man, what's the use?"

"Three or five minutes, if you have a quick fix, is it enough?"

Jade Road, "Of course, I personally prefer the first option, Teresa above the waist, Hante below the waist, the appearance is still so sweet and lovely, the battle life is almost infinite, or else, let's go to the first? ”