MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ The enemy of Tekken (Thirty) Truth

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"Fist is on!"

"Fist of God helps me!"

"Fighting invincible, demon demon!"

The monks are like the incarnation of the boxing god. Every piece of copper cast iron and high-pitched muscles are the gifts and wills of the boxing gods. They almost want to turn their own blood into waves and waves. Sis head covered his head.

Guss pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

The Vulcan cannons rot up unhurriedly, and the three black holes in the three joints sprayed three flames and long whip, which were intertwined to form the sickle's sickle and began to ruin the harvest.

The first bitter monk was cut off by the flame sickle. As in the previous Zhou Yan, there was no suspense in one and two halves. The upper half of the cavity flew high and the lower half fell to the ground.

The second bitter monk slammed a strong punch, and the fist and the bullet collided. On the spot, the arm, shoulder, chest and heart were turned into powder, the bullet burned and took away most of his organs, the dead body. With wide eyes, I can’t believe it.

The third and fourth monks were one after the other, and they were shot into a horse's nest by magma-like bullets. Their devout slogans only shouted half. They just shouted the word "boxing god" and they solidified there.

Fifth place, sixth place, seventh place...

The raging monks have become a living target that can't be beaten, and the prestige movements seem to only make their death phase look a little better.


The hellish scenes of Shura, such as the red soldering iron, are deeply imprinted on the mind and soul of the pursuer, making them chilling.

The soul does not possess the body, only to feel that its own beliefs are the same as the sky, began to split and will collapse.

The raging death scorpion instantly harvested the lives of more than a dozen monks and began to extend toward the chaser. After the three chasers were burned into a mass of bolognese, the chasers realized that they were awake. The attack distance of Sri Lanka is far beyond their imagination.

At this moment, the position of the hunter and the prey was completely reversed. The chasers were extremely desperate to discover that they were not hunters at all, but the little beast that shivered in the trap.


I don't know who is the first to scream.

The chasers are like ants that have been smashed in their nests. They are screaming, screaming, and rushing to run.

At this moment, they all showed out all kinds of wonderful skills taught by the boxing gods. They ran as fast as the monkeys on the soles of their feet, jumping as high as the birds on the ass, and fleeing, while still making hysterical Shout and vent your fear and confusion like never before.

There was only one person who did not join the wave of escape groups.

Still like the mainstay, the reef on the island stands on a cliff.

The priest of the boxing temple, Lei Lie!


Lei Lie’s expression is indeed awkward.

But more is sadness and sorrow, as if lamenting his own relatives and sorrows, it has fallen to the same extent.

"What the **** are you in contact with!"

Lei Lie strode toward Gus.

Every step, the black robes on the body swelled by one point, leaving behind a crater-like footprint, and even stepping out the ground with criss-crossing cracks, such as the same handle knives.

"Oh, don't force me!"

Gus's eyes were red, and his face was stunned. He felt like a beast. He was like a wild beast. The muzzle was in front of Lei Lie, and a smoke-filled trench was blasted on the ground.

"These tricks are the reasons why your brothers and sisters are obsessed with each other?"

The roaring roar, the black robe swelled to the limit, and suddenly it was torn apart. Every piece of the ragged clothes stretched out, obscuring the vision of Gus and hiding his own movements.

Behind the black robe, Lei Lie first jumped high and loudly, then turned into a strange turn in midair, silently swooping back to the ground, as if the big bird became a viper, clinging to the ground, sneaking toward Gus .

If Gus is armed with ordinary weapons, even a well-structured mechanical chain, it is impossible to capture the lightning-fast and secretive figure without the perspective of the eye.

Even the "black tide" triple-mounted Vulcan cannon, which is a heavy-duty equipment with a slower steering speed, is driven by a newcomer like Gus, who can't keep up with the rhythm.

But don't forget, Gus's shoulder is still carrying a Covenant-based "Shen-Shen-7" miniature rocket launching nest, using infrared lock, automatic firing, shooting regardless of the attack mode.

Gus's naked eyes and consciousness did not notice the close approximation of Lei Li's close to the ground, but it was clearly seen by the infrared sensor of the Shen Pei-7.


Dozens of rockets that are as light and small as bees roared out of the "honeycombs" on the shoulders of Gus, and drilled into the ground seven or eight meters away to form a small volcano that suddenly broke out.

"Booming and banging!"

The fangs of the flame are pierced from the ground, the dogs are staggered, the overlap is upward, and the waves are higher than the waves.

The flames rolled, and the thunder and lightning were all invisible. They could only jump again, dodging the shock wave and the magma.

In the minds of the people of Chijin Town, the priests of the boxing temple, which symbolizes the will of the gods and the invincible, are all blown up and bruised, burned and burned, and the wolf has reached the extreme.

"Even the priests are..."

"How is it possible, the boxing **** is on, what is the world?"

"The waste of Gus, with the help of the devil, has become so powerful, why?"

"The boxing **** is not the only **** in the sky, but the most powerful god. Why is the most loyal messenger of the boxing god, the priest of the boxing temple, not the opponent of the devil?"

The scarred survivors, each with a pale face, scattered eyes, holding their heads, fell into a whirlpool of collapse.

"Do you see it, hey, this is the power of the devil!"

Gus vented his emotions for more than a decade. "Dad is right. He is not deceived by demons. He really sees that the devil is more powerful than the **** of the boxing, and he is fascinated by the power of studying machinery and steam." of!

"The king is defeated, the weak meat is strong, isn't the law of the world of boxing?"

"Does the boxing **** not become the only true God in the world because of the invincible power of the world?"

"We are not because of the greatness of the boxing god, so worship him, surrender to him, believe in him?"

"Now, there is a more powerful demon than the boxing god. There is a stronger power than the iron fist. Who is the true God, who is the devil, who believes in the truth, who is blinded by lies, who are you and Dad? Yes, who is wrong? Tell me, hey, tell me!"