MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2361 Desire Devil!

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Li Yao heard this and slammed his thighs and said loudly: "Yes, what you said is good. This is what we have discussed in the Starry Federation. In the cultivation of the immortals, the weak meat is strong, the winner is the king." Under the suppression of the avenue, the entire civilization will only become a layer of exploitation and crushing. The gods will oppress the Yuan Ying, the Yuan Ying will oppress the Dan, the Dan will oppress the foundation, the foundation will oppress the refining, and the refining will oppress the ordinary people. The ordinary people then oppress and hurt each other, and in the end, they evolve into 'the war of everyone for everyone'!

"This kind of real human empire, even if it has hundreds of millions of monks, a million-star ship, and controls hundreds of rich and powerful worlds, it is to spend most of its power in vain, of course not the opponent of the sacred alliance, even facing the stars. The "small wild country" like the Yao Federation is not able to catch it.

"And this is why I have sneaked into the center of the Xinghai and vowed to turn the real human empire upside down!"

Long Yangjun smiled lightly and shook his head. "If you think that I want to say only the system and the idea, it is the cruelty of Xiuxian Avenue that has caused a lot of chaos. Then your vision is too shallow, and the pattern is too small. .

"In my opinion, this is not a certain country, not even a problem unique to a civilization, but human nature, which is caused by the common humanity of all wisdom and life, and the inevitable terminal illness.

"This is true of the real human empire, but what about the ancient sacred dynasty of the ancient sacred world that I have lived in? The Xinghai Republic was established by the self-cultivator, but when it is decayed in the later period, is it different?

"There are also the 30,000-year-old dark age of the Yaozu, which is too far away from the present. It is impossible to know exactly how the bottom-level people living at that time are, but just look at the blood-devil's "living fossil" to see a **** demon inheritance. The 'four-column system' of the Great Dark Ages, using the illusory ghosts and gods to paralyze the people, what is 'destruction, rebirth, immortality', if not your appearance, the bottom demons of the blood demon world will continue to sink in such lies. ?

"The Dagan dynasty established by the ancients, the blood demon world ruled by the Yaozu, the Xinghai Republic established by the self-cultivators, the real human empire established by the cultivators... four different ages and the forces of the world, four distinct The system and the concept, but the results are the same. You still think that this is not the dysentery of human nature. Is there just a question about the concept of 'Xianxian Avenue'?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment and firmly said: "This is not the case with the Xingyao Federation. I believe that the Federation will surely carry out the true road of comprehension, the strong guard the weak, the weak support the strong, the whole civilization unites as one, and will certainly advance to the big dry. The dynasty, the Wicked Empire, the Xinghai Republic, and the real human empire have not been involved, and there is no such thing as an ancient one!"

"is it?"

Long Yang Jundao, "If the Starry Federation and the above four countries are completely different, what is the "Falmon Grave" that you were born? Also, I heard that the Federation also has the existence of 'Underground Ghost City'. There are also countless people living in the underground, right?

"Of course, you don't have to argue. I also know that the underground cities of the Xingyao Federation are often located on shallow grounds. The environment is not as bad as the empire, and the Xingyao Federation is making great efforts to improve the ground environment, such as 'Fabao Tomb'. , has become less and less.

"But in my opinion, the Starry Federation is just an isolated exception, not enough to represent the widest range of humanity.

"At the beginning of the birth of the Xingyao Federation, it was seriously threatened by the blood demon world. Every day is the moment of life and death. The people can only unite as one heart. The strong and the weak support each other and fight side by side.

"When the Xingyao Federation defeated the blood demon world, and just relieved the pressure of survival, there were two giants of the real human empire and the covenant alliance. You are extremely difficult within the foreseeable hundred years. To defeat them, the Xingyao Federation naturally cannot give up the word 'unity'.

"Plus a series of coincidences, including the existence of an odd number like you, so that the Xingyao Federation has discovered the resource-rich areas such as the Dragonbone Dragon Star, and the remnants of the Kunlun Secret Police, from resources to technology. It was a great outburst, and it was the golden development period that seemed to be prosperous and vibrant today.

"I have been pondering a very interesting question. If you don't have it? If there is no such thing as 'vulture Li Yao Li Lao Mo, the Three Realms Li Guofu', this person will exist, what will the Federation today look like? Will it be unable to carry the gravitational pull of humanity, and like the ancient sacred world, the blood sacred world, the Xinghai republic, and the real human empire, will it fall toward the endless abyss? Can you truly save a federation without you?

The tone of Long Yangjun is getting lighter and heavier, and his expression is becoming more and more secretive. In the end, he seems to be blowing a lightly toward Li Yao.

"Less this, I really thought that I was stupid. This kind of hypothetical question, how to answer is to step into your trap."

Li Yaozheng said, "Maybe human nature is really determined by the environment, but since today's Xingyao Federation can inspire the bright side of human nature to be so gorgeous, you can't say that humanity is only dark and evil. Anyway, as you say, the sky is falling, I am I don’t believe in human evil, no matter how hard it is, I will do my best to make the Empire and the Holy Alliance become like the Federation!"

"Then you have chosen the longest, most tortuous, and toughest road."

Long Yangjun faintly said, "As a friend of yours, I really can't bear to see you struggling on this destined road to failure, hitting your head and breaking blood, and finally screaming and giving up!"


Li Yao tightened his eyebrows. "It’s a terrible thing to make friends like you. Let’s go back to ‘ordinary friends’!”

"What do you say?"

Long Yangjun smiled shallowly. "In any case, I went from the ancient sacred to the federation, and from the federation to the empire. I saw too much about the darkness of human nature.

"The life of the ancient sacred world is extremely cruel. After a famine, it is hungry and full of land, so that the savage rebellious people like 'Mixed Heavenly Kings and Long Wins' and 'White Lotus Mother Wan Mingzhu' are born, but I thought that this is civilized too. After falling behind, life is too poor.

"When I come to the real human empire that has been developed for more than a thousand years in ancient sacred worlds, the resources are extremely rich, synthetic food can feed everyone, and most people have the entertainment and living convenience that the ancient emperors could not enjoy. But why do everyone still live so painfully?

"In the underground world of tens of thousands of meters vertically downwards, the five classes are like the five heavens and the earth. Everyone is in great anxiety all the time. On the one hand, they worry that they will fall to the lower abyss. On the one hand, they sharpen their heads and dig their brains and climb up, but even if they climb out of the ground and come to the world under the sun, what about becoming a cultivator, isn't it going to endlessly intrigue and kill each other?

"Perhaps, human suffering does not come from the poverty of resources, but from the expansion of desires, or because the desire of everyone from top to bottom is difficult to fill, it reflects the extreme poverty of resources.

"Desire is such a thing that can never be satisfied. Those desires that can be satisfied are not real desires at all. And human beings are such a kind. No matter how much resources are given to you, you will find ways to spend your time. The existence of the net?

"Remember what I said to you when you left the Starry Federation. Human beings are the devils. The devils are human beings. Everyone's brains are made up of astronomical devils. These devils are creeping, struggling and screaming. It constitutes the seven passions of human beings.

"The more humans feed these devils, the more they grow up, the more they become hungry. The greater the appetite of the devil, the stronger the human desires, the vicious circle, and the endless.

"Oh, what is the so-called "out-of-domain demon"? Is it really the meaning of 'the gods of the distant stars in the world beyond the three thousand worlds?" No, the devils are everywhere, and the three thousand worlds come and go freely. Will it be, there is no such thing as 'the extraterrestrial demon', only the 'desire of the devil'?

"You don't look at me like this. I don't mean to be self-reliant." I just said that I didn't feel too strong. The seven emotions and six desires are the inferiority of human civilization. On the contrary, I think this is very likely to be a special gift that Pangu and the Nuwa civilization have inherited to humans.

"Perhaps, every carbon-based intelligent life civilization with individual brain-enclosed and independent thinking ability can't avoid the individual differentiation and the evolution of strength and weakness, and it can't stop the desire of crazy flooding, so they have gone to destruction.

"The Pangu Civilization Alliance should be aware of this problem. They are extremely afraid of their own passions and desires, and they call emotions and desires a 'devil'. They try to seal their own 'hearts and devils' in order to avoid being created in an environment that is too complicated and sinister. Emotional fluctuations, they even gave up the exploration of the outside world, but they created tools like 'humans' instead of exploring and transforming the universe, and they themselves...maybe all sorts of jealousy, desperate desire In the state of meditation?

"However, even if they did this, they did not stop the surging of desires, and there were rebellious female Yi people among them.

"The so-called anti-object must be reversed, the consequences of extreme repression of emotions and desires, is the most thorough indulgence! With the female Yi people as the head, all the intelligent life in the Pangu civilization alliance that can't stand without emotions and desires rebelled against it. In the end, it really caused a flood. The great destruction of civilization!"

"and many more."

Li Yao was a little confused. "On the one hand, you say that emotions and desires are terrible and will lead to ultimate destruction. On the other hand, it is said that emotions and desires are inevitable. Under extreme repression, you will be extremely rebellious, then you are standing. Which side?"

"How come you are stupid again?"

Long Yangjun smiled with a grin. "I was originally carrying the double inheritance of Pangu and Nuwa. Of course, both sides stood and felt very reasonable!"